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    Unit 3 Computers,Guessing game,Guess!,A toy?,A handbag?,Computers,I am very old now.I was born in China.Many people used me for calculating in the past,but now I am a bit lonely because they dont like me now.Do you know who I am?,abacus,Guess more:,I am very small.I can be used for calculating.In China,a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems.Do you know who I am?,calculator,I can be used for calculating.Besides,I can also be used for watching DVD,sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet.However,I am not a PC,because Im small enough for you to take me with you.,notebook computer/laptop,Do you know who I am?,A huge computer,A PC,the history of the computer,Palmtop(掌上电脑),calculator,abacus,laptop,work for us in Mars(火星),Whats next?,carry things,work in wars(战斗),仿真机器人,entertainment 娱乐,What do you think will be the next development?,Who am I?,Skimming:Go over the story to find out who the speaker is.Write down 3 sentences to support your idea.,I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.,”My real father was Alan Turing.”,I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.”,Read the passage and choose the best answers.1.What can we learn from the text?A Computer has a short history.B No one knows computer when the first computer was made.C Computers are not widely used even today.D Computers are widely used.2.Who was the computers real father?A Alan Turning B Not mentioned in the text.C Bill Gates D Charles Babbage3.The computer almost changed completely _.A in 1642 B in 1882 C in the 1960s D in the 1970s,D,A,C,4.When were the computers connected firstly?A In the 1970s B In the early 1960s C In 1936 D In 18225.Which of the following statements is not right?A Computer has a long history.B Computer has changed greatly since it was first made.C Computers are widely used now.D Computer was brought into peoples home in the 1960s.,True or False,Alan Turing built an Analytical Machine to solve any mathematical problems.People began to realize that the computer got cleverer and quicker with time passing.The computer began to serve the human race since it was brought into peoples homes.Since the 1970s,the computer was used by people around the world through the Internet.5.The larger the computer is,the more memory it has.,F,T,F,T,F,Timeline,The computer began as a calculating machine,The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.,The computer had grown as large as a room.,1960s,Computers were used in offices and homes.,Computers connect people all over the world together.,1642:_1822:The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.1936:_ _1940s:_:The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970s:_Now:_ _,Scanning,calculating,analytical,cards with holes,universal machine,memory,laptop,the early 1960s,share,network,ways,What are the advantages and disadvantages of the computers?In my opinion,I can use the computerto.,Discussion,We can use the computer to.,listen to music,Watch movies,search for,communicate with,do shopping,AdvantagesWe can use the compuers to1.use a computer for school work2.play games on the computer3.send emails to friends4.download music and films5.go shopping on line6.use QQ to make municate with others,8.use the Internet to search for information9.surf the web for fun 10.read news both at home and abroad,read books and magazines,DisadvantagesSome students may get too addicted(沉溺于)to it.Some students waste too much time in playing computer games.Some students spend too much time in chatting with others and may be cheated(欺骗)by someone on line.As a result,they have little time to study It is bad for our eyes and health to spend long time in front of computers.,Summary about the text.The computer _ a calculating machine in 1642,then in 1822,it was built as an_by _.At the year of 1936,AlanTuring _ to describe how computers _to work,and build a“universalmachine”to solve_.With the development of _,began as,Analytical Machine,Charles Babbage,wrote a book,could be made,mathematical problem,information technology,in the 1960s,computers had new _and became_,then were connected to each other by_.As the years had _,computers were_,peoples homes.Now computers have become the most important _to _all over the world together.,transistors,smaller and smaller,a network,gone by,brought into,tools,connect people,1960s,Consolidation:Retelling,Homework:,Read the passage fluently.2.Do Ex on period 2.3.Retell the passage.,Goodbye!,


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