Uncle Toms Cabin,第三组42tong 19miny26sophy 08vivi 24selina 44twinkle,Harriet Beecher Stowe,(June 14,1811 July 1,1896),哈里特比彻斯托,General evaluation of Mrs.Stowe,an American abolitionist and author.She was influential both for her writings and her public stands on social issues of the day.,1,13,7,Lyman Beecher,Roxana,June 14,1811,Litchfield,Connecticut,Cincinnati,at 21,in 1832,Cincinnati,Ohio,Calvin Ellis Stowe,In 1836,in June 1851,when she was 40,the first installment of herUncle Toms Cabinwas published in serial form in the newspaper National Era,So youre the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war!,Thank you!,In1869:campaigned for the expansion of married womens rights.In the 1870s Stowe fled to Florida,After her return to Connecticut,Mrs.Stowe was among the founders of the Hartford Art School In 1886:Calvin Stowes died,and her own health started to decline rapidly.Died on July 1,1896,in Hartford,Connecticut.at age 85,Uncle Toms Cabin,1852汤姆叔叔的小屋A Key to Uncle Toms Cabin,1853汤姆叔叔的小屋题解Dred:A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp,1856德雷德:阴暗大沼地的故事The Ministers Wooing,1859牧师的求婚The Pearl of Orrs Island,1862奥尔岛上的明珠Old Town Folks,1869老镇居民Palmetto Leaves,1873 棕榈叶,Literary Works,Background,Harriet Beecher Stowe(1811-1896),comes from a family with good Christian,she was deeply influenced by Christianity and became a pious Christian.As her family were all opposing to raising slaves,she was influenced by them and held the anti-slavery belief.,She lives in Cincinnati city in Ohio,one of anti-slavery places and a terminal for slaves escaping to the north.Housing fugitive slaves,hearing of more about slaves wretched sufferings.Visiting plantations in Kentucky,seeing with her eyes slaves misery.,Harriet Beecher Stowe acknowledged that she was partly inspired to createUncle Toms Cabinby the slaves narrativeThe blending of pious belief in Christianity and abolishing slavery resulted in Uncle Toms Cabin,Influence,Uncle Toms Cabinhas exerted an influence equaled by few other novels in history.Upon publication,Uncle Toms Cabinignited a firestorm of protest from defenders of slavery while the book elicited praise from abolitionists.As a best-seller,the novel heavily influenced later protest literature.,Uncle Toms Cabinoutraged people in the American South.The novel was also roundly criticized by slavery supporters.However,Abraham Lincoln commented,So this is the little lady who started this great war.,Uncle Toms Cabinalso created great interest in the United Kingdom.The first London edition appeared in May 1852 and sold 200,000 copiesBy 1857,the novel had been translated into 20 languages,Later,it was translated into almost every major language.,Main Plots of The Novel,part 1,part2,part3,part4,Plots:,Part 1:,Eliza escaped with her son,Tom sold“down the river”(伊莉莎携子逃亡,汤姆被卖到“河的下游去”),Elizas family hunted,Toms life with St.Clare(追捕伊莉莎家庭,汤姆与圣克莱尔生活),Part 2:,Part 3:,Tom sold to Simon Legree(汤姆被卖给西蒙.勒格里),Part 4:,Final section(汤姆死去,Cassy一家逃忙成功并与亲人团圆,乔治.谢尔比解放了家中的奴隶。),Eliza escaped with her son,Tom sold down the river,Kentucky farmer Slaves Arthur Shelby Uncle Tom Emily Shelby Harry(Elizas son)George Shelby,Eliza escaped with her son,and Tom was sold to another slaver Augustine St.Clare and already befriended with his daughter-Eva.,Elizas family hunted,Toms life with St.Clare,Eliza met with her husband-George Harris chased by a slave-hunter-Tom Loker,Eva:friendliness,love,equality,like an angel.Eva grew very ill.Before she died she experienced a vision of heaven,which she shares with the people around her.Therefore,St.Clare decided to pleded to free Tom.,Tom was sold to Simon Legree,Tom was beaten viciously.Tom met with Emmeline,Cassy,Uncle Tom encouraged Cassy and Emmeline to escape.When Tom refused to tell Legree where Cassy and Emmeline had gone,Legree ordered his overseers to kill Tom.As Tom was dying,he forgave them.Humbled by the character of Tom,they become Christians.,Final section,Cassy later discovers that Eliza is her long-lost daughter who was sold as a child.Now that their family is together again,they travel to France and eventually Liberia,the African nation created for former American slaves.George Shelby returns to the Kentucky farm and frees all his slaves.George tells them to remember Toms sacrifice and his belief in the true meaning of Christianity.,Analysis of the Main Characters,Mrs.Stowe portrays several vivid characters with distinctive temperament.Among them,there are the white and the black,the nobles and the slaves,the kind and the cruel.In her description of all these characters,we can learn that Mrs.Stowe advocates that people are equal and is against racial discrimination.She also held the belief that people are born to to be equal and should have right to enjoy freedom.So the main of the book are all Christians to different extent.,Main Characters,1.Tom2.Eliza3.George Harris4.George Shelby5.Eva6.St.Clare7.Topsy8.Simon Legree,Name:TomAge:about 40Sex:male Country:Africa Work:slaveFamily:Aunt Chloe and three childrenFaith:ChristianityQualities:obedience,honesty,loyalty,1.Name card,introduction,Uncle Tom is a hero of Negroes.He believed in God without the slightest flaw in personality.He is a pious Christian,and ultimately he was killed by the owner for helping others escape,his death and the Bible in which Jesus was crucified to save the common people,like the cross,not only won the peoples sympathy,but also aroused the indignation of the people to slavery,it has accelerated the demise of slavery.,PersonalHistory,Three masters,Mr.Shelby,St.Clare,Legree,“You have heard what she said!If I must be sold,or all the people on the place and everything go to rack,why,let me be sold”.,“Master always found me on the spot,he always will.I never have broke trust,nor used my pass no ways contrary to my word,and I never will.Its better for me alone to go,than to break up the place and sell all.Master is not to blame”.,“Ah,master trusted me,and I couldnt.,“I feel very bad,Master.I always have thought that Master would be good to everybody Master has always been good to me,I havent nothing complain of,on that head.But there is some Master isnt good to.Master isnt good to himself”,“Not while Masr is in trouble,”said Tom.“Ill stay with Masr as long as he wants me,-so as I can be used.”,“No!No!No!My soul isnt yours,Master!You havent bought it,you cant buy it!Its been bought and paid for,by one that is able to keep it;no matter,no matter,you cant harm me!”,“Im willin to work,night and day-and,Masr,I never shall do it,-never!”,“I know,Mast,but I cant tell anything.I can die!”“Masr,if you was sick,or in trouble,or dying,and I could save ye,Id give ye my hearts blood;and,if taking every soul,Id give em freely,as the Lord gave his for me.O,Masr!dont bring this great sin on your soul!It will hurt you more than t will me!Do the worst you can,my troublesll be over soon;but,if ye dont repent,yours wont never end!”,Tom Jesus Christ,redeem,Strong faith,sold,2.Eliza,A relatively privilegedslave(Shelbys maid)Wife of George HarrisDevout ChristianVery beautiful,strongand very brave to revoltLearning her 5-year-old Son,Harry,will be sold to the slaver Haley,she took Harry escaped to the north,A brave and great mother In Ohio,she met again with her husband George Harris who was also running away,they eventually escape from the jaws of the slaverytogether,3.George Harris,White black slaveHusband of ElizaBrightandcapable with an imposing figureInvented Machine for washing twineBecame bitter because his master had put him to do dirtiest and hardest in the fields when he was capable of doing better work,Against slavery extremely Feels unfair that slaves must obeyto what his master Order,so he escaped to struggle for freedom and finallymade it come true,4.George Shelby,Little master of Uncle TomTook Tom as his mentor Best friend of Tom and taught Tom to read and writeA devout Christian Honest and kind,trys his best to help and takes good care slavesWants to buy Uncle Tom back after he was sold but failed,5.Eva,Five-year oldBeautiful,angelicFull name“EvangelineSt.Clare”Full of love and friendlyto others and sympathyfor slavesAn innocent and understanding white girl,put herself on equality with every creature,especially to the black,Becomes close friends with Uncle Tom,asks her father to buy TomOften talks about some topics of love and forgiveness,even persuades the stubborn Topsy,a slave girl,to believe she should also be loved Trys to touch her bad temper aunt base of heartDied early because of disease,6.St.Clare,Courtly young gentleman Father of EvaUncle Toms new masterThe most compassionate slave owners of the novelMarriage life is unhappyWhile loves Eva very much,Already aware of the sin of slavery,but has not yet prepared to discard it for its bringing wealth After the death of Eva,he became more religious,and began to read the bible to Tom.Wants to give Tom freedom,but his kindness became nothing for his accidental death.,7.Topsy,A ragged slave girl Without knowing her origin When asked who made her,she thinks neither god or her mother,I thought I was born myself,I dont believe who made me A mischievous,clever little girlWho hasnt been raised with any moral or intellectual instruction,With a pair of big eyes,always teases people for fun,but also often brings happiness to othersAs mischievous she is,Always makes mistakes,and angers Miss Ophelia,at that time,she will ask Miss Ophelia to beat herlike her previews master,so she is a product of slavery in a certain caseFinally Little Evas love changed her to adevout Christian,8.Simon Legree,A brutal Louisiana plantation ownerOwns vast cotton fieldsSpecially buy slaves as the tool of labor Aims to defeat Tom and destroy his religious beliefsits he tortured uncle Tom to dead“Simon Legree”symbolsGreed and cruelty At last went mad because of the conscience condemnation,Biblical Archetypes in Uncle Toms Cabin,Tom-Jesus Christ 耶稣基督Evangeline-Gospel of the angel福音天使Sambo and Quimbo-sinners罪人,Tom-Jesus Christ,Toms death experience is similar to Jesus Christ The situation when Tom died is hardly the same with Jesus Christ Tom and Jesus Christ live an innocent life,and both are died for crimes committed by others Both are kind and loyal to the faith,tolerant and obedient,Evangeline-The Gospel of the angel,Evangeline is an image of an angleHer frail health and premature death in a dramatic form hinted that she does not belong to the earth,Sambo and Quimbo-sinners罪人,The circumstances of Sambo and Quimbo are similar to the sinners in the BibleRespectively corresponds to the sinners who scourged Jesus and another that was saved by Jesus in the Bible,Major themes,-Uncle Toms Cabin,Uncle Toms Cabin is dominated by a single theme:the evil and immorality of slavery.While Stowe weaves other subthemes throughout her text,such as the moral authority of,is its outrages of feelings and affectionsthe separating of families,for example.motherhood and the redeeming possibilities offered by Christianity,she emphasizes the connections between these and the horrors of slavery.Stowe sometimes changed the storys voice so she could give a homily on the destructive nature of slavery(such as when a white woman on the steamboat carrying Tom further south states,The most dreadful part of slavery,to my mind).,Major themes,Major themes,Stowes novel reaffirmed the importance of womens influence and helped pave the way for the womens rights movement in the following decades.Stowes puritanical religious beliefs show up in the novels final,overarching themethe exploration of the nature of Christianity and how she feels Christian theology is fundamentally incompatible with slavery.This theme is most evident when Tom urges St.Clare to look away to Jesus after the death of St.Clares beloved daughter Eva.After Tom dies,George Shelby eulogizes Tom by saying,What a thing it is to be a Christian.“Because Christian themes play such a large role in Uncle Toms Cabinand because of Stowes frequent use of direct authorial interjections on religion and faiththe novel often takes the form of a sermon.,Major themes,This theme is most evident when Tom urges St.Clare to look away to Jesus after the death of St.Clares beloved daughter Eva.After Tom dies,George Shelby eulogizes Tom by saying,What a thing it is to be a Christian.“Because Christian themes play such a large role in Uncle Toms Cabinand because of Stowes frequent use of direct authorial interjections on religion and faiththe novel often takes the form of a sermon.,Style,-Uncle Toms Cabin,Style,Uncle Toms Cabin is written in the sentimental and melodramatic style common to 19th century sentimental novels and domestic fiction(also called womens fiction).These genres were the most popular novels of Stowes time and tended to feature female main characters and a writing style which evoked a readers sympathy and emotion.Even though Stowes novel differs from other sentimental novels by focusing on a large theme like slavery and by having a man as the main character,she still set out to elicit certain strong feelings from her readers.,Style,This view remains the subject of dispute.Writing in 2001,legal scholar Richard Posner described Uncle Toms Cabin as part of the mediocre list of canonical works that emerges when political criteria are imposed on literature.,1、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。23.3.1923.3.19Sunday,March 19,20232、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。01:31:2001:31:2001:313/19/2023 1:31:20 AM3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。23.3.1901:31:2001:31Mar-2319-Mar-234、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。01:31:2001:31:2001:31Sunday,March 19,20235、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。23.3.1923.3.1901:31:2001:31:20March 19,20236、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2023年3月19日星期日上午1时31分20秒01:31:2023.3.197、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。2023年3月上午1时31分23.3.1901:31March 19,20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023年3月19日星期日1时31分20秒01:31:2019 March 20239、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。上午1时31分20秒上午1时31分01:31:2023.3.1910、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。3/19/2023 1:31:20 AM01:31:202023/3/1911、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。3/19/2023 1:31 AM3/19/2023 1:31 AM23.3.1923.3.1912、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。19-Mar-2319 March 202323.3.1913、无论才能知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。Sunday,March 19,202319-Mar-2323.3.1914、我只是自己不放过自己而已,现在我不会再逼自己眷恋了。23.3.1901:31:2019 March 202301:31,谢谢大家,