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    POLICY & PROCEDUREMANUAL制度与程序HOUSEKEEPING管家部 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU HOUSEKEEPING POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT : DO NOT DISTURB ROOMS请勿打扰PREPARED BY :HSKPREVIEWED BY :DATE PREPARED :APRIL 22,2004EFFECTIVE DATE :HOTEL OPENINGAPPROVED BY :GENERAL MANAGERPOLICY NO. : RHK / 101DISTRIBUTION : ALL DIV/DEPT HEADSPAGE NO. : 1OF1COMMUNICATE TO : ALL HOTEL EMPLOYEESIPURPOSE 目的 The objective of this procedure is to set clear guidelines for the correct handling “DND” rooms by the Housekeeping Department floor staff. 确保酒店楼层员工按照正确的指导方针操作请勿打扰程序IIPOLICY 政策 i) It is the policy of SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU that every occupied room shall be entered at least once 24 hours for the safety & security of guests .为客人的安全起见24小时内要进入有客房至少一次ii) “Do not Disturb” sign shall be honored until 2:00 p m after which contact must be established with guest请勿打扰截止到下午2点,2点后要按照建立的程序与客人联系.iii) If there is no response when conduct is made , at least two Hotel representative , one of them must be managerial grade , will enter the room.联系后如没回音,至少两名酒店人员进入客人房间。一名需是管理人员IIIPROCEDURES程序i) Guest rooms that have the “Do not Disturb” card displayed are not to be disturbed or entered at any time with the following exception as detailed in this procedure .任何时间不允许打扰或进入挂有请勿打扰牌的房间,一些特殊情况除外。ii) Guest rooms that have the “Do not Disturb” card displayed at 2:00 p m should be contacted under the following circumstances请勿打扰牌挂到下午2点的。有如下几种情况。.A) The room is a due out room or an occupied room form the previous days . A room in which a guest has checked in that day does no need to be checked at this point 如果房间是预离房或在店入住多日不必检查.B) The DND card has been displayed since morning . (The assumption being that the guest has forgotten to remove the card从早上一直挂请勿打扰的(假定客人忘记拿走卡了)C) The GSA and Team Leader have not seen the guest enter the room during the morning or early afternoon. 楼层员工,楼层主管从早上起未见到客人的。iii) The procedure for entering the room is as follows 进入房间程序如下:A) The Guest Service center / Guest Service Associate should first place a call to the room 服务中心员工需第一时间打电话给房间.B) If the guest answers the phone , then the Guest Service Associate / Guest service center should apologize for disturbing the guest and politely ask what time would be convenient for servicing the room 如果客人在房间,员工要首先道歉打扰了客人然后询问员工什么时候提供房间清洁方便.C) If there was no answer , the Team Leader and GSA should together go to the room . A DND room should never be entered by a single staff member . 如果没人回电话。主管同员工同时进入房间决不允许员工单独进入房间。D) Standard procedures for entering a guest room should be followed with care taken to press the door bell and announce clearly .进入房间需按照程序按门铃并发音清晰E) If there is no response , then the guest room should be entered by both of the Guest Service Manager and the Team Leader , in the absence of exceptional circumstances , be given regular service .如无人回应,大堂经理同客房主管同时进入房间iv) If for any reason the Guest Service Manager feels that the room should not or cannotbe serviced , ie: large amount of papers or documents on the bed , and operating computer on the desk , etc. then 如果大堂经理感到无法清洁房间因为如下原因:巨款,文件在床,电脑等 Executive Housekeeper should be contacted to make a decision.然后联系行政管家并做出决定。v) After servicing the room , the DND sign should not be re-lite on the outside of the room.提供清洁房间服务后。请勿打扰指示牌需收回vi) The Team Leader and GSA should both clearly note on their work sheets the following : A) That the room was “DND” B) The time they entered the room C) The time the room was finished and inspected . 楼层主管及服务员要记录详细情况请勿打扰房间的房号。进入房间时间及清洁检查完房间的时间。SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU HOUSEKEEPING POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT : AM ROOM STATUES CHECK早班房态检查PREPARED BY : HSKPREVIEWED BY : DATE PREPARED : APRIL 22, 2004EFFECTIVE DATE : HOTEL OPENING APPROVED BY : GENERAL MANAGERPOLICY NO. : RHK / 102DISTRIBUTION : ALL DIV/DEPT HEADSPAGE NO. : 1OF1COMMUNICATE TO : ALL HOTEL EMPLOYEESIPURPOSE The objective of this procedure is to set clear guidelines for the physical checking of all computer status “vacant” rooms at the start of each day in order to verify rooms that are available for the Front Office to sale and to provide a check against “sleeper” rooms.这个程序的目的是建立清晰的指导方针,每天核实空房的房态属实后卖给客人。IIPOLICY 1) It is the policy of SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU that all the vacant rooms should be checked in the morning time before GSA start to clean the room .2) 每日服务员清洁房间前检查所有空房间的房态是香格里拉酒店的政策。All the vacant rooms must be ensure that they are actually vacant & clean based on the GSA physically entering the room . They must be in a status of ready & clean for Front Office to in order to achieve guest delight . 服务员检查房间时应保证空房间与实际房态相符,是空的,干净的以令客人满意。IIIPROCEDURESi) A physical check of all vacant rooms should be conducted daily between 8:00 and 8:30am .通常每日早8点至8点半需检查房态。ii) The check should be completed against all vacant rooms as listed on that mornings computer generated room statues report . 检查需按照当日早上电脑报表核实空房态。iii) Each vacant room should be checked by the Guest Service Associate under the supervision of the Floor Team Leader . In the absence of GSA on a given floor , the Team Leader is responsible for the room check . 每日服务员都要检查房态,员工缺勤情况下,楼层主管要代替检查房态。 iv) The purpose of the check is to verify that all vacant rooms are actually vacant , as well as to verify that all vacant clean rooms are actually “vacant clean” and available for the Front Office to sell to early arrivals. 目的是核查空房是否实际真是空房,同时核查空房是否干净以便方便前台卖房v) In the event that a room listed as “vacant clean” is found to be occupied or to contain guest belongings , the Administrative Associate should be called to check the current computer status .A) If the status is now AC , (occupied , arrived today ) no further action need to be taken .B) The GSA should however make a note to re-check the room later in the day , in case pick-up service is required . 如果房态是空房,查房时是住人房要核实一下目前的正确房态,如电脑是住人房,服务员不用管它,等到晚些时候清洁即可,以满足客人的当日服务。vi) In the event that a room listed as “vacant clean” is found to be occupied or to contain guest belongings , and the Administrative associate confirms that the computer status is actually “vacant” then the GSM reception or GSA - duty Manager should be informed immediately . 如果单子是空房,查房是住人房,核查电脑后是空房,要将此情况汇报给大堂副理解决并做好记录vii) In the event that a room listed as “vacant clean” is found to be “vacant dirty” the Administrative Associate should be called immediately to change the status to “vacant dirty” should be informed to check for a possible “sleeper” or for an incorrectly up-dated room from the previous days work .A) Both the GSM -reception or GSM - duty Manager and GSM - Housekeeping should be informed to check for a possible “sleeper” or for an incorrectly up-dated room from the previous days work .B) The outcome of their investigations should be reported back to the Administrative associate .C) The GSM -Housekeeping should also assign the room to be cleaned .如果单子是空的干净房而实际是脏的空房,服务员要马上告之客房部核查,并将房态马上改成脏房A) 矛盾房或不正确的房态要通知前台接待、值班经理B) 调查后结果要给服务员一个反馈C) 客房服务员要完成被分配房间的检查 要通知客房部及前台大堂经理,他们要检查出不正确房态的原因及检查前一日情况。 他们调查的结果要报告行政层。 当班管家要安排人员将房间清洁干净。 viii) All rooms with an incorrect status as reported to the Administrative associate should berecorded on the “Daily Discrepant Room Report” together with the follow-up actions taken and the resolution of the status . 所有与实际房态不相符的要马上报告并做好矛盾房记录,处理措施及决定后的房态。ix) This report , as per procedure (Room Discrepancy Check) , should be given to the Executive Housekeeper after the PM Room Statues Check . 矛盾房记录每日要交与行政管家在中班查完房态后。SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU HOUSEKEEPING POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT : LOST & FOUND失物招领PREPARED BY : HSKPREVIEWED BY : DATE PREPARED : APRIL 22, 2004EFFECTIVE DATE : HOTEL OPENING APPROVED BY : GENERAL MANAGERPOLICY NO. : RHK / 103DISTRIBUTION : ALL DIV/DEPT HEADSPAGE NO. : 1OF2COMMUNICATE TO : ALL HOTEL EMPLOYEESIPURPOSE 目的 The objective of this procedure is to set clear guidelines for the correct handling of “Found Items” for all employees of SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU by providing a centralized and preferred location for Lost & Found items .指导员工如何处理,贮存失物招领IIPOLICY 政策 i) It is the policy of SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU that only the Housekeeping is the centralized & preferred location客人遗失物品集中在客房部是香格里拉酒店的程序 for handling all Lost & Found items which are found anywhere in the hotel areas , included front of house and heart of house .由客房部处理任何区域发现的遗失物品无论前台区域还是后台区域 ii) Credit Cards , check books or traveler checks shall be returned via the appropriate bank or issuing authority .信用卡,支票,旅行支票要返回银行或发放机构iii) Consumable items which are unpacked or opened shall be disposed of . Any such item shall notbe released to the finder . 已开封的消费品要处理掉,任何这样的物品不可以交给员工。vi) Proper identification document should be provided when Lost & Found items are claimed ,ie . Staff identification card, passport , military identification card and driving license .当返还客人物品时,要严格辨认证件。员工证件卡,护照,军事卡,驾使证。vii. -Return to finder-non valuables after 3months;普通物品在拾到三个月后,若无人认领,将退还拾获者。viii. -valuables after 6months after executive management approval.贵重物品存放6个月后若无人认领,将由酒店管理当局批准后处理。IIIPROCEDURES程序i) All “Found items” should be immediately forwarded to Lost & Found in the Housekeeping Department for proper recording and storage purposes .所有遗失物品要马上交到客房部并登记保存。ii) A call should be made at once to the Housekeeping Office . The appropriate details should be passed on for recording purposes . The item itself should be forwarded to HSKP ASAP for proper storage .拾到物品后应马上致电客房部,由文员记录详细资料。物品要尽快交到客房部进行登记储存 iii) In the event that an item is found after the Housekeeping office is closed , the item should be forwarded to the GSM Duty Manager .The Duty Manager should then forward it to Housekeeping the next morning , proper record of the hand over should be made . 客房部下班后发现的物品要交到前台值班经理,值班经理第二天早上要交与客房部保存记录iv) In the event that a wallet or purse is found , the finder should first call their Team Leader . The item should then be taken to Housekeeping by both staff , where together with the office staff , any cash , credit cards or other valuables can be recorded and verified .当员工发现皮夹,钱包要马上报告主管,物品要由两人一起交到客房部;现金、信用卡或其它贵重物品需同办公室员工一同验证登记。v) Credit cards , check books or traveller checks found individually and / or among other items are to be forwarded to Lost & Found in the Housekeeping Department for recording purposes and then sent immediately to Accounts Receivable 信用卡,旅行支票,发现后马上交到客房部记录并马上交与财务部。Above listed items shall be returned via the appropriate or issuing bank or authority .is required . 上述提到的项目要返还发放机构和开证银行vi) All common items will be kept under lock in the Lost & Found room located in the Housekeeping Department . Only the following staff will be allowed to have access to the Lost & Found room .所有物品都将保存在客房部遗失物品柜锁好;只有以下员工有权使用拾物招领房。 A) Executive Housekeeper行政管家B) GSM-HSKP服务经理C) Housekeeping Administrative Assistant办公室文员vii) All valuable items , cash , cameras , jewelry , etc. will be kept inside a locked cabinet inside the front office safe .所有有价值的物品如现金、照相机、首饰等保存在前台保险箱内。viii) Guest and staff expect those mentioned in point vi) are not permitted to enter the Lost & Found room at any times .任何时间,客人及员工除第六点提及的人员除外,均不允许进入遗失物品库房。ix) The storage of all found items and the return of unclaimed items to the finder will be according to the following guidelines :所有储存的物品及所有人不明的根据以下原则处理:I. Common items are to be kept for three month period after which they can be released to the finder .普通的物品保存三个月后交与拾到者II. Valuable items are to be kept for six months . their disposal , including return to the finder ,is at the discretion of the Executive management team .有价值的物品保存六个月后,由酒店决定是否交与拾到者。III. Un-opened and non-perishable food items are to be kept for one week after which they can be released to the finder .、未开封的易腐食品一周后交与拾到者SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOUHOUSEKEEPING POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT : LOST AND FOUND (CONT)POLICY NO. : RHK / 103PAGE NO. : 2OF 2IV. Un-opened bottles of alcohol are to be kept for three months after which they can be releasedto the finder未开封的瓶装酒保存三个月后交与拾到者。Un-opened bottles of any alcohol provided by the hotel should be returned to the F&B Department 若是酒店销售的酒类将返还给餐饮部。.V. Opened bottles of alcohol should be kept for 3 months and then disposed of if no claim has been made .开封瓶装饮料保存三个月后或无人认领将直接处理掉VI. Open food packages and / or open alcohol bottles will not be released to the finder . 已开封的食品和饮料不再交与拾到者。VII. All items released to the staff can only be taken from the hotel with the appropriate gate pass signed only by Executive Housekeeper .所有发放给员工的物品均需持有行政管家签字的出门条。VIII. Proper record of any item claimed or released to finder should be kept for future reference . 任何归还和发放的物品需做好相关记录作为参考备查。 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU HOUSEKEEPING POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT : GUEST SEWING / ALTERATION REQUESTS客衣裁剪及缝补PREPARED BY : HSKPREVIEWED BY : DATE PREPARED : APRIL 22, 2004EFFECTIVE DATE : HOTEL OPENING APPROVED BY : GENERAL MANAGERPOLICY NO. : RHK / 104DISTRIBUTION :ALL DIV/DEPT HEADSPAGE NO. : 1OF1COMMUNICATE TO : ALL HOTEL EMPLOYEESIPURPOSE The objective of this procedure is to set clear guidelines for the correct handling of guest request for sewing service . 程序的目的是建立清晰的解决客人縫补要求的指导方针。 IIPOLICY i) It is the policy of SHANGRI-LA HOTEL HANGZHOU to provide sewing & alteration service in order to achieve guest delight . 提供优质的缝补,修补服务使客人满意是香格里拉酒店的程序ii) No sewing request will be entertained other than guest clothing .此项服务只为客人提供。iii)


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