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    本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 外文文献译文.11.1 考绩考核的用途和如何使其易于实现.11.2 考核过程中社会责任感和全人发展.21.3 正确绩效考核是有益和适当的.31.4 effective performance appraisals有效的绩效考核.41.5 types of performance and aptitude assessments, including formal performance appraisals业绩和能力评估的类型51.6 performance appraisals process考绩过程.62 外文文献原文.92.1 Performance appraisals - purpose and how to make it easier.92.2 Appraisals, social responsibility and whole-person development.102.3 Are performance appraisals still beneficial and appropriate.122.4 Effective performance appraisals.142.5 Types of performance and aptitude assessments.142.6 Performance appraisals process.161 外文文献译文1.1 考绩考核的用途和如何使其易于实现Performance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff.绩效考核是根本的为职员有效的管理和评估。评估帮助开发个体, 改进组织表现, 并投入业务规划。正式的绩效考核,一般每年组织一次全体工作人员的考核。他们的直线经理估价各个职员。董事考核首席执行官,鉴定委员会主席或公司所有人,根据公司的规模和组织结构。Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards, agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks.年度绩效考核,能规定管理和监测标准,同意期望和目标,代表团的职责和任务。Staff performance appraisals also establish individual training needs and enable organizational training needs analysis and planning.人员的业绩考核,建立个人培训需求,并对组织的培训需求进行分析及规划。 绩效考核也典型地对组织每年薪水和分级的回顾,通常也刚好与下一年的贸易计划一致。Performance appraisals generally review each individual's performance against objectives and standards for the trading year, agreed at the previous appraisal meeting.绩效考核一般审查在营运一年里,每一个人在上年定下的业绩目标和标准。Performance appraisals are also essential for career and succession planning - for individuals, crucial jobs, and for the organization as a whole.绩效考核也是十分必要的关系到个人的职业生涯规划,更重要的工作,和整个组织。 Performance appraisals are important for staff motivation, attitude and behaviour development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims, and fostering positive relationships between management and staff.绩效考核的重要性是为员工的激励、态度和行为的发展,沟通和协调了个人和组织的目标,培养积极的关系管理和工作人员。Performance appraisals provide a formal, recorded, regular review of an individual's performance, and a plan for future development.绩效考核提供了正式的记录,定期检验个人的业绩,以及未来发展的规划。 Job performance appraisals - in whatever form they take - are therefore vital for managing the performance of people and organizations.工作绩效考核,无论其采取何种形式,因此,关键是管理业绩的人组织。 Managers and appraisees commonly dislike appraisals and try to avoid them.经理和评估者普遍厌恶评估,尽量避免评估。 To these people the appraisal is daunting and time-consuming.对这些人来讲评价是一项艰巨而费时。评估过The process is seen as a difficult administrative chore and emotionally challenging.过程被他们看成是一项困难的行政工作和情绪的挑战。The annual appraisal is maybe the only time since last year that the two people have sat down together for a meaningful one-to-one discussion.年度考核也许是唯一的一次,去年以来,两个人坐在一起一对一地对一个有意义的评估进行讨论。No wonder then that appraisals are stressful - which then defeats the whole purpose.难怪评比是有压力的,这便违背了考核的目的。 There lies the main problem - and the remedy.如果老板满足每个员工单独和定期作一对一的讨论,贯穿全年,Appraisals are much easier, and especially more relaxed, if the boss meets each of the team members individually and regularly for one-to-one discussion throughout the year.评比则容易得多,尤其是较为宽松。Meaningful regular discussion about work, career, aims, progress, development, hopes and dreams, life, the universe, the TV, common interests, etc., whatever, ma kes appraisals so much easier because people then know and trust each other - which reduces all the stress and th e uncertainty.有意义的定期讨论工作、职业目标、进步、发展的希望和梦想、生命和宇宙、电视台、共同利益等等。不管什么,考核变得容易了,因为人们相互了解和信任,这样可以减少全部的压力和不确定性。 Put off discussions and of course they loom very large.暂缓讨论的话,问题当然也隐约就显得非常大。So don't wait for the annual appraisal to sit down and talk.所以不要等到年度考核才坐下来谈,The boss or or the appraisee can instigate this.老板或评估者可以煽动。 If you are an employee with a shy boss, then take the lead.如果你是一个害羞的老板带领下的员工,那就请你带个头。如果您是一个很少坐下和人谈话的上司,或员工不习惯于与他们的上司谈话。那么要设置放松的气氛和改进关系。If you are a boss who rarely sits down and talks with people - or whose people are not used to talking with their boss - then set about relaxing the atmosphere and improving relationships.Appraisals (and work) all tend to be easier when people communicate well and know each other.评估(工作),当人们良好的沟通和相互了解,一切都变得容易。 So sit down together and talk as often as you can, and then when the actual formal appraisals are due everyone will find the whole process to be far more natural, quick, and easy - and a lot more productive too.所以大家坐下来一起谈,因为这往往是你可以做的,然后当实际正式考绩时候,大家会发现整个过程要来得自然,快速,容易,有很多更富有成效。1.2 考核过程中社会责任感和全人发展 There is increasingly a need for performance appraisals of staff and especially managers, directors and CEO's, to include accountabilities relating to corporate responsibility , represented by various converging corporate responsibility concepts including: the 'Triple Bottom Line' ('profit people planet'); corporate social responsibility (CSR); Sustainability; corporate integrity and ethics; Fair Trade, etc. The organisation must decide the extent to which these accountabilities are reflected in job responsibilities, which would then naturally feature accordingly in performance appraisals.有越来越需要考绩人员,尤其是经理,主任,把责任与企业责任,代表会聚各种企业责任概念,包括:“三重底线”、企业社会责任(CSR)、可持续性、企业诚信和道德、公平贸易等的组织必须决定在多大程度上把这些责任体现在岗位职责,进而相应地自然地反映在成绩评价的程度,因此在More about this aspect of responsibility is in the directors job descriptions section .更多有关考绩这方面的责任是在主任的工作说明部分。Significantly also, while this appraisal outline is necessarily a formal structure this does not mean that the development discussed with the appraisee must be formal and constrained.也明显,虽然这个评价纲要必然是一种正式的结构,这并不等于说,发展与评估必须是正式和制约。In fact the opposite applies.事实上刚好相反,Appraisals must address 'whole person' development - not just job skills or the skills required for the next promotion.考核必须正视的“全人”的发展,不只是工作技能或所需的技能,为今后推广。Appraisals must not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.考核不应歧视任何人的年龄,性别,性倾向,种族,宗教和残疾等。The UK Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, (consistent with Europe), effective from 1st October 2006, make it particularly important to avoid any comments, judgements, suggestions, questions or decisions which might be perceived by the appraisee to be based on age.英国就业平等(年龄)条例2006(符合欧洲),自2006年10月1日,使其特别重要的是要避免任何评论,判断,意见问题或决定,可能会被认为受评是基于年龄。This means people who are young as well as old.这意味着年轻人和老年人。Age, along with other characteristics stated above, is not a lawful basis for assessing and managing people, unless proper 'objective justification' can be proven.年龄,随着其他特征上面,不是一个合法的基础上进行评估和管理的人,除非有适当的“客观理由”可以证明。See the Age Diversity information.看到年龄多样化信息。When designing or planning and conducting appraisals, seek to help the 'whole-person' to grow in whatever direction they want, not just to identify obviously relevant work skills training.在设计或规划,并进行考核,寻求帮助的全人的成长,在什么方向发展,他们要的是什么,不仅仅是为了查明明显相关的工作技能培训。Increasingly, the best employers recognise that growing the 'whole person' promotes positive attitudes, advancement, motivation, and also develops lots of new skills that can be surprisingly relevant to working productively and effectively in any sort of organisation.越来越多的最佳雇主了解到,越来越多的“全人”和积极的态度,进步的动力,并培养出许多新的技能,能够出现相关工作成效,有效地参与任何形式安全的组织. Developing the whole-person is also an important aspect of modern corporate responsibility, and separately (if you needed a purely business-driven incentive for adopting these principles), whole-person development is a crucial advantage in the employment market, in which all employers compete to attract the best recruits, and to retain the best staff.发展全人教育也是一个重要方面,现代公司的责任,而分开(如果你需要一个纯粹的商业导向,鼓励采用这些原则)全人的发展是一个关键的优势,在就业市场,其中所有雇主竞争,以吸引最好的新兵,并保留最好的员工。 Therefore in appraisals, be creative and imaginative in discussing, discovering and agreeing 'whole-person' development that people will respond to, beyond the usual job skill-set, and incorporate this sort of development into the appraisal process.因此,在评议过程中,有创造性和想象力的讨论,发现和确定的全人的发展,人们会对此回应,除了一般的职业技能设定,并把这种发展纳入考核过程。Abraham Maslow recognised this over fifty years ago .马思50年前就承认这了。 If you are an employee and your employer has yet to embrace or even acknowledge these concepts, do them a favour at your own appraisal and suggest they look at these ideas, or maybe mention it at your exit interview prior to joining a better employer who cares about the people, not just the work.如果你是雇员,而你的雇主尚未拥抱甚至认同这些理念,他们是帮你自己的评价,并建议他们看看这些想法。或者,何况它在你离开面试前参加了一个较好的雇主关心的人,不只是工作。Incidentally the Multiple Intelligences test and VAK Learning Styles test are extremely useful tools for appraisals, before or after, to help people understand their natural potential and strengths and to help managers understand this about their people too.多元智能测试及vak学习风格测验是非常有用的工具,用以鉴定,之前或之后,为了帮助人们了解其自然潜力和优势,而且帮助经理了解这对他们的人。There are a lot of people out there who are in jobs which don't allow them to use and develop their greatest strengths; so the more we can help folk understand their own special potential, and find roles that really fit well, the happier we shall all be.有很多出去的人都在工作,而不是让他们使用和发展其最大的优点;所以,我们越是能帮助民间了解自己特殊潜力并找到角色,真正适合的幸福。 1.3 正确绩效考核是有益和适当的 It is sometimes fashionable in the 'modern age' to dismiss traditional processes such as performance appraisals as being irrelevant or unhelpful.有时是时髦的“现代”辞退的传统工艺,如考核作为无关紧要或无益。Be very wary however if considering removing appraisals from your own organisational practices.必须十分小心,但如果考虑取消评比从自己组织的做法。It is likely that the critics of the appraisal process are the people who can't conduct them very well.现在看来,考评者的考核过程中有一些人不能进行得非常好。It's a common human response to want to jettison something that one finds difficult.这是人类共同的反应要扔掉一些人的认定困难。Appraisals - in whatever form, and there are various - have been a mainstay of management for decades, for good reasons.评比,以什么形式出现,并有多处已经有了主心骨管理几十年来,好理由。 Think about everything that performance appraisals can achieve and contribute to when they are properly managed, for example:想想一切考绩才能成就和贡献,当他们得到妥善的管理,例如: 1、erformance measurement - transparent, short, medium and long term绩效衡量-透明,短期,中期和长期 2、clarifying, defining, redefining priorities and objectives澄清,确定,重新确定重点和目标 3、motivation through agreeing helpful aims and targets志气能帮助的宗旨和目标 4、motivation though achievement and feedback动机成绩和反馈 5、training needs and learning desires - assessment and agreement培训需求和学习欲望-评估与协议 6、identification of personal strengths and direction - including unused hidden strengths辨识个人的长处和方向,包括未隐藏实力 7、个人和组织 career and succession planning - personal and organisational职业生涯规划 8、team roles clarification and team building团队角色澄清和团队精神 9、organisational training needs assessment and analysis组织培训需求评估与分析 10、评估者appraisee and manager mutual awareness, understanding and relationship评估者10、与经理人互相认识,了解和关系 11、resolving confusions and misunderstandings解决矛盾和误解 12、reinforcing and cascading organisational philosophies, values, aims, strategies, priorities, etc加强和层叠的组织观念,信念,目标,战略,优先等 13、delegation, additional responsibilities, employee growth and development代表团认为,更多的责任,员工的增长和发展 14、counselling and feedback辅导及反馈 15、manager development - all good managers should be able to conduct appraisals well - it's a fundamental process经理发展的一切优秀管理者应能进行评比以及它的基本过程 16、the list goes on.不胜枚举 People have less and less face-to-face time together these days.人少了面对面在一起的时间,这些日子。Performance appraisals offer a way to protect and manage these valuable face-to-face opportunities.考绩提供一种方法来保护和管理这些宝贵的面对面的机会。My advice is to hold on to and nurture these situations, and if you are under pressure to replace performance appraisals with some sort of (apparently) more efficient and cost effective methods, be very sure that you can safely cover all the aspects of performance and attitudinal development that a well-run performance appraisals system is naturally designed to achieve.我的忠告是:坚持以培育这些情况下,而如果你处于压力之下,以取代考绩某种(显然)更有效率和成本效益方法相信你能够平安涵盖各个方面的表现和态度发展到一个良好的运行性能考核制度,自然是为了实现。 There are various ways of conducting performance appraisals, and ideas change over time as to what are the most effective appraisals methods and systems.有各种不同的表现进行评比而观念的改变时间的推移,什么是最有效的考核办法和制度。Some people advocate traditional appraisals and forms; others prefer 360-degree-type appraisals; others suggest using little more than a blank sheet of paper.有些人主张传统思路和形式;有些倾向于360度全方位式的考核;其他建议用多了一张空白纸。 In fact performance appraisals of all types are effective if they are conducted properly , and better still if the appraisal process is clearly explained to, agreed by, the people involved .事实上各类有效考核,如果适当地进行,而更好,如果考核过程是清楚的解释,同意的,所涉及的人。 Managers need guidance, training and encouragement in how to conduct appraisals properly .经理们需要的指导,培训和鼓励,如何进行考核。Especially the detractors and the critics.其是诋毁和赞誉,Help anxious managers (and directors) develop and adapt appraisals methods that work for them.帮助着急经理(主任)的发展和适应考核方法,为他们工作。 Be flexible.有弹性,There are lots of ways to conduct appraisals, and particularly lots of ways to diffuse apprehension and fear - for managers and appraisees alike.有很多方式进行考核,尤其是多种方式,化解疑虑和恐惧的经理及考评者喜爱。Particularly - encourage people to sit down together and review informally and often - this removes much of the pressure for managers and appraisees at formal appraisals times.尤其鼓励人们一起坐下审查非正式会议,并时常这消除了大量的压力管理者和考评者在正式评议。 Leaving everything to a single make-or-break discussion once a year is asking for trouble and trepidation.离开一切以单作或休息时间讨论一次,今年是自找麻烦和不安。 Look out especially for the warning signs of 'negative cascaded attitudes' towards appraisals.放眼世界,特别是对警示标志的消极落后态度对待考核。This is most often found where a senior manager or director hates conducting appraisals, usually because they are uncomfortable and inexperienced in conducting them.这是最常见的下一位资深经理或处长讨厌进行评议通常是因为他们感到不舒服的经验进行。The senior manager/director typically will be heard to say that appraisals don't work and are a waste of time, which for them becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.高级经理/总监通常会听到他们说考核不行,都是浪费时间,而让他们成为一种自我实现的预言。This attitude and behaviour then cascades down to their appraisees (all the people in their team) who then not surprisingly also apply the same 'no good - not doing it' negative attitude to their own appraisals responsibilities (teams). All that said, performance appraisals that are administered without training (for those who need it), without explanation or consultation, and conducted poorly will be counter-productive and are a waste of everyone's time .所以说,绩效,在未经训练(需要者),但没有解释或协商并进行差将会产生反效果,浪费大家


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