HoneywellDCS操作培训 Training(DCS培训手册).doc
HoneywellDCS 操作培训目录绪论从一个完整的Shutdown 上装载系统 Honeywell 组合键盘 使用本地窗口状态工具条 操作入门 操作On Off 控制点GUS R600 报警器报警 系统状态使用Trend 显示工艺报警响应 操作HPM 程序 (可选)其它· 工具· 命令· JP/SOP附录X_Plant 缩写列表同Merlion 的接口 逻辑符号Honeywell 缩写描述Honeywell 手册报警和状态指示 HPM参数参考绪论· Honeywell TPS 综述 · HPM 控制功能概观· X6 DCS · DCS 设备布局图 · DCS 标签编号系统· 点类型· Honeywell DCS系统操作简介 (参考 : HP12500)· X6 Honeywell DCS 系统操作· 工艺操作 Honeywell TPS 综述 · 全球用户工作站 (GUS)* DCS 操作控制台* IS Merlion控制台* Windows NT* 通过 LCNP 处理机同LCN通信* 本地 window Þ 操作者和工程师职责(报警 系统/控制台状态等等) Þ 每个 GUS都有一个* 其它windows (显示, 微软官能度)* 显示创建者, 站点创建者, 安全综述 (工程功能)* 遥控功能· 高性能工艺管理(HPM)* M68040 平台Þ 通信/控制处理器(冗余)Þ I/O 接口处理器(冗余)* 获取数据和控制功能, 对等通信* 点数据* 顺序控制语言(CL), 联锁操作* 每秒钟800个处理单元 (PU) (控制,离散逻辑,次序组等等)。 1个PID 控制器使用1个 PU。* 培训系统I/O 模拟。· 通信网络* 本地控制网络(LCN)Þ 操作网络(历史纪录,软件装载,访问硬盘等等)Þ 5兆/秒 Þ 令牌转交接受协议,每个节点令牌的通过时间大约为30秒。Þ A和B 电缆线上同时广播。Þ 最多支持64 个节点,网络最远距离为300米。Þ 用于 GUS/PLNM/AM/AxM/HM/NIM/APPNODE* 全球控制网络(UCN)Þ 工艺网络 (SP, OP, PV, range, alarm generation)Þ 5兆/秒 Þ 令牌总线网络Þ 用于HPM· 网络接口模块(NIM)* UCN 接到LCN* 冗余* 使LCN 和 UCN同步* 最多支持 32 冗余设备· 工厂网络模块 (AppNode)* LCN和 以太网 (PIN)的接口 * 为了下载 SOC 等等· 应用模块 (AM / AxM)* 运算控制器的补充* 管理控制* 更先进的计算和控制策略 * 控制SOC下载语言程序等等 c · 历史模块 (HM)* 存储系统软件和应用文件(例如硬盘)* 存储连续的工艺历史和事件日志 * 存储图表,节点操作软件,CL 程序 HPM 控制功能概观典型的控制回路 :FirewallIP.21APPNODEDCS 标签编号系统8 个特征P1*: polymer POF line 1 tag (P2* : polymer POF line 2 tag)C1*: polymer, common areaSA01*TC: spinning machine A cell 01 temperature controller, * loop no.S1*: spinning common area (e.g. aspiration gas)R1*: solvent recovery areaP19*: site specific, polymer areaC19*: site specific, polymer common areaR19*: site specific, solvent recovery area*G*Tanalog input (FULL point form)模拟全点analog input (COMPONENT point form) 模拟半点*V*X*R*Zanalog output (control valve)模拟输出(控制阀)analog output (micro-motion flow control valve) 模拟输出(流量控制阀)analog output (heater control output) 模拟输出(热量控制输出)analog output (drive control output) 模拟输出(热量控制输出)*Ccontrol (控制)FQtotaling (累加器)HChand control SCspeed control (速度控制)XGAnalyzer (分析器)*Adigital alarm (数字警报)PBRCratio control (比率控制)Dig CDOECEDOcalculated value (计算值)digital input (数字输入)digital output (数字输出)PBdigital composite / device control数字组合/设备控制点HSHSdigital composite / device control数字组合/设备控制点DO¬SolonidDIE2SVE1Dig CPoint Type (点的类型)Point Type点的类型Descriptor(描述)Tag Name点名Tag Descriptor点的描述ANALOG INPUT 模拟输入Perform input processing on all field I/O. (P10312PG)MDI SUPP TK VNT PRESSANALOG OUTPUT 模拟输出Perform output processing on all field I/O.(P10319PV)MDI SUPP PRESS CTRL VLVDIGITAL INPUT 数字输入Perform input processing on all field I/O.(P10315E)MDI SUPP PMP START/STOPDIGITAL OUTPUT数字输出Perform output processing on all field I/O.(P10315DO)MDI SUPP PMP RUNREGULATORY PV 常规PVProvide an easy to use configurable approach for implementing PV calculations and compensation functions.(P10317PG)MDI FLTR DPREGULATORY CONTROL常规控制Perform standard control functions by executing the algorithms that have been configured.(P10319PC)MDI SUPP PRESS CTRLDIGITAL COMPOSITE 数字组合A multi-input/multi-output point provides an interface to discrete devices such as motors, pumps, solenoid valves, and motor-operated valves. It provides built-in structures for handling interlocks, and supports display of the interlock conditions in group, detail, and graphic displays. (P10321HS)MDI ONL/RECIRC VLVDEVICE CONTROL 设备控制Provide a way to manipulate a device (e.g. motor) and to view the strategy through a single point (help the operator to graphically trace the source of an interlock condition. (P10315PB)MDI SUPP PMPFLAG 状态点A 2 state (On and Off) point is used for storing a Boolean value. The value can be supplied by the operator, sequence program, another point output, etc.(P10322FL)MDI/GLY ONL/RECIRCNUMERIC 数值点Data point used to store numeric values that can be used for batch/recipe operations, or to store the intermediate results of calculations.(P1CPRCLM)CP RATE CHANGE +/-PROCESS MODULE 过程模块The resource for execution of user-created programs (CL). (P1CPRTCH)CAPPING RATE CHANGEARRAY 数组点Provide access to HPM box global variables, or external data from/to serial interface devices.(P1MWTOP)TOP MW ONL DATATIMER 时间点Timer data point allows the operator and the sequence program to time the process events.(P1MWRCTM)MW SILO RATE CHANGE TMRLOGIC 逻辑点Provide a configurable mix of logic capability that provides the basis for integrated logic functions. (P1LOGA)MDI/GLY DIVERT VALVESSTRING 字符串点Store descriptive text data, such as the brand name or model etc.-平台 (Point Form)"Full" point form includes alarm-related parameters and sometimes, some other miscellaneous parameters. This information is needed when the point is to be used as the primary operator interface to the point's data."Component" point form should be used for points that provide inputs to the "Full" point, and also for those points that handle the outputs from the "Full" points. Component" points should be used as part of the "Full" point that has been designated a primary operator interface point.NOTE: Full-point form cannot be assigned to DO (digital output) points; they are always component points. Stand-alone digital output points require using a digital composite point that has 0 (zero) inputs and 1 output.Example : Single-Loop Example : Mass FlowExample : Motor Control Honeywell DCS 系统操作简介 (参考: HP12500)登录· Alt-Ctl_+Del组合键用户名: gus密码 : 键操作· 工程键盘· 功能键· 操作键· 通过工程键盘(用于纺丝层)操作键 · 键锁· 其它:* 主菜单 (Poly/Spin/Recovery)* Recall tag/schematic name key .* 清屏* 故障* Schematic Tagname Toggle* 调出最新的图表 * 相关的显示* 组* 详述* 示意图* 标准* 系统状态* CONS 状态 (单元显示 / 单元分配 /控制台报警状态/ 系统报警状态)* 报警SUMM / UNIT ALM SUMM* MSG SUMM / MSG CONFM / MSG CLEAR* 系统菜单Þ 概要菜单Þ 事件历史Þ 组编辑显示 (391400)显示· 改变区域· 节点描述· 组· 图表· 详述· 趋势改变方式· 手动· 自动· 串联· 程序, 包括CL 程序 (例如用于SOC, .)信号处理· 指示或调整控制(带有运算器)模拟/灵敏传感器· 用于联锁和顺序控制的数字传感器 · 驱动通信的串行接口 · PV 源选项 * 所有Þ 自动Þ 手动Þ SUB, 从程序输入Þ 追踪* 仅自动Point Exec State· Active · Inactive X6 Honeywell DCS 系统操作控制台体系结构· GUS* Deskside GUS 用于纺丝层, ICR, 纺丝 3rd层和培训系统。* 控制台 GUS用于 OCR。* 在 CE/Slurry 和Capping系统中为GUS清除附件· 远程 GUS :* GUS 客户端有原理图软件,只要输入动态信息。* 全部的操作功能 (本地窗口, 操作显示, PC 应用等等), 远程控制(两端显示相同)。软件· 所有的GUS 都有相同的软件报警策略· P1, C1, S1, SASL, R1单元· 聚合体低优先级, 页面调度系统发出一声蜂鸣。· aspiration系统高优先级, 报警页面调度系统发出一声蜂鸣。· 溶剂回收塔低优先级。· 纺丝过程中, “蓝灯”报警组显示· Group Display 1-390 is configurable, while 391-400 is operator definable.· NAX, only 1 group is defined.1100200300390400POF 1ß Poly/Asp. Gas àß spinningàßOperator definable· X6, 2 groups are defined. * polymer/aspiration gas system/solvent recovery1100200300390400Poly/AG/SRß Poly/Asp. Gas àß Utility àß S/R àßOperator & site spec. definable* 纺丝1100200300390400纺丝 ß Asp. Gasàß 纺丝àß操作者 definable区域和控制· NAX, 一个区域* POF_1 包括所有单元· 新的POF, 定义两个区域:* OCR1: P1, C1, S1, R1* SPINFLR1: SA, SB,SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH, SI, SJ, SK, SL, S1, C1· X6, 定义两个区域 * OCR1:在开启时所有单元all units at startup* SPINFLR1: SA, SB,SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH, SI, SJ, SK, SL, S1, C1图像· 所有的GUS图像都一样· 颜色:* 红紫色: 工艺线* 白色: 设备* 青色: 水 / 冷凝物* 红色: 蒸汽· 工艺线连接 :* 黄色: 不可以进入下一个图像, 例如仅仅用于描述* 蓝色: 连到下一个相关的图像c · 泵 / 阀:* 绿色: 运行 / 打开* 红色: 停止 / 关闭* 红色背景: ?· PBP :* 主菜单* SOC检查报警* CL程序运行失败* VAX 问题联系DP· 其它:* 控制器背景为白色,说明控制器不在正常模式 * 如果泵联锁绕过旁路,泵旁边有一个小的黄色指示。* 如果控制器处于MAN 模式则%OP为黄色 ; 如果联锁生效则为红色。追踪· The long term historian is being done in Infoplus· Honeywell 在DCS上的追踪为1分钟代表1个月 。工艺操作纺丝· 当正在下载SOC 时不要开/关气源 · DCS喷丝板联锁加热1小时 · Merlion 系统上没有跟DCS联锁的喷丝板从而保证使用正确的喷丝板 · 纺丝机器 :* 循环的气流和温度控制 * headwater t温度控制,无流量控制 · 上进风加热器控制温度来补偿粘度 · 喷丝板的举起时间依赖于甬道顶的开/关。· For heating up state, spinneret expired time is a SOC item; and bypass mode is available.· O2 display in the condenser for the aspiration gas system will be the mid value of the three analysers.· Logic A : cell heater; Logic B : metering pump open/start; Logic C : cell balance; Logic D : interlock bypass recycle gas heater.PBP· Graphic display :* green: normal (PVLOTP < PV < PVHITP)* yellow: outside of control limit, (PVLLTP < PV < PVLOTP or PVHITP < PV < PVHHTP)* blinking yellow: outside of waste limit, (PV < PVLLTP or PV > PVHHTP)* red: outside of waste limits for the compliance delay time. (process should be put to waste)SOC· Limit* control limit (high/low) :PVHITP/PVLOTP* Segregation limit (high/low) : PVHHTPPVLLTP· SOC checks :* in Merlion, from VAX to PLNM * in DCS, from PLNM to AM to HPM· SOC feature :* R_AIM: ratio, P1ALMCL1 to calculate absolute* B_AIM: bias, P1ALMCAL to calculate absolute* DEV_FLG: Þ if DEVFLG is ON, P1ALMCL1 and P1ALMCAL calculate absolute alarm for Hi/Lo limit.Þ if DEVFLG is OFF, Hi/Lo limits are the control limit.· Polymer and aspiration gas system watchdog is used to test whether the interlocks (S1LOGA, S1LOGB, S1LOGC, S1LOGD) are working.· Bypass SOC· SOC downloading option for spinning cell :* immediate* after doffOthers· Polymer : watch-dog, etc.· SR : purge control, etc.OTHERSTools· Doc tool * Query à Build à UCN à Proc Net List : 1 à Device List : 3 5 à Parameter value to show : pt desc* Output à pathname : net > temp > promods.*Commands· To retrieve point detail from database, select ctl-help/ Builder Command/ Reconstitute/ Enter tag name into the Entity.JP/SOP· System Menu (Event history . Etc.)· Find Name .APPENDICESX_PLANT ABBREVIATIONS LISTINGREDIENTSEQUIPMENT EDA - EthylenediamineR1 - Capping reactorDEA - DiethylamineR2 - Chain extension reactorDYTEK- DytekSILO - Silo LRD3 - LRD3MW - MicrowaveGLY - GlycolAPP - ApplicatorMDI - DiisocyanatePR - Pre-reactorA519 - A519PM - Pre-mixerDMAC - DimethylacetamideDM - Dilution mixer47H2O - 47 degree waterVNT - VentEXT - ExtenderPMP - PumpCOEXT- Coextender CLR - CoolerSTPR - StopperHX - Heat exchangerTER - TerminatorTK - TankSLR1- Slurry system oneTK JKT- Tank JacketSLR2 - Slurry system twoJKT - JacketCG - Capped glycolVLV - ValveVP - Virgin polymerSM - Spinning machineSOLN - SolutionCOND - CondenserPOL SOLN- Polymer solution after SAMRFLTR - Rotary filterYR SOLN- Yarn recycle solutionANLY - AnalyzerYR - Yarn recycleHTR - HeaterDCG - Dilute capped glycolMIX - Mixer25GLY - 25% glycolDRV - Drive45GLY - 45% glycolMTR - MotorFIN - FinishAGIT - AgitatorLRD32 - LRD32COMPRESS - CompressorCYAN - CyanoxGEN - GeneratorMETH - MethacrolMP - Metering pumpCW - Chilled waterHDR - HeaderCTW - Cooling tower waterFLTR - FilterO2 - OxygenSTRNR - StrainerHW - HeadwaterSYS - SystemAG - Aspiration gasSAM - Static additive mixerVG - Vacuum gasBP - Booster pumpN2 - NitrogenHSM - High Shear MixerINST AIR - Instrument airTUR - Turbine (agitator)CP - CappingCOLL TK- Collection TankCE - Chain ExtensionYSB - Yarn recycle batchREAG - ReagentsSTAB - StabalizerSTM- SteamH2O - WaterPOSITION / ACTION or PROCESS PARAMETERSXFER - TransferSUPP - SupplyRECIRC - RecirculationONL - OnlineVAC - VacuumBAL - BalanceCTRL - ControlPWR - PowerCLN - CleanIN - InletOUT - OutletMID - MiddleBOT - BottomDP - Delta pressureRTRN - ReturnDT - Delta temperatureSEL - SelectorHI - HighPOS - PositionMAX - MaximumAVG - AverageAUTO - AutomaticSTAT - StatusCIRC - CirculatingSTRT - StartSTOP - StopPRESS- PressureTEMP - TemperatureVISC - ViscosityLVL - LevelKG/HR - Kilograms per hourDEGC - Degrees celsiusRPM - Revolutions per minuteMIN - MinuteKG/SQCM- Kilograms per square centimeterPCT - PercentMM H20 - Millimeters waterSP - SetpointNUM - NumericTM - TimeSPD - SpeedTMR - TimerERR - ErrorSEC - SecondHR - Hour INTERFACING WITH MERLION· Activate by :* ACIDP: DCS activates the PLNM point.* EIP: HPM activates the *.PPS of AM or PLNM point.* *.PPS: HPM process module point runs the attached program in AM or CG.· SOC Downloading, from VAX through AppNode to AM, data transfer are done the same way; however* All the spinning data downloading to controller are done directly from AM (but not HPM).* All the polymer and solvent recovery data downloading to controller are done by HPM. Prior to that, the data are transferred from AM to HPM.VAX will check the data stored in the CDS.SOC Write data to CDS Trigger AM point by setting *.pps = ON.SnSOC (AM point)This CL block is triggered to run by the host setting *.PPS = ON. S_SOC (AM/CL block) SOC_DATA (CDS)Cell load porgram will be triggered to run again from the doff control program, SnDOFF by setting flag SnccDEFL after the cell has doffed so that the remaining cell values may be loaded. Write new SOC value to PM numerics Write deviation and return delay times to the compliance monitoring CDS, CMPLDATA On AM point SnccRG, AM/CL : ALMHANDL and CMPLCHK. Trigger cell load program (one for each cell), SnccSOC Trigger machine load program (one for each machine), Sn00SOC· Event reporting, from DCS to VAX, are done in the same way for all areas (spinning, polymer and solvent recovery). PM/AM programs will notify Event Collector (in AM) to gather the event; and collector program will send to the PLNM. Collector also inform VAX to get the information from the PLNM. VAX program is supposed to run periodically. Write message data to buffer (i.e. CDS : S_MESSG1/2) and process point (XXMESSAG)Read new messageSnccCKFL.PVFLSnccSCFL.PVFLSnccDEFL.PVFLSnccCSFL.PVFLAMHPMSn01SCCK-Sn06SCCKSn00SCCKSn01SOC-Sn06SOCSn00SOCSn01RG-Sn06RGXXCELSTSXXDOFFXXEVENTCL : XXEVENT1 XXEVENT2