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    用户,特权,全局模式 了解用户模式、特权模式和全局模式 首先我们启动路由器这是我们发现命令行变为: R1> /用户模式的标志 现在我们来看一看在用户模式下我们可以进行哪些操作: R1>? Exec commands: access-enable Create a temporary Access-List entry access-profile Apply user-profile to interface call Voice call clear Reset functions connect Open a terminal connection crypto Encryption related commands. disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection enable Turn on privileged commands /模式 exit Exit from the EXEC /式下退出 help Description of the interactive help system lat Open a lat connection lock Lock the terminal login Log in as a particular user logout Exit from the EXEC modemui Start a modem-like user interface mrinfo Request neighbor and version information from a multicast router 开启特权从用户模 mstat Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes mtrace Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source name-connection Name an existing network connection pad Open a X.29 PAD connection ping Send echo messages /向其他路由器发送信息包 ppp Start IETF Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) release Release a resource renew Renew a resource resume Resume an active network connection rlogin Open an rlogin connection set Set system parameter (not config) show Show running system information / slip Start Serial-line IP (SLIP) ssh Open a secure shell client connection systat Display information about terminal lines tclquit Quit Tool Command Language shell telnet Open a telnet connection / terminal Set terminal line parameters traceroute Trace route to destination tunnel Open a tunnel connection udptn Open an udptn connection where List active connections x28 Become an X.28 PAD x3 Set X.3 parameters on PAD 查看命令 远程登录访问 接下来我们再进入特权模式下看一看可以进行哪些操作与用户模式下有什么区别: R1>enable R1#? Exec commands: access-enable Create a temporary Access-List entry access-profile Apply user-profile to interface access-template Create a temporary Access-List entry alps ALPS exec commands archive manage archive files audio-prompt load ivr prompt auto Exec level Automation bfe For manual emergency modes setting call Voice call ccm-manager Call Manager Application exec commands cd Change current directory clear Reset functions clock Manage the system clock cns CNS agents configure Enter configuration mode connect Open a terminal connection copy Copy from one file to another crypto Encryption related commands. ct-isdn Run an ISDN component test command debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') delete Delete a file dir List files on a filesystem disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection dot1x Dot1x Exec Commands enable Turn on privileged commands eou EAPoUDP erase Erase a filesystem event Event related commands exit Exit from the EXEC help Description of the interactive help system isdn Run an ISDN EXEC command on an ISDN interface lat Open a lat connection lock Lock the terminal login Log in as a particular user logout Exit from the EXEC microcode microcode commands modemui Start a modem-like user interface monitor Monitoring different system events more Display the contents of a file mpoa MPOA exec commands mrinfo Request neighbor and version information from a multicast router mrm IP Multicast Routing Monitor Test mstat Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes mtrace Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source name-connection Name an existing network connection ncia Start/Stop NCIA Server no Disable debugging functions pad Open a X.29 PAD connection ping Send echo messages ppp Start IETF Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) pwd Display current working directory release Release a resource reload Halt and perform a cold restart rename Rename a file renew Renew a resource restart Restart Connection resume Resume an active network connection rlogin Open an rlogin connection rsh Execute a remote command sdlc Send SDLC test frames send Send a message to other tty lines set Set system parameter (not config) setup Run the SETUP command facility show Show running system information slip Start Serial-line IP (SLIP) squeeze Squeeze a filesystem ssh Open a secure shell client connection start-chat Start a chat-script on a line systat Display information about terminal lines tbct configure TBCT related parameters tclquit Quit Tool Command Language shell tclsh Tool Command Language shell telnet Open a telnet connection terminal Set terminal line parameters test Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces traceroute Trace route to destination tunnel Open a tunnel connection udptn Open an udptn connection undebug Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug') upgrade Upgrade software verify Verify a file vlan Configure VLAN parameters 进入vlan voice Voice Commands where List active connections write Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal /保存信息 x28 Become an X.28 PAD x3 Set X.3 parameters on PAD 这时我们发现在特权模式下的可以进行的操作明显多于用户模式下并且用户模式下可以进行的操作在特权模式下都可以运行,我们再来看一看全局模式下的命令又有什么变化 R1#conf /当输入命令唯一时可以按Tab键来补全 R1#configure t R1#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#? Configure commands: aaa Authentication, Authorization and Accounting. aal2-profile Configure AAL2 profile access-list Add an access list entry alarm-interface Configure a specific Alarm Interface Card alias Create command alias alps Configure Airline Protocol Support appfw Configure the Application Firewall policy application Define application archive Archive the configuration arp Set a static ARP entry async-bootp Modify system bootp parameters atm Enable ATM SLM Statistics backhaul-session-manager Configure Backhaul Session Manager banner Define a login banner bba-group Configure BBA Group boot Modify system boot parameters bridge Bridge Group. bstun BSTUN global configuration commands buffers Adjust system buffer pool parameters busy-message Display message when connection to host fails call Configure Call parameters call-history-mib Define call history mib parameters call-manager-fallback SRST for Cisco Call Manager fallback. For Call Manager Express configuration use the 'telephony-service' command carrier-id Name of the carrier associated with this trunk group ccm-manager Call Manager cdp Global CDP configuration subcommands chat-script Define a modem chat script class-map Configure QoS Class Map clock Configure time-of-day clock cns CNS agents config-register Define the configuration register configuration Configuration access connect cross-connect two interfaces control-plane Configure control plane services credentials credentials service crypto Encryption module default Set a command to its defaults default-value Default character-bits values define interface range macro definition dial-control-mib Define Dial Control Mib parameters dial-peer Dial Map (Peer) configuration commands dialer Dialer commands dialer-list Create a dialer list entry diffserv Differentiated Services (COPS) dlsw Data Link Switching global configuration commands dnsix-dmdp Provide DMDP service for DNSIX dnsix-nat Provide DNSIX service for audit trails do To run exec commands in config mode dot1x Dot1x Global Configuration Commands downward-compatible-config Generate a configuration compatible with older software dspfarm Enable the dspfarm service dspu DownStream Physical Unit Command dss Configure dss parameters enable Modify enable password parameters end Exit from configure mode eou EAPoUDP Global Configuration Commands errdisable Error disable event Event related configuration commands exception Exception handling exit Exit from configure mode fax Configure fax parameters file Adjust file system parameters flow-sampler-map Flow sampler configuration frame-relay global frame relay configuration commands ftp-server FTP Server configuration commands gateway Gateway gw-accounting Enable voip gateway accounting. help Description of the interactive help system hostname Set system's network name http HTTP Config identity Identity Configuration Commands interface Select an interface to configure ip Global IP configuration subcommands ipv6 Global IPv6 configuration commands iua Configure ISDN user Adaptation Layer ivr ivr utility command ixi IXI Config command key Key management kron Kron interval Facility l2tp-class l2tp-class configuration lane Configure LAN Emulation lat DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) transmission protocol li-view LI View line Configure a terminal line locaddr-priority-list Establish queueing priorities based on LU address logging Modify message logging facilities login Enable secure login checking login-string Define a host-specific login string mac-address-table Configure the MAC address table map-class Configure static map class map-list Configure static map list memory Configure memory management memory-size Adjust memory size by percentage menu Define a user-interface menu mgcp Enable Media Gateway Control Protocol microcode configure microcode mls mls global commands mmoip Multi Media Over IP modemcap Modem Capabilities database monitor Monitoring different system events mpoa MPOA global configuration commands mrcp MRCP(Real Time Streaming Protocol) configuration mta Configure the Mail Transfer Agent multilink PPP multilink global configuration ncia Native Client Interface Architecture netbios NETBIOS access control filtering no Negate a command or set its defaults ntp Configure NTP num-exp Dial Map Number Expansion configuration commands oer Optimized Exit Routing configuration submodes oer-map Create oer-map and enter oer-map command mode parser Configure parser partition Partition device password Configure encryption password (key) policy-manager Policy Manager configuration commands policy-map Configure QoS Policy Map port-channel EtherChannel configuration ppp PPP global configuration printer Define an LPD printer priority-list Build a priority list privilege Command privilege parameters process Configure process process-max-time Maximum time for process to run before voluntarily relinquishing processor prompt Set system's prompt pseudowire-class Pseudowire-class configuration queue-list Build a custom queue list random-detect-group Configure random-detect class rbe Commands for Routing RFC 1483 Ethernet encapsulated packets regexp regexp commands resource Configure Embedded Resource Manager (ERM) resume-string Defi


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