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    牛津译林初中英语年级下册第二单元词组 8B Unit2 短语 姓名: Welcome 短语: 1.去南山度假 go to South Hill for ones holiday 2.去过那儿 have been there 3.加入某人 join sb 4.做准备 get ready .为做准备 get/be ready for sth 5.度假 be on holiday 6.拿我所有的东西 get all my things 7.如此兴奋 be so excited 8.带上包 take the bag 9.名胜 places of interest 10.小美人鱼 the Little Mermaid 11.的首都 the capital of 12.来自某人的故事 come from the story by sb 句型: 1.我将要去南山度假。 Im going to South Hill for my holiday. 2.我想对我而言这不会是什么假期了。 I dont think itll be a holiday for me. 3.你去过哪儿度假? Where have you been on holiday? 4.关于它有什么特别之处? Whats special about it? 5.它来自汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生的故事。It comes from the story by Hans Christian Andersen Reading 短语: 1.香港之旅 a trip to Hong Kong 2,互相见面 see each other 3.很想念某人 miss sb so much 4.玩得很开心 have a fantastic time doing sth /have a good time doing sth /have fun doing sth/enjoy oneself 5.整天 the whole day 6.乘地铁去公园 get to the park by underground 7.高速运行 move at a high speed 8.整个旅途中 through the ride 9.匆忙去某地 hurry to spl. 10.在路上 on the way 11.例如 such as 12.变得兴奋 get excited 13.一天中最精彩的部分 the best part of the day 14.跟着跑,追逐 run after 15.忍不住一直做某事 cant stop doing sth 16.游行之后 after the parade 17.看一部4-D电影 watch a 4-D film 18.像魔术 be like magic 19.闻到苹果派 smell the apple pie 20.感觉到风 feel the wind 21.购物 do some shopping 22.几个钥匙链 a couple of key rings 23.在的末尾 at the end of 24.看焰火 watch the fireworks 25.在焰火下看起来明亮而又美丽 look bright and beautiful under the fireworks 26.不久见 see you soon 句型: 1.我们自从上周就没见面了。 We havent seen each other since last week. 2.今天我们在迪斯尼呆了一整天。 Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland. 3.首先,我们在太空山黑暗中的室内过山车玩得很开心。 First,we had fun on Space Mountainan indoor roller coaster in the dark. 4.接着,我们匆忙赶到饭店很快吃了饭。 Next,we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal. 5.每个人都变得很兴奋当迪斯尼人物巡游在下午晚些时候开始时。 Everybody got excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon. 6.我跟着他们跑,忍不住一直拍照片。 I ran after them and couldnt stop taking photos. 7.我给同学们买了几个钥匙环。我相信你们会喜欢的。 I bought a couple of key rings for classmates.Im sure youll love them. 8.希望你在那儿玩得开心! Hope youve enjoyed yourself there! Grammar 短语: 1.下周回来 come back next week 2.此刻 3.呆在那儿一周 4.参加一个会议 5.在沙滩上玩 6.顺便说一下 7.寒假的第一天 句型: 1.桑迪从未去过南山。 2.我几天没有看见吴老师了。 3.你最近去过一些地方吗? 4.他和他的父母去了农村。 5.他们将要明天下午回来。 6.董先生从出生起就住在这里。 7.游行结束好几个小时了。 8.她从上周二起离开了家。 9.它开始了大约半个小时。 Integrated skills 短语: 1.有天然美景的地方 2.海滨城市 3.主题公园 4.整年 5.在寒冷雨雪天气爬山 6.做某事的最好时间 7.在一年的那段时间 8.有的计划 9.出差 10.乘直达的航班 11.为你核实一下 Study skills 短语: 1.用下面的五个要点 2.在寒假期间 3.享受自然美 4.在湖边去钓鱼 5.你感觉怎么样? 6.谁在那儿? Task 短语: 1.要点和细节 2.动身去某地 3.三个半小时 4.去最著名的主题公园 5.买了许多礼物给我们的亲戚 6.一家海鲜餐厅 7.非常喜欢这次旅行 at the moment stay there for a week attend a meeting play on the land by the way the first day of the winter holiday Sandy has never been to South Hill. I havent seen Mr Wu for days. Have you been anywhere recently? He and his parents have gone to the country. Theyll be back tomorrow afternoon. Mr Dong has lived here since he was born. The parade has been over for hours. She has been away from home since last Tuesday. It have been on for about half an hour. places of natural beauty seaside cities theme parks all year round climb the mountains on cold and snowy days the best time to do sth at that time of year have some plans for be on business take a direct flight check it for you use the following five main points during the winter holiday enjoy the natural beauty go fishing by the lake How did you feel? Who was there? main points and details leave for spl three and a half hours/three hours and a half go to the most famous theme park buy a lot of presents for our relatives a seafood restaurant enjoy this trip very much


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