1,什么是市场细分?,在某个品类或特定市场内确定相对独立的单位的过程(如可以将消费者、品牌或组织进行细分)市场细分的目的:分而治之这意味着,每个细分里的成员之间要尽量相似(如有相似的需求或动机),而不同细分之间的差异要尽量增大。,2,市场细分的好处,通过深入细致的了解一个品类或市场,建立自己品牌的竞争优势,争取利润最大化。通过了解市场需求的结构,可以制定出具体而有针对性的商业计划。有针对性的产品开发有效的品牌和组合管理定制化的营销计划有把握的订价目的明确的渠道策略获取和保留顾客的策略,3,客户可执行,回应性好,能够接触影响到,稳定,可重复,规模足够大,成功的市场细分有哪些标准,区分度高,4,市场细分的不同方法,忠诚度细分,态度细分,购买因素,直接需求,行为/身份细分,需求细分,潜类需求,性别、年龄、地域 购买行为、渠道选择及购买量等,和品类相关的价值观或个人看法 态度决定行为,根据对于品牌的忠诚程度细分 用于开发和保留客户,对品类的外在重要需求,联合分析,间接得出重要需求,通过品牌偏好和属性得分间接得出,5,研究结果模拟,Attitudinal/needs statements,Factor analysis,Factor1,Factor2,Factor3,Factor4,Factor5,Cluster analysis,Cluster 1(%),Cluster 2(%),Cluster 3(%),Procedure I,Procedure II,Procedure III,市场细分步骤,Factor,Cluster,类别判定:回归分析、判别分析、CHAID等,6,什么是聚类分析?,聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)是根据事物(如消费者、产品、品牌、品牌属性)之间的相似性(Similarity)或同质性(Homogeneity)将它们归类分组的方法聚类分析的结果寻求的是组内差异(Within-group Variation)最小,组间差异(Between-group Variation)最大聚类分析也是市场研究中最经常使用的多元统计分析方法之一,它在有关市场细分研究中几乎是必不可少的分析工具,7,市场细分 聚类分析,在2个维度上的3个群类.,在每个群类中各点之间的距离最小,而每个群类之间的距离最大。,案例1中国家电市场细分,9,项目执行步骤,Step 1:Qualitative research Main purpose:To provide the language and items that end-users use to describe their needs(including functional benefits and emotional rewards)Methodology:FGD,IDIStep 2:Item ReductionMain purpose:To reduce the number of items generated from qualitative research.The final items should be with discrimination in between Methodology:Internal staff survey(n=60)and survey on consumers(n=150)Step 3:Pilot testMain purpose:To provide input to the questionnaires structure,flow and lengthTo pinpoint any problems that have not been visibleTo analyze the data to determine whether it is providing what we wantStep 4:Quantitative researchMain purpose:To gain market understanding,identify the most meaningful and most actionable needs-based market segmentationTo gain the profile of each segmentsMethodology:Random Sampling,F2F interview(N=3280),10,语句生成和筛选,定性研究产生:216个价值和需求语句 206个冰箱类别需求语句 164个洗衣机类别需求语句 173个厨具类别需求语句,留下:53个价值和公用需求语句 25个冰箱类别需求语句 28个洗衣机类别需求语句 31个厨具类别需求语句,语句筛选,11,语句筛选(Item Reduction)的统计学步骤,第一步:首先,将那些对所有语句都打同样分数(如:1,3,6或10)的被访者过滤掉。如果被访者倾向于总打同一个分数或者总打极端值(如:1或10),则可以过滤掉可以基于答案的标准差和极差过滤被访者。此时没有特定的过滤标准,但是根据经验,当极差小于3,或标准差小于1-1.5时,可以过滤掉此被访者。第二步:分别计算被访者对每条语句打分的均值、标准差、偏度和峰度,然后据此删除语句。第三步:对语句做因子分析或聚类分析。对于存在的过多的意思完全相同的语句,需要进行删减。对于不包括在任何一个类别或维度中的句子,可参考定性的结果,决定是否删除。第四步:那些独立语句(即:不能进入任何维度的语句)也不一定必须全部删除。事实上,某些这种语句解释了因子或维度不能解释的内容,因此必要的话应该保留。,12,因子分析结果,13,细分结果,14,各细分的市场份额,Base N=3208,放松解脱,他人认可,关注健康,只求最好,简单实用,新潮设计,各细分的描述,16,Release 放松解脱,Demographics:More likely in Beijing&WuhanAged 22-40College/University graduatedHigh family income(RMB 2870)Larger household,Consumer Values:Features are more important than designTo live an unstrained lifeI think nothing is more important than time,Key Needs:Free me from household choresRelease me from cleaning frequentlyHelp me get rid of the tirednessMake me feel the product serves meLow noise,17,Release 放松解脱,Mrs.Chen,aged 28,lives in Beijing.She and her husband are living with her parents.She graduated from college,and now is working in a company.Even with higher income,she feels stress from everyday work,so she takes every opportunity to free herself from working pressures.Because she is busy,she doesnt have much time to watch TV,but takes some time to read newspapers and magazines.She is interested in articles about entertainment,computers,science,technology and also a little about environmental issues.For home appliances,she currently has an automatic washing machine and she likes the products with good functional performance to free herself from boring chores.She also wants to purchase cooking appliances of the same brand a set of stove and hood.,功能全,就不会让我再操心!More features will make me feel easy,18,Life of Recognition 他人认可,Demographics:HousewifeAged 41-50Low family and personal incomeEmployee3 members in family,Consumer Values:I care about others praiseI like to show my successI like to be different from othersI need modern/fashionable productsThe trifle in life is also a kind of joy,Key Needs:Make me feel honourableMake me admired by othersMake me feel Im superior to othersMake me feel fashionableReflection of good life quality,19,Life of Recognition 他人认可,Mrs.Sun is 43 yeas old.She is working in a department store as a sales person.Her husband is a company employee,and their son is a high school student.The monthly income for this family is relatively low,around RMB 2600.As a housewife,she spends a lot of time doing housework,such as cleaning the refrigerator.During her free time,she watches TV,reads newspapers and magazines for leisure.She is more interested in programs or articles about life,cooking,shopping guides,movies and dramas.She also reads a little about fashion and home appliances,because she doesnt want to fall behind her peers.For home appliances,she wants products that reflect good life quality,so she intends to buy a refrigerator with large capacity.She also wants to update her old double-drum washing machine with the latest model.,等有钱了咱也买个好点的,让别人也看看。If have more money,I will buy a better one.,20,Caring Health 关注健康,Demographics:More likely in GuangzhouHousewifeLiving in high-storey building,Consumer Values:I wish to take care of the whole familys health in every aspectI am a person who seeks harmony in life,Key Needs:Help me care for othersMinimize the chances of becoming ill Reassured about familys health Stop me worrying about germs/bacteriaHelp bring order to my life,21,Caring Health 关注健康,Mrs.Zhang is 32 years old.She is living in a high-storey building in GuangzhouShe has been married for 5 years and has a child.She loves her family so much,so she spends lot of time and energy on taking care of her family members.She always keeps her home very clean and tidy,so as to minimize the chances of illness and infections caused by germs and bacteria.For home appliances,Ms.Zhang always chooses the products that are more hygienic and healthy.For example,the refrigerator she current uses is a Panasonic anti-bacteria.Her next washing machine will be front-loaded,because she thinks it is more hygienic.,我处处关爱家人的健康。I wish to take care of my familys health in every aspect.,22,Simply the Best 只求最好,Demographics:Higher educational levelHigher family income(RMB 2720),Consumer Values:Use the best products rather than better ones,Key Needs:The most powerful availableMake me feel I have bought the best,23,Mrs.Hao is 36 years old with good educational background.She works as a accountant in a large company.She likes to buy the best goods on the market.She spends little time watching TV,but is very keen on reading articles about fashion and garden design.For home appliances,she simply chooses the products with the best performance,without worrying too much about price or other aspects.She uses a high-end Haier and has been using it for many years.She has an automatic washing machine with very large capacity,and intend to buy a front loader.,Simply the Best 只求最好,我只选最好的.I would simply choose the best.,24,Pragmatic Simplicity 简单实用,Demographics:Slightly more in Beijing3-4 family members,Consumer Values:Efficiency is the most important to meI wish to live an unstrained lifeI am a person who seeks harmony in lifeI should not be tied up with housework on weekends,Key Needs:The most practical products on the marketThe easiest to operateThe easiest to clean The easiest to repair,25,Pragmatic Simplicity 简单实用,Miss Huang lives in Beijing,she is an employee in a small company.She wants to live an unstrained life.She pays much attention to efficiency and wants to have time to enjoy life.She likes to read articles in magazines and newspapers about entertainment,sports,arts,travel and movies,so as to make her life colourful.For home appliances,she simply wants the products that are the easiest to repair,operate and clean,with practical use,as these products can save lots of time for her.She currently uses a large-capacity refrigerator and automatic washing machine,because these products are more practical and convenient.For cooking appliances,she doesnt care about whether the brands are the same for stove and hoods,as long as they are easy to use.,简单实用,帮助我从容享受生活Simplicity helps me enjoy life,26,Fresh Design 新潮设计,Demographics:More likely in ShanghaiSlight skew towards malesMiddle managementAged 22-30,Consumer Values:Design is more important than featuresI like to be different from othersI wish make my home modern I enjoy my life,Key Needs:Give me the fresh feeling by the designGive me a look of brand-new by the designSave spaceEnvironmentally friendly,27,Fresh Design 新潮设计,Mr.Liu lives in Shanghai,and he is 28 years old.Now he works in a IT company as client manager.He has a high monthly income but doesnt want to show success.He likes to use/purchase novel products to show his unique personality.During his free time,he likes TV programs or reading articles on finance,real estate,cars,advertising and celebrities.He also takes every opportunity to enjoy life.For home appliances,the brands like Simens,Electrolux and Samsung are more attractive to him,for these brands have fresh designs.He is now using different brands for his stove and hoods,but he intends to replace them by set product next time.,我希望能经常使用具有不同外型的家电,让我感觉新鲜Different designs of home appliances make me feel fresh,28,各细分对品类的具体需求,Life of Recognition,Caring Health,Simply the Best,Release,Pragmatic Simplicity,Fresh Design,Help me manage foods storageKnow the food storage situation without opening the doorEasy to find the needed stuffs from it Not make food go bad for long time Make the interior smell pure and freshMake the room look unitary Make me feel energetic by taking fresh food,Make my home look beautiful Be easy to find the needed stuffs from it Make me change the interior layout of the refrigerator freely,Make me clearly know the temperature status Not make food go bad for long time Make the interior smell pure and freshMake me feel energetic by taking fresh food,Make me place many stuffs in big size Make little efforts tothink about how to use the spaceUse it without restric-tionsMake me know the food storage situation without opening the door of it Be easy to find the needed stuffs from it Help not waste foodReduce the frequency of cleaningNot make food go bad for long time Make foods taste good,冰箱,29,客户品牌在各细分的表现,Note:+Above Average O Average Below Average,冰箱,案例2微型轿车市场细分,31,对微型轿车的需求,32,需求的因子分析,33,关于按需求的用户细分,1.4,34,微型轿车用户的需求按需求的用户细分,微轿需求 满足基本需求的车型即可 使用成本低 产品耐用,实用 注重内部空间 不要求设计新潮、新颖 价格较敏感背景特征 3145岁 男性 一般职员 车型偏好 夏利、昌河北斗星,微轿需求 希望能显得稳重 朴实、注重传统背景特征 男性 高中学历(43.5%)东莞、深圳相对较多车型偏好 哈飞路宝、豪情、奥拓,微轿需求 注重购车价格和使用成本 注重性价比(觉得划算)一定程度上注重设计新颖背景特征 年轻2230 偏女性(37%)一般职员 学历较高车型偏好 QQ,微轿需求 购一部车很重要 希望车能满足多方面的需求(性能要 好、耐用、实用价格要便宜、性价比高 内部空间较大、外形设计和车型能得 到大众的认可、能表现稳重感)但对个性化的要求相对来说不高背景特征 年龄偏大 成都、南京偏多车型偏好 夏利,微轿需求 性能卓越 耐用 先进 时尚、个性 带来优越感 相对来说对价格不敏感背景特征 2635岁 偏女性(32%)学历高(71%)车型偏好 Spark,35,各细分人群对价格的需求,时尚卓越,新颖实惠,成熟实用,传统稳重,全面均衡,价格是最重要的影响因素(%),计划购买车型的均价(万元),36,各细分人群对配置的需求,希望增加配置并愿意增加支出(%),时尚卓越,新颖实惠,成熟实用,传统稳重,全面均衡,对配置的感兴趣程度(10分)(%),来源:Optionsm 模型数据,