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    1.tense tens a.紧张的;拉紧的,绷紧的v.(使)拉近,(使)绷紧n.(动词的)时态e.g.The atmosphere was very tense when we heard all the mountaineers died during an avalanche.当我们听说所有的登山队员都在一次雪崩中罹难时,气氛变得十分凝重。搭配:a tense situation/atmosphere紧张的局势/气氛 the present/past tense现在时/过去时扩展:tensely ad.紧张地,绷紧地 tension n.紧张,焦虑;紧张关系,紧张局势,2.dense dens a.密集的,稠密的;密度大的e.g.It is not proper to build a factory in a district with a dense population.在一个人口稠密的地区建工厂是不合适的。e.g.The crowd was so dense that we could hardly move.人群密集得让我们几乎无法移动。搭配:a dense population稠密的人口 dense traffic 拥挤的交通 dense fog 大雾,3.density densiti n.密集,稠密;密度e.g.Iron has a greater density than wood.铁的密度比木头的密度大。The population density in the city is greater than that in the countryside.城市的人口密度比农村的人口密度大。搭配:population density人口密度 traffic density交通量 low-density housing低密度的住房,4.tight tait a.紧身的;紧的,牢固的;(时间、经费等)紧的;密封的adv.紧紧地,牢牢地e.g.These shoes are too tight for me.这双鞋子我穿着太挤脚。搭配:tight dress紧身长裙 tight schedule 紧张的日程 tight security紧密的保安措施 tight money 银根紧(经济学术语)扩展:tighten v.(使)变紧,(使)绷紧,5.tough a.困难的;坚强的;坚韧的;强硬的,严格的;(肉等食物)老的,硬的;粗暴的e.g.You need to be tough to survive in a society full of competition.要在充满竞争的社会中生存就要有坚韧不拔的意志。搭配:tough plastic坚韧的塑胶 tough meat煮硬了嚼不动的肉 a tough question/policy棘手问题/强硬政策扩展:toughly ad.坚强地,结实地,强硬地 toughen v.变硬,变艰难,6.rough a.粗糙的;粗野的;混乱的;艰难的,不愉快的;粗略的e.g.Could you give me a rough idea when you will be back?你能告诉我你大概什么时候回来吗?搭配:rough hands 粗糙的手 a rough estimate粗略的估计 a rough time 艰难的时期 be rough on sb./treat sb.rough 对某人粗暴苛刻,欺侮某人 roughly speaking粗略地说,大概地说扩展:roughly ad.粗略的,大概地,7.harsh a.严厉的,严酷的;刺耳的,刺眼的e.g.In fairy tales,stepmothers are usually harsh to their stepchildren.在童话故事中,继母对丈夫前妻的孩子通常很冷酷。搭配:harsh colors刺眼的颜色 harsh discipline 严厉的纪律 a harsh climate恶劣的气候 a harsh punishment严厉的处罚,8.rigid a.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的e.g.Old men are always very rigid in their ideas.老年人的想法总是十分固执。搭配:a rigid posture/principle僵硬的姿势/刻板的原则 rigid support/tradition 坚定的支持/刻板的传统,9.stiff stif a.硬的,僵直的;不灵活的;拘谨的,生硬的;艰难的,费劲的;(风等)强烈的 ad.极其,非常;僵硬地e.g.Hemp is a stiff fiber that comes from a plant that grows in both hot and mild climates.大麻是一种硬质纤维,取自一种在炎热气候和温和气候下都能生存的植物。搭配:be stiff with cold冻僵 stiff muscles僵直的肌肉 be stiff in opinions立场坚定,10.solid a.固体的;实心的;结实的;可靠的;连续的 n.固体e.g.The baby isnt old enough to eat solid foods yet.婴儿还太小,不能吃固体食物。搭配:a solid basis/foundation坚实的基础 be solid for/against一致坚决同意/反对 solid evidence确凿的证据扩展:solidify v.(使)凝固,(使)变硬,11.fix fiks vt.修理;安装;安排,确定;整理;n.困境,窘境e.g.Lets fix(up)a date and place for the meeting.我们确定下聚会的日期和地点吧。短语:fix on决定,确定;使(目光、感情、注意力等)集中于 fix up安排;修理;解决fix to do sth.决定做某事扩展:fixed a.固定的,不动的,确定的,12.bold buld a.勇敢的;鲁莽的;粗体的e.g.The head words in the dictionary are printed in bold type.该词典的词条是用黑体字排印的。I will be bold and speak the truth.我会大胆说出事实真相。搭配:in bold type用黑/粗体字 a bold action大胆的行动,13.violent vailnt a.暴力的;猛烈的,剧烈的e.g.She was in a violent temper and began throwing things about.她大发脾气,开始乱扔东西。搭配:a violent storm猛烈的风暴 a violent quarrel激烈的争吵扩展:violently ad.猛烈地,激烈地 violence n.暴力;猛烈,14.fierce fis a.凶猛的,残酷的;猛烈的;暴躁的e.g.There is so much unemployment that the competition for jobs is fierce.失业情况严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。搭配:a fierce wind/storm狂风/暴雨 fierce competition激烈的竞争扩展:fiercely ad.猛烈地,厉害地,15.extreme ikstri:m a.极度的,极端的;尽头的 n.极端;最大程度e.g.His political ideas are rather extreme.他的政治思想相当极端。Love and hatred are extremes.爱与恨是两个极端。短语:go to extremes走极端 in the extreme非常,极其扩展:extremely ad.极端地,非常地,16.intense intens a.强烈的;紧张的;热情的;非常的e.g.What struck Wang Zhizhi after he joined the NBA was the intense competition between the players.当王治郅加入NBA后,使他震惊的是队员间激烈的竞争。搭配:intense life/work紧张的生活/工作 intense interest/convictions浓厚的兴趣/强烈的信念扩展:intensely ad.强烈地;激烈地;热情地 intensity n.强烈,剧烈;强度 intensify v.(使)增强,(使)加剧,17.intensive intensiv a.加强的;集中的;密集的e.g.Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.在医院里危重病人得到加强护理。The problem was solved by intensive research.经过深入研究,问题得到了解决。搭配:make an intensive study of sth.对某事进行深入的研究 intensive training强化训练 intensive care unit(ICU)重症监护室 intensive reading精读扩展:intensively ad.深入地,18.extensive ikstensiv a.广大的;广泛的;大量的e.g.The event received extensive coverage in the newspapers.这次事件得到了报纸的广泛报道。搭配:an extensive view广阔的视野 extensive reading泛读 extensive knowledge广博的知识,19.extend ikstend vt.延伸;扩大;给予vi.延伸;伸展;延续e.g.They extended the railway to the next town.他们把铁路延伸到了下一个城镇。搭配:extend credit提供贷款 extend a warm welcome表示热烈欢迎 extend to/into一直持续,延伸到扩展:extension n.伸出,延伸;扩大;延期 extent n.程度;范围;长度,20.expand ikspnd v.扩大;膨胀;扩展e.g.The Nokia company wants to expand its market in Asia.诺基亚公司想扩大其在亚洲的市场。搭配:expand market扩大市场 expand on sth.详述某论点扩展:expansive a.易膨胀的;广阔的 expanse n.广阔的区域,21.expansion ikspnn n.扩大;膨胀e.g.The new edition is an expansion of the plan he wrote before.新版本是他以前写的剧本的扩充。搭配:the expansion of knowledge 知识的扩大territorial expansion领土扩张a companys expansion overseas公司向海外发展,22.stretch stret vi.伸展,延续vt.拉长,伸展;使倾注全力n.伸展,延伸;延续;一段时间;一段路程e.g.I stretched to relax after a whole day in front of the computer.在电脑前工作了一整天,我伸了个懒腰放松一下。The desert stretches for hundreds of miles.沙漠绵延数百英里。短语:as a stretch不停地,连续地搭配:at full stretch竭尽全力 stretch for the impossible勉强做那些做不到的事情,23.diverse daiv:s,div:s a.不同的,相异的;多种多样的e.g.There are diverse dialects in the Chinese language.汉语有各种不同的方言。搭配:people from diverse cultures来自不同文化背景的人 diverse interests广泛的兴趣扩展:diversify v.(使)不同,(使)变得多样化 diversity n.多样性 divert v.使转向;转移;转移的注意力;,24.impact impkt n./v.影响,作用;冲击,碰撞e.g.The entry into WTO will have a great impact on China.入世将给中国带来巨大的影响。These costs will impact on our profitability.这些成本费用将会影响到我们的利润率。搭配:have/make a(great,far-reaching,etc.)impact on对 有/产生(重大的,深远的等)影响,25.influence influns n.影响(力);有影响的人或事;势力,权势 vt.影响e.g.Stars have great influence over their fans.明星们对其崇拜者很有影响力。搭配:have influence on/upon/over sb./sth.对某人/某事有影响(力)under the influence of 在的影响下influence sb.to do sth.影响某人做某事扩展:influential a.有影响的,有权势的,26.affect fekt v.影响e.g.The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health.她体质弱,天气稍有变化就受到影响。搭配:be affected by受的影响 affect ones attitude/thinking/decision 影响某人的态度/思想/决定扩展:affection n.喜爱,爱情,爱慕之情,27.effect ifekt n.结果,效果;效力;作用 vt.实现,使生效,引起短语:bring/carry/put into effect实行,实现,使 生效 come/go into effect实施,生效in effect 实际上,实质上 take effect生效,起作用注意:effect作动词时并不表示“影响”,而是表示“实现,引起”,如:We have tried our best to effect a reconciliation between the two parties.我们已尽最大努力希望促成双方和解。,28.effective ifektiv a.有效的,生效的,起作用的;给人印象深刻的;实际的,事实上的e.g.The government has taken effective measures to reduce unemployment.政府采取了有效措施以减少失业人数。搭配take effective measures采取有效措施be effective on 对有效应,对起作用扩展:effectively ad.有效地,有力地反 ineffective a.无效的;工作效率低的,29.efficient ifint a.效率高的;有能力的e.g.Efficient management is one of the factors which will lower production cost.高效的管理是减低生产成本的因素之一。搭配:efficient methods经济而有效的方法an efficient worker 能干的工作人员be efficient at ones job胜任工作扩展:efficiency n.效能,效率,功效 efficiently ad.有效率地,有效地,30.valid vlid a.有根据的;有效的;有法律效力的e.g.Is your passport valid for travel in Europe?你的护照在欧洲旅行有效吗?搭配:a valid excuse正当的理由a valid contract法律上有效的合同a ticket valid for a week有效期为一周的票扩展:反 invalid a.法律上不承认的,无效的,31.fruitful fru:tful a.多产的,富有成效的e.g.The anonymous tip proved fruitful,as the suspect was captured.匿名悬赏取得了成效,因为嫌疑人被抓住了。搭配:a fruitful meeting/discussion富有成效的会议/讨论a fruitful writer 多产的作家a fruitful mind富有创造力的头脑a fruitful career成功的事业,32.sufficient sfint a.足够的,充分的e.g.Nowadays a week is sufficient to travel abroad.如今一个星期足够到国外旅行了。搭配:sufficient food/money/time足够的食物/足够的钱/充足的时间扩展:sufficiency n.充足,足够,足量反 insufficient a.不够的,不足的,33.adequate dikwit a.足够的,充足的;胜任的,适当的e.g.There is adequate rainfall for farming this year.今年农耕有充足的雨水。Your work is adequate but Im sure you could do better.你的工作做得不错,但是我肯定你还能做得更好。搭配:be adequate to the demand满足需求be adequate to the job能胜任工作用法:adequate表示“足够的,充足的”时,后面被修饰的名词通常不是复数名词。,34.quantity kwntti n.量,数量e.g.I prefer quality to quantity.比起数量来,我更在乎质量。短语:in quantity大量搭配:a large/vast/great quantity of大量 的扩展:quality n.质量;品质,品德;性质,35.exceed iksi:d vt.超过,胜过e.g.This months amount of deposits in the bank exceeds last months fifteen percent.该银行本月的储蓄额超过上个月15%。搭配:exceed sb./sth.in 在方面超过某人/某 事物exceed ones authority越权exceed ones expectation比某人预料的好扩展:exceedingly ad.极其,非常 excess n.过量,过度,无节制;超越;a.过量的,额外的,附加的 excessive a.过多的,过分的,过度的,36.excess ikses,ekses n.过量,过度,无节制;超越;a.过量的,额外的,附加的e.g.Your parcel is too heavy and you must pay the excess postal charge.你的邮包超重,你必须付超额邮资。短语:in excess of超过 to excess过度,过分,过量搭配:run/go to excess 走极端 with a large excess of超量的,37.critical kritikl a.决定性的,关键性的,危急的;批评的,批判的e.g.Your help was critical for us in the emergency.在那种危急的情况下,你的帮助对我们来说是很关键的。Why are you so critical of my performance?你为什么对我的表现这么挑剔?搭配:a critical time/moment紧要关头at a critical stage处于关键期be critical of sb./sth.对某人/某事爱批评扩展:critically ad.批判地,危急地critic n.批评家,评论家criticism n.批评,批判;评论;批判主义criticize vt.批评,批判;评价,评论,38.crucial kru:l a.至关重要的,决定性的e.g.The success of this negotiation is crucial to the development of the company.这次谈判的成功对公司的发展至关重要。搭配:be crucial to/for对是至关重要的a crucial moment决定性时刻a crucial decision极其重要的决定扩展:crucially ad.关键地,决定性地,39.significant signifiknt a.重要的,意义重大的;相当数量的e.g.There is a significant increase of crime in that country.那个国家的犯罪率显著增长。搭配:play a significant role/part起重大作用a significant rise in profits利润的客观增长扩展:significance n.意义,含义;重要性significantly ad.意味深长地;值得注目地反insignificant a.不重要的,无意义的,40.large l:d a.大的;(数量)多的e.g.Two of the escaped prisoners are still at large.两个逃犯仍逍遥法外。短语:at large逍遥法外地,自由地;详尽地by and large大体上,总的来说搭配:a large amount of 大量的on a large scale大规模地扩展:largely ad.大部分,主要地,


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