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    浙江省乐清市育英寄宿学校七级英语上册ModuleMyschool导学案外研精Module3 My school U1 There are thirty students in my class 1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语。 学 2、掌握There is/are句型表示存在的肯定,疑问与否定形式. 习 目 3、数词与名词连用时,名词的单复数的使用 标 4、学会用there be句型描述自己的教室 5、掌握 activity 4 音素的发音. 1、写出20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90 并找出其规律 _ 自 学 2、完成Activity 6, 搭配数字并思考英语数字的构成 交 3、对应课文activity 3, 找出以下词组 流 多少_ 真的很大_ 在教室内部的前面_ 许多家具_在每个人的课桌上_一张世界地图_ 合 作 探 究 1、和你的同桌读Activity 3对话并找出含有there be的句子并翻译成汉语. 2、完成Activity 7,Work in pairs. ask & answer. -How many .are there in our classroom? -There are/is in our classroom. 3、 合作讨论your ideal classroom 4、运用there is/ isnt. there are /there arent.句型描述自己的教室。 一、 翻译数字。 22_ 45 _ 63_ 84_ 36_ 59_ 78_ 91_ 二、单项选择 1.There _ many boys in the classroom. A. is B. am C. are 2.-_ there a girl near here? Yes, there is. A. is B. am C. are 练3.There is _ apple on the desk. 习 A. a B. an C. the 反4.There _ a pen in the bag, but there _ a book in it. 馈 A. isnt, is B. is, is C. isnt, isnt 5.There are many books on _desk. A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers 三、完成下列对话 A: _ your classroom_? Is it big? B: Yes, its big. A: _ students are there in your class? B: There_30 thirty students in my class. A: Are there a lot of books on the teachers desk? B: Yes, _. A: Is there a television on the wall? B: No, _.But there _ a map of China on the wall. U2 The library is on the left of the playground 1 1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语。 学 2、巩固There is/are句型表示存在的肯定,疑问与否定形式. 习 目 3、能正确使用where引导的特殊疑问句。 标 4、掌握方位介词behind, between, in front of, on the right/left of 5、能正确使用方位介词描述物体之间的位置关系 1、翻译中文 自 In _ behind _ next to _ between_ 学 交 on _ in front of _ on the right/left_ 流 2、完成Activity 1 3、完成Activity 2, 把Betty 同学的名字写在相应的位置。 1、讨论写出下列句子的同义句 Im in front of Tom. = Tom is _ me 合 Daming is on Li Leis right. = Li Lei is _. 作 Lucy is on my right. Lily is on my left. = Im _Lucy _ Lily. 探 2、描述你周围同学的位置。 究 In the classroom, _ is on my right. _ is on my left. In front of me is _.And _ is behind me. 3.与同桌一起朗读Activity 3,并在地图上标出相应的名称. 一、 用适当的介词或介词短语填空: 1.There are many books _ the library. 2.The pictures are _ the wall. 3.Lily sits _ Jim. 4.There is a building _ the post office and our school. 5.There is a ball _ the door. You cant see it. 6.Our classroom is _the teachers office. 7.Behind the dining hall is the classromm building _24 classrooms. 8.This building is _ science. 练9.I sit _ Toms left. 习 10.There are many apples _ the tree. 反二、选择正确的词填空: what,where, how, how many,what color 馈 1. -_ students are there in the school? 2. -_ is in the bag? 3. -_ are the girls? -They are in the computer room. 4. -_ is your father? -He is fine. 5. -_ are the pandas? They are black and white. 三、翻译以下句子 1.学校的中间是大操场. _ 2.我们教室的左边是图书馆. _ 3.科学实验室在学校大门旁边._ 4.在餐厅前面是一幢教学大楼. _ U3 Language in use 学 1、复习有关校园设施的词汇. 2 习 2、熟练掌握并运用方位介词 目 3、巩固where引导的特殊疑问句。 标 4、巩固There is/are句型表示存在的肯定,疑问与否定形式. 1、用be 动词填空。 1.There _ an apple on the table. 2.There _ five pictures on the wall. 3.There _ a pen and 2 pencils in the bag. 4.There _ some water in the glass. 5.There _ some students on the playground. 2、完成Activity3,填写相应的单词 肯定 否定 疑问 回答 Yes, there is. No, there isnt. There is a computer on There isnt a Is there a computer The desk. computer on the desk. on the desk? There are students on playground. some There arent the students on playground. 自 学 交 流 any Are there any students Yes, there are. the on the playground? No, there arent. 合 一、看下面表格, 你能发现There be 句型的一般疑问句、否定句是如何构成的吗? 作 完合作讨论,总结 探 1. 否定形式:_ 究 2. 疑问形式:_ 肯定回答:_ 否定回答:_ 讨论:There _a tree and two dogs. There _two dogs and a tree. 二. 同伴交流Activity2: 运用Where is ?句型问答校园建筑物的位置 一、用there be 的适当形式填空。 1._ two birds in the room. 2._ one girl and two boys in her classroom. 3._thirty-seven students in my class. 4._any science labs in you school? 练5._ some water in the bottle. 习 6.How many chairs _ in the room? 反7. _ a map of China on the wall? 馈 二、句子变型 1. There is a blackboard in the classroom.(变一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _ 2. There are some trees in the park.(变一般疑问句,并做肯定回答。) _ 3. There is a big police station in our city. (变否定句) _ 3


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