,第十四讲英语经典散文的鉴赏与翻译,课堂互动实践The delights of books读书的乐趣Books are to mankind what memory is to theindividuaL.They contain the history of our race,thediscoveries we have made,the accumulatedknowledge and experience of ages,they picture forus the marvels and beauties of nature;help us in ourdifficulties,comfort us in sorrow and in sufferingchange hours of weariness into moments of delightstore our minds with ideas,fill them with good andhappy thoughts,and lift us out of and aboveourselves,金,余记载夹交现个有书周职之类试种亦不乏世代相传之经验;书籍之于人类,可描绘自然之奇迹与美丽,于困难无助之际予以提携,于悲伤痛苦之时施以抚慰;让困倦之时刻变为欢乐之时光,让头脑充满丰富之想象,让心灵布满美好快乐之思想,恃此而人可走出自我,超越自我。,s There is an Oriental story of two men:one was aking,who every night dreamt he was a beggar;theother was a beggar,who every night dreamt he wasa prince and lived in a palace.I am not sure that theking had very much the best of it.Imagination issometimes more vivid than reality.But,however thismay be,when we read we may not only(if we wish itbe kings and live in palaces,but,what is far betterwe may transport ourselves to the mountains or theseashore,and visit the most beautiful parts of theearth,without fatigue,inconvenience,or expense,国王夜必有恶魇,魇中成乞丐;乞丐晚必做美梦,梦中变王子,居宫殿。国王是否泰然处之,余不敢肯定。想象之于现实或更栩栩然。是否如此,姑且不论,然读书时,恁可想象自己即为国王,居宫殿;且读书乃美差之事:既可使人纵情山川,嬉戏海滩,亦可使人遍访世之美景;既可使人除身心疲惫之虑亦可使人解囊中羞涩之忧。,