法律英语常用句型 Notwithstanding.docx
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法律英语常用句型 Notwithstanding.docx
法律英语常用句型 Notwithstanding法律英语常见句型的翻译-NOTWITHSTANDING的翻译 ¡ 介词notwithstanding在普通英文中的使用极为罕见,也可列入古旧废词的行列,但其在法律英文中的使用已经达到“司空见惯”的程度。翻译带有该介词的句子并不难,因为它的译法跟although/though /even if引导的状语从句没有太大区别,基本上都可以译成“尽管”、“即使”,表示一种让步。但该词所引导的并非是一个让步状语从句,因为在习惯用法上,该词之后不跟句子,而跟一个名词性短语。例如: ¡ Ex 1: Notwithstanding any law or practice to the contrary, it shall be lawful for ¡ 即使法律或惯例有相反规定,在审理第二部分所列罪名的诉讼中,法庭可以依法对被告不宣誓作证一事加以评论。 the court in any proceedings for an offence under Part II to comment on the failure of the accused to give evidence on oath. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap. 201, Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Art. 26) ¡ ¡ 尽管有第(1)款的规定,治安法官在被告或其中一名被告就转交诉讼程序提出申请,须做出第(1)款不适用这类程序报告的裁定,该裁定须记录在治安法官案件登记册内。 Ex 2: Notwithstanding subsection (1), a magistrate shall, on an application for the purpose made with reference to any committal proceedings by the accused or one of the accused, as the case may be, order that subsection (1) shall not apply to reports of those proceedings, and any such order shall be entered in the Magistrates Case Register. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap. 227, Magistrates Ordinance, Art. 87A2) ¡ Ex 3: Notwithstanding subsection (3) a magistrate may require the police 就送达传票一事宣誓作证。 officer, usher or other officer who served a summons to attend before him and gave evidence on oath as to its service. (ibid. Art. 84) ¡ 尽管有第(3)款的规定,治安法官仍可要求送达传票的警务人员、传达人或其他人员出庭,¡ 虽然该词也可作连词使用,跟一个完整的让步状语从句,例如:He is honest, notwithstanding he is poor. 但这种用法并非是法律英语中的典型用法。该词的用法与前述的subject to, for the purpose of相似,后面跟的总是law/ordinance或section/subsection之类的法律或法律条款的指代词,对应的汉语几乎千篇一律:“尽管有法律/条款的规定”。