化工企业之 涉外大宗设备采购合同模板.doc
合同编号: 有限公司设备采购合同合同签订地: 合同号:买方: 卖方: Table of Content1.定义DEFINITIONS12.合同标的SUBJECT MATTER53.供货范围SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT54.合同价格CONTRACT PRICE65.付款PAYMENT76.交货和运输DELIVERY AND TRANSPORTATION87.包装与标记PACKAGE AND LABEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118.技术服务和联络 TECHNICAL SERVICE AND COORDINATION1510安装、调试、试运、验收和保修INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING, PRE-OPERATIONAL TEST, ACCEPTANCE, AND REPAIR24.保证与索赔 WARRANTIES AND CLAIMS31.保险和税费 INSURANCE AND TAXES37.知识产权 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS38.分包与外购 SUB-CONTRACT AND OUTSOURCING39.合同的变更、修改和终止 CHANGE, REVISION AND TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT4016.不可抗力FORCE MAJEURE4417.合同争议的解决SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES4418.合同生效EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CONTRACT4519. 其它OTHERS45 Equipments Purchase Contract本买卖合同由下列双方于在 签订。This Equipments Purchase Contract is entered into and executed by and between the following parties in : (以下简称买方),其法定地址为: (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchaser”) with legal address in (以下简称卖方),其法定地址为: (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchaser”) with legal address in 为履行 项目 (设备名称)相关采购、安装、调试和技术服务等义务,买方愿意向卖方采购,卖方愿意向买方出售本合同项下包括附件所列的设备并提供本合同规定的技术服务和技术资料。因此,双方愿意在具有法律约束力的基础上,根据中国现行法律法规之规定,一致同意订立如下条款。To accomplish the purchasing, installment, commissioning and technical services of Equipments for project, the Purchaser is willing to purchase and the Supplier is willing to supply the equipments and provide related technical services and documentation subject to the Contract. NOW THEREFORE, on the basis of legal binding and according to applicable PRC laws and regulations, the Parties agree on the following terms and conditions.1. 定义Definitions本文件和附件中所用下列名词的含义在此予以确定。In the Contract the following words shall have the meanings herein assigned to them:1.1“买方”是指 ,包括该法人、法人的继任方和法人的受让方。其所从事的法律行为均代表最终用户。“The Purchaser” refers to , including its legal representative, successor and assignee. Any action of the Purchaser represents that of the end user.1.2“卖方”是指 ,包括该法人的代理人、法人的继任方和法人的受让方。“The Supplier” refers to , including any of its agent, successor and assignee of legal representative. 1.3“合同”是指本文件及其附件中的所有部分,并包括招标文件、卖方提交的投标文件。“The Contract” refers to the Contract and all of its Appendixes, and includes tendering document as well as bidding document rendered by Supplier.1.4“合同价格”是指在本合同第4条中规定的部分。“Contract Price” refers to the price specified in Article 4 of the Contract.1.5“生效日期”是指本合同第18条中所规定的合同的生效日期。“Effective Date” refers to the date specified in Article 18 of the Contract.1.6“技术资料”是指合同设备的及其与买方相关的设计、制造、监造、检验、安装、调试、验收、性能验收试验和技术指导、本合同附件一规定的用于买方正确运行和维护等所需的文件(包括图纸、各种文字说明、标准、说明书和手册、各种软件等)。“Technical Documentation” refers to any and all of the design, manufacture, in factory inspection, inspection, installment, test, performance acceptance test, technical guiding documentation needed by contract equipments or related to the Purchaser, and other documents for normal operating and maintaining of such equipments specified in Appendix 1 of the Contract, (including but not limited to any and all drawing, caption, standards, manual, brochure, software). 1.7“合同设备”是指卖方根据合同所要供应的机器、装置、材料、专用工具、备品备件和所有各种物品,如本合同附件一所列示和规定。合同设备以台/套计数。“Contract Equipment” refers to the machines, equipments, materials, special tools, Spares and all the similar goods listed and stipulated in Appendix 1 to the Contract. Contract Equipment shall be calculated by sets.1.8“监造”是指在合同设备的制造过程中,由买方自行委派(或委托有资质的监造单位派出)代表对卖方提供的合同设备的关键部位进行质量监督,实行文件见证和现场见证。此种质量监造不解除卖方对合同设备质量所负的责任。“In-factory Inspection” refers that, during the period of the manufacture of Contract Equipment, the representative designated by the Purchaser itself or designated by qualified inspection body that entrusted by the Purchaser, on behalf of the Purchaser, supervise the qualification of the key parts of Contract Equipment, or conduct documentation testimony and on-site testimony. Such quality In-factory Inspection shall not release the Supplier from any liability to quality of Contract Equipment.1.9“性能验收试验”是指为检验本合同附件一规定的性能保证值按本合同附件一规定所进行的试验。“Performance Acceptance Test” refers to the test to inspect the promised performance parameters subject to Appendix 1 of the Contract.1.10“初步验收”或“初验”是指安装调试完成后,对每一台合同设备进行性能验收试验而进行的验收。“Provisional Acceptance” refers to the performance acceptance after erection of Contract Equipment and their pre-operational test.1.11“最终验收”或“终验”是指买方对每一合同设备保证期满后的验收。如在保证期内,因质量问题对设备进行修复和更换的,修复或更换部件的保证期自重新初验合格之日起重新开始计算。“Final Acceptance” refers to the acceptance after Warranty Period of every Contract Equipment. Provided any Contract Equipment is repaired or replaced for quality reasons during Warranty Period, the Warranty Period of such repaired or replaced Contract Equipment shall be renewed from the date of such repaired or replaced Contract Equipment has been successful re-provisional-accepted. 1.12“日、月、年”是指公历的日、月、年;“天”是指24小时;“周”是指7天。“Day, Month, Year” refers to calendar day, month and year. “Day” refers to 24 hours. “Week” refers to 7 calendar days.1.13“技术服务”是指由卖方提供的与本合同设备有关的设备监造、检验、土建、安装、调试、验收、性能验收试验、运行、检修相应的技术指导、技术配合、技术培训等全过程的服务。“Technical Services” refers to the services of technical instruction, technical cooperation and training, etc through all the course including construction design, Contract Equipment In-factory Inspection, test, construction, installation, commissioning, acceptance, performance acceptance test, operation and inspection rendered by the Supplier to the Purchaser.1.14“现场”是指位于 ,为买方安装合同设备所在地。“Site” refers to the Purchasers site that Contract Equipment is installed, which located in .1.15“备品备件”是指根据本合同提供的合同设备、材料的备用部件,包括随机备品备件和满足保证期内维修使用的备品备件,按附件四:备品备件清单随机提供。 “Spares” refers to the spares of Contract Equipment and materials subject to the Contract, including spares attached with Contract Equipment and spares enough use of Contract Equipment during Warranty Period, “Spares” shall be provided together with the Contract Equipment as specified in Appendix 4:Spares List. .1.16“试运行”、“试运”和“调试”是指就任何一套设备而言,安装调试完毕后的试生产。(注:可根据设备需求增加相关内容。)“Pre-operational Test” refers to, for any set of Contract Equipment, trial operation of Contract Equipment and materials after its installation and adjusting. .1.17“书面文件”是指任何手稿、打字或印刷的有印章和或签名的文件。“Written Documentation” refers to any and all hand-written, typed or printed documentation with chop or signature.1.18“分包商”或“分供货商”是指由卖方将合同供货范围内任何部分的供货分包给其他的法人及该法人的继任方。“Sub-contractor” or “Sub-supplier” refers to legal person subcontract any part of the supplement within the Contract scope from the Supplier or its successor.1.19“最后一批交货”是指该批货物全部交付完毕,包括设备及其所有的配件,并满足安装调试的需要。任何一台设备的任何一个配件未交付完毕视为该台设备未交付。“Final delivery” refers to all of a block of equipments, including equipment and all of its spares, which have been delivered and satisfy need of installment and test. If any spare part of equipment is not delivered, it shall be deemed that the equipment has not been delivered.1.20 “设备缺陷”是指合同设备(包括部件、原材料、铸锻件、原器件等)达不到本合同规定的产能、性能、质量标准和/或由于归属于卖方的原因而无法满足稳定、可靠、安全运营要求的情形。“Equipment Defects” refers that Contract Equipment, including its parts, raw materials, casting and forging, components, etc., can not meet any requirement of the productivity, the specified performance of the Contract, quality standards and/or requirements for the steady, reliable, safe operation due to the reasons contributed to the Supplier. 1.21“不合格”:是指合同设备(包括部件、原材料、铸锻件、原器件等)达不到本合同及其附件规定的性能、指标、质量标准和/或无法满足现场稳定、可靠、安全、经济运营要求的情形。或是指卖方未按约提供相应的技术资料、技术服务、技术培训等未履行合同义务的情形。“Non-conforming” refers that Contract Equipment, including its parts, raw materials, casting and forging, components, etc., can not conform any of the specified performance, quality standards and/or requirements for the steady, reliable, safe and economic operation subject to the Contract; or refers that the Supplier did not enforce any liability under the Contract, including not providing technical documentation, technical services, technical training, etc.1.22“质量标准”:是指法律法规、国家规范与标准、行业标准、卖方的企业标准、本合同及其附件的规定或约定的合同设备(包括部件、原材料、铸锻件、原器件等)的品种、规格、性能、指标、质量标准和应当满足现场稳定、可靠、安全、经济运营要求的情形。法律法规、国家标准、行业标准、卖方的企业标准、本合同及其附件的约定、卖方提供的产品说明书及其技术资料的规定不一致的,以标准高者为准。“Quality Standards” refers to applicable laws and regulations, national regulations and standards, industrial standards, enterprises standards, or the type, specification, performance, quality of Contract Equipment (including parts, raw materials, casting and forging, components, etc.), and any other standards that satisfy the steady, reliable, safe and economic operation of Contract Equipment stipulated in the Contract or its Appendices. Provided there is any inconsistent among applicable laws and regulations, national standards, industrial standers, enterprises standards, stipulations under the Contract or its Appendices, and production manual or technical documentation provided by the Supplier, the higher standard shall prevail.1.23保证期:自初验合格之日起36个月。“Warranty Period” refers to36 months after the date of the successful Provisional Acceptance.1.24 质量检验期:与保证期相同。 “Quality Inspection Period” shall have the same meaning with “Warranty Period”1.25保修期:应具有第10.12条所述的含义。“Repair Warranty Period” shall have the meaning stated in clause 10.12.2. 合同标的Subject Matter2.1 设备名称 、型号 、数量 ,详见附件一;Name- , type and quantity of Contract Equipment are specified in Appendix 1.凡卖方供应的设备应是全新的、技术先进的并且是性能稳定的。Any Contract Equipment provided by the Supplier shall be brand-new, technology-advanced, with stable performance.2.2 设备的技术规范、技术、经济指标和性能,卖方提供的技术资料,卖方提供的技术服务等见附件一和附件七。The technical specifications, technology, economic indexes and performance of Contract Equipment, and technical materials, technical services provided by the Supplier, etc., are specified in Appendix 1 and Appendix 7.3. 供货范围Scope of the Contract3.1 合同供货范围详见附件一。Scope of the Contract is specified in Appendix 1.3.2 合同供货范围包括了所有合同设备、技术资料、专用工具、备品备件和技术服务。卖方确保其申明的供货范围是在不使买方另行采购其他任何部件的前提下能够运转的独立集成系统。但在执行合同过程中如发现有任何漏项和短缺,在发货清单中并未列入而且确实是卖方供货范围中应该有的,或是满足合同附件一对合同设备的性能保证值要求所必须的,均应由卖方自费负责按买方要求时间将所缺的设备、技术资料、专用工具、备品备件等补上。卖方应对设备提供为期【3 】年的技术服务,提供上述期限内的技术服务(包括但不限于以口头或书面方式提供的远程或现场技术咨询、指导、故障诊断、出具方案等)而不使买方在本合同价格外承担任何费用。Scope of the Contract includes all the Contract Equipment, technical materials, special tools, Spares and Technical Services. The Supplier assures that the Scope of the Contract should be a combined system which could be operational independently without purchase of any other parts or spares or equipment by the Purchaser beyond the Scope of the Contract. Within the term of the Contract, where there is any omit or shortage which is not listed in consignment list but shall be included in Scope of the Contract, or which is necessary to satisfy the promised performance of Contract Equipment subject to Appendix 1, the Supplier shall re-supply the shortfall within the period required by the Purchaser at Suppliers cost. Regarding any of Contract Equipment, the Supplier shall provide technical services for three (3) years after delivery of such Contract Equipment (including but not limited to render technical consultant, guidance, malfunction diagnosis, provide resolution etc. in form of long-distance or in-site, oral or written) with no additional expenses charged to the Purchaser other than the Contract Price.4. 合同价格Contract Price4.1本合同价格即: 产品单价为 万元整(大写: 万元整)。数量为 台,合同总价为 万元整(大写: 万元整)。Contract Price is The unit price for is Quantity is The total contract price being .本合同上述价格包括合同设备(含备品备件、专用工具)、技术资料、安装调试、人员培训及技术服务、售后服务等费用,还包括合同设备的税费、包装费、运杂费、保险费等与本合同有关的所有费用。合同单价的分项价格见附件二。The abovementioned Contract Price includes any costs and expenses of Contract Equipment (Spares and special tools are included), technical materials, installation and test, personnel training, technical services, and after-sale services, etc., as well as tax, fee, packaging fee, freight incidental expense, insurance premium and all related fees to the Contract. The itemized price of unit prices is specified in Appendix 2.4.2 本合同总价在合同供货期内为不变价(合同总价含运费及保险费、税费、服务费等相关费用)。The contract price in the term of supplement period of the Contract is fixed, which includes all the related freight charges, insurance premium, taxes, service fee, etc.4.3 卖方同意在本合同生效后五年内按照下述条件向买方供应本合同项下的合同设备、材料实现附件一规定的各项指标所需的备品备件:The Supplier agrees that it will provide the Purchaser Spares that meet the demand of specifications of Contract Equipment and materials in Appendix 1 within 5 years from the effective date of the Contract subject to the following conditions:(1)买方为卖方提供仓库,用于卖方为合同中设备摆放备品备件,备品备件的数量不得少于五套,易损件的数量可适量增加。保证期后卖方按成本价提供买方所需备品备件The Supplier shall provide at least five(5) sets of Spares attached with the Contract Equipment to the Purchaser which shall be stored in the warehouses provided by the Purchaser If the Spares are fragile, numbers of the Spares shall be reasonably increased. The Supplier shall provide the Spares at cost price after the Warranty Period.(2)合同生效五年后,卖方提供的备品备件的价格按照附件二中的价格,如附件二中未列出相应价格,则按照本合同生效时该备品备件的市场价格优惠15%后的价格;若附件二中列出的价格已下降,按下降后的价格执行。The Supplier shall provide the Spares at the price specified in Appendix 2 five years after the effectiveness of the Contract. Should the price for Spares be not specified in Appendix 2, then the Supplier shall provide the Spares at the price 15% down that of the market price at the time of the effectiveness of the Contract; Should the price specified in Appendix have been lowered, then the Supplier shall provide the Spares at the price after dipping.(3)卖方随机赠送的备品备件清单详见附件四Spares attached with Contract Equipment are specified in Appendix 4. (4)其他条款由双方友好协商The parties may reach other clauses after friendly negotiation.5. 付款Payment5.1 本合同使用货币种类为 。Currencies of Payment 5.2 付款方式: 。Method of payment: .5.3 款项支付Payment5.3.1预付款的支付:Payment of Advance合同签订后,在下列条件都实现的前提下并经买方审核无误后,买方30 日内向卖方支付合同总金额的 %作为预付款,买方支付完预付款后合同生效:After the execution of the Contract, the Supplier shall pay % of the total contract price as advance to the Purchaser within days after all the following conditions have been accomplished and confirmed by the Purchaser, and the Contract shall be effective after the Purchaser has paid the advance:(1)买方收到卖方向买方开具符合买方要求的合同总价的 %的银行履约保函,保函期限为本合同最后一批设备交货后一周递解退还银行保函;The Purchaser received the performance bond from the Suppliers bank with amount of % of the contract price and satisfies requirements of the Purchaser; The term of performance bond will be extended to a week after the final delivery of the equipment.(2)卖方提交金额设备总价款 %的发票(正本一份,影印件四份);The Seller provides a