电大学位英语考试复习重点工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 电大学位英语考试复习重点 一 单选词汇 1.His handwriting resulted from haste and carelessness rather than from the inability to from the letters correctly. a.unreadable b. beautiful c. careful d. undecided 2.He watches TV only to time. A.Cost, B.spend, C.kill, D.take 3.That small country has independence, so it became an independent nation. A.Ordered, B.exclaimed, C.performed, D.declared 4.Tom has got a decent in a chemical factory. A.Job , B.employment, C.work , D.profession 5.The textile industry greatly to the economy of Hong Kong . A adds B amounts C contributes D leads 6.We must that the telegram arrives in time. ASecure, B.assure, C.ensure, D. endure 7.When we think of communication, we think of using words talking face-to-face, writing messages and so on . A.shortly, B.namely, C. practically, D. normally 8.She talked to him for two hours and_him from doing that dangerous job . A persuaded B dissuaded C overcame D conquered 9.My friend was full of for the way in which I had so quickly learned to drive a car . A pride B surprise C admiration D jealousy 10.Mrs.Johnson usually has an apple for at the end of a dinner because she firmly believes that “An apple a day keeps the do ctor away.” A.Dessert , B.deserter, C.desert , D.desertion 11.Old people tend to_ traditional ideas. A stick to B refuse C reject D dislike 1 工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 12.Depending on _,Mary led us through an unknown part of the forest . A.intuition, B.sense , C.feeling , D.knowledge 13.When the new factory opens, we will be able to keep _with the growing demand . A.pace, B.speeding , C.quickness , D.size 14.We naturally _-the name of parwin with the doctrine of evolution. A tie B associate C bind D involve 15.Since you supervisor has the time for a talk,you must make sure that you will be there on time. A predicted B specified C yielded D classified 16.They agree to rent the house the roof be repaired. A on condition that B as soon as C when D unless 17.The experiment he made last week _ that theory. A confirmed B committed C considered D concerned 18.Since you supervisor has the time for a talk,you must make sure that you will be there on time. A predicted B specified C yielded D classified 19. Bobs right hand was seriously injured,and he would be ( )for work for several weeds at least. A.unhealthy B fierce C unfit D qualified 二 词型转换 1.(disappoint)To his great disappointment ,Mrs. White wont be able to join us in the party this weekend. 2.(criticize)He got a lot of criticism due to his article published last month. 3.(service)Spring rolls should be served hot ,other wise its flavor will change. 4.(economy )I am a TV university student now .My major is economics. 5.(promote)He looks happy today, I guess he has got a promotion. 2 工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 6.(patience )Judy is certainly unfit for the teaching profession for he is too impatient with slow learners. 7.(explode)Did you hear the terrible explosion last night? 8.(wonder )Have you ever read this story .Tts reallya _wonderful_one . 9.(unexpected)To tell you the truth,his speech was quite out of my expectation 三 单选 1.”Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?” ”No, only the two passengers who got hurt.” A there is B it were C there was D it was 2.He never hesitated to help those who are in need of his help _he could. A as long as B now that C since D while 3.Shakespeare wrote many of his plays_ the reign of leueen Elizabeth I . A.during, B.in , C.since , D.at 4.His parents _, the orphan is now taken care of by her uncle . A.have died , B.dying, C.dead, D.having died. 5.No one of us has a clear idea _to do . A.what , B.the , C.others, D.want 6.Many a man _sacrificed _-life for the cause of revolution. A.Has -his , B.have -his , C.have -their, D. has-their 7._this is an event of world historic significance is quite evidednt. A.What, B.that , C. because , D.since 8.The train hasnt arrived yet ,so we _. A needed not hurry B neednt have hurried C didnt need to hurry D need havent hurried 9.I think it is wise _him not to accept their offer. A for B of C to D from 3 工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 10.In spite of your living so far away. We both hope very much_. A.Your coming, B.that you come , C.you to come , D.that you will come . 11._because the guard was asleep. A. The prisoner should escape B .The prisoner must escape C. It was impossible for the prisoner to escape D. It was possible for the prisoner to escape 12.The manufacturers _carried out one of the chairmans proposals ,but they didnt. A must have B couldnt have C ought to have D shouldnt have 13._to the moon some day, I should see the surface of the moon with my own eyes . A.would I go , B. were I go , C.If I go , D.If I had gone 14.He said she was used to going to bed late ,_? A. Didnt he , B. did he , C. wasnt he , D.was she 15. the peope have become masters of their own country _science can really serve the people. A It is only then/that B It was that/when C It is only when/that D It was when/then 16.They are believed in their experiment. A to have already succeeded B to succeed already C to be succeeded D to besucceedirg 17.Marina is too young to in the house.without a babysitter. A leave B be leabing C leaves D be left 18.You ought not to _ him the news thatday. A tell B be telling C have told D had told 19.The experiment ought to last week. A.be done B.have been done C.have done D.do 20.“Everyday”in one word is an adjective,_ “commoneplace”, “normal” A.it means B.to mean C.by means of D.meaning 四、完形填空 4 工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 everyone uses the expression a.m. and p.m. to 1 before noon and agter noon. But do you know exactly what they mean and how these terms 2 into being? As you know,the turning of the earth 3 the sun and the stars 4 to move across the sky. Day light, fo course, begins when the sun 5 in the east and ends when it sets in the west. When the sun is high in the sky, 6 these two positions, half of the daylight hours have been 7 . 8 ,by noticing where the sun stood in the sky, early man knew he could 9 the time on the day.at night, the motino of the stars served the same purpose. The important thing in 10 time is to know the exact moment of noon,foreach of us, 11 we are,noon is when the sun is directly overhead.think of an imaginary line,drawn across the sky, strectching form the north point of your horizon 12 to the south point. When the sun crossed you meridian (子午线), it is noon for you.when the sun is still 13 of this line or meridian, it is morning. After the sun has crossed this meridian, it is afternoon. The latin word 14 “middy ” is “meridies”, 15 which comes our word meridian so A.M. is an abbreviation for “ante meridiem”, 16 middy P.M. is the abbreviation for “post meridiem”, or agter midday. 17 of the worlds time zones is about fifteen degrees wide in longitude, which is about distance the sun moves 18 the sky in 19 .everyone who lies in the same time zone observes noon at the same moment. 20 this way ,the time differs by one hour as you move through each time zone. 1-5 ACABD 6-10 BDADA 11-15 BBAAC 16-20 BABDC 第一空 : A. Indicate B. Point C. touch D. judge 第二空 : A. went B. left C. came D. used 第三空 : A. Makes B. forces C. wants D. ought 第四空 : A. look B. seem C. have D. lets 第五空 : A. Raises B. Rises up C. raises up D. rises 第六空 : A. Among B. Between C. over D. under 第七空 : A. paid B. Taken C. cose D. spent 第八空: A. therefore B. however C. but D. then 第九空. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell 第十空: A. keeping B. remaining C. staying D. living 第十一空: A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. what ever 第十二空: A. up B. over C. abofve D. down 第十三空: A. east B.west C. south D. north 第十四空: A. for B. with C. in D. at 5 工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 第十五空: A. on B. of C. from D. in 第十六空: A. agter B. befor C. at D. during 第十七空: A. each B. every C. all D. either 第十八空: A. below B. over C. under D. through 第十九空: A. a month B. a day C. a minute D. an hour 第二十空: A. by B. on C. in D. at 五、阅读理解 1. as a boy, sanders was much influenced by books about the sea, but in fact by the age of fifteen he had decided to become a doctor rather than a sailor. His father was a dentist and as a result sanders had the opportunity of meeting doctors socially. When he was fourteen he was already hanging around the dispensary of the local doctor where he was supposed to obe helping to wrap up medicine bottles, but was actually trying to listen to the conversations with patients taking place in the next room. During the war sanders served in the navy as a surgeon. :that was the happiest time of my life, doing major surgery. I was dealing with ver real suffering and on the whole making a success of it .”in rhodes he taught the country people simple facts about medicine. He saw himself as a life-saver. He had proved his skill to himself and his ability to take decisions. With this proof came the firm belief that those who lived simply, tohose who were dependent upon him, possessed qualities and a secret of liviing which he lacked. Thus, thilst in a position to tell them what to do, he could feel he was serving them. After the war, he married and chose a practice deep in the english countryside, working under an old doctor who was much linked in the district, but who hated the sight of bolld and believed that the secret of medicine was faith. This gave the younger man plenty of opportunity to go on working as a life-saver. 1. when he was a small boy, sanders wanted to be a 2. as sanders grew up 3. he helped in the dispensary bacause be wanted to 4. his experience in the navy taught him that 5. when sanders was working in rhodes during the war, he 第一空 A. writer of books about the sea. B. Sailor C. Dentist D. doctor 第二空 A the doctor he met werr very friendly . B he met doctors with strong political opinions . C. the octor he met ran social services. 6 工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 D.he was often in the company of doctors. 第三空 A. find out more about the doctors work B. wrap up bottles fof medicine. C. find out the secrets of the patients. D. Learn more about the medicine in the bottles. 第四空 A surgeons had the happiest lives. B he was good at reliveing those in pain. C surgeons on ships could be very successful. D he was successful at making people suffer. 第五空 A. discovered the virtuse of a simple life. B. Wanted to live like a countryman. C. Wanted to be able to take decisions. D. Taught life-saving to his patients. 1-5 DDCBA 阅读理解2 on my first day here at state college, I was handed a questionnaire called “motivational surver “ the college wanted to know exactly why I was here. Four pages and sixty questions later, I handed the sheets back attend state college. Im here because this school is economicl, convenient, and right for my needs. I chose state college , first, because its an inexpensive place to get a good education. Tuition for a full course load is only $950 per semester, so I can save enough money for my tuition while Im working at my summer job in a plastics factory. I can also earn enough money to live on during the year from my part-time job in a nearby drugstore, finally, state college is only fifteen miles from my home,so id dont have to pay tow or three thousand dollars a year to live in a dormitory. In addition , I chose state copllege because its location is convenientlsince my mother died a year ago, I have kept house for my father, my ten-year-old brother, and my eight-year-old sister. I have scheduled all my courses in the morning so that I can be home by one oclock to do some housework and prepare dinner for the family. Commuting to state college also allows me to be with my old friends form high school. With all the responsibilities in 7 工商管理学位英语考试模拟题 my life just now, I dont want the added strain of moving away from the friends I like and care about last of all, I can be whith my boyfirend almost every day. Most important, state college has the academic program I want. At the end of four years, not only will I have my bachelors degree, but I will slso be certified as a registered nurse. With these double qualifications, I should not have any trouble getting a job in the booming health field besides, I might be able, someday, to enter a graduate program and specialize in a field like cariac nursing. 1. which of the following is NOT ture of the author? 2. Paragraph 3 is mostly concerned with 3. the work “strain”(para.3) means 4. from the passage, we can see that 5. the best title for this passage would be. 第一空 A. she has to earn money to pay her educational fees. B. She is the eldest daughter of the family. C. She goes to college by bus. D. She appreciates friendship. 第二空 A The authors family background B The role the author plays in her family C The authors relationship with her friends D The advantages of the author being a non-resident student . 第三空 A. struggle B. pressure C. difficulty D. injury 第四空 A. state college only enrolls students who can co