留学生招聘Networking如何写一封专业,回复率高的Cold Email?.docx
留学生招聘Networking如何写一封专业,回复率高的Cold Email? 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 Networking如何写一封专业,回复率高的Cold Email? “It's not what you know, it's who you know". 重要的不是你懂什么,而是你认识谁。 相信这句话很多人也听说过。但Networking具体要怎样做呢?与其说networking是一种科学,不如说是一种艺术,其中主要部分就是要找准自己的风格。你是坚定自信、善于电话交流的人吗?那么最好的做法就是cold call校友,简要介绍自己,请他们花几分钟谈谈自己的背景和事业。或者,如果你不善于电话交流,但与人面谈却没有问题。这种情况下,尽量去参加social gathering,向尽量多的人介绍自己。刚开始networking的话,cold email 可谓是比较容易掌握上手的。今天小编就为大家分享写cold email的一些秘诀,以及5个模版供大家参考。 写Cold Email的专业指导和例子 Subject Line: 在说明来意那部分一定要够简洁。在这一部分里面,你一定要陈述一下你是怎么知道他的,还有里面之间有什么样的connections,会引起他的兴趣。 Intro: 通常以“Dear Mr/Mrs “开头。如果他们回信是使用他们的first name, 你可以考虑直接使用first name。但是,传统以last name称呼的方式是肯定不会错的。这称呼之后,你应该用一到两行的文字来陈述你的来意。 背景以及你们之间的联系:选择一些目标人物是跟你相类似的经历,但不一定只是校友。如果你是要去UCLA,你就应该同时联系其他加州大学毕业的前辈。如果你是毕业于non-target school, 你可以给那些同样毕业于非目标学校的学长学姐,询问一下他们是如何在华尔街成功的。这不是绝对的规则,但是给一些跟你有关系的人写邮件,较容易建立一种personal bond,会增加你成功的机会。 内容部分:正如上文所说,一定要保持简洁。解释一下你是谁还有你发信的目的。询问一下他是否有时间可以找个时间见面交流一下。用段小的文字来介绍你自己,更加详细的内容可以留到后面。 感谢:一定要预先表示感谢,然后告诉他们你希望能够收到他们的回信。以下是一些具体例子。 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 如果你给他们写邮件,但是在几天后都没有收到回信,有可能是因为他们公事繁忙,你还是可以给他们写follow-up邮件的。如果他们第二份邮件同样没有回复,他们就很可能不想被打搅或者对你没有兴趣。然而,如果你想更加表示你的诚恳,你可以试着给他们在一个星期后给他们打一个电话。我们都会在指导里面提供教程。你要有被拒绝的心理准备,但是不要应为这样就觉得沮丧,为下一次求职做好准备。 SAMPLE 1 Subject: Buckeye interested in investment banking Dear Mr. Johnson, My name is Clyde Walton and I am a junior finance major at Ohio State, who is very interested in a career in investment banking. I found your name in the alumni directory and was hoping we could set up a time to speak briefly about your job and the industry so I could gain some insight from your experiences. I know you must be busy, so I appreciate any time you can spare. Thank you in advance, and I hope to hear from you soon. Best, Clyde Walton Campus Box 25864 The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 Cwalton3osu.edu 733.394.2857 SAMPLE 2 Subject: Interested in Private Equity Dear Mr. Smith, My name is John Jones and I am a fellow Michigan alumnus. Im currently an Analyst in investmentbanking with XYZ firm and I am interested in pursuing a career in private equity. I read an articleabout you in XYZ Publication and it mentioned that you were an alumnus of Michigan, so I 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 washoping you would be willing to speak with me briefly about your success and what I can do to positionmyself for private equity recruiting. I appreciate any time you can spare and I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance. Regards, John Jones 124 Water Street, Apt 24K New York, NY10004john.jones27646.111.1111 SAMPLE 3 Subject: Johnny Walker referred me to you Dear Mr. Morgan, My name is Jack Daniels, and I am a student of Johnny Walker, who suggested I reach out to you. I ama rising junior at the University of Pennsylvania and I am interested in pursuing a career in finance. Mr.Walker mentioned that you might be a good resource given your expertise in x industry. I was hopingwe could set up a time to speak so that I could ask you a few questions about the different areas I amconsidering. Thanks in advance, Mr. Morgan. Sincerely, Jack Daniels62 5th Ave, Apt 162 New York, NY 10022 Jd123 646.123.4567 SAMPLE 4 Subject: Fellow Bostonian seeking advice Dear Mrs. Moore, My name is Katie James, and I am a fellow Bostonian who found your contact information on LinkedIn.I just graduated from Boston University, and while I have spent all of my life in Boston, I amconsidering a move to New York to pursue a career in finance. 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 I see that you have successfully made this transition so I was hoping you might be willing to spare a fewminutes to discuss how you made the most of it. Thanks, Mrs. Moore I look forward to connecting. Best, Emily James6235 Commonwealth Ave, Apt 3bBoston, MA 02114Jd123 617.337.9933 SAMPLE 5 Subject: Professor Ennis suggested I reach out Dear Miss Thomas, My name is Julie Bigelow and I am a senior in Professor Enniss finance class. I expressed my interestin sales and trading, and he recommended I speak with you since you are one of his most successfulstudents that went into S&T. I was hoping I could speak with you for a few minutes and ask somequestions about the industry. Thanks, Miss Thomas. Please let me know if there is a time that is most convenient for you. I hope tohear from you soon. Regards, Julie Bigelow 122 King George Rd. Houston, TX 12548JBigs23321.321.1234 以上这些邮件都是点到即止,而且方便手机上阅读。最好在你的邮件标题上,直接附带跟你的联系人的关系的信息。你的对象很可能每天收到逾百封邮件,所以很有可能会忽略一封只是以“I am interested in Finance"为标题的邮件。如果你能够在标题写上跟你的学校,城市,居住地方,共同朋友等关联信息,会大大增加你的对象打开你的邮件的机会。 其他建议: · 正如我们上文提到,应该使用专业的邮箱地址。事实你建立一个gmail专门找工作是很有帮助的。想一下使用John.Doe87而不是LaxBro69的不同。这样就不会让人很容易就忽视你邮件。你也不需要删除你的邮件,也可以很容易找到他们。这个邮箱可以让你对你的邮件进行标记这是对你很重要的,这样可以让你的资料保存得有条理。另外,你也可以用来管理你的联系方式, 海归求职网-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 他们的名字,员工,电话邮件,记录一下你想知道的细节,你也可以建立自己的日历来管理你的求职过程,这样你在Blackberry或者iPhone,Outlook或者其他什么地方都可以使用 · 永远校对你的邮件,无能它是多短的邮件。确保你的语言简洁,没有太多的废话,也不要用网络用语 · 不要忘记在邮件里面放入你所提及的附件。用Gmail的话,如果你邮件里面提到有附件,Gmail可以设置附件提醒功能 · 一定要记住把你的全名,联系方式留在邮件的最后 · 不要提供你的简历,如果一切都好,别人在信息访谈最后才会要你简历 文档来源:专业留学生海归求职培训辅导机构 海归求职网AceCareer