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    牛津译林6A英语期末复习华夏未来教育中心 英语·6A期末专项复习 词汇 一、按要求写单词 1Japan 3they(宾格) 5is(过去式) 7he(宾格) 9run_ _ _ 11. keep 13. stop_ 15. taste_ 17. my 19. child(复数) 21. she_ _ 23. rive_ _ 25should(否定形式)_ 27. fifth_ _ 28. photo_ 29. twelve_ _ 31. mine 33. colour(形容词)_ 35. we(单数) 37. hers_ _ 二、词组翻译1公共标志 3三岁大 5问问题 7让开;不接近一 9散步 11.环顾四周 13.远离草坪 15.举办一个生日聚会 17. 一张日本动画片的光盘 19.吹灭蜡烛 21.跑步比赛;赛跑_ 23. 一副耳机 25.国庆节_ 27.假期之后 29. -部有趣的卡通片_ 31.挤牛奶 33.苹果树 35.在山上走 37.变得激动_ 39.在之前来临 41.去聚会 2thirty(序数词)_ _ 6have 8Mike 10. mango 12. before 14. they_ _ 16. twentieth 18. ours 20. late 22. play(第三人称单数) 24. I'd_ _ 25. fly 26. take off(反义词组) 39. right(同音词)_ _ 30. give_ _ 32. people 34. ours 36. answer(反义词)_ 38. teachers 40. family_ _ 43.吃一顿丰盛的午餐 45.拜访我的亲戚_ 47.去年复活节 49.装扮;化装_ 51.赏月 53.龙舟比赛_ 55.吃彩蛋 57.在圣诞节 59.为我打开它 61.它们在这儿 63.下车_ 65.警察局 2我的表弟 4许多问题 6远离 8发出噪音 10. 一张十元纸币 12.禁止吃和喝 14.放学后 16.作为一个生日礼物一 18.脱下他的戏服 华夏未来教育中心 英语·6A期末专项复习 20.所有的学生 44.在春节 22.片刻之前 46.吃很多美味的食物 24.在那儿的梨树下 48.我最喜欢的节日 26.上学的第一天 50.玩花灯 28.上课前 52.有一个长的假期 30.拔胡萝 54.吃粽子 32.收集鸡蛋 56.赠送礼物 34.在野营营地 58.在圣诞树下 36.去野营 60.不用谢 38.和谈论 62.在公交车后部_ 40.在元旦_ 64.在我前面 42.去年 66上个周末 翻译句子 1我的堂妹,梅,仅仅四岁。 My cousin,May,is_ years old. 2草坪上有一个标志。 a sign_ _the grass. 3你必须远离这幢建筑。 You _ the building. 4这个标志是什么意思? 它意味着你不应该在这儿吸烟。 What_ _ this _ _ mean? It you here. 5Mr Smith正在公园里散步。 Mr Smith is _ in the park. 6今天几月几日? 今天是九月二号。 What_ _is it_ _? It's_ . 7你的妹妹生日在什么时候? 在八月九号。 your _ ? It's _ 8你想要什么做为生日礼物? What _ _ you _ _ as a _ _ present? 9我们什么时候能看到这部卡通片? _ _ can we the cartoon? 10.所有的学生都在看跑步比赛,他们都很兴奋。 All the _ _ are _ _ . Very _ 11. Su Yang正在找她的照相机。 Su Yang _ her camera. 12.这些胶卷刚才还在地上。 These films _ _ the ground _ 13.你能为我把它们捡起来吗? Can you _ _ me? 14. 你的耳机在哪了? 刚才还在桌子上。 一your _ ? 一 on the desk 15. 你的手机在哪了? 在我的书包里。 your_ ? in my bag. 16.上周是国庆节假期。 It the National Day _ week. 17.今天是假期后上学的第一天。 Today is _ day_ school _ the . 18你上周二干什么了? 我参观了一个农场。 What _ you _ _ Tuesday? I a farm. 19我想去这个农场。I _ to the farm 20. 农场上有一些果树吗? 是的,有。 there _ fruit trees the farm? Yes, . 21.你上周日挤牛奶了吗? _ you _ _ Sunday? 华夏未来教育中心 英语·6A期末专项复习 22.你周日还干什么了? What _ you on Sunday? 23. 你上个周末在哪? 我在一个营地。 一 you last week? I a camp. 24.圣诞节就要到了。 is 25.他们正变得非常兴奋。They are _ very 26.人们通常怎么度过中秋节的。 What _ people usually ? 27.昨天我和全家吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。 I _ a _ my family yesterday. 28.你在春节的时候干什么了?我吃了许多美食。 What _ you _ _ Spring Festival? I delicious food. 29.你上个万圣节干什么了? 我穿上戏服,去了一个舞会。 What _ _ you _ _ Halloween? I costumes and a party. 30. 中秋节在什么时候? 在九月或者十月。 Mid-Autumn Festival? It's September October. 31.午饭后,他们打开了他们的礼物。 _ _ lunch, they presents. 32.上周末,每个人都很兴奋。 Everybody _ very last weekend. 33.这只漂亮的钱包来自王兵。This _ wallet is Wang Bing 34. 这是谁的梳子? 它是我的。 comb _ ? It's 35. 这件礼物是谁送的? 是他送的。 is this present ? It's 36.你的手表在我的前面,但是她的在哪了? Your _ is _ me, but where's ? 37. 这些CD是谁的? 是我们的。 CDs _ ? They're 38.这些茶叶是谁送的?是爷爷送的,是送给他们的。 一 the tea _ ? Grandpa. _ _ them. 39. 这些书是他们的吗? 不,是我们的。 books _ ? No, they're 补全句子 1He ( listen) to music now. 2. My parents (be) at home now, but they (be) in the park just now. 3. I (not like) cats, but my mother (like) cats. 4. Public signs (mean) different things. 5. Would you like (go) shopping with me? 6. Where _( be) you yesterday morning? I ( be) ill in the bed. 7. They ( not play) football now. 8. Miss Li _ (come) from Nanjing? No, she _( be) from Shanghai. 9. There is an (excite) running race this afternoon. All the students are very (excite) 10What you usually (do) on Sundays? I usually _(do) my homework. 11. There (not be) any milk in the glass, but there (be) some a moment ago. 12. David's Grandpa likes (grow) flowers. Look, he (water) flowers. 13. The camera (not be) on the table now. It (be) there just now. 14. Tuesday is the _ day of a week. is the fifth month of a year. 华夏未来教育中心 英语·6A期末专项复习 15. I can't find my glasses. Where (be) they? They on the table just now. 16. I (be) ten years old. My friend Jim (be) eleven years old. 17. We (study) at the same school. 18. Su Hai (want) to take some photos. I (watch) a running race now. 19. Ben is doing _ (he) homework. He usually (do) it in the evening. 20. Where (be) he just now? I don't know. 21. Today is the (four) of January. 22. What you last week? I (visit) a farm. 23. What you now? I ( clean) the house. 24. What they usually do on Sundays? They football. 25. Mike (like) collecting coins, but Nancy (not like) collecting coins. 26. (be) you at home yesterday? No, I (be) 27一 your brother go shopping last night? No, he (do) his homework at home. 28. Look! They (have) an English lesson in the classroom. 29. Mike and his father (taste) some oranges a moment ago. 30. Would you like (watch) cartoons now? 31. My mother can't (find) her glasses. They (be) in her bag just now. 32. I (not meet) Nancy just now. Listen, she (sing) over there. 33. Do you like (picture)? No, I _ . I like (doll). 34. She shouldn't (go) to the zoo now. She must (stay) at home. 35. We want (play) a game at the party. 36. Ben (watch) a film last weekend. 37. Did you _ (pick) oranges on the farm? 38. What did you do on Sunday? I (water) flowers. 39. The boy _ (not pull) up carrots just now. He (cook) food. 40. Were there any books on the desk? No, there . 41. I can (get) up early. I (do) morning exercises at six. 42. She likes (dance). She can dance very (good). 43. What he doing? He is (draw) pictures. 44. your birthday in June? No, its on the (five) of April. 45. Sh ! My father is (sleep). 46. They visited (they) relatives and friends at the Spring Festival. 47. I hope you get (good) soon. 48. We are watching races, and we see many beautiful (boat). 49. I saw many football ( play) in the school football field. 50. There are lots of people in the park. They are singing and dancing. It's (child) Day. 51. Did you (play) football with your friends last week? 52. The children ( go) to the zoo last weekend. 53. The girls are (watch) a film now. 54. Gao Shan (have) a brother. I (have) a sister. 55.The books aren't ( we) . Perhaps they're (Yang Ling). 改写句子 华夏未来教育中心 英语·6A期末专项复习 1The sign on the birds cage is interesting. 2Mr Smith is taking a walk in the park. 3It's the 12th of December. 4I'd like to play football there. 5My father's birthday is in August 6Id like some flowers as my birthday present. 7They were in the classroom. 8My shoes are next to the cupboard. 9The sign means No parking 10My birthday is on the first of June. 11We planted trees last week. 12. The Spring Festival is on the fourth of February this year. 13. People usually go to parties on New Year's Day. 14. We were in Nanjing last week. 15His favourite holiday is Halloween. 16Tom ate three moon cakes last Mid-Autumn Festival. 17The students danced and sang yesterday. 18. Tom visited his friends on Children's Day. 19. That new coat is mine. 20. After lunch, they had a chat in the sitting-room. 21. The present is for him. 华夏未来教育中心 英语·6A期末专项复习 22. I like swimming very much. 23. He is 15 years old. 24. He likes teapots 25. The signs mean' Keep quiet 26. You should come. 27. There is no one nearby. 28. He would like to come. 29. It means Danger 30. There are a lot of signs here. 31. My mother would like to give me a candle.


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