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    浙江省乐清市育英寄宿学校七级英语上册ModulePeopleandplaces导学案外研精Module 9 People and places. Unit 1 Were enjoying the school trip a lot 学 1、能掌握本单元的重点单词、短语和句型。 习 2、能用What are you /they doing now? What is he /she /it doing now?这些句型造句及其回答。 目 并能用英语与同伴谈论自己和周围人们正在做的事情来操练现在进行时的用法. 标 3. 掌握以下/m/ /n/ /ð/ /t/ /d/ 等音标 1. 根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思思考. 2. 从课文中找出以下短语及句子: 等待 拍照 长城 跟某人谈话 自 学 交 流 出售 在阳光下 享受学校郊游活动 回校 现在Tony 正在吃美味的冰激凌。 玲玲正在买一些礼物和明信片。 大明正躺在阳光下吃午饭。 无论如何,现在该是回到学校的时候了。 发送给某人 3. 思考:现在进行时态的用法、结构是什么? 1、认真朗读Activity 3对话,找出相关信息并回答下列问题。 Whats Betty / Tony / Wang Hui / Lingling / Daming doing now ? 合 Where are they? 作 What does Bettys mother ask her to do ? 探 2. 找出文中现在进行时态的结构: be + doing 究 找出动词的现在分词构成的构成规律。 3、运用以下句型和同伴谈论自己和周围人们正在做的事情来操练现在进行时的用法. What are you/they doing? Whats she/he /it doing? 一写出下列动词的现在分词 look make have come eat get sit swim run lie 二根据例题仿写句子: e.g:What are you doing now? - Im singing. 练习 反馈 1. What are you doing now? 2. What are Tom and Jack doing now? 3. Whats your mother doing now? 4. Whats Bill doing now? 三将every day 改为now, 并改写下列句子: 1. They play basketball every day. 2. Mother cleans the room every day. 3. I have English every day. 4. Ann doesnt listen to the radio every day. 5. His friends dont walk to school every day. 四默写P54和P55单词以及短语。 Unit 2 Theyre waiting for buses or trains 学 习 1. 要学会的新词汇:drive, off, get off, hot dog, leave, restaurant, moment, place, thing, most, still. 1 2. 能读懂、会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 3. 通过对其他国家或地方人们的生活的了解,培养对异国文化、生活习俗的兴趣,提高对本国文化的认识。 1. 根据音标读Unit2的新单词 2. A、预习课文,找出下列短语 1)此时,此刻 2)在世界上不同的地方 3)下班 4)等公交车 5)开车回家 6)喝一杯 7)在饭馆 8)下车 自 9)看望朋友 10)喝咖啡 学 11) 看电影 12)给家里打电话 交 B、把下列重点句子译成中文 流 People are leaving work and are going home. Theyre waiting for buses or trains. They are having dinner at home or in restaurants. Some people are still working and some are going home from work. Children are starting their lessons. People arent working. Theyre having lunch. 3. 思考:Do you know why people in different places do different things at the same time? Do you know time zone?请搜集一些关于它的资料与我们一同分享吧! 1. Look at the pictures and talk about what the people are doing . 2. First reading: Read the news report and match the paragraphs with the pictures. 合 Second reading: Read the passage again and choose the correct answer. 作 Third reading: Read and fill. 探 Read the postcard and checkthe true sentences. 究 3. Writing : Find out what time it is now in London, Moscow, New York and Los Angeles. Write sentences about what people are doing or arent doing. Join sentences with and or so. 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Its eight oclock now. What he ? 2. Listen! They in the classroom. 3. He the house at the moment. 4. At this moment, Mum in the kitchen. 5. Look! The children on the beach and the sunshine. 练 6. They friends, calling home or now. 二、句型转换 习 1. They are enjoying themselves in the park. 反 They are in the park. 2. Many people are waiting for buses on the street. 馈 - many people for buses on the street? -Yes, . 3. My parents are having dinner at home now. My parents dinner at home now. 4. The doctors are having afternoon tea now. the doctors doing now? 5. Were visiting the library . You ? 三默写P54和P55单词以及短语。 Unit 3 Language in use 目 标 学 1. 归纳总结现在进行时态的用法。 习 2. 能用现在进行时态描述或报告他人正在发生的事。 目 标 3. 培养学生团结协作的精神;体验不同的地域文化,增强自己的跨文化交际意识。 2 1. 归纳总结现在进行时态: 定义: 结构: 自 学 交 流 动词-ing的构词规律: . 如do ,buy . . 如take , write . . 如run , sit . . 如lie , die . 现在进行时态的标志词有 1. Observe. Are you familiar with these examples? 1)I am standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you. 2)Tong is eating a delicious ice cream. 3)They are working now. 4) People arent having dinner. 5) He isnt writing a postcard. 6).Some are watching television or playing games at home. 7) They are lying in the sun. 8) Im visiting my friends in Hollywood at the moment and Im enjoying the sun. 9)Some are going home from work. 10)We are looking at the homes of the movie stars. 11) Im taking lots of photos. 12) Children are starting their lessons. 合 作 2 Grammar归纳 探 现在进行时态(I) 究 1.定义:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行的动作。 We are having an English now. He is drinking a glass of water now. 还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 They are working on a farm these days. She is writing a book this year. 2. 谓语动词的构成: 助动词be + V-ing。 (其中的be 随着人称、数的变化而变化,有am, is, are三种形式) 。 Im visiting my friend. He is eating an ice cream. Were preparing for Spring Festival. They are lying in the sun. 3. 动词-ing的构词规律:V-ing的组成形式有如下几种: 3 1) 动词后面直接加ing doing buying playing 2) 动词去掉e加ing: having taking giving writing 3) 重读闭音节、末尾只有一个辅音字母的, 双写动词最后一个字母, 然后加ing。 running swimming sitting shopping getting beginning putting 4) 特殊形式的变化 lie lying die - dying 4. 句型转换: 变为否定句时, be后加not。变为一般疑问句时把be提前到句首, 人称和 be 作相应变化。 5. 现在进行时的标志词有:Look! Listen! now, at the moment 等 eg. 1)What are you doing now? (你在干什么?) 2)Im reading at the moment. (我现在正在读书。) 3)Listen! She is singing. (听,她正在唱歌。). 4) Look! My mother is watering the flowers.(看,我妈妈正在浇花。) 3. Look and say 1.Look at the picture.Say what they are doing.(Activity 1) 2.Complete the conversation between Tony and his dad with the correct form of the words in brackets.(Activity 2) 3.Write about the pictures.(Activity 3) 4.Work in pairs.Mine an action for your partner to guess.Use the expressions to help you. (Activity 4) 5.Around the world 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Five boys in Class Two are reading books. _ are doing exercises(练习). A. The other B. Others C. The others ( ) 2. Betty and I _ pictures now. A. is taking B. are taking C. takes 练习 反馈 ( )3. Its not good to read _ the sun. A. under B. in C. For ( )4. Look! Tony _ on the playground! A. lying B. is lying C. lie ( )5. Lingling would like to take photos_ the beautiful scenes (风景). A. for B. about C. of ( )6. Linda is _ a bus over there. A. waiting B. waiting for C. waits for ( )7. What _ he _? 4 He is reading a book. A. does; do B. is; do C. is; doing ( )8. Do you see your grandfather? He _, and he often _ in the evening. A. watches TV; is watching TV B. watching TV; watches TV C. is watching TV; watches TV ( )9. Tony isnt dinner,but he is an ice cream. A.having ;eat B. Have;eating C. Having;eating ( )10. They _ computer games now. A. are not playing B. playing C. dont playing 二、把下列动词改为v-ing形式。 sit swim run put get see jump read clean eat listen write have take play 三、用动词-ing形式填空。 1. Tony (take) photos. 2. They (call) their teacher. 3. Lucy (wait) for a bus. 4. We (shop) with mother. 5. Daming (lie) on the bed. 6. Lily and Tom (have) a good time. 四、句型转换 1. She is watching a ballet. (变否定句) 2.Were waiting for our teacher now.(变一般疑问句) 3. Is Tony calling a friend? (作肯定问答) 4. They are lying in the sun. (划线提问) 5


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