毕博上海银行咨询毕博上海银行咨询Risk Center Proposal.doc
CONTENTS OF TECHNICAL PROPOSALPageREFERENCES3· BARENTS GROUP EXPERIENCE· INDIVIDUAL PROJECT REFERENCES· PAST PERFORMANCE REFERENCES· OTHER INTERNATIONAL PROJECTSOBSERVATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM THE CONSULTING FIRM REGARDING THE TERMS OF REFERENCE AND DATA, SERVICES AND INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT38PROPOSED APPROACH , METHODOLOGY AND WORKPLAN FOR RENDERING OF SERVICES39· CURRENT SITUATION· CONCEPTUAL APPROACH¨ Econometric Analysis¨ Grading Approach¨ Risk Measurement and Analysis¨ Information System Infrastructure¨ Emerging Markets Issues¨ Regulation and Capital· OUR PROPOSED APPROACH¨ Foundation Setting¨ Risk Center Diagnostic¨ Vision Development¨ Gap analysis and RecommendationsSTAFFING AND SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY EACH STAFF MEMBER 50· TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT TEAM· SUPPORT TEAMCURRICULUM VITAE OF PROPOSED TEAM MEMBERS51TIMELINE FOR TECHNICAL TEAM71WORKPLAN72BARENTS GROUP EXPERIENCEBarents Group LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of KPMG LLP, is a leading provider of financial and economic advisory services in emerging markets and transitional economies. With regional headquarters in Almaty, Kuala Lumpur, London, Melbourne, Mexico City, Moscow, Warsaw, and Washington, D.C., Barents currently has engagements in over 40 countries worldwide, generating annual revenues in excess of $100 million. The companys more than 400 professionals are based in over 40 subsidiaries and offices throughout the world. Barents premier status is achieved through its network of local offices, its breadth of industry expertise, and its proven experience in executing a broad range of advisory services. Barents is committed to delivering measurable results and sustainable value as advisor to governments, multinational corporations, local enterprises, and financial institutions.Barents strong track record reflects:¨ outstanding local professionals and the ability to draw on expertise in virtually every industry and market from around the world;¨ demonstrated understanding of the varied financial and economic issues that countries governments must address and resolve;¨ unwavering focus on achieving practical, results-oriented solutions for our clients; and¨ dedication to developing lasting and profitable partnerships with our clients to achieve their long-term objectives.Barents Group LLC represents a new model of a global services firm, based on our ability to leverage our worldwide experience at a local level. With a network of offices in more than 30 countries, Barents serves as a focal point for meeting the financial and strategic advisory needs of governments and enterprises in developing countries worldwide. Two-thirds of our professionals are based in our local offices. Barents head offices are located in Washington, but subsidiaries and local offices are found worldwide.KPMG LLPAs a wholly owned subsidiary of KPMG LLP (US), Barents is able to draw upon the vast resources of the KPMG network, the largest and most diversified professional services firm in the world. KPMG was founded in 1897 and today is a multinational association with member firms in more than 130 countries. KPMG International has more than 85,000 auditing, tax and consulting professionals generating revenues in excess of $8 billion per year.Integrated ServicesBarents leverages five business groups to achieve targeted results for our clients. Recognizing the unique financial and economic advisory needs of each country, Barents is designed to help clients succeed in fast growing and rapidly changing environments. Each practice has a strategically focused area of expertise:For purposes of achieving the projected work outlined in your request, we have assembled a group of professionals from three of our practices: Financial Institutions, Information Technology and Economic and Policy Sector Reform. The following section contains a brief overview of the types of advisory services provided by each practice and a listing of selected projects we have undertaken to achieve similar scope of work.Financial Institutions PracticeBarents Financial Institutions Practice is a leader in consulting and technical assistance to governments and financial institutions in emerging markets around the globe. Barents hallmark is a focus on practical, operational advice with hands-on assistance to restructure, strengthen and privatize financial institutions. This practice comprises accomplished professionals from the foremost financial institutions, central banks, regulatory agencies and leading international banks, as well as leading local financial experts. With our unsurpassed hands-on experience and knowledge of local business and capital markets, the Financial Institutions Practice provides the full range of financial institution services.Accounting and Management information systems (MIS)Barents Groups MIS and Accounting Practice provides leading edge advice to financial institutions, enterprises, central banks, and public and private sector professional bodies on institutional capacity building programs in accounting and financial reporting.Capital and Financial MarketsBarents Capital Markets Division is a leader in developing emerging capital markets around the world. Our teams build critical market infrastructure: from strategies and policies to institutions and systems for trading, clearing and settlement; to restructuring intermediaries; to training market participants. With highly experienced practitioners from the leading regulatory agencies, exchanges and investment banks, Barents has designed models and systems to build capital market systems appropriate for each country environment. We advise governments in Asia, the former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, and Latin America on policies, laws and regulations, institution building, and training.Financial Institution OperationsBarents Operations team conducts operations diagnostics, redesigns branch processes, and realigns network distribution strategy.Financial Sector RegulationThe Financial Sector Regulatory Practice (FSRP) is unmatched throughout the world for its broad array of experience, depth and expertise in financial sector regulation. We provide practical advice, guidance and support to governments and central banks to enable them to achieve both tactical and strategic goals for the financial sector. We develop and implement customized systems to assist in the monitoring, strengthening and supervision of financial institutions. We have worked with governments in over 20 countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America to strengthen their banking sector supervision. FSRP is comprised of highly knowledgeable and experienced financial institutions regulatory officials and commercial bank managers. Our strengths include:¨ Knowledge and experience in banking supervision/financial institutions throughout the world¨ Diversified and extensive technical expertise¨ Superior support network ¨ Proven project management experience The FSRP Washington based staff are former regulators who have a combined total of over 200 years experience in financial sector regulation; they held key roles in regulatory agencies prior to coming to Barents. Using a “team approach” focusing on the sharing of intellectual capital, they support over 50 resident advisors and other consultants through constant communication of current regulatory initiatives and key insight gained from other similar technical assistance programs.FRSP provides a board array of financial advisory services. Our philosophy emphasizes risk management as the cornerstone to healthy financial institutions and the financial sector as a whole. Our services and product offerings include:¨ Senior level policy, strategy and legal advice¨ Financial institution supervisory processes¨ Problem bank rehabilitation systems¨ Inspection procedures manuals¨ Management information systems¨ Financial accounting standards¨ Enforcement actions and monetary penalty processes¨ Training coursesOur focused FSRP enables us to support our clients in creating a truly effective bank supervisory process. Our experience and expertise allows to analyze each individual countrys unique infrastructure and to understand the interdependencies within the legal, accounting, financial and political environment.Financial institution RestructuringBarents provides comprehensive bank restructuring services in strategic and operational areas: strategy and bank diagnostics, credit risk management, treasury and asset liability management, and organization and human resources. The restructuring team often works closely with the retail and corporate operations, MIS and accounting, and technology groups.Financial Institution technologyBarents is one of the leading developers and providers of computer systems for commercial banks, national banks, and public sector financial management. We have extensive experience planning and implementing large-scale, integrated information technology (IT) and systems projects in many financial institutions around the world. Our professionals experience ranges from specialized analytical applications to large volume, transaction-intensive systems in all areas of retail, commercial, and international banking to specialized applications such as card systems and payment systems.For many clients, Barents has developed technology strategies, designed architecture, implemented and migrated systems, and designed and improved MIS.TrainingA key factor contributing to our success has been our commitment to transfer knowledge and institution building. With skills transfer as an integral part of our advisory services, Barents training has received particular attention and praise from local clients and international institutions. Our focus on training and institution building clearly distinguishes Barents from our competitors.Economic Policy and Sector Reform PracticeBarents Economic Policy and Sector Reform Practice is a leading provider of fiscal and economic advisory services to government and commercial clients around the world, particularly in the areas of tax policy, administration, budgeting and financial management, public sector computerization, health sector restructuring, and macroeconomic analysis. Barents provides governments and commercial clients with the sophisticated tools necessary to enhance their decision-making skills and improve their fiscal management systems. Our approach to providing these services is highly focused and results oriented, in response to the specialized needs of ministries of finance, treasury departments, revenue departments, health ministries, and financial institutions around the world.The key test of success is not just analysis of the issues or experience in working in the area, but rather the successful design and implementation of fiscal reform programs and modern financial systems. Most of our international projects involve providing teams of technical advisors to develop fiscal and economic reform programs that have been approved by both executive and legislative branches of governments, and assisting central and local governments in implementing the policy and administrative reforms. An important component of our efforts dealing with tax administration, budgeting and financial management has been the design, development and installation of computerized systems for tax administration and financial management.Tax Policy and AdministrationBarents is a leader in providing technical assistance in tax policy, administration, and computerization, including sophisticated empirical modeling capabilities. We have conducted more than 20 tax projects worldwide. We have designed and implemented comprehensive reforms of value added taxes (VAT), other indirect taxes, individual and corporate income taxes, and other revenue sources in countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and the republics of the former Soviet Union. Our work extends from the quantitative analysis of the fiscal and economic impacts of changes in tax law to assistance in drafting legislation and regulations, to designing organizational structures, to modernizing tax administration, to developing tax registration and collection systems.The unique analytic framework common to most of Barents fiscal reform projects is a series of sophisticated, rigorously designed analytical models and databases to assist policy makers in analyzing tax policy alternatives. These microsimulation computer models have revolutionized the way that fiscal and economic reform programs are analyzed and developed in many of these countries, by providing the necessary quantitative analysis to assess the impact of a proposed set of changes. This simplifies and shortens the deliberation process, and increases the accuracy of such analysis.Budgeting and Financial ManagementBarents has provided professional services in designing and implementing accounting, budgetary and treasury systems; intergovernmental fiscal analysis; and external debt management for more than a dozen foreign governments, the US Department of the Treasury, and a number of local governments. We have reformed budgeting and financial management systems in many countries, including projects focusing on accounting procedures and systems, public expenditure management and treasury operations, external debt management, intergovernmental fiscal relations, and personnel and payroll management.Our approach is to modernize budgeting and financial management procedures and information flows so that governments have the information necessary to manage their financial resources more proactively. Our success in these reforms combines the functional design of accounting, budgeting and treasury procedures with systems analysis and programming. Barents functional expertise includes reviewing administrative procedures for budget formulation, execution and control; establishing budget classifications and charts of accounts; and specifying data and information flows among units within the Ministry of Finance, among ministries and among levels of government. We have designed, developed and installed computerized systems for revenue collection, budget planning and control, treasury operations and cash management, and integrated financial management. We have also developed models and trained government staff on revenue and expenditure forecasting and cash and debt management. Macroeconomic, Trade, and Monetary AnalysisBarents has a growing practice in assisting governments and central banks of transitional economies in the areas of macroeconomic, monetary, trade and financial market policy. The focus of our wor