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    必修四重点单词短语练习,Unit 1,1.这本书值得一读。(worthwhile)2.我深深地敬佩他的成就。(respect)3.这位老师鼓励她的学生好好表现。(behave)4.他所说的激励我更加努力工作。(inspire)5.我本来打算和朋友们一起打篮球,但是被坏天气阻止了。(intend)6.你在我睡觉时把电视关小真是太体贴了。(considerate)7.他们在一个小村庄过着简单的生活。(lead a life)8.没人喜欢被看不起。(look down upon)9.我昨晚在街上偶遇了Mary。(come across/by accident)10.坚持跑步对你有好处。(carry on)11.林巧稚把一生都献给了她的病人。(devote to)12.为什么不问问他那个消息?(Why not?)13.我忽然想起下周有一场测试。(It hit/occurred to sb.that),1.这本书值得一读。(worthwhile)It is worthwhile to read/reading the book.2.我深深地敬佩他的成就。(respect)I deeply respect him for his achievement.3.这位老师鼓励她的学生好好表现。(behave)The teacher encouraged his students to behave well.4.他所说的激励我更加努力工作。(inspire)What he said inspired me to work harder.,5.我本来打算和朋友们一起打篮球,但是被坏天气阻止了。(intend)I had intended to play basketball with my friends,but was prevented by the bad weather.6.你在我睡觉时把电视关小真是太体贴了.(considerate)It was really considerate of you to turn down the TV when I was sleeping.7.他们在一个小村庄过着简单的生活。(lead a life)They led a simple life in a small village.8.没人喜欢被看不起。(look down upon)No one likes to be looked down upon.,9.我昨晚在街上偶遇了Mary。(come across/by accident)I came across Mary last night in the street.I met Mary by accident last night in the street.10.坚持跑步对你有好处。(carry on)It is good for you to carry on running.11.林巧稚把一生都献给了她的病人。(devote to)Lin Qiaozhi devoted all her life to her patients.12.为什么不问问他那个消息?(Why not?)Why not ask him about the news?13.我忽然想起下周有一场测试。(It hit/occurred to sb.that)It hit/occured to/struck me that there will be a test next week.,必修四重点单词短语练习,Unit 2,1.多亏她的帮助,我们按时完成了工作。(thanks to)2.我宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。(would rather than/prefer)3.这位母亲想让她儿子具备一些特长。(equip)4.我一直后悔告诉他那件事。(regret)5.这场讨论引起了一场激烈的争吵。(lead to)6.你必须把心思专注在学习和工作上。(focus on)7.这种药让病人们免受痛苦。(keep free from)8.她的体重减轻了五公斤,这让她很满意。(reduce,be satisfied with)9.正如我们所知,运动员们为冠军而拼搏。(struggle)10.我认为他们会准时到达,如果不会,那我们就得等一会儿。(if not),1.多亏她的帮助,我们按时完成了工作。(thanks to)Thanks to his help,we finished our work on time.2.我宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。(would rather than/prefer)I would rather stay at home than go out.I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.3.这位母亲想让她儿子具备一些特长。(equip)The mother wants to equip her son with some special talents.4.我一直后悔告诉他那件事。(regret)I have always regretted telling him that thing.5.这场讨论引起了一场激烈的争吵。(lead to)The discussion led to a big quarrel.,6.你必须把心思专注在学习和工作上。(focus on)You must focus your mind on work and study.7.这种药让病人们免受痛苦。(keep free from)The drug keeps the patients free from pain.8.她的体重减轻了五公斤,这让她很满意。(reduce,be satisfied with)She was satisfied with the fact that she reduced her weight by 5 kilograms.9.正如我们所知,运动员们为冠军而拼搏。(struggle)As we all know,athelets always stuggle for the champion.10.我认为他们会准时到达,如果不会,那我们就得等一会儿。(if not)I think they will arrive on time.If not,we will have to wait for a while.,必修四重点单词短语练习,Unit 3,1.目前他们还没有筹够钱。(up to now)2.我们对这个结果很满意。(be content with)3.让我们惊讶的是他赢了。(atonish/atonishment)4.作为学生,我们必须在学习时克服困难。(overcome)5.有了足够的钱,她毫不挑选地买下了所有的衣服。(pick out)6.她所说的很有说服力,我决定相信她。(so.that/convincing)7.老师指导学生演示实验。(direct)8.网购近年来很流行,特别是在年轻人当中。(particularly)9.当地人民对这个消息反应激烈。(react)10.他们赶往机场,却发现飞机已经起飞了。(only to do),1.目前他们还没有筹够钱。(up to now)They havent collected enough money up to now.2.我们对这个结果很满意。(be content with)We were content with the result.3.让我们惊讶的是他赢了。(atonish/atonishment)What astonished us was that he won.To our astonishment,he won.4.作为学生,我们必须在学习时克服困难。(overcome)As students,we must overcome the difficulties while studying.5.有了足够的钱,她毫不挑选地买下了所有的衣服。(pick out)With enough money,she bought all the clothes instead of/without picking out some.,6.她所说的很有说服力,我决定相信她。(so.that/convincing)What she said sounded so convincing that I decided to trust her.7.老师指导学生演示实验。(direct)The teacher directed his/her students to perform the experiment.8.网购近年来很流行,特别是在年轻人当中。(particularly)Shopping on the Internet has been popular in recent years,particularly among the young people.9.当地人民对这个消息反应激烈。(react)The local people reacted angrily to the news.10.他们赶往机场,却发现飞机已经起飞了。(only to do)They rushed to the airport,only to find the plane had taken off.,必修四重点单词短语练习,Unit 4,1.我们好奇的是他输了这场比赛。(be curious about)2.随着高考临近,学生们都感到很紧张。(approach)3.不是所有的学生都喜欢音乐。(部分否定)4.根据他的表现,他很可能成功。(be likely to do)5.总的来说,他们都很有钢琴天赋。(in general,have a gift for)6.她看起来很轻松,那是因为她解决了一个大案子。(at ease)7.他三年来一直是第一个到校的学生,这一点让我们很佩服。(不定式作后置定语)8.我打算在大学里学习英语专业。(major in),1.我们好奇的是他输了这场比赛。(be curious about)What we were curious about was that he failed to win the game.2.随着高考临近,学生们都感到很紧张。(approach)With the Collage Entrance Examination approaching,the students all get nervous.3.不是所有的学生都喜欢音乐。(部分否定)Not all the students are fond of music.4.根据他的表现,他很可能成功。(be likely to do)He is likely to succeed according to his behavior.It is likely/possible that he will succeed.,5.总的来说,他们都很有钢琴天赋。(in general,have a gift for)In general,they all have a gift for piano.6.她看起来很轻松,那是因为她解决了一个大案子。(at ease)She looks at ease.That is because she solved a big case.7.他三年来一直是第一个到校的学生,这一点让我们很佩服。(不定式作后置定语)He has been the first student to arrive at school for three years,which is respected by us.8.我打算在大学里学习英语专业。(major in)I am going to major in English in the university.,必修四重点单词短语练习,Unit 5,1.解决这个问题有各种方法。(various/a variety of)2.如果你想来访,请提前通知我。(in advance)3.这么出色的表演,难怪她获得了一等奖。(no wonder)4.无论谁到达这儿都可以获得奖品。(whoever/no matter who)5.不止他,我也是老师。(not only.but(also).)6.我们不仅学得好做得也好。(not only.but(also).)7.五指山因气候而闻名。(be famous for)8.如果你尽全力去实现你的梦想,它就有可能实现。(realize/come true)9.他对家人很冷漠,但是和朋友在一起时却很活跃。(come to life)10.我得离屏幕近一些,因为我看不清。(get close to),1.解决这个问题有各种方法。(various/a variety of)There are various/a variety of ways to solve the problem.2.如果你想来访,请提前通知我。(in advance)If you want to visit me,please inform me in advance/ahead of time.3.这么出色的表演,难怪她获得了一等奖。(no wonder)No wonder she got the first prize with such great performance.4.无论谁到达这儿都可以获得奖品。(whoever/no matter who)Whoever gets here will get the prize.No matter who gets here,he will get the prize.5.不止他,我也是老师。(not only.but(also).)Not only he but I am a teacher.,6.我们不仅学得好做得也好。(not only.but(also).)Not only can we learn well but also do well.7.五指山因气候而闻名。(be famous for)Wuzhishan is famous for its climate.8.如果你尽全力去实现你的梦想,它就有可能实现。(realize/come true)If you try your best to realize your dream,it will come true.9.他对家人很冷漠,但是和朋友在一起时却很活跃。(come to life)He is cold with his family,but comes to life with his friends.10.我得离屏幕近一些,因为我看不清。(get close to)I need to get closer to the screen as I cant see it clearly.,


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