2876.B XXX律师事务所内部管理机制问题研究 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc
本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日1 出现问题在过去一年中, 一系列不同规模和专业的律师事务所报告的对于“优于平均水平”的经济成果经验快速和意外地逆转。 这些反复出现结果是由于掌握了大量客户业务的合伙人离开了原来的律师事务所去追求“更丰厚更长远机会律师事务所”,由于无论从现实还是想象都缺乏适当的领导,因此,加强律师内部管理势在必行。每一个律师事务所,无论大小,都需要领导。良好的法律事务所管理无法实现,直到所有的合伙人同意服从某种程度独立性的主管合伙人或行政主管的管理。合伙人必须平衡他们的权利和责任。 为了达到整体的效果,他们必须放弃一些个人的特权,毕竟个人是无法达到管理的。 从理论上讲,所有的合伙人都是平等的,凭借合伙人的地位,他们都享有同样的权利和特权。许多公司发现,在实际上,每个合伙人都有自己对于如何执行职务和行使权力的方式有各种各样不同的想法。如果确实要建立一种内部管理机制,那其所有律师首先必须承认需要有力的管理者。这个指定的管理者要正直而肯定,要使到律师事务所的认识的动力,成功的管理源自所有的成员得到有效的管理何领导,并且该馆里者不被个人或执行委员会的压力所迫。而合伙人也必须认识到,无论作为管理者或执行委员会的一个成员,都同样重要,因为这是事务所的经营和业务流程所规定的。 在一些律师事务所的管理哲,通常是以创始人或控制着客户为基础的。因此,在一些事务所中的合伙人都比较年轻,缺乏管理经验,“自然选择”则可能更加困难,但也不是不可能的。在某些情况下,如果没有其他合伙人的加入,甚至没有律师加入,那事务所必须采取积极行动,努力发展,满足其他成员个人目标和事务所的经济效益。2 原因分析 在任何情况下,律师事务所需要事务所其他成员都愿与之相处的管理者做出艰难的决定。这种管理者应该让广大合伙人选出,还是应该让行政主管担任呢? 有时小型律师事务所能排除了这种两难的局面。规模较下的事务所,是以个有能力建立民主的管理机制和模式的,包括所有的合伙人都作为一个管理者的角色。如果这是不实际的,合伙人面临着艰难的抉择。它们的风险是设立了两个权力中心,一般无论是由行政主管或从合伙人中选择管理者,这将会造成很大的潜在纷争和分裂。为了避免这种下场,推选常务合伙人和行政主管是可取的行动。 什么样的人,才是一个好的经营合伙人呢?一般来说,律师对管理没有兴趣而且缺乏管理技能,他们很少有经过培训而得出的有效的管理技巧。因此,律师在管理方面的能力和水平,是由很大差别的。 任何律师事务所管理委员会将由行政主管和一些律师组成,他们有的有很好的管理经验,有的律师却没有。这不应该被看作是一个进入管理委员会的障碍。管理技能不是有资格进入管理委员会的唯一因素,公平地为事务所每一组律师提供委员会的代表同样重要。 在当代,管理者要广泛地接触律师事务所里面的人,这是众所周知的。必要时,管理者必须得倒尊重和支持,同时还要掌握应有的权力。管理者应当有判断时机和有远见。 合伙人管理者必须保持律师事务所正确的观点和目标,合伙人管理必须能超越“自我”,认识到要把事务所的事情摆在首位。合伙人管理哲必须能够做出正确的决定并加以坚持,但最重要的是,主管的合伙人必须自己要想管理事务所。 很多合伙人在律师事务所内部事务的执行上很大部分都是以说为主,但是当了解行动并跟随他们自己的建议和组织行动了一段很少的时间后,他们就会停下来。这种“管理讨论”,导致许多管理委员会把会议带入死胡同或者无休止的讨论中去。被人们普遍认同的是,管理委员会委员及律师事务所资深合伙人,作为一个律师,他们只关心有关于法律方面的事情,用于管理的时间是有限的,因此必须要明智地进行管理。 协作是产生思路和管理律师事务所办法的方式,在成功的律师事务所,很多事情都是由合伙人联合起来干的。在事务所,不当领导,而当管理者。管理者的主要服务内容是表达坚定的目标和实现目标。还有一些管理职能,应该只是有合伙人自己进行,不应授权给行政主管。还有其他任务,可由行政主管或合伙人来做,也可以由其他律师来进行。要规定行政主管应该负有哪些职责,规定其具备哪些特殊才能和能力,分配负责哪些任务,但更重要的是呀确使行政主管和主管合伙人有足够时间履行其职责,只有这样,他们才能胜任管理的任务。3 解决问题3.1 管理技巧3.1.1 以下是一些重要的职能,主管合伙人应履行1、监控公司的经济表现。2、为长远规划和方向。3、监督行政主管。4、决策的事项,不能给行政主管执行的,如执行人事政策。5、执行合伙人决定,通知了适当的律师和跟踪执行的情况,使决策得到确实的落实。6、协调各项管理活动。3.1.2以下可由行政主管或其它律师来执行管理1、监督公司的财务事项报告制度,包括编制和监控预算单,收款,现金流, 经营状况分析报告的时间和金钱,建议投资过剩资金。2、监督律师的生涯发展,包括评价,训练和一般工作任务。3、监督法律助理的生涯发展,包括评价,训练和工作任务。4、调查评价和提出建议,以期管理委员会,就特殊项目,如收购资深律师, 增设办事处和专业化的新领域。5、全面监测律师事务所设施的建设,尤其是扩建或改建.。以下是建议的问题,可以作为主管合伙人的指导,以确定行政主管的管理方法和领导风格,是否有效地服务于律师事务所。3.2 沟通1、现该律师事务所的管理方法,内部的沟通运作是否良好?2、是否所有的律师出席会议,被邀请过一起吃晚餐或午餐? 3、是否确实使用公告或简讯? 是否有律师被应邀帮助行政主管做报告4、是否牢牢把握各种消息传播途径?5、是否为事务所的律师,特别是初级伙伴和联系,提供足够的反馈? 3.3 律师事务所的政策1、对于新客户是否确实有既定的政策? 2、是否所有的律师都知道划分接受或拒绝客户的准则?3、是否确实有既定租用标准? 4、是否对事务所律师进行定期评价?评价标准是否有意义? 是否告知律师们评价结果? 5、其它合伙人和律师知道划分准则吗? 他们是对定期的评估活动有反馈?6、有既定政策以外的活动吗,如公益活动,客户关系,社区活动和与政府搞好关系。7、律师是否充分了解有关该公司的财务政策吗? 8、合伙人是否了解律师计时费率,并严格监督律师是否有私自接收业务?9、是否说明如何进行收入分配,并何其它合伙人进行讨论?3.4 如何组织律师事务所1、如何组织各个部门? 是否对该部门的人力资源充分利用和监督?2、是否认识各律师的职责和职能?3、是否有年轻的律师参与管理? 是否有向行政主管或主管合伙人反映管理上的事情?4、怎样确定其它管理者? 谁来担任行政主管? 他们是如何选择? 任期有多长?5、行政主管是否了解律师的需求和要求?6、律师事务所的办公设备是否最先进?3.5 决策1、如何使律师参与决策? 2、是否有检查任参与结帐过程,特别是对某些特殊的客户所进行的业务。3、是否鼓励律师们的给事务所提意见?4、是否有律师因为了解了某些事件及规划方面问题尔被合伙人雇用?部门是否有扩张或收缩? 关于新的重大事项,在评估它的作用时, 管理合伙人应当明白律师的期望和对法律的做法,可能是不同于该律师10年前的期望。 在工作期间这些期望可能有所改变,如:专业化生产,收入风险,独立精神和道德。 律师有更大的渴望知道重大决策背后的原因,并决定参与决策. 3.6 员工的管理 众所周知的困难和管理实践问题是由于技术的迅速变化,资金流动的缓慢,难于寻找新的客户,满足目前客户需求的成本的增加,繁重的工作量等。因为在很多领域你实践和你所控制有限, 这是很重要的,如果你有一定的控制和影响力,你有效利用,以更好地管理你们的实践。 根据律师协会公布的补偿, “律师事务所75%的费用,每美元用来赔偿在一个律师事务所,是合伙人赔偿或辅助人员的工资和福利。”如果这是真的话,做出一定的工作的人,而你是最好的。因为他们可以使所有差异归根于最终你成功实践. 虽然我们认识到我们的合伙人,但紧密联系工作效率和成功的律师事务所和其律师是我们往往忽视的非常重要的组成部分。管理者在律师事务所中可能是一个最重要的职位,管理者会在这个过程中执行合伙人的决定。 这是事实,即使是只有你和一名秘书,如果您的顾问,只是兼职教师。 拥有和保持最佳员工可能更是律师事务所成功的关键。 一个大型律师事务所能够有几个秘书或支援人员。但中型律师事务所执业律师只有十几个,两个或三个行政人员就是奢侈。 所有的员工都必须得到应有的报酬。在表面上,中型律师事务所得到雇员是非常困难得。 同时吸引培养和保持良好的员工是困难的, 但是作为管理者,你必须努力的花费时间和金钱去做,因为这些员工将成为有助于你事务所的成功。你的雇员反应你和你的管理原则。 他们应始终是你的一项重要资产。 他们应协助你改善业绩和整个管理实践。想到所有在你律师事务所工作的人,如果你没有想过这回事, 你就要问自己:"为什么不"? "如何才能改善人力资源"? 3.6.1 去哪里找员工1、请问你的其他员工。 这可以作为一个问题,假如一个人没有工作,但这个问题只是一种选择。2、问你的朋友和家人.如果雇用的不是一个合适的员工,这又是一个问题。 重要的是提醒人们,这不是个人的,是关乎于律师事务所的。3、问其他从业人员尤其是大律师事务所的从业人员。一个雇员不被一个律师事务所所雇用,并不意味这个人不适合你的律师事务所所雇用。4、审查恢复以往的候选人。我曾经聘请了我一个以前很好的助手回来工作。 5、在有员工仓促另谋高就时,考虑使用兼职员工。 兼职工人需要你来管理你的时间有效,但它们也可能会更为有效. 你甚至可以考虑两个人共用一个位置. 再次,这需要多一点管理,但你可能得到两个优秀的员工可以覆盖另一方.6、还有一些一身兼任几个职位的工作人员。这不是我的建议,但有时使用它似乎觉得它很好。7、联络法律学校,甚至社区学院行政人员。你甚至可以考虑使用一个人来处理非常具体的任务,例如帐单或簿记由一个偏僻地理位置。8、考虑用一个"顾问"进行搜查,并初步面谈。 此人可以做一次面谈,然后由你提出两个或三个为第二轮面试。虽然这将是昂贵的,你必须衡量这雇员没得到雇用时,你所付出的成本。但这个雇员可能是物有所值。3.6.2 管理1、所有员工必须有书面的工作说明.。他们应评估地使用这些说明。2、在办公室同工作人员定期审查工作的进展情况。 这一点尤为重要,从业者在外面做关于案件调查的工作可花了不少时间。3、要求律师应该经常通报行踪和时刻表以及他们的工作情况和哪些律师会在自己的办公室工作。4、应该训练工作人员应接受如何应付不愉快或者如何应对故意刁难的客户。5、所有工作人员应对律师事务所的内部事务进行保密。 他们应该知道明文规定的专业操守规则。6、你应该为律师提供工种专题的培训,如律师事务所的企业文化,如何处理信托账户,律师事务所管理,还包括技术训练。7、鼓励你的行政人员发表意见,改进律师事务所的工作表现。不过, 决不容许只有主题,但没有明确哪个员工应该解决问题这样的意见和讨论。 8、尽可能多,让你的授薪律师有足够的时间来完成工作。 这并不总是可能的,因为客户的需求,但你要向客户解释为什么有必要让工作人员做任务到最后一刻。但“一切在最后一分钟”,不应该成为规则。 如果常是这样,那么你需要学会更有效地管理你的员工时间。 9、当你分派任务给员工时,要员工明白你的要求, 并对他们进行监督。 10、总是设法让员工有完成时间或日期的任务,尤其是长期任务。 但重要的是必须让员工知道,如果他们也难以在期限前完成任务,要求员工必须事先告诉你。 11、从不气急败坏地批评和纠正员工的错误。12、在纠正员工的表现,你的目标应当是使某些员工理解错误并不会重蹈复辙。13、最有效的方法,以确保雇员不会继续犯同样的错误,就是要求他告诉你他打算怎样改善业绩,使他们对自己的进步。14、有建设性地改正错误发生。不要以为你如果忽视他们,他们就会消褪。 15、所有员工进行评估应正式以书面工作说明,每年至少一次。在员工听到自己的年度审查时,他们不应感到惊奇。16、如果有人不工作后,给予机会他改善。 17、如果有人自愿留下,花几分钟问他们为什么,让他们认真回答。 如果是离开,就要听听他们离开的理由,这能了解律师事务所究竟正在发生什么,在适当和必要的时候利用这些信息进行修改。管理合伙人可以考虑到在转变的社会, 教育与经济的背景下律师团的性质已经改变, 以及如何从这些变化中了解到律师的态度,需要和期望。最终,这些改变将反映在律师事务所的招聘活动,营业额和服务及专业领域的应用。 归根究底, 这是工作的约束和统一各个组成部分的律师事务所,即2005年的律师事务所管理。 稳健的经营合伙人将会认识到,有必要制订一个十分谨慎的内部管理机制,使法律与事务所的业务能正常的运行。1 Problems ariseDuring this past year, a number of well established law firms of various sizes and specialties that reported "better than average" economic results experienced rapid and unanticipated reversals. These reversals occurred because partners who controlled significant amounts of client business departed to pursue "more lucrative long-term opportunities in other law firms" due to the real or perceived lack of appropriate leadership by lawyer management in their former firms. Every law firm, regardless of size, needs leadership. Good law firm management cannot be achieved until all the partners agree to subordinate some degree of independence to a managing partner or an executive managing committee. The partners must strike a balance between their rights as owners and their responsibilities as citizens of the firm. They must relinquish some personal prerogatives in order to achieve the overall results that they would not be able to attain on their own. In theory, all partners are created equal. By dint of partnership status they are accorded the same rights and privileges. As many firms discover, though, this is not the case in practice. Invariably, each partner has his or her own idea about how to perform the job, and partners exercise their authority accordingly.If the firm is to establish a form of governance that will satisfy all of its members, the attorneys must first acknowledge the need for leadership. The designated leader, whether an individual or a management or executive committee, will not succeed until all attorneys in the firm recognize that the impetus for successful management is derived from the willingness of all firm members to be governed. The partners must also recognize that managing a firm, either as the managing partner or a member of a committee, is just as important and as difficult as performing client work.In some firms, the leadership role is assumed easily and naturally, because the individual is either a founding partner or controls a significant client base. In firms in which the partners are relatively young and inexperienced, the process of "natural selection," as it were, may be somewhat more difficult, if not virtually impossible. In situations in which no partner surfaces as a natural leader or no one wants the job, the firm must take aggressive action if it wishes to grow and satisfy the professional, economic and personal objectives of its members.2 Cause Analysis In any case, the firm must make some hard decisions about the kind of leadership that is required and what the members of willing to live with. Should the general partnership elect a managing partner? Should this individual be appointed by the management committee? Sometimes the size of the firm will preclude this dilemma. The smaller firm is in a position to establish a democratic form of governance that includes all the partners in a leadership role. If this is not practical, the partners face a difficult choice. They risk setting up two power centers if the general partnership elects both the management committee and the managing partner. This will create great potential for dissension and divisiveness. To avoid this debacle, selection of the managing partner by the management committee is the preferable course of action. What kind of person makes a good managing partner? Generally, lawyers are not recruited to a law firm on the basis of their interest or skills in management. They are rarely trained by the firm in management skills. Consequently, lawyers' skills and levels of interest in management are greatly varied. Any management committee will include some attorneys who are good managers and some who are not. This should not be viewed as an obstacle. Management skills are not necessarily the only factors that qualify an attorney to serve on a management committee. It may be equally important to provide equitable representation on the committee to each of the groups of lawyers that constitute the law firm. The requisites for leadership are, in this day and age, well known. The leader must garner respect and support, have clout and wield it when necessary. The leader's skills must combine judgment, timing and vision. The managing partner must keep the objectives of the firm in proper perspective. The managing partner must be able to rise above the "self" and understand that the good of the firm must come first. The managing partner must be able to make decisions and have them stick. Perhaps most important, the managing partner must want to manage the firm. Many partner want a great deal of "say” in firm operations, but stop short of following up on their advice or opinions with recognizable action. Such "management by debate" leads many management committees down a blind alley of endless discussions and meetings. It can be generally agreed that the members of the management committee and the managing partner, as lawyers, want primarily to practice law. The amount of time available for management is limited and must be used wisely. Collaboration is the best way to generate ideas and options for managing the firm. In the most successful firms, much gets done by teams of partners pulling together. The firm, not the leader, becomes the star; the leader serves primarily as the one who articulates the firm's goals and plans for accomplishing its objectives. There are some management functions, however, that should be performed by the management committee or the managing partner and should not be delegated. There are other tasks that may be performed by either the committee or the partner, but also may be performed by individual members of the management committee or other lawyers in the firm. The managing partner and the committee should be charged with those functions that require their specific talents and energy. In placing responsibility for other tasks, it is important to make certain that the management committee and the managing partner have the time to perform the functions that only they can perform.3 Solve the problem3.1 Management Checklists3.1.1 The following are some of the functions that the managing partner should perform:1. Maintaining the morale of the lawyers, as a group and individually. 2. Anticipating management needs and making recommendations for fulfilling them. 3. Supervising the administrator. 4. Making decisions concerning matters that do not warrant consideration by the management committee, such as implementation of personnel policy. 5. Implementing the management committee's decisions by informing the proper attorneys and by following up to see that the decisions have been implemented. 6. Coordinating all management activities. 3.1.2 Responsibility for the following functions may overlap, in that they can be performed by the managing partner, a member of the management committee or another lawyer:1. Overseeing the firm's financial matters and reporting system, including preparation and monitoring of budgets, billing, collection, cash flow, analysis of management reporting for time and money and recommendations on investment of excess funds. 2. Overseeing lawyers' career development, including evaluation, training and general work assignments. 3. Overseeing legal assistants' career development, including evaluation, training and work assignments. 4. Investigating, evaluating and making recommendations to the management committee on special projects, such as acquiring senior lawyers, opening additional offices and specialization in new areas. 5. Overseeing firm facilities, particularly expansion or remodeling. The following are suggested questions that a managing partner may use as a guide in determining whether his or her management practices and style of leadership effectively serve the firm.3.2 Communication:1. Are the firm's methods of internal communication functioning well? 2. Do all of the attorneys attend meetings, dinners or luncheons? Are they invited? 3. Does the firm use announcements or newsletters? Are the attorneys invited to contribute to committee reports? 4. Does the firm hold retreats to disseminate information or address special topics? 5. Does the firm provide the attorneys, particularly junior partners and associates, with adequate feedback? 3.3 Firm Policies:1. Does the firm have an established policy concerning new clients? 2. Are the criteria for accepting or rejecting clients known to all the attorneys? 3. Does the firm have established criteria for hiring? 4. Does the firm conduct attorney evaluations on a regular basis? Are the evaluation criteria meaningful? Are attorneys informed of the results? 5. Are the criteria for becoming a partner or a member of the executive committee known? Are they reviewed on a periodic basis? 6. Has the firm established policies regarding no billable activities, such as pro bono work, client relations, community activity and firm administration? 7. Are the attorneys fully informed concerning the firm's billing policies? 8. Do the attorneys know the hourly rates of partners and associates, and the policy concerning expe