生活大爆炸英文演讲稿The story is set in Pasadena, California, the TV series is centered around five characters: two roommate Caltech(加州理工学院) geniuses, theoretical physicist Sheldon and experimental physicist Leonard; their neighbor across the hall Penny, an attractive blonde beauty; and their friends Howard , an Aerospace engineer(航空工程师) and Rajesh, a particle astrophysicist postdoc(粒子天体物理学家博士) Sheldon:Originally from East Texas,His IQ is as high as 187,buthis EQ is very low.He is A theoretical physicist focusing on string theory(弦理论), he possesses amaster 's degree, two Ph.Ds.He was a child genius who began college at the age of 11 (after completing the fifth grade), started graduate studies at 14, and earned his first Ph.D. at 16. He has a lot of weird habits.He exhibits a lack of understanding of irony, sarcasm, and humor; he is also uninterested in many of the romantic things.he is very arrogant, and refuse to believe that no one is smarter than himin the world.Its fun that he cant realize his arrogance.On the other side, he is forthright and sincere, which always make you love him very much.It sounds crazy that a man like Sheldon has a girlfriend. Amy Farrah Fowler: she first appeared in the thirdseason ,she is a neurobiologist, she is Similar to Sheldon.she later became Sheldon's girlfriend in the fourth season, their friends called them “shamy”. Leonard is an experimental physicist with an IQ of 173 who received his Ph.D. when he was 24 years old. He possesses amasters degree and a Ph.D.His parents are all scientists. He shares an apartment with his colleague and friend Sheldon Cooper.He isthe only one who can tolerate Sheldon.Compared to several other genius,He is the most realistic one. His character is kind,shy and warm-hearted. The affecting thing is a potential romance between him and neighbor Penny. Penny She is the attractive, blonde beautywho lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard. Different from them, she just graduated from Community college.So Sheldon often laughs at her ignorance. She has aspirationsto become an actress .As an American standard sweet girl, she leaves home for her star dream,but she is not successful in stage career.To pay the bills, she works as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory.Different from Sheldon and Leonard social anxiety disorder, she is good at social contact,so she hadmany handsome boyfriends before.She loves Leonard. And they fell in love in the third season. Afterwards, because of some reasons, they broke up many times. But finally they announced their engagement in the seventh season. Howard WolowitzHe works as an aerospace engineer. He is Jewish, and lives with his mother. Unlike Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj, Howard lacks a Ph.D. but he has a master's degree in Engineering from MIT(麻省理工) and The apparatus he designs are actually built and launched into space. his wife is Bernadette Bernadette: She is a microbiologist and the sweet girl. She also works as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory. So , she is Pennyfriend. because of Penny, Bernadette made the acquaintance of Howard. Then, they fell in love .Finally,they got married in the fifth season. Rajesh Koothrappali Rajesh, who originally comes fromIndia, works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech. Maybe you will think he is poor.On the contrary, he is from a very rich family. Because his father is a doctor in India.He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinks alcohol. So he is the only one who dont have a girlfriend