生活大爆炸第一季剧本台词中英文对照打印The_Big_Bang_Theory_S01_E02 第一季 2集: The Big Bang Theory -Leonard: Here you go. Pad Thai, no peanuts. -Howard: But does it have peanut oil -Leonard: I'm not sure. Everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up. 但有花生油吧 我不清楚。 你们每个人都盯着Howard,以防他突然肿胀。 既然现在不是看<拼字大赛> ,你可以吃我的肾上腺素。 有筷子吗 你不需要筷子,这是泰国菜。 又来啦。 泰国自19世纪后半期起使用餐叉。 有趣的是,他们不直接叉食物进嘴, 而是叉食物进汤匙,再送进嘴里。 你敢不敢找他要餐巾纸,我去开门。 我看起来肿吗 我觉得有点鼓鼓的。 嗨,Leonard 嗨,Penny 打扰到你们了 没有。 你没有肿胀,Howard。 不,不,看我的手指,就像维也纳腊肠。 看起来你有客人。 他们哪儿也不去。 你刚下班啊,太好了。工作怎么样 你知道嘛?芝士蛋糕工厂? 人们购买蛋糕,我给他们就行。 也就是说,你类似于是,碳水化合物的运送系统。 是啊,随便你怎么叫它,我能拿到基本工资。 好吧,不管怎么说,我在想你能不能帮我个忙 没问题。 太好了。明天我有些家具要运过来,我可能不在家,所以. 你.你们好抱歉 没人用俄语夸奖过你的绝世美貌吗 不,没有。 你得习惯这个。 呃,我可能很难习惯。 嘿 Sheldon 。 嗨 嘿 Raj。还是不理我,嗯 别放在心上。这是他的病状,他没法和女人说话。 没法和迷人的女人说话,而你是芝士蛋糕香气逼人的女神。 那么,有家具要搬过来 对。如果明天送来时我不在,你能帮我签收一下吗 然后搬进我的房间 没问题。 太好了,这是我的备用钥匙,谢谢! -Sheldon: Since it's not bee season, you can have my epinephrine. -Howard: Are there any chopsticks? -Sheldon: You don't need chopsticks. This is Thai food. -Leonard: Here we go. -Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th Century. Interestingly, they don't actually put the fork in their mouth- They use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth. -Leonard: Ask him for a napkin. I dare you. I'll get it. -Howard: Do I look puffy I feel puffy. -Penny:Hey, Leonard. -Leonard: Oh, hi, Penny. -Penny:Am I interrupting -Leonard: No. -Sheldon: You're not swelling, Howard. -Howard: No, no, look at my fingers. They're like Vienna sausages. -Penny:Sounds like you have company. -Leonard: They're not going anywhere. So, you're coming home from work. That's great. How was work -Penny:Well, you know, it's a Cheesecake Factory. People order cheesecake and I bring it to them -Leonard: So you kind of act like a carbohydrate delivery system. -Penny:Yeah. Call it whatever you want, I get my minimum wage. Yeah. Um, anyways, I was wondering if you could help me out with something. I've kinda had. -Leonard: Yes. -Penny:Okay, great. I'm having some furniture delivered tomorrow and I may not be here, so. Oh. H Hello. I'm sorry -Howard: Haven't you ever been told how beautiful you are in flawless Russian -Penny:No, I haven't. -Howard: Get used to it. -Penny:Yeah. I probably won't. Hey,Sheldon. Hi Hey, Raj. Still not talking to me, huh -Sheldon: Don't take it personally, it's his pathology. He can't talk to women. -Howard: He cant talk to attractive women or in your case, a cheesecake scented goddess. -Leonard: So there's going to be some furniture delivered -Penny:Yeah, yeah. If it gets here and I'm not here tomorrow, could you just sign for it, and have them put it in my apartment -Leonard: No problem. -Penny:Great. Here's my spare key. Thank you. 1 The_Big_Bang_Theory_S01_E02 Penny, wait. Penny,等等。 怎么 呃. 如果你没别的计划, 要不来和我们一起吃泰国菜,还有超人电影马拉松 马拉松 哇噢,你们那儿有多少部超人电影 你开玩笑,对吧 我超喜欢那部,路易丝·莱恩从直升机上坠下。 超人嗖地一下过去接住她。 那是哪一部 就一部。 你知道那场景里,充斥着科学错误吧? 是啊,我知道,人类不能飞。 不,不,让我们假设人类可以。 路易丝·莱恩以32英尺/秒平方的初始加速度急速坠落, 超人突然下降,用钢铁般的手臂接住她。 莱恩小姐此时大约速度在120英里/时, 猛撞上超人的手臂后,她会马上被切成三等分。 除非超人赶上她的速度并减速。 哪还有时间,先生 哪有时间 她离地面只有两英尺。 坦白讲,如果他真的爱她,就应该让她直接撞地。 那会是种更仁慈的死法。 抱歉,你全部的争论,都只是建立在一个假设上, 假设超人的飞行能力,是一种力量的特技。 你知道自己说什么吗 这一点是毋庸置疑的啊。 这是他跳跃高楼能力的延伸, 是他从太阳光中获取的能力。 你没发现问题吗 那他在夜里怎么飞行 哦,结合月球的日光反射, 以及氪星人皮肤细胞中贮存的能量。 我要回去洗个手先。 我那儿有2600本连环画册。 你敢不敢去找出,所谓的"氪星人皮肤细胞"的内容 接受挑战。我们被锁在外面了。 还有,漂亮女孩也走了。 房间在四楼,可是电梯坏了, 所以你们得. 你们就这么走了 好吧,没事,谢谢。 我们自己搬上去吧。 我不这么想。 为什么不 呃,我们没有手推车, 没有升降运送带,也没有那么强悍的上肢力量。 我们不需要靠蛮力,我们是物理学家。 -Penny:Yeah -Leonard: Uh.If you don't have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon -Penny:A marathon Wow. How many Superman movies are there -Sheldon: You're kidding, right -Penny:I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that One -Sheldon: You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy. -Penny:Yes, I know, men can't fly. -Sheldon: No, no. Let's assume that they can. Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial of 32 feet per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour, hits them and is immediately slice into three equal pieces. -Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates. -Sheldon: In what space, sir In what space She's two feet above the ground. Frankly, if he really loved her, he'd let her hit the pavement. It'd be a more merciful death. -Leonard: Excuse me, your entire argument is predicated on the assumption that Superman's flight is a feat of strength. -Sheldon: Are you listening to yourself It is well established that Superman's flight is a feat of strength. It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings. an ability he derives from exposure to Earth's yellow sun. -Howard:And you don't have a problem with that How does he fly at night -Sheldon: Oh, a combination of the moon's solar reflection and the energy-storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells. -Penny:I'm just gonna go wash up. -Leonard: I have 2,600 comic books in there. I challenge you to find a single reference to Kryptonian skin cells. -Sheldon: Challenge accepted. We're locked out. -Raj:Also, the pretty girl left. -Leonard: Ok, her apartment's on the fourth floor but the elevator's broken, so you're gonna have to. Oh, you're just gonna be done Okay. Cool. Thanks. I guess we'll just bring it up ourselves. -Sheldon: I hardly think so. -Leonard: Why not -Sheldon: Well, we don't have a dolly, or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength. -Leonard: We don't need strength- we're physicists. 2 The_Big_Bang_Theory_S01_E02 We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes. Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the Earth. It's just a matter of. I don't have this. I don't have this! I do not have this! 我们是阿基米德的精英后代。 给我一个杠杆,一个支点,我就能撬动地球。 可问题是.我没有。 我没有! 我没有! 阿基米德会为你骄傲的。 你有办法吗 有,但都需要绿灯侠和能量指环 (美国漫画超级英雄)。 慢点.慢点 很好,现在我们弄成了斜面。 运上去所需的力度,按梯角的正弦值减少, 30度角的话,就减少一半力气。 正好一半。 正好一半。 来推吧。 看,推动了,很容易。 一切都是数学原理。 遇到转角,你用什么公式 什么 好吧呃. 没问题,你上来这儿帮我拉,然后转弯。 啊,地心引力,你真是无良的婊子。 你得明白,我们这儿所有的努力, 绝不可能增加你和那女人,发生性关系的几率。 男人为女人做事,并不是只求做爱予以回报。 那是对于,刚做过爱的男人来说。 我这么做,是想成为一个好邻居。 无论如何,这也绝不会降低几率啊。 快到了。快到了。快到了。 不,还没到。不,还没到。 对不起。 小心你的手指。 好的。 上帝啊我的手指! 你没事吧 不,她. 伟大凯撒的亡灵啊,看看这地方。 看来Penny的房间有一点凌乱。 有一点凌乱 高次幂Mandelbrot集的复杂数字,才叫有一点凌乱。 这简直是一团糟。 不好意思。 你解释下,一个餐具盘放在沙发上,这样的组织系统能叫合理吗 -Sheldon: Archimedes would be so proud. -Leonard: Do you have any ideas -Sheldon: Yes, but they all involve a green lantern and a power ring. -Leonard: Easy. easy. Okay. Now we've got an inclined plane. The force required to lift is reduced by the sine of the angle of the stairs, call it 30 degrees, so, about half. -Sheldon: Exactly half. -Leonard: Exactly half. Let's push. Okay. See, it's moving, this is easy. It's all in the math. -Sheldon: What's your formula for the corner -Leonard: What Okay, uh. Okay, yeah, no problem. Just come up here, help me and turn. -Sheldon: Ah, gravity, thou are a heartless bitch. You do understand that our efforts here will in no way increase the odds of you having sexual congress with this woman. -Leonard: Men do things for women without expecting sex. -Sheldon: Those would be men who just had sex. -Leonard: I'm doing this to be a good neighbor. In any case, there's no way it could lower the odds. -Leonard: Almost there. Almost there. Almost there. -Sheldon: No, we're not. Were not. -Leonard: I'm sorry. -Sheldon: Watch your fingers. Watch your fingers. -Leonard: Yeah. -Sheldon: Oh, God, my fingers! -Leonard: You okay -Sheldon: No, her. Great Caesar's ghost, look at this place. -Leonard: So Penny's a little messy. -Sheldon: A little messy The Mandelbrot set of complex numbers is a little messy. This is chaos. Excuse me. Explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid. Now, I'm just inferring that this is a couch because the evidence s the coffee table is having a tiny garage sale. 现在,我只是假设这是沙发, 因为证据显示,咖啡桌上正进行一场小型旧货出售。 你有没想过,并不是每个人都觉得必须要. 归类、整理、 并将一切事物都贴上标签 没有想过。 -Leonard: Did it ever occur to you that not everyone has the compulsive need to sort, organize and label the entire world around them -Sheldon: No. 3 The_Big_Bang_Theory_S01_E02 -Leonard: Well, they don't. Hard as it may be for you to believe, most people don't sort their breakfast cereal numerically by fiber content. 其实人们不这样,也许你很难相信, 大多数人并不用纤维量,去归类他们的芥麦早餐。 抱歉,但我认为我们都发现,有时那个很管用。 快点,我们得走了。 等一下。 你在干嘛 我在清理。 Sheldon,这不是你的家。 这根本不能叫家,这是社会恶化的旋涡中心。 当易装癖住在这儿的时候,你就不计较他怎么糟蹋这的。 因为他的很完美。当你打开那男人的衣橱时,从左到右,依次是女士晚礼服、 女士短裙、然后是警察制服。 你去翻他的衣橱干什么 我帮他调试摄像头网线。 嘿,伙计们。 嘿,Penny。 家具刚到,我们搬上来.刚刚。 太好了,你们搬上楼来很费劲吧 不。 "不" 不。 不。 好了,我们出去了。 太好了,再次谢谢你们。 Penny,我只是想让你知道,你没必要这样生活。 有我在呢。 他在说什么 说笑话。 我没听懂。 是啊,他讲不来笑话的。 Sheldon! Sheldon 哈罗 Sheldon! 嘘,嘘,Penny在睡觉。 你疯了吗 你不能就这么闯进一间女人的公寓,深更半夜,还打扫整理。 我别无选择。 我没法睡着,明明知道,我卧室外是客厅,客厅外是走廊,而直接紧接走廊的是.这个。 你有没想过,万一Penny醒了, 该如何解释我们在这儿呢。 我刚就给了你一个合理解释。 不,不,你给了我一个解释。 可它的合理性,得由你的同伴陪审团来裁决。 别说笑了。我没什么同伴。 Sheldon,我们得出去。 也许你得降低声调。 -Sheldon: Excuse me, but I think we've both found that helpful at times. -Leonard: Come on, we should go. -Sheldon: Hang on. -Leonard: What are you doing -Sheldon: I'm straightening up. -Leonard: Sheldon, this is not your home. -Sheldon: No, this is not anyone's home. This is a swirling vortex of entropy. -Leonard: When the transvestite lived here, you didn't care how he kept the place. -Sheldon: Because it was immaculate. I mean, you opened that man's closet, it was left to right evening gowns, cocktail dresses, then his police uniforms. -Leonard: What were you doing in his closet -Sheldon: I helped him run some cable for a web cam. -Penny:Hey, guys. -Leonard: Oh, Hey, Penny. This just arrived, we just brought this up. just now. -Penny:Great. Was it hard getting it up the stairs -Leonard: No. -Sheldon: "No" -Leonard: No. -Sheldon: No. -Leonard: Well, we'll get out of your here. -Penny:Okay, great. Thank you again. -Sheldon: Penny.I just want you to know that you don't have to live like this. I'm here for you. -Penny:What's he talking about -Leonard: It's a joke. -Penny:I don't get it. -Leonard: Yeah, he didn't tell it right. -Leonard: Sheldon SheldonHello Sheldon! -Sheldon: Shh, Shh, shh. Penny's sleeping. -Leonard: Are you insane You can't just break into a woman's apartment in the middle of the night and clean. -Sheldon: I had no choice. I couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room, and immediately adjacent to the hallway was. this. -Leonard: Do you realize that if Penny wakes up, there is no reasonable explanation as to why we're here. -Sheldon: I just gave you a reasonable explanation. -Leonard: No, no, you gave me an explanation. Its reasonableness will be determined by a jury of your peers. -Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous. I have no peers. -Leonard: Sheldon, we have to get out of here. -Sheldon: You might want to speak in a lower register. 4 The_Big_Bang_Theory_S01_E02 -Leonard: What -Sheldon: Evolution has made women sensitive to high-pitched noises while they sleep so that they'll be roused by a crying baby. If you want to avoid waking her, speak in a lower register. 什么 人类进化使得女性在睡觉时,对高声调的噪音特别敏感, 这样她们就能被哭闹的婴儿唤醒。 如果你不想吵醒她,降低声调。 太可笑了! 不,太可笑了。 好吧,我接受你的假设,拜托,我们走。 没清理完,我不会走的。 如果你如此清闲,还不如帮着清理。 噢,该死的。 早上好。 早上好。 我得说我睡得非常好。 老实说,睡得不久,但是很深很沉。 我不觉得惊讶。 一个有名的民间治愈失眠法,就是闯入邻居的房间打扫清理。 讽刺我吗 你说呢 老实说,我的方法也许有些极端, 但我认为最终有效地,增进了Penny的生活质量。 你说得对,也许今晚我们该再偷溜去,给她的地毯来个泡泡浴。 你不觉得那样太过火了吗 当然。 Sheldon,难道要我每次开口讽刺你时,都举块讽刺牌 你有讽刺牌 不,我没有讽刺牌。 你想来些芥麦吗 今天感觉真好,我决定选择,架子尾端的低纤维食物。 哈罗,蜂蜜泡芙。 狗娘养的! Penny起床了。 你们这些恶心变态的杂种! 她怎么知道是我们 我也许在她卧室的衣橱,留下了一个暗示性的组织记号。 Leonard! 上帝啊,糟糕了。 再见,蜂蜜泡芙。哈罗,大糠芥麦。 你们昨晚趁我睡着时,进了我的房间! 是的,但只是帮你清理房间。 顶多也就是整理。本质上讲,你并不脏。 把钥匙还给我。 我非常抱歉。 你们知道这有多么可怕吗 是的,我们昨晚详细地讨论过了。 我的房间,趁我睡着时! -Leonard: That's ridiculous! -Sheldon: No. That's ridiculous. -Leonard: Fine. I accept your premise. Now, please, let's go. -Sheldon: I'm not leaving until I'm done. If you have time to lean, you have time to clean. -Leonard: Oh, what the hell. -Sheldon: Morning. -Leonard: Morning. -Sheldon: I have to say I slept splendidly. Granted, not long, but just deeply and well. -Leonard: I'm not surprised. A well-known folk cure for insomnia is to break in your neighbor's apartment and clean. -Sheldon: Sarcasm -Leonard: You think -Sheldon: Granted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Penny's quality of life. -Leonard: You've convinced me. Maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet. -Sheldon: You don't think that crosses a line -Leonard: Yes. For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth -Sheldon: You have a sarcasm sign -Leonard: No, I do not have a sarcasm sign. -Sheldon: Do you want some cereal I feel so good today; I'm going to choose from the low-fiber end of the shelf. Hello, Honey Puffs. -Penny:Son of a bitch! -Leonard: Penny's up. -Penny:You sick geeky bastards! -Leonard: How did she know it was us -Sheldon: I may have left a suggested organizational schematic for her bedroom closet. -Penny:Leonard! -Leonard: God, this is going to be bad. -Sheldon: Good-bye, Honey Puffs. Hello, Big Bran. -Penny:You came into my apartment last night while I was sleeping! -Leonard: Yes, but only to clean. -Sheldon: Really more to organize. You're not actually dirty, per se. -Penny:Give me back my key. -Leonard: I'm very, very sorry. -Penny:Do you understand how creepy this is -Leonard: Oh, yes, we discussed it at length last night. -Penny:In my apartment, while I was sleeping! 5 The_Big_Bang_Theory_S01_E02 -Sheldon: And snoring. And that's probably just a sinus infection. But it could be sleep apnea. You might want to see an otolaryngologist. The throat doctor. 还打鼾,那也许是种鼻窦传染病。 但那会引发睡眠时呼吸暂停,你最好去看耳鼻喉科医师。 就是看咽喉的医生。 哪种医生能从屁股里提鞋 依深度来看,那可能是直肠病医生,或是普通外科医生。 讽刺 上帝! Penny,你现在的想法完全正确,也许再过一会儿, 当你感到不是那么. 该怎么说,被冒犯时, 我们可以再谈谈这件事。 离我远点。 当然,那也是种方法。 Penny,Penny! 等等。 澄清一下,因为你离开后,这儿会展开讨论。 你是只反对我们,趁你睡着时偷溜进你房间, 还是也反对被强迫接受一个,全新而井井有条的模范房间 呃,这个回答太含糊了。 你得马上大步走去,正式向她道歉。 有什么好笑的 那不是讽刺吗 不是。 哇,小子,今早什么话都是你说了算啊。 我有一个硕士学位,两个博士学位,我不应该这么做。 什么事! 对于昨晚发生的事,我真挚地向你道歉。 我负全部责任。 而且我希望不会影响到,你对Leonard的看法。 他不仅仅是个好人,而且我听说,他是个温和细心的好情人。 我尽力了。 嗨,Raj。 嘿,听着。 我不知道你是否听说了,昨晚 Leonard和Sheldon干的事, 但我是真的很生气。 我是说,他们. 居然闯进我的房间打扫。 你能相信吗 那多么奇怪。 她离我非常近。 哦,她闻起来真香。 什么味道,香草 知道吗