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    《红字》中海斯特形象分析 英文.doc

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    《红字》中海斯特形象分析 英文.doc

    Hester Prynne: A rebel and independnet female小教英语师范101 1006112023 华怡静(Hua Yijing)Hester Prynne is the protagonist of The Scarlet Letter. She is described as a youthful, beautiful, spirited, and proud woman. She rebels against destiny and fights for the rights of human life bravely. Though the life is cruel, she shows optimistic attitude and strong self independence. She is a great female who has a good sense of compassion and responsibility. However, it also appears the frailty and compromise of human nature. Hester is considered as an elegant and capable woman, though she is condemned by the Puritan society and forced to wear a scarlet letter on her sin of adultery. When the cellar door opened, we can see a young woman with slender figure and smooth skin. Her clean-cut brows and deep black eyes impress most of people. In terms of the standard to judge a female at that time, she is a real beautiful lady. Whats more, the unique and delicate clothes made by herself set her figure off to advantage. Needless to say, she does needlework very well. She dresses up her daughter and also does needlework for somebody. She is so smart and talented that the “A” of sdultery finally turns out to be able. Hester is portrayed as having a strong will and rebellious spirit in the novel. In the public pillory, she smiled superciliously instead of suffering an eclipse due to the sin. The letter A which repersents her shamer was embroidered with fancy lacework and made her amazing. In addition, this is a special way to prove her love for Dimmesdale and shows her rebellion. There are another public rebellions during the novel. The first one is her struggle for the custody of her daughter. Though the baby is the direct result of the human punishment, she is the support of Hesters life. The second rebellion in action expresses on the ruthless exposion of her former husband. When Hester saw the priest suffered a lot seven years later, she standed out and prevented another hurt conducted by Chillingworth. The third is her encouragement on Dimmesdale to run away together bravely. She took a series of actions and prepared to start new life with the priest. This is the symbol of Hesters female consciousness from sprout to arousal and to maturity. Her rebellion also trends to maturity step by step. Self independence and the fiery pursue of life support Hester all the time. In the past few years, she looked all the ssocial institution with aloof sight. She criticize everything in an irreverent attitude as a Indian. During the extremely miserable life, Hester faced up to peoples despise and coldness. She stayed on the ground where brought her humiliation with her love of life and slender incomes under the permission of judge who kept watch on her. She said nothing is holy to us, we should overthrow everthing, including ourselves. She held the optimistic attitude towards life. However, Hesters self independence mainly reflect on her struggle in mental. Regardless of inner pain, she can bear all of it. When she on the public stage with the baby, though she looked haughty, every step of the people would make her agonising. But she didnt give up life and pursue for love. When she found the person she loved had a breakdown, she could not bear it any more, and encouraged him to escape with her together. This shows her strong self independence and the eagerness of happy life.Hester is also a great woman with sympathy and responsibility. When she got out of the prison, she could leave away and start new life. But she stayed doggedly and standed critique from the people in the town. She did not need any help or sympathy. Instesd, she was compassionate and did good works all her life. She took care of the poor and made clothes for them. She spent all her save on succouring the poor though they may not more unlucky than her or sometimes insuited her, while herself live in a plain and hardworking way. She also knew her responsibility for the baby. Hester treated her daughter fatherly but strict with all her efforts. She is relly a good mother in terms of education. She understood how to educate such a special girl. Hester told the girl that she was sent by Heavenly Father and fighted for the custody of her.Nonetheless, Hesters life also shows the frailty and compromise of human nature. It is all the frailty of human nature that leads to the sin. Hester is easy to act emotionally. Her impulse originates from vanity of girlhood and unnormal marriage. She married Chillingworth just to change the poor family situation. The other frailty refers to Hesters hard lifetime to keep privacy. She kept the promise of both two men which results in the evil of Chillingworth and Dimmesdale became the most miserable victim, while she was helpless and tragic during the life. Hester has the wish to pursue happy life, but she can not get rid of religious confinement totally. When she came across Dimmesdale, she thought during the short meet, she committed again. When strangers looked the scarlet letter or her daughter threw the apple to it, she felt painful but didnt ward off. She believed only through the pain that cant say can finish her condonable. At the end of the novel, Hester Prynne returned. She wore the scarelet letter again and confessed her sins with no forgiveness. These are all the expression of her compromise.The scarlet letter is the sign of her shame, the brands of her pain, the equivalent symbol of love, the mark of advance and an emblem of angel. The whole novel ended by the sentence “On a field, sable, the letter A, gules.” This is the best explanation of Hesters life. Hester Prynne, the beautiful heroine, embodies multiple dispositions. She not only has the spirit of rebellion, independence and dedication, but also shows the aspect of frailty and compromise. Meanwhile, it reflects the development of female consciousness.


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