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    Unit6 复习课,Im going to study computer science(谈谈生活的目标,一般将来时),长大,每天,对某事确信,确信/有把握,把发送到/把寄,能/能够,的意思/含义,不同种类的,在-共同点,,一、词组、短语:,grow up,every day,be sure about,make sure,sendto,be able to/can,the meaning of,different kinds of,have-in common,10.写下/记下,11.与-有关,12.开始从事/着手处理/13.几乎不,14.太而不能 15持续不断做某事16.与-无关17.许诺/答应做某事,write down,have to do with,take up(doing)sth,hardly ever,tooto,.keep on doing sth,have nothing to do with,promise to do sth,18.来年 19.身体健康 20.吃药 21.新年的决心 22.吃更健康的食物 23.组建足球队 24.另一门外语,the coming year,physical health,take medicine.,New Years resolutions,eat healthier food,make the soccer team,another foreign language,25.在开始时 26 下决心27.上表演课28.做一周的计划29.对于这个理由30.一点,at the beginning of,make a resolution,take acting lesson,make a weekly plan,for this reason,kind of=a little,1.想做某事,2.打算做某事,3.练习做某事,4.继续做某事,5.学会做某事,6.做完某事,7.答应做某事,8.帮助某人做某事,9.记住要做某事,10.同意做某事,,二、习惯用法、搭配,want to do sth.,be going to+动词原形:,practice doing sth.,keep on doing sth,learn to do sth.,finish doing sth,promise to do sth.,help sb.to do sth.,remember to do sth.,agree to do sth.,1.What do you want to be when you grow up?2.I want to be an engineer.3.How are you going to do that?4.Im going to study math really hard.5.Where are you going to work?6.Im going to move to Shanghai.7.When are you going to start?8.Im going to start when I finish high school and college.9.What do you do?/What are you?/Whats your job?(询问职业),:,三、重要句子,1.含义:一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态 1).In the future,there will be less fresh water.2).Theyre going to buy some food right away.2.常与一般将来时连用的时间状语有:in the future,tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next(month),at once(立刻;马上),soon,in+一段时间等 3.结构:肯定式:1)主语+will/shall+动词原形。2)主语+be going to+动词原形。否定式:will not=wont.一般疑问句:将will/shall/be 提到主语前面。There be 句型的一般将来时:1)There will be+主语+其他,意为:将会有。2)There is going to/will be+n.:将会有.,四 语法:一般将来时,Unit6检测,1.My New Years resolution is to travel to Qingdao.A.That sounds great B.Sorry to hear that C.Sure 2.Is she going to be actor?Yes.She is taking lessons on weekends now.A.a,actor B.an,actor C.an,acting3.Where is Linda?She may be at home.But Im not sure_ it.A.at B.about C.with 4.This is an important problem.Please.A.write it down B.write down it C.write it in5.does he want to be when he?He wants to be a computer programmer.A.What,grows up B.How,grows up,一.单项选择,A,C,B,A,A,6.What is a resolution?Its.A.a promise B.an action C.a message 7.the beginning of the term,my mother bought me a new schoolbag.A.With B.On C.At D.By8.His resolution the life in the next year.A.has to do with B.is good at C.is next to D.cross from9.You are coughing!You should take some.A.medicine B.meat C.hamburgers 10.I want to go to the movie tonight.But my parents dont agree me A.with B.on C.at D.in,A,C,A,A,A,11.-What are you reading?-The Old Man and the Sea _Hemingwei A.in B.for C.of D.by12.There _ a talk show at 8 this evening.A.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have 13.What is he going to _ when he _ up?.A.do,grow B.does,grows C.be,grows14.I am going to learn _foreign language next year.A.other B.another C.the other 15.-How will you spend your summer vacation?-My mother _to take me to Mount Huang 3 days ago.A.asked B.promised C.answered,D,B,C,B,B,16.I _my resolutions and I make sure I will _ keep them.A.am sure,try my best B.sure about,try my best to C.am sure about,try my best D.am sure about,try my best to 17.Beijing is_from other cities.The biggest _is that its the capital of China.A.different,different B.difference,difference C.different,defference D.difference,different18.What is the _ of what you said.A.mean B means C.meaning D.meanings 19To keep healthy,we should eat _ fast food.ALess BFewer CMore20.Liu Xis father kept on_although he was tired.Ato sleep Bsleeping Cto work Dworking,D,C,C,D,A,21.Please check(检查)your paper to _ there are no mistakes.Athink of Btry out Cfind out Dmake sure22.Im going to eat healthier food and exercise more._.ALucky you BSounds like a good plan CGreat,thanks DHave a good day23_in ten years?Im going to be a driver.AWhat do you do BHow do you do CWhat are you going to be 24.Its not good to ask questions about someones_life.Abusy Bsimple Cpersonal Dhealthy25.Im going to be _ engineer.A.an B.a C.the D./,c,B,C,C,A,26.Hes going to practice _ basketball every day.A.play B.to play C.playing 27.Shes going to take _ lessons because she wants to be an actress.A.music B.acting C.dancing 28.He decides to work _ than last year.A.more hard B.much hard C.much harder29We always _ an English class in the morning.But there _ one this afternoon.Ahave;are going to haveBhave;is going to beCare having;have Dare having;are going to have30.Whats your son going to _ when he grows up?A movie actor.Ado BhaveCbe Dmake,C,B,C,B,B,31.There are different_resolutions.Some of them_self-improvement.A.kinds of,have to do with B.kind of,have to do with C.kinds,have do with D.kinds,have nothing to do with32.A student may have _more time _.A.to find,to study B.to find,study C.find,to study 33.There are many clouds coming.It _ rain soon.Awill Bis going to Clooks like DLikes34._ are you going to do?Im going to study computer science.A.What B.WhyC.How D.Where35.Finish your homework first;then youll _ surf the Internet for half an hour.A.can B.need C.be able to D.may36.How are you going to spend your free time?Why not _ a hobby,like collecting(搜集)cards?A.turn up B.put up C.make up D.take up,C,A,C,A,C,D,1.Whats the(关系)between them?2.What we are talking is about(自身提高).3.You should eat(更少)junk food to keep healthy.4.Dont open that box.Its my(个人的)thing.5.He joined the English club to(提高)his English.6The police(质询)him about the thing7.You should(讨论)this problem with your parents.,二根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺单词。,relationship,Self-improvement,less,personal,improve,questioned,discuss,8.Whats your New Years _(决心)?.9.we often make_(诺言)to other people,but seldom keep them.10.I enjoy some articles in the magazine.11.Exercise more,and you will be much(更健康)12The students are _(制作the weekly plan.13.What are your _(爱好)?14.After taking the medicine,I felt much _(好),resolution,promises,healthier,making,hobbies,better,reading,三 用所给词的正确形式填空,1Lang Lang and Li Yundi are both famous(piano)2Yuan Longping is a great_(science)in the world.3His sister is good at violin and she is a(violin)4His father is a(drive)in my school.5Zhou Xingchi is a popular comedy(act).,pianists,scientist,violinist,driver,actor,6.Whats the(mean)of what he said?7.The(begin)of the meeting is a video about animals.8.Lin Qiang _(study)education in Australia next month.9.Keep on _(practice)and you can speak English well.10.I want to take _(sing)lessons to become a singer.11Did they enjoy(them)in the park yesterday?,meaning,beginning,will study,practicing,singing,themselves,四 根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空。,一(grow up,cook,help,be,keep,plan,buy,study hard)1Jenny wants to be a teacher when she 2Tony believes he can get good grades in the exam,because he every day.3.We are going to do more exercise_ healthy.4There is a beautiful park near our school.We to relax there this weekend.5Lets try our best people who are in trouble6.I _ a doctor when I grow up.7.Last month my mother promised _ a bike for me,.8.My mother is in the kitchen,grows up,studies hard,to keep,will plan,to help,will be,to buy,cooking,(二)、选择方框中的词组并用其正确形式填空。,(have to do with,have.in common,take up,agree with,for this reason)1When did you a hobby like playing the piano?Last year.2Good grades hard work,so we should try our best.3What do you and your brother?We both like playing basketball.4I didnt you because I had my own idea.5,they didnt have breakfast,so they were hungry now.,take up,have to do with,have in common,agree with,For this reason,(三)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。,(learn,play,eat,sound,take,be,keep)1Do you plan English this year?2That very interesting.3How can I healthy?4What do you want?I want to become an art teacher.5Do you practice the guitar every day?6What would you like for dinner this evening?7He singing lessons every Wednesday evening.,to learn,sounds,keep,to be,playing,to eat,takes,(四)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。,(write down,plan,make promises,sing,work,talk,play)1Please your plans to make them come true.2I often to my father and they help a lot.3.Theyre too tired 4They are going to take up the guitar next week.5.They are to have a trip next week.6 can make us feel happy.7.I want to be a reporter because I enjoy with people.,write down,make promises,to work,playing,planning,singing,talking,五 选词填空,Teenagers usually have _.They are going to do many things when they _ up.A likes eating so he wants to be a cook.B is good at music and he wants to be a _ or a pianist.C is interested in _ because he wants to be a doctor in a hospital.D writes articles well,so he wants to be a._.To keep their resolutions,they should work hard,then they can go to college or university to get good _.Resolutions are _ to yourself.They may help to _ yourselves.,(resolutions,grow,education,violinist,promises writer medicine improve),resolutions,grow,violinist,medicine,writer,education,promises,improve,六、句型转换,1.He is going to go to a cooking school.(对划线部分提问)is he going to?2.Will you make a model plane for her?(写出同义句)you to make a model plane for her?3Tony swims every day.(用tomorrow改写)Tony swim tomorrow.4.Li Dong could ride a bike when he was 6 years old.(变为同义句)Li Dong_ _ _ ride a bike at age of 6.5.Im going to be a professional basketball player.(就画线部分提问)_ are you going to _?She is going to Harbin by train.(就画线部分提问)_ _ she going to Harbin?,what,do,Are going,is going to,was able to,What be,How is,七 书面表达,书面表达。期中考试之后,你在学习、生活、业余爱好等方面有什么新的打算吗?请给你的朋友Bob写一封电子邮件,讲述一下你的新计划。70词左右。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,Dear Bob,I make some new plans for myself.My first resolution has to do with selfimprovement.I want to join an English club to improve my English.I want to get good grades next time.The second resolution is about personal health.I am going to eat less junk food and do more exercise.Finally,I want to learn to take photos in my free time.I will tell my family about my plans so that they can help me.Do you have any new plans?Yours,lilei,新学期要到了,写一篇关于学期的计划,讲述一下自己打算在新的学期要做些什么?提示:可以写自己在学习,健身,娱乐,培养业余爱好等方面的计划或打算.New Years Resolutions_,New Years Resolutions New year is coming,Im going to do a lot of things next year.First,I want to improve my Chinese,so Im going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends.Next,I want to be more healthy,so Im going to do sports every day such as swimming,running and so on.At the same time,Im going to eat lessjunk food.Finally,I want to join the dancing club,so Im going to practice dancing twice a week.I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year.,Thank You!,


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