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    本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 营销策略的业务增长.11.1绪论.11.2营销观念.21.3营销计划.41.4市场调查.71 Marketing strategies for the growing business.9营销策略的业务增长文章出处:Frederick H. Rice. Marketing strategies for the growing businessEB/OL. http:/www.sba.gov/library/pubs/eb-2.pdf, 2005-05-15.1 绪论对于企业的创造者和提案者而言,营销策略是一个迷。它能够使企业起死回生,也能够使企业从天堂掉进地狱。一个企业能否成功和发展,在很大程度上取决于企业是否拥有先进的,符合企业发展需要的营销策略。美国著名的营销学者菲利浦对市场营销的核心概念进行了如下的描述:“市场营销是个人或群体通过创造,提供并同他人交换有价值的产品,以满足各自的需要和欲望的一种社会活动和管理过程”。在这个核心概念中包含了几个方面的内容:需要,欲望和需求;产品或提供物;价值和满意;交换和交易;关系和网络;市场;营销和营销者等一系列的概念。这篇文章的撰写,是专门让客户了解到企业的营销成功是可以通过更好地理解顾客的需求的方法来获取市场的。而使企业的营销策略得到改善这种办法通常被人们称为营销理念。把顾客放在首位,恐怕是当今企业最受用的字眼。无论是从巨人集团还是到理发店,纷纷提出为顾客服务的口号。这些口号的提出往往只是口惠而已。企业的经营典型模式也是这样的“来买这个伟大的产品,我们创造成本,奇妙的服务我们提供。” 所谓的赠品当然只是我们一词。换句话说,大部分的商业活动,包括广告,都致力于解决公司的营销问题。不过,如果企业能把所有的经济活动都是完全为了解决客户问题的话,企业就更加容易得到成功。因为优质的服务,有利于企业培养顾客群的满意度和忠诚度,并可以创造企业的价值。任何营销计划,在良好的契机上能成为使企业得到成功的方法,以下的内容将目前的营销观念的设计和解决潜在客户问题的进行方式,以及如何取得客户理解和信任作为阐述的重点。营销是一个非常复杂的课题;它涉及确定客户需求的所有步骤,并从步骤上提供它们的利润分析。从而使企业清楚认识营销策略,改善企业的经营运作。2 营销观念营销学是一门建立在经济科学、行为科学和现代管理理论基础上的应用学科。它以企业营销活动过程及其规律性为研究对象,具有全程性、综合性、实践性的特点。作为现代工商企业的“生意经”,市场营销学系统地介绍在市场经济条件下企业应当具备的市场观念、经营意识、营销策略与方法。随着我国经济的日益繁荣,市场竞争的日趋激烈,企业急需现代市场营销理论的指导。在最初阶段,很多企业都把市场营销仅作为一种有助于产品销售增长的策略和手段,如至今为止,中国的很多企业仍然是将营销部同销售部合二而一的;当人们认识到以顾客需要的满足为导向的市场营销观念应当成为企业的一种经营哲学,而对企业的整体经营活动产生影响时,又出现了将市场营销的地位不恰当地提高的倾向,如有不少人认为,市场营销应当是企业决策层次的指导思想,而不是执行层次的工作。对市场营销在企业中地位认识的不正确,必须会对市场营销在企业中的运用带来影响。市场营销工作是属于开辟市场、占领市场和扩大市场的工作,企业的开发和生产活动都要为市场的开拓工作服务,即以市场为依据,最终服务于市场。市场营销工作是以顾客作为企业再生产过程的起点,又以顾客作为再生产过程的重点。即以顾客的需求为导向,按顾客的实际需要开发适销对路的产品,并有的放矢地推销到市场,实现销售,满足顾客的需要。随着企业成为市场主体,企业市场营销工作的地位日益突出,企业领导者必须高度重视。可惜的是,对于许多人而言,包括高层的管理人员,对营销存在了一个严重的误解。管理者只是利用营销理论作为一种先进的销售策略,把营销代表当作常用的广告招聘推销员。其实,营销是属于一种企业管理理论,用营销的知识来充分了解客户和企业之间的关系,从而影响每一个关键的商业决定。以下有一些具体的办法,是用经典的营销方式和传统的销售办法来管理业务的不同做出比较,从而得出营销不等于销售。1、所谓的营销方式,就是指工程师和设计师创造了一种产品,这是当时给销售人士用于找客户以及推销的产品。在营销方式上,第一步是要确定哪些客户需要或想要什么,理解到客户的需求。然后销售人员把该信息反馈给设计师上,从而让工程师和设计师了解到客户对产品的要求,不断改进产品的性能。然而,传统的销售方式只是销售人员与客户接触的开始与结束的这一个过程。2、第二个主要差别的销售和营销方法的侧重点。营销方法的重点是管理。销售方式的重点几乎都是集中在商品的利润。总之,在古典的销售方式,客户的存在是为了生意,而在营销方式而言,客户的存在是为了加强企业的管理。营销观念是一个管理计划,把所有营销元件作为一个整体系统,要求有效的规划,组织领导和控制。它是基于对客户坚定的支持。所有公司的政策和活动都应以满足顾客的需求为主。有利可图的销售量是公司一种较好的目标,比如最高销售量等。3营销计划营销计划是就像一个解决问题的方法。要做到熟练解题,就必须把一个大问题分成几个较小的问题,然后每一个小问题中开始解决:第一,从而把大问题变成一个可管理的问题。企业的营销计划应采取同样的态度,它应是一个引导,在此基础上决定,并应确保员工在企业的组织工作达到相同的目标。一个良好的促销计划,可以防止企业的组织在一些零碎的方式的反应问题上洞悉先机。要使企业的营销计划得到进一步的发展,必须为营销计划制定一个具科学性的基本方针。首先,企业要明确对象设计产品或服务,也就是说如何进行市场分割。而要提供怎样的产品或服务,则是指如何进行市场定位。以下列举的一些准则,有利于企业制定营销计划,进行市场分割和定位。1、用人口统计学的方法,也就是研究人口的分布,密度和人口动态来统计的人口,具包括性的特点。 如:性别、年龄、教育、地理位置、自置居所与租赁、婚姻状况、家庭成员人数的单位、总收入的家庭单位、种族或宗教背景、职位分类等。2、物理学:研究了人类特性的消费者行为来衡量。研究可能会影响其对产品包装,广告和公关工作。如一个人的过去,接受的文化教育,生长环境等因素都可能影响到他或她的能力,从而考虑是否需要购买一个新的产品或服务。又如产品属性在消费者心中代表的意义,是否能够让消费者接受这些属性,可建议由经销商去访问顾客的感觉。3、生活方式:报表,使消费者对自己的消费,可以善加利用的研究人阅读 正确信号。通过学习行为的变数,如某人的使用时间,服务及产品。研究人员可以找出一些共同的因素,用于预测未来的行为。4、市场细分:企业的营销计划应承认各部分市场为企业的产品或服务,并说明如何调整产品能达到在独特的市场里生存,而不是推销产品的途径之一。选择目标市场要有利于产品进入市场方法的确定。假设某企业选定某一目标市场,并确定其为最后攻占的目标区域,具体的进入方法就比较明确。首先,实行点的占据。因为企业不可能一开始就进入到目标区域的中心,只能在这一区域的附近选择有利的阵地点,并在这个点上展开强有力的营销活动。其次,在第一个点的营销活动取得相当成功后,再在目标区域附近另选第二个点。在第二个点完成后,便可形成营销网络的线。再次,线形成后,再选一个第三点,此点应能与第一、第二点形成对目标区域的包围圈,这样营销面积便告形成。在面积形成后,企业还要设立第四点,此点应放在目标区域的中心,这是一个非常重要的点,没有这一点,目标区域还不能算进入,因为相对于竞争对手来说,你的企业活动只是外围组织而已,核心市场没有进入。选择目标市场应注意三个问题:(1)市场细分,确定目标消费群,只能在你的有效市场范围内,决不能放弃自己的优势,去追逐所谓的“热”;(2)对已确定的目标市场一定要进行精细地了解;(3)细分后的目标市场的变化要有足够的把握。5、市场定位:企业必须意识到产品或服务不能面面俱。极少数项目在市场上具有普遍感召力。即使基本商品像食盐或阿司匹林,营销人到各种极端创品牌意识和产品的鉴别。如果企业的产品或服务是在适当的位置,有意购买者或使用者,应立即承认其独特的利益或好处,并能更好地评估它。 定位是企业如何让其产品或服务的品牌得到识别。市场定位是指确定目标市场后,企业将通过何种营销方式、提供何种产品和服务,在目标市场与竞争者以示区别,从而树立企业的形象,取得有利的竞争地位。市场定位的过程就是企业差别化的过程,如何寻找差别、识别差别和显示差别。在今天同类产品太多了,消费者如何选择?消费者购买的理由是什么?靠企业的有效定位来解决。定位最早提出是在广告业,强调广告要在视听者心目中留下一定的位置,而人往往又是喜欢先入为主;如果企业能在你的目标顾客心中去确立一定的位置,给消费者一个购买的理由,企业往往能在竞争中处于有利的地位。 需要记住的是企业的营销位置和营销产品应该能够符合市场的当前条件的变动,公司的能力调整将由市场的最新知识的获取而得到很大的提高。当从客户上获取最大的信息以后,紧扣顾客的购买动机,你就可以作出最优的市场定位。 表现如下:1、定位特定产品的特征一种非常普遍的做法,尤其是工业产品。 如果你的产品或服务具有一些独特的特点,具有明显的价值,这可能是一段路要走。2、定位的好处强烈的关系定位,对产品的特点。一般来说, 这是更为有效,因为你可以跟你的客户对你的产品或服务能做。特征可能是好的,但是,除非客户能理解为什么产品能为他们带来的好处。 当今社会,竞争日趋激烈,企业对市场的把握稍纵即逝。任何企业行动停滞甚至迟缓都可能导致其业绩一落千丈。企业与企业之间的差距在外部环境较好 时并不明显,而在外部环境较差时方显英雄本色。实际上,没有那种产业、那种行业与生俱来就是增长性的产业、行业,只有那些能够抓住增长机会的企业才可以得到发展和壮大。企业要克服“营销近视”倾向。就应该加强对消费者需求和行为发展趋势的研究,随时研究和掌握变化中的市场动态,及时作出正确反应。4市场调查以营销观念有效地提高业务增长,你应做到以下六个步骤:第一,分析贵公司的竞争优势。你能把什么做得最好呢?第二,确定你现在服务具体的市场。第三,确定需要和需求您目前的顾客。第四,确定你正在做的能满足客户的需要。第五,准备一份销售计划,让你接触到新客户或者以更高的价钱获取你的产品的顾客。第六,测试结果,看看你的新战略,并取得预期的结果。市场研究必须按照这六个步骤,以帮助确定你的业务为客户的利益,不是为了你自己的利益。这是一个学习过程,什么是客户想要或需要,并确定如何满足那些想要或需要。它也可以用来确定顾客反应了营销计划,如预期开放市场的好处,包括研究:学习你的客户和他们想要什么。学习如何达到客户的要求和如何与客户沟通。学习的广告诉求是最有效的,哪些得不到任何回应。学习相对成功的不同的营销战略,从而提高投资回报率。学习如何不重复你的错误。对于小企业而言,市场研究是相当昂贵的,需要时间和要求专业专门技术,获取所有必要的数据必然花费企业的大量时间和金钱。要做到使企业的风险降低,减少创业成本,答案是要用快速并且便宜的方式来获取企业所需的资料,在最大程度上作出最准确的决定。一些偏执的做法是:用一个模式来代替整个市场;对错误的问题没有作出回答;扭曲可靠的信息;出于傲慢或敌意切断通讯在某个销售过程。如果企业的预算有限,要知道顾客和潜在顾客的真实想法,有一些技巧是值得考虑:第一,顾问委员会偶尔地召开一个小组地方人民的会议,尊重其意见, 并把共鸣作为新想法。选择您的小组要关心选择你的小组,然而一两个消极思想家能使整个小组的想法过程变形。第二,用户群一起会集顾客谈论新想法。他们的看法可能帮助企业的业务走向正常轨道。挑选一个出于中立位置的人,请务必奖励参加者和分享其好想法。第三,非正式调查假如你寻求反馈,从客户的根本要求是如何呢?大多数人,即便是那些合法的投诉,都不愿说出来,因为他们害怕被人认为这样是很愚蠢的行为。 这个倾向大概是在更小的社区分布较广,而情感经常会妨碍客观性的评论。并且,如果您的态度让顾客觉得抱怨不会对任何有好处, 您就无法知道顾客的真实想法。一种解答的方法就是将采访几名顾客,并诚恳地询问他们一些问题,包括怎样您的事务有什么地方不足,并且在哪里它未达到他们的期望。如果顾客看上去心神不安,不要按问题去问,因为这样您只将迫使他或她给您不真实的答案。如果您得到一个好的意见,应该把它记录下来。并以书面的形式感谢顾客。Marketing strategies for the growing businessText from:Frederick H. Rice. Marketing strategies for the growing businessEB/OL. http:/www.sba.gov/library/pubs/eb-2.pdf, 2005-05-15.1 IntroductionMarketing continues to be a mystery to those who create it and to those who sponsor it. Often, the ad that generates record-breaking volume for a retail store one month is repeated the following month and bombs. A campaign designed by the best Madison Avenue ad agency may elicit mediocre response. The same item sells like hotcakes after a 30-word classified ad, with abominable grammar, appears on page 35 of an all-advertising shopper tossed on the front stoops of homes during a rainstorm! The mystery eludes solution but demands attention. The success of an enterprise and development of enterprises depends to a large extent on whether or not they have advanced, meet the needs of the enterprise marketing strategy. For Marketing is the definition, The well-known American scholar Philips marketing of the core marketing concept of the following description : "Marketing is individuals or groups to create, provide and exchange with other valuable products, to satisfy their own needs and desires of a social activities and management process. " In the core concept contains a number of elements: needs, desires and needs; Products or provide; Value and satisfaction; exchange and transactions; and networking; market; Marketing and sales were a series of concept.This article is devoted to the idea that your marketing results can be improved through a better Understanding of your customers. This approach usually is referred to as the marketing concept. Putting the customer first is probably the most popular phrase used by firms ranging from giant conglomerates to the corner barber shop, but the slogan zing is often just lip service. The business continues to operate under the classic approach - "Come buy this great product we have created or this fantastic service we are offering." The giveaway, of course, is the word we. In other words, most business activities, including advertising, are dedicated to solving the firm's problems. Success, however, is more likely if you dedicate your activities exclusively to solving your customer's problems. The quality of services, and enterprises to cultivate customers satisfaction and loyalty, and can create enterprise value.Any marketing program has a better chance of being productive if it is timed, designed and written to solve a problem for potential customers and is carried out in a way that the customer understands and trusts. The pages that follow will present the marketing concept of putting the customer first. Marketing is a very complex subject; it deals with all the steps between determining customer needs and supplying them at a profit. In addition to some introductory material on marketing, this publication includes practical material on the marketing approaches to budgeting, layout design, and headline writing, copywriting and media analysis. So that a clear understanding of enterprise marketing strategy to improve the operations of enterprises. 2 The marketing concept Market positioning is identifying the target market, enterprises will adopt what marketing methods, which provide products and services the target market and competitors to show distinction, thereby establishing corporate image and obtain favorable competitive position. Market positioning is a process of enterprise differentiation process, how to find the differences, identify differences and show differences. Today too many similar products, consumers how to choose? Consumers buy what is the justification? On the effective positioning for a solution. Positioning is the first to propose in the advertising industry, advertising emphasized in the eyes of the public who left the location, And people often prefer preconceptions; If enterprises can target your customers mind to establish a definite position, to the consumer a reason to buy, enterprises can often compete in an advantageous position.Marketing is an economy built on science, behavioral science and modern management theory on the basis of applied sciences. It enterprise marketing activities and to study law, with full, comprehensive, practical features. As a modern enterprise "businesses" Marketing system introduced in the market economy under the conditions of the enterprises should have a sense of the market, business sense, Marketing strategies and methods. With China's economy growing prosperity, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce; enterprises need Modern Marketing Theory as the guide. In the initial stage, a number of enterprises have marketing only as a help to product sales growth strategy and means If so far, many Chinese enterprises remain with the Department of Marketing with sales of two and one; When people realize that to meet the needs of the customer-oriented marketing concept should become an enterprise operating philosophy, and the enterprise's overall business activities have an impact, there will be a marketing position inappropriately increase the tendency For many people believe that marketing should be the decision-making levels of guiding ideology, rather than the level of implementation work. Marketing of the enterprise understanding of the position is not correct, will be marketing in the enterprise application will be affected. Marketing work is to open up markets, capture the market and expand the market work, enterprise development, and production activities should open up the market for services, a market that is the basis of the final services in the market. Marketing work is based on enterprise customers as the starting point for the reproduction process, and ensures the customer as the focus of the process of reproduction. That customer demand-oriented, according to the actual needs of customers developing marketable products, and targeted marketing of the market, and its sales to meet the needs of customers. With enterprises to become the main players in the market, corporate marketing work more salient position, business leaders must attach great importance to it.Unfortunately, there is still a misunderstanding about the word marketing. Many people, including top executives, use it as a sophisticated term for selling. Marketing representative is commonly used in ads to recruit salespeople. Actually, marketing is a way of managing a business so that each critical business decision is made with full knowledge of the impact it will have on the customer. Here are some specific ways in which the marketing approach differs from the classic, or sales, approach to managing a business. 1. In the classic approach, engineers and designers create a product, which is then given to salespeople who are told to find customers and sell the product. In the marketing approach, the first step is to determine what the customer needs or wants. That information is given to designers who develop the product and finally to engineers who produce it. Thus, the sales approach only ends with the customer, while the marketing approach begins and ends with the customer. 2. The second major difference between the sales and marketing approaches is the focus of management. The sales approach almost always focuses on volume while the marketing approach focuses on profit. In short, under the classic (sales) approach the customer exists for the business, while under the marketing approach the business exists for the customer. The marketing concept is a management plan that views all marketing components as part of a total system that requires effective planning, organization, leadership and control. It is based on the importance of customers to a firm, and states。 - All company policies and activities should be aimed at satisfying customer needs. 3 The marketing planThe marketing plan is a problem-solving document. Skilled problem solvers recognize that a big problem is usually the combination of several smaller problems. The best approach is to solve each of the smaller problems first, thereby dividing the big problem into manageable pieces. Your marketing plan should take the same approach. It should be a guide on which to base decisions and should ensure that everyone in your organization is working together to achieve the same goals. A good marketing plan can prevent your organization from reacting to problems in a piecemeal manner and even help in anticipating problems. Before your marketing plan can be developed, research must give you the basic guidelines: for whom you are designing your product or service (market segmentation), and exactly what that product or service should mean to those in the marketplace (market positioning). Below are some guidelines to help you develop a marketing plan to support the strategy you have selected for your organization. Demographics This is th


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