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    浙江财经大学东方学院大学英语4期末复习资料大学英语期末考试复习资料 Part: words and phrases U6 accordingly 相应地 probability 可能性 armored 装甲车 ratio 比率 definitive 确定的 riskiness 风险性 denominator 分母 risky 冒险的 exposure 暴露 roughly 大概 fraction 分数,小数 symptom 症状 hypochondria(c)疑病症(者) versus 与.相比 inconvenience 不便 all manner of 各种各样的 inflate 膨胀 end up 最终处于. miner 矿工 feed on sth. 由.助长,以.为食物 neurotic 神经症患者 in question 正被讨论的 numerator 分子 on the strength of 基于.,由于.的影响 partial 部分的 reduce.to 使.陷入更坏的状态,缩短 physician 医生 U7 adequate 适当的,足够的 slipshod 马虎的 commencement毕业典礼,开始 supposedly 据认为 crucial 至关重要的 tolerant 宽容的 erase 擦掉 triple 三倍的,三人间 faculty 全体教员 unchallenging 毫无挑战的 fantasy 想象 unimaginative 毫无想象力的 forgiving 宽容的 unlearn 抛掉 formulate 确切地表达,构想 act out 表现 garrulous 喋喋不休的 by no means 绝不 mediocre 中等的,平庸的 get away with sth. 逃脱 midterm 期中考试 get down to 开始做某事 painless 容易的 look back on 回顾 parlous 恶劣的 pop into ones mind 突然想到 preparatory 准备阶段的 take a close look (at sth.)仔细考虑 presentation 预备学校 the easy way out 省事的做法 pretense 假装 quitter 轻易放弃的人 U9 adaptable 能适应的 geometrically 按几何级数地 assimilate 理解,吸收,融入 icebox 冰箱 atomics 原子的 innovation 新发明,革新 batch 一批 objectivity 客观性 blacksmith 铁匠 obsolete 过时的 bloom 开花 prosperity 繁荣 contradict 同.矛盾 revolutionize 是彻底变革 convert 转化 scholar 学者 disastrous 灾难性的 segment 部分,片 emotionally 情绪上地 catch ones breath 稍事休息 ethic 道德标准 have sb./sth. in min心中想着. evolution 进化 out of the ordinary 不寻常的 experimentation 实验 to be exact 确切的说 Part:translation U6 1. He was finally offered the job on the strength of his good memory(凭借他的记忆力好) and the many exams he had passed. 2. She favors a bit of adventure as well as a certain degree of self-government when her childrens education is concerned(当涉及到她孩子的教育时). 3. Most people who are sick with AIDS want to stay at home rather than spent time unnecessarily in hospital(而不愿意毫无必要地呆在医院里). 4. What if l choose to give small amounts of money regularly over a period of time(在一定时间内定期给少量的钱) instead of donating a large sum once for all. 5. I am afraid, Mr. Peterson, the answer is that (答案是这样的) we have to be more efficient than our European competitors. 6. The museum does not intent to focus on a particular aspect of modern art(并不打算只关注现代艺术的某个具体方面), but prefers to offer material for the pubic to study and compare. 7. She has decided not to go for a drive on such a windy day even supposing a car was available(即便能搞到一辆车). 8. I am well aware of the fact that you have cut yourself off from your past and have started a totally new life(你已经同过去一刀两断,并已经开始全新的生活这一事实). U7 1. Drops executed in the first two weeks of the course will leave no record on the students transcript(在学生成绩单上不会留下记录),but a drop executed during the third through eighth week will result in a grade of W. 2. We often heard of stories about some people who could still think calmly and creatively when facing difficulty(当面临困难的时候). 3. You should be aware of that applications wont be accepted if they are beyond the deadline(过了截止时间). 4. The manager was so angry that he tossed the report on the desk(猛地把报告扔在桌上) and shouted at Sam,” Get out! I dont want to see you again.” 5. You must start by unlearning all the bad habits(改掉所有的坏习惯) your previous piano teacher taught you! 6. Some trees have grown too high and deprived the house of light(挡住了房中的光线). 7. What would be the first word that would pop into your mind(跃入你的脑海) when you see Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh. 8. Living on his town on the campus, he has learned to budget his time(安排好时间). 9. These details were supposed to be secrets(本应是机密), but were somehow leaked out. 10. This is a reminder that proposals for state research funding are due this Friday(本周五截止). U9 1. Hardly has she sat down (她刚刚坐下) when the phone rang. 2 You need to book your ticket in advance, especially if you want to reserve a good seat(特别是如果你想要订一个位子的话). 3 Anger is not necessarily the most useful (并不一定是最有用的) or acceptable reaction to such events. 4. What kind of person do you have in mind(你心里觉得什么样的人合适) for the job? 5. There is a limit on the time (有时间限制) you have to take the rest. 6. Wood head spent part of his childhood in Rhodesia. (度过部分童年时光) 7. There were three times as many girls as boys. (女孩是男孩的三倍) 8. I travel to London every day, as do most of the people who live/living in this village. (就像住在这个村子里的大多数人一样) 9. On the one hand, expansion would be good, but on the other hand it would be sad to lose the family atmosphere. (但是另一方面失去家庭气氛也是很悲哀的) 10. Despite / In spite of international pressure(虽然有来自国际上的压力) progress has slowed in the peace talks. Part:passage U4 (8,10) There are things that parents can do at home to encourage creativity. They can involve children in decision making if the problem is appropriate, asking the child for suggestions. Parents can help their children to understand the consequences of various decisions. Parents should also encourage their children to talk out loud about things they are doing. Thinking and language skills are closely related. Talking out loud improves language skills and thinking skills. It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their consequences. Even if it's choosing between two food items for lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money but not automatically help them too much if they make the wrong decision. This may be confusing for the child, but that is all right. This is because one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion. U6 (1,2) At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms. Some people just have to hear about a new disease and they begin checking themselves to see if they may be suffering from it. But fear of disease is not our only fear, and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run. Modern life is full of all manners of threatsto our lives, our peace of mind, our families, and our future. And from these threats come questions that we must pose to ourselves: Is the food I buy safe? Are toys for my children likely to hurt them? Should my family avoid smoked meats? Am I likely to be robbed on vacations? Our uncertainties multiply indefinitely. Anxiety about the risks of life is a bit like hypochondria; in both, the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information. But one sharp difference exists between the two. The hypochondriac can usually turn to a physician to get a definitive clarification of the situationeither you have the suspected disease or you don't. It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned, because with many risks, the situation is not as simple. U7 (3,4)(2,5) For years we created an altogether forgiving world, in which whatever slight effort you gave was all that was demanded. When you did not keep appointments, we made new ones. When your work came in beyond the deadline, we pretended not to care. Worse still, when you were boring, we acted as if you were saying something important. When you were garrulous and talked to hear yourselves talk, we listened as if it mattered. When you tossed on our desks writing upon which you had not labored, we read it and even responded, as though you earned a response. When you were dull, we pretended you were smart. When you were predictable, unimaginative and routine, we listened as if to new and wonderful things. When you demanded free lunch, we served it. And all this why? There's no doubt that Neusner should have taken a closer look at what college life is really like before formulating such a strong opinion about it. He is completely ignoring all the pressures and hard times students go through to make it at college. It is not the way he describes it at all. To me, living in a crowded triple, having a one-day reading period before finals, tons of readings, papers, and midterms due the same week are not exactly my idea of "easy, free, forgiving, attentive, comfortable, interesting, unchallenging fun”. U9 (5,11) But there is a limit to everyone's ability to adapt. What will happen to us when change comes so rapidly that we can no longer adjust to it? These same scientists who talk about our adaptable nature also tell us that change is to some degree emotionally painful to everyone. What then, will happen to us when change comes so rapidly that we can no longer stand the pain, and we refuse to change? Despite all the problems of the modern world, however, most people would not choose to live in any of the less scientific ages that have preceded ours. If-and this is a big if-we don't destroy ourselves in war, the future can only be better. Each year will bring a more bewildering array of scientific advances: diseases cured, space conquered, transportation and communication revolutionized, agriculture and industry completely transformed, etc. To some, the future sounds exciting; to others, frightening. But one thing is sure-it won't be boring. 转自:周文洁个人工作室出品 Thank you !


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