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    牛津译林初中英语年级下册第四单元词组8B Unit 4 Welcome to the unit短语: 1. 2. a good read 一本好的读物 如何处理这些书 what to do with these books = how to deal with these books 3. reach the books on the fridge 4. complete a survey on reading habits 5. read a book about Germany in World War 6. be interested in history books = show / have interest in history books 7. improve my knowledge of the past 8. in your spare time = in your free time 9. read novels and plays watch TV plays 10. a novel (wriiten) by the French writer 句型: 11. - Have you decidecd twhat to do with these books? -Not yet. 12. What type of book do you like? 13. The story of the ugly man really touched me. Reading短语: 14. Gulliver in Liliput 15. a book called / named Gullivers Travels 16. crash against the rocks 17. swim as far as I can = swim as far as possible 18. be tired out 19. fall down on the beach 20. go to sleep 21. be tied to the ground tie to 22. the same size as my little finger 23. this tiny person 24. start climbing all over me = start to climb all over me 25. soon get up again 26. continue moving / to move across the body 27. pull one hand free = get one hand free 28. manage to break the ropes 29. lift my left hand into the air 30. see a huge army of tiny people 31. come straight towards me 伸手够冰箱上的书 完成一个关于阅读习惯的调查 读一本有关二战中德国的书 对历史书感兴趣 提高我对过去的认识 在我的空余时间里 阅读小说和戏剧 看电视剧 一本由法国作家写的小说 你已经决定如何处理这些书了吗? 还没有。 你喜欢哪种类型的书? 这个相貌丑陋男人的故事真得感动了我。 利立浦特的格里弗 一本叫格里弗游记的书 撞到岩石上 尽可能游得远些 筋疲力尽 跌倒在沙滩上 去睡觉 被固定在在地上 把系在/捆在上 和我的小手指一样大 这个小人 开始在我全身上爬 很快又站了起来 继续从我的身上移过 挣脱一只手 设法成功弄断绳子 把我的左手举到空中 看到一大群小人 径直向我走来 1 32. run away from them 33. how to get away = how to run away 34. hold things together with ropes 35. climb onto Guillivers body 36. stand on ones / the shoulders 37. communicate with the small men 逃离他们 如何离开 用绳子把东西捆在一起 爬上格里弗的身体 站在某人的肩膀上 与小人们交流 用你自己的语言讲故事 = have an communication with the small men 38. tell the story in your own words 句型: 39. By the time I finnaly felt the land under my feet, I was tired out. 到最终我感觉到脚下的土地时,我已经筋疲力尽了。 40. I woke up as the sun was rising, but I found I could not move. 当太阳升起的时候我醒来了,但我发现我不能动弹。 41. It moved up to my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face. 它爬到我的胃和脖子上直到站在我的脸上。 42. There were around 40 of them. 44. I dont know what to say either. 2 他们大约有40个。 我也不知道说什么。 桑迪想要解释格里弗怎么了。 格里弗发现他自己不能移动了。 决定先买哪一个 上交他们的作业 给我看下一步做什么 自学如何用电脑绘画 推荐如此多有趣的书 尝试一下我们学校的图书馆 上交我们的读书报告 在下周五之前 就有关你的书写任何东西 等等 在阅读之前阅读有关书的评论 在图书馆保持安静 保持书籍的整洁和干净 准时还书 记住把你的图书卡带来 丹尼尔没有说和谁谈论这本书。 桑迪正想知道去哪儿寻求帮助。 43. I shouted at them - the loud noise made them all fall over. 我对他们喊-这大的吵闹声几乎使他们全部滑到。 45. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. 我尽力挣脱一只手,最终我设法弄断了绳子。 46. Sandy wants to explain what happened to Guilliver. 47. Guilliver found himself unable to move. Grammar短语: 48. decide which (one) to choose first 49. hand in their work (homewrok) 50. show us what to do next 51. teach oneself how to use a computer to draw = learn how to use a computer to draw by oneself 52. recommend so many interesting books 53. try our school library 54. find out how to travel around the world in such a short time 搞清楚如何在这么短的时间内环游世界 55. hand in our book report 56. before next Friday 58. and so on 57. write anything about your book 59. read the reviews about the book before reading 60. keep quiet in the library 61. keep the books clean and tidy 62. return the books on time 句型: 64. Daniel didnt say who to talk to about this book. 65. Sandy is wondering where to ask for help. 63. remember to bring your library card 66. Mr Wu advised us which to choose as after-school activities. 吴老师建议我们选择哪一种作为课外活动。 67. They are discussing which color to paint the walls. 69. Are you clear when to meet at the gate tomorrow? 70. Im still not sure what to write about in the report. 72. You mustnt draw or write in the books. 他们正在讨论把墙漆成哪种颜色。 你可以问你的父母身上要带多少钱。 你清楚明天什么时候在门口集中吗? 68. You can ask your parents how much money to take with you. 我仍然不确信在报告中写有关什么的内容。 你千万不要在书中画画或写字。 假如你想借得更久,你得续借他们。 71. Anyway, I know who to ask for help with writing. 不管怎样,我知道向谁寻求写作方面的帮助。 73. If you want to keep them longer, you have to renew them. 74. You dont have to bring you student card every time you go to the library. 每次你去图书馆时,你不必带学生卡。 Integrated skills 短语: 75. A brief History of Time 76. the national flag 78. as a child 时间简史 国旗 一位英国的作家 作为一个孩子 把他们读给她的妹妹听 77. a british writer = a writer from the Britain 79. read them to her sister 80. get the idea from the first Harry Potter story on a trip to London 在去伦敦的旅行中从第一个哈利波特故事中获得灵感 81. the last book of the series 3 这个系列中最后一本书 拒绝做某事 到目前为止 一个巨大的成功 被翻译成不同的语言 把翻译成 这本书的销量 其中的一个销售员 做的笔记 一位加拿大作家 在刚开始的时候 学校图书管理员 在电脑上搜索信息 每次,一次 只要在网上续借 在开始时,所有的出版社拒绝出版 哈利波特系列不仅在英国, 而且在全世界都受欢迎。 我一次可以借多少本书? 我可以借书借多久? 82. refuse to do sth 83. so far = till / until now = up to now 84. a great success 85. be translate into different language translate into = put into 86. the sales of the book on sale 在销售 one of the salesmen 88. make some notes of 89. a Canadian writer 91. the school librarian 90. in / at the very beginning 87. sell over one hundred million copies in one hundred countries and areas 在100多个国家和地区销售1亿多册 92. search for information on the computer 93. at a time = each time = every time 94. just renew them online / on the Internet 句型: 95. At first, all the publishing houses refused to publish it. 96. The Harry Potter serises is popular not only in Britain but also in the whole world. 98. How long can I keep the books? 97. How many books can I borrow at a time? 99. Thanks for your help. = Thanks for helping me. Study skills & Main task短语: 100. transitions between ideas 101. on Space Mountain 102. hurry to a restaurant = go to a restaurant in a hurry / hurriedly 103. on the one hand on the other (hand) 104. the books of Robert Louis Stevenson 105. find them really exciting 106. sail the sea / the sailor of 107. the main character in the book 108. give me a lot of confidence have confidence in (doing) = be confident of (doing) 109. have exciting experiences in the future have rich / much experience in (doing) = be very experienced in (doing) 110. decide to write my own stories 111. any time I can 112. during holidays 113. borrow books from libraries 114. receive books as gifts 115. relax oneself / be relaxed 116. collect information for a report 117. ask sb for advice on books 118. read a lot at the weekend 119. get most of my books from 120. (be) opposite my home 121. help me relax after a busy day 122. open up a whole new world to me 句型: 123. Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy who sailed the sea to look for hidden treasure. 124. After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be and I am willing to try new things. 125. How do you get most of your books? 126. -Why do you usually read? - To improve my knowledge. 或Because someone has recommended a book. 127. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. 128. The four great classical Chinese novels are my favorite. 4 谢谢你帮助我。 观点之间的转换 在太空山 匆匆去饭店 在一方面, 在另一个方面 罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森的书籍 发现它们真得令人兴奋 航海/ 的水手 书中的主人翁 给我很多自信 自信做某事 将来有令人兴奋的经历 在某事上有丰富的经验 决定写我自己的故事 任何我可以的时候 在假期中 如何从图书馆借书 接受书作为礼物 放松自己/放松 为报告收集信息 向某人寻求有关这些书籍的建议 在周末都很多东西 从得到我的大多数书籍 在我家对面 在繁忙的一天之后帮助我放松 像我打开一个全新的世界 金银岛讲述一个年轻人航海 去寻找藏起来的宝藏。 在读完书之后,我没有以前害羞了,而且我愿意尝试新的东西。 你是如何得到你的大多数书籍的? 你为什么通常读书? 为了提高我的知识。 因为有人已经推荐了书籍。 我每周花7个小时读不同种类的书。中国的四大名著是我的最爱。


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