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    Brief introduction,Modes of narration,Constructing process,Unit 6 Narrative Writing,Basic Structure,Key to Exercise,制作单位:中国政法大学,In narrative writing,the writer is to give a detailed account of an event that happened,happens,or will happen to something or somebody.,What is narrative writing?,In daily life,it is widely used in:story telling work reporting accident retelling anecdotes telling travel recording,a story(real or imaginary)a biography history news items narrative poems,In its broadest sense,a narration can be:,A good narrative essay always possesses a clear-cut,detailed and lifelike manner.,an attractive beginning fluent development striking climax impressive ending a meaningful central idea,It is composed of:,There are 2 distinct characteristics of narration:,Specific space and time are includedeither implicit or explicit theme in narration,Exercise:Read the two stories on page 127-128,identify the space and time of the stories and tell what the theme of the two stories are.,There are mainly four modes of narration:,in sequence of time(the events are told according to the time when they happened)Flashback(the ending is put at the very beginning)narration interspersed with flashbacks(the process of narration is interrupted and another related event is interspersed)narration interspersed with comments(narration of an event is accompanied by comments on it),Exercise:Read the 4 stories(sample 6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4)and tell in what modes of narration the story is told.,Six essential elements:,In a narrative essay,six elements are essential to give a clear expression to the characters and the events or the sceneries.These six factors are what,who,when,where,why and how.,Exercise:Read the story on page 129(sample 6.9)and identify the six essential elements in the story.,Three parts of narrative writing:,conflicts:,In a narrative essay,climax is reached through conflicts developed in the unfolded plot.Only with proper conflicts and climax,the article can be deep in meaning and vigorous in expression.,There are 3 kinds of conflicts:Conflicts between different charactersConflicts between human beings and surroundings environmentsConflicts between the different thoughts in the depth of peoples mind.,Writing process of a narrative essay:,Abstract a themeExpress a themeList an outlineSelect meaningful incidents and appropriate detailsSelect appropriate relating structure and orderSelect a suitable perspective,Write a memorable story in your schooldays in flashback.Write a story entitle“The Road to Success”in third person.,Writing Practice:,This is the end.Thank you!,Theme is the soul of the article and the expression of the writers intent.Theme is contained and abstracted from abundant materials.,The principle of correctnessThe principle of centralizationThe principle of profundityThe principle of freshness,4 principle for the theme abstracting:,1.Abstract a theme,The abstracted theme should accord with the reality of the characters and the events.And the comment made by the writer on the characters and events should accord with the law in nature or society and benefit the advancement of the society.,The principle of correctness,From the numerous and complex materials in the article,the writer must find their common place and link them with one main idea,i.e.the theme.Generally speaking,there should be only on theme in an article.,2.The principle of centralization,This principle requires the theme to be:With great capacity and powerful generalization Sharp insight into the essence of the facts,3.The principle of profundity,Fresh ideas may be abstracted from new materials or from a new perspective of old materials.,4.The principle of freshness,Youth is the most important period in life.Fatalism has it reasons.We should treasure timeFriendship is even more important than life.Money is the most important.All kinds of means can be used in order to succeed.Animals should have rights,Exercise:Read the following theme and judge them good or not.,2.Express the theme,Story:to express the significance of the story.Character:to show the spiritual world of the characterScenery:to express the writers inner feeling on the natural scenery.Society:to praise the wisdom and labor of human beings or appreciate a certain social idea,etc.,In narrative writing,the way of expressing a theme is closely related with the expressed object.The expressive style depends on the nature of the expressed object.,e.g.,3.List an outline,Topic outline:noun phrases and nominal phrases with or without modifiers.(See sample 6.19)Sentence outline:complete sentences are used.(See sample 6.20),The outline is the framework of an article.It is the first step for any writing.Two kinds of outline:,Two kinds of outline:,4.Select meaningful incidents and appropriate details,Choose typical details;Observe things in particular;Describe from different perspectives.,3 criteria in choosing incidents:,Proper detailed description can make the story more vivid.In choosing details,the writer should:,able to show the essence of the thingsRelevant to the themeTypical and representative,5.Select appropriate relating structure and order,Exercise:Read sample 6.7,sample 6.9,sample 6.12 and sample 6.18 and tell in what order is each story told?,There are 4 kinds of relating order or structure:Time orderSpace orderTime and space orderCognitive order of the writer,6.Select a suitable perspective,There are 2 perspectives in narration:,In the first person(sound as if the writer himself has seen or experience all those events recounted)In the third person(more objective),Exercises:Read the story“The Tell-tale Heart”by Edgar Allan Poe and“The Killers”by Earnest Hemingway and tell in what perspective do the writers tell their stories and what effects have been achieved.,1.Part:Several friends and I went to climb a steep mountain at night.Part:With cliffy road and little light,we risked the danger of falling down the cliff.Part:We were too scared to go on.Part:We waited until daybreak and then climbed down.,5.It is about a terrible story of person-killing.Yes,it is.The narrator is the hero of the story,i.e.“I”.It is told in the order of flashback.The climax is when the old man was killed.,


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