.,1,Chapter 3(构词法),3.1 General Remark 概述3.2 Compounding 复合构词法3.3 Derivation 派生构词法 3.3.1 Prefixation 加前缀 3.3.2 Suffixation 加后缀3.4 Conversion 词类转换法,.,2,The differences between“root”,“stem”and“base”?,Root/词根:is not further analyzable,either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphologyStem/词干:the part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed.Base/词基:any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.,.,3,undesirables=un+desire+able+sBase:desirable desire(base)undesirable desirable(base)undesirables undesirable(base)Base/词基:any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.,.,4,2)denationalizeddenationalized=de+nation+al+ize+dRoot:nationStem:denationalizeBase:national nation nationalize national denationalize nationalize denationalized denationalize,.,5,desirable:desire(root or base,not stem)undesirable:desirable(base,not root,not stem)undesirables:undesirable(stem or base,not root)desired:desire(root,stem or base),.,6,3.2 Compounding 复合构词法,Questions:1.What is compounding?2.What are the relative criteria of a compound?3.The classification of compounding?,.,7,What is compounding?,Compounding/composition:a word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit.e.g.flowerpot=flower+pot machine-independent=machine+independentback,.,8,The relative criteria of a compound,1.Orthographic criterion:Compounds are written in three ways,that is,solid,hyphenated and open.E.g.flowerpot Solid:flowerpot Hyphenated:flower-pot Open:flower pot,.,9,2.Phonological criterion:Compound accent:a main stress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element.Normal phrase accent:a secondary stress on the first element and the main stress on the second element.E.g.black list blackboard blue bottle,.,10,3.Semantic criterion:Semantically,compounds can be said to have a meaning which may be related to but cannot always be inferred from the meaning of its component parts.E.g.,.,11,E.g.flowerpotworkday backyardNote:we can infer the meaning from the meaning of its component parts,red tape(官样文章,烦琐拖沓的公事程序)dog days(the hottest day of the year)flatfoot(a policeman)blue blood(the quality of being a nobleman by birth)blue ribbon(an honor given to the winner of the first prize)Note:we cannot infer the meaning from the meaning of its component parts back,.,12,The classification of compounding?,Compounds are classified according to parts of speech of the compounds and subdivided by the syntactic relation of the compounding element.a.Parts of speech pounds,b.Syntactic relationsubject and verb 主谓关系verb and adverbial 动宾关系verb and adverbial 谓状关系restrictive relation 限制关系coordinating relationship 并列关系,.,13,thunder-struck(houses)houses are struck by thunder/thunder struck the houses well-behaved(person)The person behave himself well.peace loving people people love peacean ocean-going(ship)A ship go across ocean.,.,14,Apart from caring for her children,she has to take on such heavy _ house work as carrying water and firewood.A.time-consumed B.timely-consumed C.time-consuming D.timely-consuming答案:C,.,15,风蚀岩石 weather-beaten rocks日晒的健康肤色 suntanned(skin)吹毛求疵的人 a fault-finding person破纪录的速度 a record-breaking speed免税的 tax-free无忧无虑的 care-free防火的 fire-proof隔音的 sound-proof滴水不漏的 water-tight密封的,不漏气的 air-tight,没膝深的 knee-deep齐肩高的 shoulder-high终身的 lifelong晶莹剔透的 Crycle-clear苦乐参半的 bittersweet谈论的话题 talked-about topic杜撰的故事 made-up story24小时看守 round-the-clock watch作现场勘查 make an on the sop inspection,.,16,3.3 Derivation 派生构词法,Questions:1.What is derivation?2.What is combining form?And what difference between a combining form and an affix?3.The classification of derivation.back,.,17,Derivation/affixation:a process of forming new words by the addition of a word element,such as a prefix,suffix or combining form,to an already existing word.e.g.recover=re+cover worker=work+erback,.,18,A combining form构词成分:a bound morpheme,which was originally a full word in Latin or Greek,but which now occurs only in derivatives.e.g.autobiography hydromechanics televisionautobiography auto-=autos(Gk)=self self+life+write autoalarm autocracy(auto+alarm)(auto+cracy)(self+to+weapon)(self+ruling)hydromechanics hydro-=hydr(Gk)=water hydro-airplane hydrography dehydrate hydrogentelevision tele-=tele(Gk)=far off telecontrol telephone,.,19,Combining forms are distinguished from affixes by their ability to occur as one constituent of a word whose only other constituent is an affix.e.g.autocracy hydrography telephone autocracy=auto 构词成分+cracy(suffix)hydrography=hydro 构词成分+graphy(suffix)telephone=tele 构词成分+phone(suffix)From the point of view of derivation,no distinction should be made between combining forms and affixes in this book,in which all the combining forms are labeled either as prefixes or suffixes.back,.,20,3.3.1 Prefixation,Question:1.What is prefixation?2.The classification of prefixes3.Some productive prefixesPrefixation:adding a prefix or combining form to the base.do not generally alter the word-class of the base,.,21,Classification of prefixes:1.negative prefixes(反意前缀):un-,non-,in-(im-,il-,ir-),dis-,a-2.reversative/privative prefixes(相反动作前缀):un-,de-,dis-,3.pejorative prefixes(贬义前缀):mis-,mal-,pseudo-4.prefixes of degree or size(等级与大小前缀):arch-,super-,out-,sub-,over-,under-,hyper-,altra-,mini-5.prefixes of attitude(态度取向前缀):co-,counter-,anti-,pro-6.locative prefixes(方位前缀):super-,sub-,inter-,trans-7.prefixes of time and order(时间顺序前缀):for-,pre-,post-,ex-,re-8.number prefixes(常用数字前缀):uni-/mono-,bi-/di-,tri,multi-/poly-9.miscellaneous prefixes:auto-,neo-,pan-,proto-,semi-,vice-back,.,22,Some Greek Prefixes,1.ant-/anti-Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争 抗体 antibodyant-/anti-:against 非正统艺术 anti-art 非传统英雄 anti-heroant-/anti-:unlike tradition,2.aster-,astr-,astro-astronautaster-,astr-,astro-:star 占星家 astrologer 小行星 asteroid3.aut-,auto autobiographyaut-,auto-:self 独裁者 autocrat 自治权 autonomy,.,23,4.bio-bio-:life 生物学 biology 传记 biography5.chron-,chronochron-,chrono:time 编年史 chronicle 在时间上一致 synchronize 时代错误 anachronism,6.dem-,demo-dem-,demo-:people 民主政治的 democratic 流行的 epidemic7.derm-,dermato-derm-,dermato:skin 真皮 dermis 表皮 epidermis 皮下的 hypodermic,.,24,8.geo-地质学 geologygeo-:earth 几何学 geometry9.gen-,genea-gen-,genea-:race 家系,谱系 genealogy 起源,发生 genesis 庞杂的,异类的 heterogeneous heteromorphy 生异态性 heteronomy 他治,不自治 heterosexual,10.meter-,metr-meter-,metr-:measure 计时器 chronometer 体温计 thermometer 十进制 metrication11.onym-,onomatro-onym-,onomatro-:word 匿名的 anonymous 笔名,假名 pseudonym 同义词 synonym 受支配词 hyponym,.,25,12.ortho-ortho-:correct orthography 正字法 正统的 orthodox 整形外科医生 orthopedist13.pan-,panto-pan,panto-:complete 泛美洲 Pan-America 宽屏幕电视/电影 panavision 全景 panorama 万灵药 panacea,14.prot-,proto-prot-,proto-:first 原型 prototype 原始形式 protomorph15.therm-,thermo-therm-,thermo-:heat 体温计 thermometer 热核 thermonuclear 热的,温泉的 thermal,.,26,Some productive prefixes,1.a-,an-+表述性v.a-,an-:1)处于某状态 2)缺乏 alive 不讲道德 amoral 无政府 anarchy,2.co-,con-,col-,cor-+n./v.co-,con-,col-,cor-:1)结合,联合,共同 2)相互的关系 合作 cooperate 同时发生 concur 符合,相称 correspond 同事 colleague,.,27,3.counter-+v./抽象n.counter-:与相反,反 反击 counterattack 对应一方 counterpart 反主流文化分子 counterculturist4.dis-+adj./v.dis-:与相反,不 不诚实 dishonest 不遵守 disobey,5.eco-+adj./n.eco-:生态 生态危机 ecocrisis ecocide 生态灭绝6.fore-+n.fore-:1)前部 2)先 前额 forehead 预言 forecast 首要的 foremost,.,28,7.in-+adj./v./n.in-:1)不,与相反 2)向内 不完全 incomplete 不礼貌 impolite 不合逻辑 illogical 雕刻 inscribe 移入 immigrate,8.inter-+v./n./adj.inter-:在之间政府间的intergovernmental调停者intermediary州际的interstate,.,29,9.mini-+n.P46mini-:1)小,微 2)短暂 超短裙 miniskirt 微型汽车 minibus 短暂危机 minicrisis,10.mis-+v./分词/抽象名词mis-:错误,歧途 误解 misunderstanding 引入歧途 mislead 不幸 mislead,.,30,11.out-+n./v.out-:超过 活得比长 outlive 以智取胜 outwit12.over-+v./adj./n.over-:1)过于,过分 2)上方 过分自信 overconfident 溢出 overflow 高估 overestimate,13.post-+n./adj.post-:在之后 附言 postscript 博士后 post-doctor14.pre-+n./adj.pre:在之前 预习 preview 史前 prehistory,.,31,15.sub-+adj./n.sub:下、次 小标题 subtitle 低于正常 subnormal16.trans-+n.trans-:跨越,穿过 运输 transport 移植 transplant 变形 transform,17.super-+adj./n.super:1)超,极 2)顶级 3)在之上 超级明星 superstar 上层建筑 superstructure18.under-+n./v./ved.under:在之下;不足 下划线 underline 公共设施不足 under-serviced,.,32,Number Prefixes,1.oneone:mon(o)-(G)uni-(L)独白 Monologue 一夫一妻制 Monogamy 不分性别的 Unisex 独一无二的 unique,2.twotwo:di-(G)/bi-(L)对话 dialogue 二氧化物 dioxide 双语 bilingual 双边 bilateral,.,33,3.doubledouble:amphi-(G)ambi-(L)两栖 amphibian 模棱两可 amphibology 歧义 ambiguity4.threethree:tri-(L)三角形 triangle 三轮车 tricycle,5.fourfour:quadri-(L)四边形 quadrangle6.five five:pent(a)-(G)quint-(L)五角大楼 pentagon 五重奏 quintet,.,34,7.sixsix:hexa-(G)/sex-(L)六角形 hexagon 六重奏 sextet7.Ninenine:enne-(G)non-(L)九边形 enneagon/nonagon 九重奏 nonet,8.tenten:deca-(G)/deci-(L)十年 Decade 十进制 Decimalism9.halfhalf:hemi-(G)/semi-(L)半球 Hemisphere 半圆 Hemicycle/semicircle 半殖民地 semicolonial,.,35,10.manymany:poly-(G)/multi-(L)多元的 polycentric 多民族的 multi-racial,11.hundredhundred:hecto-(G)/cent-(L)百米 hectometer 厘米 centimeter 蜈蚣 centipedeback,.,36,3.3.2 Suffixation 加后缀,Questions:1.What is suffixation?2.The classification of derivation.3.Some productive suffixes.,.,37,Productive suffixes on P50,1.ablechangeable,variable,knowledgeablechangeable=be able to be changed vt.+ableadj.Variable=able to vary vi.+able adj.knowledgeable=know a lot n.+able adj.having the stated quality or condition,.,38,2.er 他教书教得很好。He teaches very well.He is a good teacher.,.,39,3.ride-in,swim-in v.-in:protesting against racial discrimination public demonstration sit-in,lie-in,work-in be-in,drop-in,sing-in,social gathering drive-in,.,40,4.yrisky,dirty n.-y adj.full of,covered with,characterized bySleepy v.-y adj.having a trendy to,inclined to,.,41,harmful,wonderful,useful,meaningful,joyfulhandful,mouthful,spoonful1.n.+-ful=adj.-ful=be full of a help suggestion=a suggestion is full of help a resentful look=a look is full of resent a eventful life=a life is full of events2.n.+-ful=n.-ful=所容的量 a handful of nuts,.,42,postal,sensational,tropical,philosophical n.+-al=adj.-al=about,.,43,ambitious,desirous,dangerous n.+-ous=adj.-ous=be full of,.,44,同根近义词(P54),continuance,continuation,continuityContinuance=continue+ance the state of continuingContinuation=continue+action the act of continuingContinuity=continue+ity the quality of being contionuous,.,45,sensible/sensitive A.I think it is a very _ thing for you to do under the circumstances.B.No,I didnt mean that.You are too _.,.,46,Sensitive/sensibleSensitive=sense+tive be full of sense(n.)e.g.a sensitive skin=the skin is full of sense 1)敏感的 be sensitive to ridicule be sensitive about ones appearance 2)灵敏的;神经过敏的;容易生气的Sensible=sense+able=can be sensed(vt.)e.g.a sensible error 1)感觉得到的,明显的 I am sensible of your kindness.2)知道的 3)明智的 a sensible,.,47,3.ish/-like N.Adj.e.g.childish/childlike-ish:derogatory,.,48,1.The talks had been _ but much remained to be done.A.fruitful B.effective C.advantageous D.valid fruitful:producing good results 富有成效的,收效很多的effective:having a pleasing effect 有效的 E.g.take effective measures答案:A,.,49,2.The coming of the railways in the 1830s _ our society and economic life.A.transformed B.transported C.transferred D.transmittedHe hoped the firm would _ him to the Paris branch.A.exchange B.transmit C.transfer D.remove 答案:CSome diseases are _ by certain water animals.A.transplanted B.transformed C.transported D.transmitted 答案:DAmerican football and baseball are becoming know to the British public through televised _ from the United States.A.transfer B.deliveries C.transportation D.transmissions 答案:D,.,50,Retirement is obviously a very complex _ period;and the earlier you start planning for it,the better.A.transition B.transaction C.transmission D.transformation 答案:There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons,but my favorite time is the _ from fall to winter.A.transmission B.transformation C.transition D.transfer 答案:He attends to the _ of important business himself.A.transaction B.transition C.transmission D.transformation 答案:It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash;virtually all financial _ will be conducted by computer.A.transactions B.transmissions C.transitions D.transformations 答案:,.,51,transform:to change completely in form,appearance,or nature e.g.transform heat into powertransport:to carry(goods,people,etc.)from one place to another.,.,52,transfer:1.to move from one place,job,position,to another;2.to move from one vehicle to another in the course e.g.transfer production of the newspaper to its new plant transfer that foot ball player to another team transfer from the train to a bus transmit:1.to send out(electric signals,messages,etc.)by radio;2.to send or pass from one person,place,or thing to another e.g.This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes.The information is transmitted from one computer to another through a telephone line.,.,53,1.variety/variation A.There are wide regional _ in house prices.B.The T-shirts are available in a wide _of colors.2.incredible/incredulous A.The way she escaped is an absolutely _story.B.I could tell she knew he was lying by her _ smile.C.They all looked _ when the young woman said that she could get their factory to make a profit within five months.,.,54,3.imaginary/imaginative A._ works can always attract a lot of readers.B.It is only an _story,so youd better not believe it.4.sensible/sensitive A.I think it is a very _ thing for you to do under the circumstances.B.No,I didnt mean that.You are too _.5.exciting/excited/excitable A.Never mind him.He is a very _ person.He doesnt know what he is talking about.,.,55,6.subtle/delicate A.There is a very _difference between“citizen rights”and“human rights”.B.This is a _situation.We must handle it with great care.C.She looked very _,but she was very energetic and had a strong will.7.worth/worthy/worthwhile A.I can fix it.But it isnt _.Why dont we go and get a new one?B.His effort was _ of great praise.C.How much do you think a pearl of that size will be _?back,.,56,al/ation/-ment V.N.-al:the action of 某行为 E.g.arrival,approval-ation:the act,state,or result of 动作导致的状态或机构 E.g.education,interpretation,organization-ment:动作的过程 E.g.arrangement,development,movement(选讲该页),.,57,ity/-ness Adj.N.-ity:the quality or an example of being 品质或实例 e.g.diversity,equality with great regularity=regularly Such stupidities=stupid actions or remarks-ness:the condition,quality,or degree of being状态、品质、程度e.g.carelessness,frankness,selfishness(选讲该页),.,58,1.variety/variationA.There are wide regional variations in house prices.B.The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors.-ity:the quality or an example of being 品质或实例 variety:a number or collection of different sorts of the same general type 种类-ation:the act,state,or result of 动作导致的状态或机构 variation:(a degree of)the fact of varying 差异,变动程度 back,.,59,2.incredible/incredulous cred(it):believe incredible=cant be believed incredulous=be full of unbelief=showing disbelief A.The way she escaped is an absolutely _ story.incredible B.I could tell she knew he was lying by her _ smile.incredulous C.They all looked _ when the young woman said tha