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    浙江省乐清市育英寄宿学校七级英语上册ModuleAtriptothezoo导学案外研精Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does it eat meat 学 习 目 标 课 堂 准 备 1、能掌握本单元的重点单词、短语和句型。 2、要求学生看图能说出各动物名称并对各种动物的习性和饮食进行提问和回答 3、掌握以下音标 / /i/ /u/ /e/ 1、要求学生看图能说出各动物名称。 2、预读 Part 3 3、Finish Part 4 1、英汉翻译 1)欢迎来到_ 5) look at_ 2)许多种._ 6) in front of_ 3)比如 _ 7) over there_ 4)来自_ 8) a panda called Tony_ 2、根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1)What _(其他的) animals can you see? 2) Some animals are_(危险的). 3)I think pandas are _(有趣的). 4)I like _(猴子) because they are cute. 5) Lions dont eat_(植物). 1、 4个音标正确发音:/ /i/ /u/ /e/ 2、根据句意回答问题,掌握do/dont/does/doesnt Do lions eat meat ? -Yes, _. Do elephants eat meat ? -No, _. Does the tiger eat bamboo ? -No, _. Does the bear eat meat ? -Yes,_. 3、Check Part 4 4、Work in pairs.Say (Part 7 and 8 ) 1、单项选择 1) Do you know the boy_Tom? A. calling B. calls C. call D. called 2) Look! _. Lets ask him some questions. A. There he is B. There is he C. Here there are D. Is there he 3) Jane, shall we _to the zoo to see the tigers? A. go B. to go C. goes D. Going 4) There are many_trees in our school/ A. kind B. kinds C. kind of D. kinds of 5) Does the monkey like climbing trees? Yes, it_ A. dont B. do C. doesnt D. does 2、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1) These _(leaf) are very nice. 2) The tiger_(come) from China. 3) I know the boy _(call) Tom. 1 自 学 交 流 合 作 探 究 练习反馈 4)I often play with _(they). 5) Is there any_(bamboo) in the park? 2、完成句子 1) 欢迎来到北京动物园 _ _Beijing Zoo. 2)这座动物园里有许多种动物,比如:熊、斑马、熊猫。 There are _ _ _ animals in the zoo, _ _bears, zebras and pandas. 3)这儿有熊猫吗?他们是我最喜欢的动物。 _ there pandas _? They are _ _ _. 4)他们来自不同的国家,他们吃不同的食物。 They come from_ _and they eat _ _. 5) 狮子在这儿 _ _the lions. 5)“老虎吃草吗?”“不, 它们不吃草。它们吃肉。” -_tigers eat_? -No, they _. They _meat. 6) 你最喜欢什么动物?我最喜欢大象,他们很可爱。 -_ _favourite animal? -My favourite animal is _, they are _. 7) 我们一起去看熊猫好吗? _ _ go and see panadas ? 8) 看!她在哪儿! Look! _ _ _. Module 6 Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia 学 习 目 标 课 堂 准 备 自 学 1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语。 2、确认阅读材料里面有关动物的信息并且理解短文的含义 3、学会国家与各国人的表达,如:China-Chinese Africa-African Asia-Asian 4、学会正确使用字母的大小写T 1、朗读拼写:Africa , Asia , Europe , people , African , large , usually , alone , catch , even , leaf , grass 2、part 2用there be 来造句 3、试读Part3,理解短文含义。 4、part 4 选择正确的词汇并用适当的形式填空 1、短语互译 1)生活在亚洲_ 5) all over the 2 交 流 world_ 2)少量的水果_ 6) an African animal_ 3) 30 千克竹子_ 7)be good at _ 4)并且,还_ 8) in fact_ 2、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,没空一词。 1)I think tigers_ _ _(擅长)swimming. 2) People from China are Chinese _ _ _(已及/也是)Asians. 3) People _ _ _ _(遍及全世界)like pandas. 4) There is_ _(少量的)milk in the cup. 5) He _ _(住在)Beijing. 3、熟练朗读Part3. 4、思考:在什么情况下单词首字母要大写?如:_ 1、你能写出多少动物的名称,如:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2、你能写出几个国家的名称,如_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3、(writing) 5 (注意书写的规范性) 4、精讲点拨: 1)and 与but 都是并列连词。And意为“和;与”,用来连接语法上同类的单词、短语或句子。But意为“但是”,用来连接两个意思相对或相反的单词、短语或句子。But 是转折标志。如:I like English and Chinese. I am tired but happy. It eats plants and a little fruit,but it doesnt eat meat. 2) as well as 常用来连接两个并列成分,表示“除之外,也”“不但而且”它强调的是前一项,因此连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词要与前一项保持一致。如:Tom,as well as Jane and Rose, goes to school by bike. As well as 还可以表示同级比较,指“和一样好“。如:I play the piano as well as my sister. 1、用所给的单词适当形式填空。 1) The tiger_(live) in Asia. 2) I know the elephant_(do not) eat meat, but _(do) it eat bamboo? 3) These elephants_(come) from Africa. 4) There are about 200_(kind) of monkeys in the world. 合 作 探 究 练习 反馈 5) The students in our school come from different _(country). 6) How many _(kilo) of bamboo does a panda eat every day? 7) Some animals are good at _(swim). 2、根据汉语意思完成句子 1)辛迪擅长打网球 Cindy_ _ _ _ tennis. 2)狮子捕捉一些动物为食 The lion_ some animals_ _. 3)杯子里有少量的牛奶 There is_ _milk in the cup. 4)他喜欢红色、绿色还有蓝色。 He likes red, green _ _ _ blue. 3 5) 世界各地的游客来到中国。 Visitors_ _ _ _come to China. Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use. 学 习 目 标 1、掌握一般现在时态的用法及其一般疑问句和否定句的转换 2、熟练掌握一般现在时态第三人称的陈述句和一般疑问句,重点突破does-doesnt 3、学会介绍动物 1、用does 或doesnt 完成句子 1)-_ this panda come from China? -Yes, it_ 2) -_this panda eat fish? -No, it _ 3) -_this monkey like fruit? -Yes, it _ 4) -_this monkey live in Africa? -No, it_ 5) The zebra_like meat. 2、My favourite animal(1)_zebras. Look at this one. It (2)_(be)cute, It (3) _(be)black and white like the panda. But it(4)_(do not)come from Asia. It (5) _(come)from Africa. It(6)_(eat)grass. 4、Finish Part 4 1、朗读Language practice,理解句式。 2、Part 1 Work in pairs. 根据图片上的信息用一般疑问句来问答问题 3、Finish Part 2(用does/doesnt完成句子) 4、Finish part 3 5、Finish Part4 完成图表, 理解短文含义 课 堂 准 备 自 学 交 流 4 合 作 探 究 1、小组讨论,互相介绍自己喜欢的或熟悉的动物 2、写一篇介绍动物的短文,同伴之间互相改正错误之处 3、订正并同伴交流“课堂准备”部分。 4、重点突破:一般现在时态陈述句、一般疑问句和否定句之间的转换 1、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1)My sister wants to be a good_(导游)。 2)This animal is_(不同的)from other animals. 3) The elephant is very_(强壮的). 4) The old man lives_(独自地), but he doesnt feel lonely. 5) Lions are _(危险的)animals in the world. 2、句型转换 1)She likes elephants and monkeys.(改为一般疑问句) _she_ elephants and monkeys ? 2) The animal eats vegetables and fruit.(改为否定句) The animal_ _vegetables _ fruit. 3) Lets go to the zoo tomorrow.(改为同义句) _ _go to the zoo tomorrow? 4) Our school has 2,000 students.(改为同义句) _ _2,000 students in our school. 5) They are also students.(改为同义句) They are students_. 3、Writing 用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式完成短文 climb not like cute come there be live My favourite animal is the panda. It 1_from China. It 2_in the forest. It likes to eat bamboo. It 3_to eat grass. It likes to 4_trees. I think it is very 5_. 6_about 1,600 pandas in the wild in China. Lets protect them. 练习 反馈 5


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