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    本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译中国·武汉二零一六 年 三 月酒店员工流失现状原文来源:Price JL.The study of turnover. . 1977。CNKI series database editing and publishing and all rights reserved: Chinese Academic Journal (CD)英文引文作者: Price JL 英文引文篇名: The study of turnover 关键词:员工流失,原因,对策1 引言酒店业的核心产品就是服务,它是通过酒店的员工与顾客之间的直接接触而实现的。作为劳动密集型行业,优秀员工始终是酒店业的灵魂。与此同时,一方面,由于劳动力市场的日益发达,部分酒店管理者认为在现在的劳动力市场上很容易找到新的员工,所以忽视员工主动流失率后面隐藏的隐患;另一方面,随着市场竞争的日益激烈化,部分有远见的酒店管理者开始认识到,技术、产品创新、资本以及原材料这些传统竞争优势的有效性正在慢慢削弱,优秀员工日益成为酒店生存和发展的关键,但是却苦于没有有效的控制酒店员工流失的办法。2 理论综述和研究现状2. 1企业员工流失概述国外对于员工流失的研究己经经历了半个多世纪了,随着知识经济的到来,人才对于企业的重要性越来越得到关注,并引起许多专家的深入研究,本节主要对员工流失的定义、分类及成本等进行回顾。2.1.1员工流失的内涵及分类(l)员工流失的内涵首先,我们先要明确员工流动和员工流失的概念。企业的健康发展需要维持合理的人员流动,否则企业就可能成为死水。针对某个企业而言,员工流动既有流入也有流出,而员工流失则特指员工从企业流出。员工流动何时转变为非企业意愿流动,即员工流失,关键要看两点:一是看流动主体对于企业的价值和贡献如何。如果流走的大都是工作绩效直接影响到企业经营业绩的市场稀缺的核心员工,企业的声誉、发展及其现实的工作因为没有合适对应的人才及时补给而受到负面的影响或冲击,而留下的却是对企业业绩贡献影响不大的人员,即所谓该留的走了,不该留的却留下来了,那么此时的员工流动质量较差,就变成了员工流失。二是看员工的流动是否在企业的控制和预料之中。合理的员工流动应该是在一定的范围内,在一定客观因素控制下的一种受控流动,保持一个合理的员工流动率也是企业人力资源计划的一部分。但如果流走的人员并非企业情愿,超出了企业控制和预料的范围,那么这种流动就变成了一种流失。本文中对员工流失的定义是:一个从企业领取货币性报酬的人中断作为企业正式成员的关系的过程。对这一定义需说明两点:一是在企业内部的各种流动和岗位转换不在此列;二是这里指的是员工与企业的雇佣关系的中断,而不涉及企业中的非雇员。员工主动流失即一个从企业领取货币性报酬的人主动中断作为企业正式成员的关系的过程。由于自然流失纯属自然或意外因素所致,其影响因素具有偶然性,不在本文研究范围之列。员工被动流失通常是由企业决策所致,本文假定企业做出的决策是合理的,所以假如再分析此类员工的流失原因,提出对策,就失去了研究的意义,也不在本文的研究之列。因此,按照员工流失的意愿来分,本文的研究对象是主动流失的员工。(2)员工流失的分类按照员工流出企业的意愿可分为主动流失、被动流失和自然流失。其中主动流失包括辞职、自动离职等,被动流失包括解雇、开除和结构性裁员等,自然流失包括退休、伤残、死亡等。主动流失的员工,还可以按照员工与企业之间隶属关系来划分:显性流失是指员工与企业彻底脱离劳资关系或者说是员工与企业脱离任何法律承认的契约关系;隐性流失是指雇员虽然未与企业解除契约关系,但客观上已经构成了离开企业的事实的行为过程。本文将关注的重点放在显性流失的员工身上。2.1.2员工流失的成本估算及员工流失率的计算方法(1)员工流失的成本估算关于员工流失成本,国外很早就有研究,早期的研究中,只计算了有形成本。Smith and Watkins(1978)把员工流失成本的构成分为三类直接成本:分离成本(separation costs)、替换成本(replacement costs)、培v)I成本(training costs)o Wayne Cascio 01991)提出在上述成本的基础上,再加上一类成本,是由于新旧员工之间的绩效差异引起的,即学习曲线损失(learning curve loss)。后来的研究学者在Cascio的基础上,又增添一类成本,即岗位空缺成本(vacancy costs)。把员工流失成本的构成分为五个类目:分离成本、空缺成本、替换成本、学习曲线损失、培训成本(Bliss&Fitz-enz, 1997; Pinkovitz,Moskal&Green, 1997; Fitz-enz, 1998; Brown, 2000)。我们认为除了有形的成本之外,员工流失成本还应该包括无形的成本,无形成本对企业构成潜在的危险,非常值得企业的重视。所以员工流失成本包括两个部分,第一部分是有形的成本包括分离成本、空缺成本、替换成本和培训成本,第二部分是无形成本包括知识技能的流失、生产率的下降、组织效率的下降、客户的流失、竞争对手增加、品牌信誉的下降、产品质量的下降、商业机会流失等成本。(2)员工流失率的计算方法员工流失率是指某一特殊时期的员工流失百分比,是用函数关系来界定员工流失的现象。流失率的种类很多,每一种流失率往往代表不同的流失类型。采用适当的员工流失率进行纵向跟踪研究或横向比较研究,对员工流失的预测和决策都是至关重要的。员工流失率分为总流失率、自愿流失率、解雇率、辞职率和员工损失率。总流失率TTR,表示一定时期员工流失占总员工人数的百分比。公式如下:TTR=S/N X 100% 公式(2-1)TTR:表示总流失率S:表示某一时期内(如一年或一个月)员工流失总数;N:表示企业内某一时期在册员工平均数。这可以按一日或一周内工资册上员工的平均数计算;也可以按某一时期开始工资册上员工的总数与这一时期末工资册上员总数之和,再除以2来计算。这一计算公式的主要缺点在于不能反映出员工流失的具体原因。因此按员工流失的原因将员工流失分为不同的类型是有实际意义的。如将员工流失分为自愿流失,非自愿流失(由于某些原因而解聘、辞退、死亡、退休等等)。计算员工流失率可将分母保持不变,分子则根据流失原因的不同有所改变。按照流失原因及类型计算的流失率通常有如下几种:VQR, DR, LR。下面逐个进行讨论。VQR (Voluntary Quit Rate)表示主动辞职率,其计算公式如下:VQR=Q/N X 100%公式(2-2)其中:VQR为主动辞职率;Q为某一时期内主动辞职者的数量;N为在所研究的某一时期内工资册上的员工平均数。DR (Discharge for Cause Rate)表示由于某种原因(如员工玩忽职守等)导致的解聘率,其计算公式如下:DR=D/N X 100% 公式(2-3)其中:DR为由于某种原因导致的解聘率;D为被解聘者的数量;N为在所研究的某一时期内工资册上的员工平均数。LR (Lay off Rate)表示辞退率,其计算公式如下:LR=L/R X 100% 公式(2-4)其中:LR为辞退率;L为永久辞退者数量;N为在所研究的某一时期内工资册上的员工平均数。除此之外,还可用员工留存率及损失率对各类流失作跟踪研究,作为流失率的补充。具体计算方法如下:CWR (Cohort Wastage Rate)表示同批员工损失率,其计算公式如下:CWR=Li/N X 100公式(2-5)其中:CWR为同批员工损失率;Li为在一定的服务期如工年内,某酒店流失的员工数量;N为酒店初始时的员工数。SR (Survival Rate)表示员工留存率,其计算公式如下:SR= Si/N X 100公式(2-6)其中:SR为同批员工留存率;Si为在一定的服务期内如工年内,某酒店留下的员工数量;N为酒店初始时的员工数。员工留存率=1-累计员工损失率2. 2国内外研究状况评介2. 2. 1国外的相关研究综述国外学者大都是通过分析模型、员工工作满意度、组织承诺及员工流失影响因素四个方面研究企业雇员流失问题,己经取得了一定的成绩,对于指导国内的有关员工流失的研究具有很大的借鉴和参考价值。(1)企业雇员流失分析的一般模型许多学者将研究重点放在离职模型的构建上,主要从个体层面来研究雇员离职的决定因素,进而试图揭示雇员做出离职决策的过程。马奇和西蒙模型。比较早而且影响也比较大的关于雇员流失的总体模型出现在马奇和西蒙合著的企业论中。马奇和西蒙的模型可以被称为“参与者决定”模型。马奇(March)和西蒙(Simon)模型是在20世纪50年代提出的,是第一个将劳动力市场和个体行为变量引入雇员流失过程的研究中的。为后来关于雇员流失的研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。该模型由两部分构成。一个模型分析的是雇员感觉到从企业中流出的合理性,另一个模型分析的是雇员感觉到从企业中流出的容易性。普莱斯模型普莱斯(Price)模型(20世纪70年代)是由美国对企业员工流失问题研究卓有成就的专家普莱斯设计的,模型中包括的主要因素有:工资水平、融合性、基础交流、正规交流以及企业的集权化。其模型指出:工作满意度和交换工作的机会使员工流失与其它决定因素之间的中介变量。工作满意度可以用来反映企业员工对企业的好感程度,等到工作的机会显示出员工在外部环境中角色转换的可能性,模型的前提条件是工作满意度和工作机会的多少的相互影响和作用的。从个体心理学角度看,其一大缺陷就是假设个体拥有选择新工作的知识和能力,而且,在寻找和从事新工作时不受任何限制。这些假设忽略了个体价值观、知觉和衡量过程的差异性。普莱斯建立了有关雇员流失的决定因素和干扰变量的模型。该理念模型的前提条件是:只有当雇员调换工作的机会相当高时,雇员对工作的不满意才会导致流失。也就是说,工作满足度与工作机会的多少是相互影响和作用的。普莱斯模型的积极贡献在于它尝试将企业变量和个人变量结合起来探讨雇员流出问题。从个体心理学角度讲,这一模型有一大缺陷,就是它不能明确回答个人是怎样认知和估计流出影响因素和改变工作机会的。这一模型是建立在假设雇员能够相应地衡量各种决定因素的后果的基础上的。尽管如此,普莱斯明确给出了大量的个体人口学变量(如年龄、工龄等),这些变量通常与其他决定因素及干扰变量是相互作用的。The status quo of the loss of hotel staffEnglish citation: Price JL English of Citation: The study of turnover Key words: Staff turnover, reason, countermeasure1 IntroductionThe core product of the hotel industry is the service, which is realized through the direct contact between the hotel staff and customers. As a labor-intensive industry, excellent staff is always the soul of the hotel industry. At the same time, on the one hand, due to the labor market increasingly developed, part of the hotel managers think it easy to find the new staff in the labor market, so ignore the hidden danger of employee voluntary turnover rate behind; on the other hand, with the market competition increasingly fierce of that part of the vision of the management of the hotel began to realize, technology, product innovation, capital and raw materials the traditional advantages of effectiveness is gradually weakened, excellent staff has increasingly become key to the survival and development of the hotel, but suffer from no effective control for the loss of the hotel staff.2 theoretical review and research status2.1 overview of enterprise staff turnoverAbroad for study on employee turnover has experienced more than half a century the, with the advent of knowledge economy, talent importance to enterprises is becoming more and more and more attention, and caused many experts research, this section focuses on the employee turnover of definition, classification and cost were reviewed.2.1.1The connotation and classification of staff turnover(1) The connotation of staff turnoverFirst of all, we must first clear the concept of employee turnover and employee turnover. The healthy development of enterprises to maintain a reasonable flow of personnel, otherwise the enterprise will become stagnant. For an enterprise, the employee flows both the inflow and outflow, and staff turnover is specified by the employee outflow from the enterprise. When the employee flow into an enterprise will flow, namely, staff turnover, the key depends on two points: one is the main flow for the enterprise value and contribution to. If the flow is mostly working performance directly affects the business performance of the market scarcity of core staff, corporate reputation, development and its practical work because no appropriate personnel timely supply by the negative impact, and leaving is contributed to the enterprise performance has little effect, the so-called the stay away, shouldn't leave but left, then at this time of the employee turnover of poor quality, it becomes a staff turnover. The two is to look at whether employees flow control in the enterprise and expected. Rational flow of personnel should be in a certain range, a controlled flow at a certain objective factors under control, keep a part of the human resources plan a reasonable employee turnover rate is the business. But if the staff is not willing to go beyond the scope of the enterprise, the enterprise control and expected, so this flow becomes a loss.In this paper, the definition of employee turnover is: a process from the enterprise to receive monetary compensation for the enterprise as a formal member of the relationship between the process. The definition of this definition requires two points: first, in the enterprise's internal flow and job conversion is not in this column; two is here refers to the employee and the enterprise's employment relationship is interrupted, and does not involve the enterprise of non employees. The employee's initiative is a process of taking the initiative to break the relationship between the enterprise and the formal member of the enterprise. Because natural loss is caused by natural or accidental factors, the influencing factors are incidental and not included in the scope of this study. Employee passively loss is usually caused by the enterprise decision-making, this paper assumes that the enterprises to make the decision is reasonable, so if we analysis the reason of brain drain of such employees, and puts forward the countermeasures, lost the significance of the study, nor in the research. Therefore, in accordance with the wishes of the loss of staff to be divided, the research object of this paper is the active loss of staff.(2) the classification of employee turnoverAccording to the staff outflow the willingness of enterprises can be divided into active and passive loss and loss of natural loss. The active loss includes resignation, resignation, dismissal, dismissal and loss including passive structural redundancy, including natural loss of retirement, disability and death.Active loss of employees, but also can according to the enterprise staff and subordinate relation between the divided: (1) the dominant loss refers to employees and completely out of labor relations or any legal recognition of the contractual relationship between employees and enterprises detachment; II recessive loss is refers to the employees although not with the enterprise release of contractual relationship, but objectively has constituted the leave the fact that corporate behavior process. This article will focus on the focus on the loss of staff.2.1.2Cost estimation of staff turnover and calculation method of employee turnover rate(1) the cost of staff turnoverAbout the loss of staff costs, abroad has long been studied, early research, only to calculate the physical cost. Smith and Watkins (1978) the employee turnover cost structure is divided into three categories of direct costs: separation costs (separation costs, replacement costs, replacement costs), Pei V) cost ofI training costs) O Wayne Cascio) 1991 put forward on the basis of the costs, plus a cost, is due to cause the performance differences between the new and old employees, i.e., the learning curve learning curve (loss) loss. Later research scholars on the basis of Cascio, and add a kind of cost, namely vacancy cost (vacancy costs). The employee turnover cost structure is divided into five categories: separation costs, vacancy costs, replacement cost, learning curve loss, training costs (Bliss&Fitz-enz, 1997; Pinkovitz, Moskal&Green, 1997; Fitz-enz, 1998; brown, 2000). We believe that in addition to the tangible costs, the cost of staff turnover should also include the cost of the invisible, intangible costs pose a potential danger to the enterprise, is worth the attention of the enterprise. So the staff turnover cost consists of two parts. The first part is the tangible costs include separation costs, vacancy costs, replacement cost and training cost, the second part is intangible costs include decline decline in the loss of knowledge and skills, productivity and efficiency of the organization, customer flow loss, increased competition, brand reputation decline, the decline in the quality of the products, loss of business opportunity etc. Cost.(2) the calculation method of staff turnover rateEmployee turnover rate is the percentage of staff turnover in a special period, which is defined by the function relation. There are many kinds of loss rate, and each kind of loss rate usually represents different types of loss. It is very important for the prediction and decision of employee turnover to use the appropriate staff turnover rate for longitudinal study or horizontal comparison research. The turnover rate of staff is divided into the total loss rate, the loss rate, the rate of dismissal, the resignation rate and the staff loss rate.Total loss rate of TTR, said a certain period of staff turnover accounted for the percentage of the total number of employees.The formula is as follows: X TTR=S/N 100% formula (2-1)TTR: represents the total loss rateS: represents the total number of employees lost during a certain period (e.g. a year or a month);N: said the enterprise a certain period of time the average number of employees. This can be calculated by the average number of employees on the payroll within one day or one week; the sum of the total number of employees on the payroll at a certain period of time and the sum of the total number of employees on the payroll at the end of this period shall be divided by 2.The main drawback of this formula is that it can not reflect the specific reasons for the loss of staff. Therefore, according to the reasons for the loss of staff will be divided into different types of employees are of practical significance. If the employee turnover is divided into voluntary turnover, involuntary loss (due to some reasons of death, dismissal, dismissal, retirement and so on). Calculate the employee turnover rate can be maintained according to the molecular denominator, causes different change. According to the reason of the loss and the calculation of the loss rate of the type usually have the following: DR, VQR, LR. Below one by one to discuss.VQR (Quit Rate Voluntary), said the initiative to resign rate, the formula is as follows:X VQR=Q/N 100% formula (2-2)Among them: VQR for the initiative to resign rate; Q for a period of time the number of active resignation; N for the study of the average number of employees in a period of wage.DR (discharge for cause rate) that for some reason (such as staff dereliction of duty, etc.) led to the layoff rate. The formula is as follows:X DR=D/N 100% formula (2-3)The DR is due to some reason lead to the firing rate; D is the number of dismissal; n is in a period of the payroll staff average.LR (off Rate Lay), said the firing rate, the formula is as follows:X LR=L/R 100% formula (2-4)Among them: LR is the dismissal rate; L is the number of permanent staff; N is the average number of employees on the payroll in the period of the study.In addition, the retention rate and loss rate can be used as a supplement to the loss rate. Specific calculation methods are as follows:CWR (Wastage Rate Cohort) said the same batch of staff loss rate, the formula is as follows:X CWR=Li/N 100 formula (2-5)Where: CWR for the same batch of staff loss rate; Li for a certain period of service, such as the number of employees in a hotel lost during the year; N for the initial number of employees at the hotel.SR (Rate Survival), said


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