Unit 2,Cloning:,Where Is It Leading Us?,Look at these pictures,below first.,Read the text fast and,get a general idea of it.,1.What does this passage mainly,tell about?,Animal cloning raised arguments and,scientists are not sure about its,future.,2.What do you think is the writers,point of view in this reading passage?,Is he/she in favour of cloning or,against it?,I think the writer is _,because_,_,he/she does not state any,personal opinion about cloning,.,impartial,Please fill in the blanks,with appropriate,expressions.,1.Cloning has two major uses.Firstly,gardeners use it all the time to produce,_.Secondly,it is valuable for research on,_ and _,for illnesses on animals.,commercial quantities of plants,2.Cloning plants is _ while,cloning animals is very_.,straightforward,complicated,new plant species,cures,/,treatments,3.The first successful clone was _,_.She died at the age of,_.,4.Cloning is controversial in some countries,for _ reasons.,Dolly the,sheep,six,and,a,half,moral and religious,Can you answer the,following question?,The lamb is the clone of the cell from,sheep B because_.,A.it provided the egg cell,B.it gives birth to the lamb,C.it provides the nucleus,D.it is a female sheep,Lets deal with several,complicated sentences,As a result of determination and patience,the,scientists got great success in 1996,and,were paid back by the cloning of Dolly the,sheep.,1.Which sentence in Paragraph 2 can,take the place of the sentence below?,But at last the determination and patience of,the scientists paid off in 1996 with a,breakthrough,the cloning of Dolly the,sheep.,It also happens in animals when,twins identical in sex and appearance,are produced from the same original egg.,这种现象也发生在动物身上,,从同一个原,生卵子产生性别和相貌相同的双胞胎也是克,隆。,2.Translate the following sentences into,Chinese.,On the other hand,Dollys,appearance raised a storm of abjections,and a great impact on the media and,public imagination.,另一方面,多莉的出现引起了一阵强烈的,反对,,对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了极,大的影响。,Please work in pairs and,make up a dialogue,about the,advantages,or,problems,of cloning.,Is cloning people a good thing,or a bad thing?,What is your opinion of cloning?,Give your reasons.,Discussions,Clone,to a certain degree,is,beneficial,to,mankind.However,the,abuse,of this,technology,will bring human being unthinkable,destruction,.,Whether cloning should be used in human,reproduction,must be considered as a serious,issue,.To clone human can really bring hope for,those couples unable to,bear,children.But will,people accept a cloned children?Remember we,must be,responsible,for all the,results created,by,ourselves.,To clone humans or not,Write a passage titled,Is cloning good,or bad,?Your passage should include,the following,:,1)Advantages of cloning,2)Disadvantages of cloning,3)Your opinion of it,