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    浅析当前汉语言文学教育中存在的问题 尽管汉语言文学专业在我国的高等学校中分布非常广泛,而且具有雄厚的教育基础,然而由于各种原因,我国的高等院校汉语言文学教育的成果却并不理想。汉语言文学专业学生对社会发展的适应能力较低。这就需要广大教师正视当前汉语言文学教育中出现的问题,积极采取有效的措施,对汉语言文学教育进行调整。 一、汉语言文学教育 我国从五四时期开始形成了汉语言文学教育。在此之前,汉语言文学主要是围绕*来提供政治服务,其教育目的并不在于提升学生的能力,也没有相应的专业人才培养体系。随着社会的发展和时代的进步,社会需要专业型的应用人才来适应各行各业的岗位需求,所以其对于汉语言文学毕业生的基础性要求便是写作能力和口头交际能力。汉语言文学毕业生的就业方向主要在于文化宣传推广领域、语文教育、新闻类工作、秘书和行政管理等。这些行业基本都要求从业者具有较高的写作能力和口语能力。因此,在汉语言文学教育中要着力培养学生的语言表达能力,使学生能够积累一定的文学基础知识,培养学生的创新意识,提升学生的审美气质和眼光,让学生具备一定的写作能力。 由于一直沿用过去的教学观念和教学模式,汉语言文学教育没有注重学生创新意识、审美情趣和口头表达能力的培养和提高,往往偏重于写作训练,学生的综合素质没有得到提高,一定程度上制约了汉语言文学毕业生的就业和发展。 二、汉语言文学专业教学的特征 与会计学、医学、建筑工程学等专业所不同的是,汉语言文学教育的职业定位并没有很强的针对性和实用性,是一种比较模糊的职业定位,也没有很强的应用性。 作为一名传统的人文社科类学科,汉语言文学教育的特征在于对人文精神风貌进行传承和发扬,对人类生存与发展的意义和价值进行探讨,从而提高个人的精神认知和社会责任感,承担社会、民族和国家发展的重任。因此,汉语言文学教学具有非常丰富的社会人文教育价值。 在职业教育上,汉语言文学教育并不着力于应用性和实用性,而是体现在对学生的人文观念和精神的影响上。汉语言文学教育所创造的是无形的社会效益,而不是有形的经济效益。在社会发展的过程中,高校毕业生承受着越来越大的就业压力,这也对高校教育产生了一定的影响。教育行业不断强调学以致用,提高教学的应用性。从这一点来说,汉语言文学教育要在保持自身教育精髓和核心的基础上,积极适应社会的发展,进行适当的变革。 三、当前汉语言文学教育中存在的问题 授课形式单一化 在传统的汉语言文学课堂中,存在着授课形式单一化的现象,多以教师讲、学生听为主,教师很少与学生开展互动,也并不关心学生是否认真听讲,不在意课堂的氛围,仅仅是机械地完成授课任务,只有当课堂秩序出现严重问题时,教师才会予以干涉。有的教师并不在意学生的听课情况,仅用点到的形式保证到课率,对于到课的学生是否认真学习、能否有所收获却并不在意。 对于一些学生来说,这种授课形式等于默许了其“身在课内,心在课外”, 极大地降低了其学习效率。即使有一些汉语言文学教师会与学生展开交流,也仅仅在于让学生解答问题、阐述观点。大部分汉语言文学教师都是滔滔不绝地将自己的观点传授给学生,很少关心学生的反馈情况,学生难以将学习过程中的难点和问题反馈给教师,教师也难以通过学生的知识掌握情况来对自己的教学进行调整,这造成了汉语言文学教学的效率较低、质量较差。 内容枯燥、课堂沉闷 当前的汉语言文学教育普遍存在着课堂沉闷、内容枯燥的问题,严重影响了学生的学习兴趣。尽管汉语言文学知识具有庞大的系统和深奥的理论,绝大部分教师却一直在沿用传统的教学方式,教学内容毫无新意、照本宣科,造成课堂气氛沉闷,学生反应不积极,形成了一个恶性循环。特别是在汉语言文学的文学理论教学中,教师往往空谈理论,很少联系实践,常常使学生感到枯燥无聊。例如,文艺理论这门课程的教学目的在于使学生能够了解和掌握不同的文艺理论,更好地阅读和创作文学作品。这门课程中涉及到了汉语言文学中的文艺观点、文艺思潮和文艺表现力,虽然具有较强的理论性,却与实践有着紧密的联系。如果教师能够在授课的过程中将理论和实际结合起来,使学生能够充分应用文艺理论来吸收文学作品的精华,并在阅读和创作文学作品的过程中对文艺理论进行深层次的感悟,将会起到更好的效果。 考核形式单一 当前我国汉语言文学教育的主要考核方式仍然是书面试卷,以书面知识和专业概念为主。在实践中很少进行深入的延伸和拓展,也没有对学生的创新能力和审美情趣进行考核。汉语言文学专业的学生往往只要通过考前突击背书的形式就能够通过考试。与此同时,单纯的书面考试不能对学生的口头表达能力、想法表达能力和个性思维发散能力等进行全面的考查。 不符合社会的就业趋势 随着社会的发展,社会需要的是应用型人才,而汉语言文学却具有典型的非实用性特征。汉语言文学毕业生在就业过程中,主要依靠的是写作能力和口语表达能力。这就要求在教学的过程中要着力培养学生的人文素养、审美能力、写作能力和口语能力。然而,在实际教学过程中,汉语言文学教育往往忽略了社会对应用型人才的需求,不注意培养汉语言文学专业学生的应用能力,对于汉语言文学学生的人文素养、审美能力、写作能力和口语能力的培养都比较欠缺,也很少开展相应的实践活动训练。这也造成了汉语言文学学生具有较差的动手能力和较低的综合素质,在就业的过程中往往难以适应社会和岗位的要求。 四、解决汉语言文学教育问题的具体措施 提高课堂的趣味性 九零后是当前高校的主要学生群体,教师在教学的过程中要抓住学生的兴趣爱好和群体性心理特点,进行个性化、趣味化教学,提高汉语言文学教学质量。比如,九零后学生具有较强的自我意识,受到网络时代的影响较深。在汉语言教学中,教师要充分尊重学生的自尊心和自我认同感,满足学生的自我表现欲,开展广泛的师生交流。为了避免课堂的枯燥性,教师还要做到理论结合实际,以实际案例来讲解理论知识。 信息化教学是一种行之有效的教学手段,非常适合九零后学生群体。九零后学生对互联网非常熟悉,教师可以从互联网中寻找教学素材,允许学生对其进行探讨,自由地发表观点。如教师可以让学生观看古代文学作品的相关视频资料,使学生对古汉语文学史有一个基本的了解,并在此基础上对古代文学的文学理论和艺术表现进行深入的探讨。 开展以就业为导向的教学 汉语言文学教学要使毕业生能够适应社会的发展,提高毕业生的审美情趣和专业技能,将其培养为社会需要的人文社科类人才。这就需要在教学的过程中着力培养学生的社会实践能力,特别是提高学生的口头表达能力和创新能力。例如,对考核形式进行改革,加入更多的开放题型,减少死记硬背的题型。汉语言文学教学可以通过开办读书会、文学沙龙、校园百家讲坛、校园说书会、演讲比赛、征文比赛、朗诵比赛、辩论赛等各式各样的活动,培养汉语言文学专业学生的口头表达能力、思辨能力、写作能力和发散性思维能力,使之能够更好地适应就业的需要,成为社会需要的新型人才。因此,汉语言文学教育要将社会需要作为教学的导向,提高汉语言文学毕业生的综合就业能力,拓展汉语言文学毕业生就业领域。 五、结语 汉语言文学是历史悠久、实力雄厚的专业,汉语言文学的毕业生和在校生数量都非常庞大。在社会发展的过程中,汉语言文学教育也出现了一些问题,影响了自身的健康发展。作为汉语言文学专业的教育者,必须正视这些问题,寻本溯源,探究出现这些问题的根源,并采取有效的措施对汉语言文学教育进行改进,推进汉语言文学教育的健康发展,为社会输送更多的优秀人文社科类人才。 Although the Chinese language and literature major in our country has a very wide range of distribution in the institutions of higher learning, and has a strong education foundation, however, due to various reasons, China's institutions of higher learning of Chinese language and literature education achievement is not ideal. Chinese language and literature major student's ability to adapt to social development is low. This requires teachers to face up to the current problems existing in the Chinese language and literature education, actively take effective measures, to adjust the education of Chinese language and literature. One, the Chinese language and literature education Since the may fourth period in our country has formed the Chinese language and literature education. Before that, the Chinese language and literature is mainly around the government to provide political services, its education purpose is not to promote students' ability, also does not have the corresponding professional talents cultivation system. With the development of the society and the progress of era and society needs professional application of talent to adapt itself to the requirements of jobs from all walks of life, so the basic requirement for Chinese language and literature graduates in writing and oral communication skills. Chinese language and literature graduate employment direction is mainly lies in the cultural promotion field, the language education, news class work, secretarial and administrative management, etc. These industries basic require practitioners with high ability in writing and speaking ability. Therefore, in the Chinese language and literature education should focus on cultivating the students' ability of language expression, so that the students can accumulate some basic knowledge of literature, cultivate students' innovation consciousness, improve the students' aesthetic temperament and taste, let the students have a certain writing ability. Due to the teaching concept and teaching model has been used in the past, Chinese language and literature education didn't pay attention to students' innovative consciousness, aesthetic taste and oral expression ability and improve, tend to focus on writing training, students fail to improve the comprehensive quality of a certain extent, restricted the Chinese language and literature graduate's employment and development. Second, the characteristics of the Chinese language and literature major teaching And accounting, medicine, construction engineering and other professional the difference is that Chinese language and literature education career orientation is not very strong pertinence and practicability, is a kind of vague orientation, also does not have strong applicability. As a traditional humanities social sciences disciplines, the characteristics of Chinese language and literature education is to transmission and development of humanistic spirit, meaning and value of human existence and development were discussed, so as to improve the spirit of personal cognitive and social sense of responsibility, its responsibility to social, ethnic, and national development. Therefore, the Chinese language and literature teaching has a very rich social humanistic education value. On the vocational education, Chinese language and literature education does not focus on the applicability and practicability, but reflect on the influence of students' humanistic concept and spirit. Chinese language and literature education creates intangible social benefits, rather than tangible economic benefits. In the process of the development of the society, college graduates under increasing pressure of employment, it also has a certain influence on education of colleges and universities. Education industry constantly emphasize knowledge, improve the teaching of applied. From this point, Chinese language and literature education to keep their own education essence and core, on the basis of actively adapt to the development of the society, make the appropriate changes. Third, the current problems existing in the education of Chinese language and literature (a) single teaching form In traditional Chinese language and literature class, there is a teaching form simplification phenomenon, many with teacher speaks, students listen to give priority to, little interaction with students, teachers are not concerned about whether students listening, don't care about the classroom atmosphere, completes the teaching task merely mechanical, is only when there is serious problem classroom order, teachers will interfere. Some teachers don't care about the students' listening to lectures, only in the form of points to ensure attendance, for the lesson to the students learning, whether something is not to care. For some students, this teaching form is acquiesced in its "within the class body, the heart outside the classroom", its learning efficiency is greatly reduced. Even if some of the Chinese language and literature teacher can communicate with students, also is the only let the students answer questions, in this paper, the point of view. Most of the Chinese language and literature teachers are feeding their views to students reel, little concern for the students' feedback, the student will be difficult in the process of learning difficulty and problem feedback to teachers, teachers can also be difficult to grasp the situation through the students to adjust their teaching, which leads to the low efficiency of the Chinese language and literature teaching, the poor quality. (2) content boring, boring class There is a widespread class the current Chinese language and literature education, content of boring questions, seriously affected the students' interest in learning. Although there is a vast system and profound knowledge of Chinese language and literature theory, most of the teachers has been in use the traditional teaching mode, teaching content corny, scripted, cause the classroom atmosphere is depressing, students not a positive response, form a vicious circle. Especially in the literary theory of Chinese language and literature teaching, teachers often doctrinairism, rarely contact practice, often makes students feel boring. "Literary theory", for example, the teaching purpose of this course is to enable students to understand and grasp the different literary theories, the better reading and writing literature. Involved in the course of Chinese language and literature view of literature and art, literature and art thoughts and artistic expressive force, although has strong theoretical, but are closely linked with practice. If teachers can combine theory with practice in the process of teaching, so that the students can fully application of the theory of literature and art to absorb the essence of literature, and in reading and writing literary works of literary theory in the process of the deep comprehension, will have a better effect. (3) a single assessment form Current our country the main assessment mode of Chinese language and literature education is still in writing papers, mainly written concept and professional knowledge. In practice few in-depth extension and expansion, to the innovation ability of students and to examine the aesthetic temperament and interest. Chinese language and literature majors often as long as a pre-test assault in the form of endorsement will be able to pass the exam. Meanwhile, a simple written examinations do not the expression of the students' oral expression ability, thinking ability and personality divergent thinking ability and so on to conduct a comprehensive test. (4) do not conform to the social employment trends With the development of society, the society need is applied talents, and the Chinese language and literature is the practicability of the typical characteristics. Graduates of Chinese language and literature in the process of employment, mainly depends on the writing and oral expression ability. This requires that in the process of teaching to cultivate the students' humanities accomplishment, aesthetic ability and writing ability and oral English ability. However, in the process of practical teaching, Chinese language and literature education tend to ignore the social demand for applied talents, do not pay attention to training application ability for students majoring in Chinese language and literature, for the Chinese language and literature of the students' humanities accomplishment, aesthetic ability, writing ability and oral English ability is lacking, and rarely to carry out the corresponding practice training. This also caused the Chinese language and literature students have poor ability and low overall quality, in the process of employment is often difficult to meet the demand of the society and the job. Fourth, the specific measures to solve the problem of Chinese language and literature education (a) improve the classroom interest Rates after the group is the main point of the current college students, the teachers in the teaching process to seize the students' interests and collective psychological characteristics, individuation, interesting teaching, improve the quality of Chinese language and literature teaching. Rates, for example, after the student has stronger self-awareness, under the influence of network times deeper. In the Chinese language teaching, teachers should fully respect the students' self-esteem and identity, meet the students' exhibitionism, extensive communication between teachers and students. In order to avoid boring in the classroom, the teacher must be theory combined with practice, to the actual case to explain the theoretical knowledge. Information teaching is an effective teaching method, very suitable for rates after the student group. Rates after the students are very familiar with the Internet, teachers can find from the Internet teaching material, allow students to explore and express opinions freely. Such as teachers can let students to watch the ancient literature of video information, make the student to have a basic understanding of ancient Chinese literature, and on this basis of ancient literature theory of literature and art performance in depth. (2) to carry out employment oriented teaching Chinese language and literature teaching to make the graduates can adapt to the development of the society, improve the aesthetic appeal of graduate and professional skills, the training need of humanities and social sciences personnel for the society. This needs in the process of teaching to cultivate the students' social practice ability, especially in improving the students' oral expression ability and innovation ability. To reform the assessment form, for example, add more open topic, reduce the topic by rote. Chinese language and literature teaching can through the open group, literary salon, lecture room on campus, campus storyteller, speech competition and essay competition, recitation contest, all kinds of activities such as debate, which train students of Chinese language and literature of oral expression ability, thinking ability, writing ability and divergent thinking ability, making them better able to meet the needs of the job, become a new talents of the society needs. Therefore, the Chinese language and literature education to guide social needs for the purpose of teaching, improve the comprehensive employment of graduates of Chinese language and literature ability, expanding areas of Chinese language and literature graduate employment. Five, the conclusion Chinese language and literature is a long history and strong professional, the number of gradua


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