PEP5 Unit 6 In a Nature ParkPart A Lets learn&Lets find out,袁梅,the nature park,Whats in,There is.,path,grass,?,Whats in the nature park?,There are.,flowers,clouds,Whats in the picture?,mountain,lake,sky,river,There is a river in the nature park.,forest,There are many trees in the forest.,Lets chant:,Sky,sky,blue sky.Cloud,cloud,a white cloud.Flower,flower,a beautiful flower.Grass,grass,green grass.River,river,a long river.Lake,lake,a big lake.Mountain,mountain,a high mountain.Path,path,a clean path.,Whats in the nature park?There is/are _in the nature park.,flower,grass,sky,cloud,Whats missing?,forest,lake,mountain,path,river,1,2,3,4,Lets find out.,比较第一幅图片和其它三幅图片,找出不同点。,1,2,Lets find out.,There is a lake in picture2.,比较第一幅图片和其它三幅图片,找出不同点。,1,3,Lets find out.,There is a tree and a squirrel in picture 3.,比较第一幅图片和其它三幅图片,找出不同点。,1,4,Lets find out.,There is a path in picture 4.,比较第一幅图片和其它三幅图片,找出不同点。,Guilin Nature Park,Love the nature!Love our hometown!,Thank you!Goodbye!,