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    设备合同类汉译英论文翻译网站样稿华译网翻译公司提供英文原文和中文翻译版本文献来源:华译网翻译公司官方网站注:对应英文版请见本文件后半部分。详细价格和译者资质以及论文翻译控制流程请登陆其官方网站。华译网翻译公司提供专业学术资料、法律资料、商务资料和技术资料翻译服务,本文件我们为某机械学院学生翻译的机电论文文件摘录内容,供参考,欢迎惠顾。英中对照版本ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Form #TC9附加条款和条件: 表格编号:#TC91. WARRANTY. XXXX, INC. ("XXXX") warrants the equipment and/or services offered pursuant to this proposal ('Equipment') against defective material and workmanship for the period equal to the lesser of (1) one year from the time the equipment is put into service or installed (if XXXX Installs the Equipment), or (2) eighteen months from the date the equipment is shipped ("Warranty Period"), and also warrants that the Equipment will perform according to the specifications specifically set forth in this proposal XXXX MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE EQUIPMENT, EXCLUDING SPECIFICALLY THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.1保证 XXXX公司(简称“XXXX”)保证,本计划书项下提供的设备及/或服务(简称“设备”)自(1)设备投入使用或安装(若由XXXX安装设备)之日起一年内,或(2)设备装运之日起十八(18)个月之内(以两者中较短的为准)(简称“保证期”),没有材料和工艺方面的缺陷,并保证设备运行符合本计划书特别规定的规格标准。XXXX对设备不作任何其他明示或默示保证,尤其不对适销性及特定用途适合性作任何默示保证。2. EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES.2排他性救济(a) XXXX will replace, repair or (at XXXX's option) refund the purchase price (less a proration determined by XXXX in its discretion for the period of time the Equipment was in use) of the Equipment or components thereof which prove within the Warranty Period and to XXXX's satisfaction to be defective in material or workmanship or to perform improperly. THE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF THE PRORATED PORTION OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF DEFECTIVE PARTS (AND RE-INSTALLATION IF XXXX INSTALLED ORIGINALLY) ARE PURCHASER's SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST XXXX FOR THE BREACH OF XXXX's WARRANTY, PURCHASER AGREES THAT NO OTHER REMEDIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SHALL BE AVAILABLE TO HIM.(a) 若在保证期内证明设备或其部件存在材料或工艺缺陷或者无法正常运行,且XXXX对证明表示满意,XXXX将对有关设备或其部件进行更换、修理或由XXXX自行决定退还买价(扣除相应比例:由XXXX根据设备投入使用的时间决定扣除比例)。对缺陷部分进行更换、修理或退还相应比例的买价(以及对XXXX安装的产品进行重装)是XXXX违反保证时买方获得的唯一的、排他性救济,买方同意其不享有其他救济,包括但不限于间接或潜在损害赔偿救济。(b) The purpose of these exclusive remedies is to provide PURCHASER with free repair and replacement of defective parts, or at XXXX's election a refund of the prorated portion of the Purchase Price of detective parts, and these exclusive remedies shall not be deemed to have failed at their essential purpose so long as XXXX is willing and able to repair, replace or refund the prorated portion of the Purchase Price of all defective parts.(b) 上述排他性救济的目的是为买方免费修理、更换缺陷部分,或根据XXXX的决定退还相应比例的缺陷部分的买价,只要XXXX愿意并能够对所有缺陷部分进行修理、更换或退还一定比例的买价,上述排他性救济就不得被视为未达到其基本目的。3. LIMITATIONS ON WARRANTY AND REMEDIES, XXXX's warranty with respect to the Equipment and any remedies available to PURCHASER are subject to the following conditions:3保证及救济限制 XXXX对设备的保证及买方可享有的救济受以下条件的限制:(a) PURCHASER must have retained ownership and custody of the Equipment throughout the Warranty Period.(a) 买方在保证期内已经取得设备所有权并保管设备。(b) XXXX is not responsible for, and PURCHASER shall have no remedy for, and may not recover any damages from XXXX for, defects, damages, or faults in the Equipment caused by accident, abuse, misuse, neglect, lack of or improper preventive maintenance, abrasion, corrosion, oxidation or attack as a result of chemical action or faulty or improper installation if installed by anyone other than XXXX(b) 对于由事故、滥用、误用、疏忽、未进行预防性保养或保养不当、磨损、腐蚀、氧化或发生化学反应、故障或非由XXXX进行的不当安装等造成的设备缺陷、损坏或故障,XXXX不承担责任,买方无权向XXXX主张救济,亦无权要求XXXX进行任何损害赔偿。(c) The warranty of XXXX with respect to the Equipment shall immediately terminate and PURCHASER shall have no remedy for, and may not recover any damages against XXXX for, any damage, defect or fault in the Equipment if PURCHASER has altered or repaired; or attempted to alter or repair, the Equipment or has used or attempted to use the Equipment for any purpose other than the purpose for the Equipment set forth in this proposal, unless PURCHASER has first received XXXX's prior written authorization of such alteration, repair or use.(c) 若由于买方已对设备进行了改装或修理,试图对设备进行改装或修理,或已将或试图将设备用于非本计划书规定之目的,导致设备出现任何损坏、缺陷或故障,XXXX对设备的保证将立即终止,买方将无权向XXXX主张救济,亦无权要求XXXX进行任何损害赔偿,XXXX预先以书面形式授权买方进行上述改装、修理或使用的除外。(d) PURCHASER must give XXXX written notice of any claimed failure of any part of the Equipment to meet the warranty of XXXX specifying the nature of the claimed failure. Such notice must be given within a reasonable time (not to exceed thirty days) after PURCHASER discovers or should have discovered any such failure. The failure of PURCHASER to so notify XXXX shall bar PURCHASER from any remedy for such failure(d) 买方应向XXXX发出书面通知,向XXXX告知设备任何部分与其保证不符,并指名其性质。买方应在发现或应该发现上述故障后的合理时间内(不得超过三十天)发出通知。若买方未按照上述要求通知XXXX,买方将无权就上述故障获得任何救济。(e) XXXX is not responsible for, and PURCHASER shall have no remedy for, and may not recover any damages from XXXX for, any failure of the Equipment, or any part or component thereof, to perform according to the specifications specifically set forth in this proposal due to material build-up or clogging, or any failure by PURCHASER to perform maintenance, cleaning and/or servicing of the Equipment that XXXX deems appropriate in the circumstances(e) 若由于材料集结或阻塞或买方未采取XXXX认为在该情况下应该采取的适当措施对设备进行维修、清洁及/或保养导致设备或其任何部分或部件未能按照本计划书特别规定的规格标准运行,XXXX对此不承担责任,买方将无权向XXXX主张救济,亦无权要求XXXX进行任何损害赔偿。(f) The specifications specifically set forth in this proposal and referenced in paragraph 1 of these Additional Terms and Conditions were developed based on the "design conditions" specifically set out in this proposal XXXX DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR APPROPRIATENESS OF THOSE DESIGN CONDITIONS. PURCHASER shall have no remedy for, and may not recover from XXXX any damages for any failure of the Equipment, or any part or component thereof, to perform according to those specifications because of any inaccuracy of all or any of those design conditions, or the failure of all or any of the design conditions to be appropriate for any reason, or any omission from those design conditions.(f) 本计划书中特别规定的且在附加条款第1条中加以引用的规格标准是以本计划书特别规定的“设计条件”为基础制定的。XXXX对这些“设计条件”的准确性或适当性不做任何保证。若由于上述设计条件不准确,或上述设计条件因故不适当,或上述设计条件出现遗漏导致设备或其任何部分或部件未能按照规定的规格标准运行,买方无权向XXXX主张救济,亦无权要求XXXX进行任何损害赔偿。(g) PURCHASER shall have no remedy with respect to, and PURCHASER may not recover any damages from XXXX with respect to, any Equipment unless PURCHASER adheres to the procedure required in paragraph 4 of these Additional Terms and Conditions. Upon completion of those procedures. XXXX shall determine in its discretion whether to repair or replace the defective parts or to refund the prorated portion of the Purchase Price of the defective parts. If XXXX decides to refund the prorated portion of the Purchase Price, PURCHASER must return the defective parts before XXXX refunds the prorated portion of the Purchase Price.(g) 若未履行附加条款第4条规定的程序,买方将无权就任何设备主张救济,亦无权要求XXXX进行任何损害赔偿。在完成上述程序后,XXXX将自行决定是否对缺陷部分进行修理或更换或退还缺陷部分一定比例的买价。如果XXXX决定退还一定比例的买价,买方应在XXXX向其退还上述买价之前将缺陷部分返还给XXXX。4. TESTING FOR NONCONFORMITY. If PURCHASER desires to claim that the Equipment failed to meet XXXX 's warranty. PURCHASER must adhere to the following procedure in making such claim.4不合格检测 若买方主张设备不符合XXXX的保证,买方应按以下程序提出权利请求:(a) PURCHASER will perform or cause to be performed, at its sole expense and risk, tests to determine whether the Equipment has failed to meet the warranty of XXXX PURCHASER shall give XXXX notice, in writing, of the testing agency that is to perform the tests, and PURCHASER or such testing agency shall give XXXX, notice of the test methods to be employed. XXXX shall have the right to approve or disapprove of the testing agency suggested by PURCHASER, and shall have the right to review and approve or disapprove of the test methods that the testing agency desires to use XXXX must be furnished all pertinent data and conclusions resulting from the tests employed and must be given the opportunity to observe all tests.(a) 买方应自担费用和风险,进行或让他人进行检测,以确定设备是否不符合XXXX的保证。买方应以书面形式,通知XXXX开展检测的检测机构,买方或检测机构还应将采取的检测方法通知XXXX。XXXX有权决定是否批准使用买方建议的检测机构,亦有权决定是否批准检测机构欲采用的检测方法。必须向XXXX提供测试所有相关资料和结果,XXXX应有机会观看监看检测。(b) Any Equipment or component thereof that the testing agency has determined to be damaged, defective or faulty or in any way to fail to meet the warranty of XXXX shall be preserved for XXXX's inspection. At XXXX's request. PURCHASER shall securely pack any such Equipment or component to protect it against damage in transit and shall return it to XXXX 's plant freight prepaid. PURCHASER shall not be required to deliver such pans to XXXX if (A) the part was destroyed as a result of as defect or of any defect in any part covered by XXXX's warranty, and (B) XXXX is reasonably satisfied that the part was defective at the time of sale or installation (if XXXX installed the Equipment). If both of these conditions are met. XXXX shall provide the remedies allowed in paragraph 2 of these Additional Terms and Conditions with respect to the part in the same manner provided in paragraph 2 of these Additional Terms and Conditions as if PURCHASER had delivered it to XXXX's plant.(b) 检测机构认定为损坏的、缺陷的、故障的或在任何方面不符合XXXX保证的任何设备或部件都应保存以供XXXX检验。经XXXX请求,买方应对上述设备或部件进行安全包装,使其在运送中免受损害,并预付运费将其返还到XXXX工厂。在以下情况下,不应要求买方向XXXX交付上述部件:(A) 因设备本身缺陷导致某部分的损坏或因XXXX 保证范围内的任何部分的缺陷而导致损坏;以及(B) 使XXXX合理相信该部分在出售或安装(若设备由XXXX安装)时已经存在缺陷。在上述条件皆得以满足的前提下,如果买方将有关部件交付XXXX工厂,XXXX将按照附加条款第2条规定的方式向买方提供附加条款第2条允许的救济。5. TAXES. Unless taxes are specifically mentioned in the price quoted above, the price stated for the Equipment in this proposal does not include any taxes, licenses, fees, duties or tariffs, if any of those become applicable to the sale of the Equipment, they shall be added to the price quoted in this proposal for Equipment and included in the invoice for the Equipment submitted to PURCHASER. Specifically, without limitation, no sales or use tax for the state, county or municipality into which the Equipment is to be shipped is included in the price quoted in this proposal. Unless PURCHASER furnishes XXXX with a valid exemption certificate or statement of exemption, such sales or use tax shall be added to the price in the invoice for the Equipment by XXXX5. 税费 除非上述报价中特别提及税费,本计划书中列明的设备价格不包含任何税费、许可费、费用或关税。若上述任何项目将适用于设备销售,则应在本计划书设备报价的基础上增加上述款项,并在向买方提供的设备发票中增加上述款项。我们在此特别说明,设备运送目的州、郡、市的任何销售税或使用税皆未包含在本计划书报价中。除非买方向XXXX提供有效免税证明书或免税声明,XXXX将在设备发票中增加上述销售税或使用税。6. OFFER LIMITED TO TERMS. XXXX's offer to sell the Equipment is limited to the terms and conditions of this proposal and PURCHASER is hereby notified of XXXX's objection to and rejection of any and all terms which are different from or in addition to the terms of this proposal which are contained in (a) any oral agreement concerning the Equipment, (b) any acceptance or acknowledgment of this proposal, and (c) any other writing submitted by PURCHASER.6要约限制条件 XXXX销售设备的要约受本计划书条款的限制,在此,XXXX向买方告知,XXXX反对并拒绝接受买方在 (a) 任何与设备相关的口头协议,(b)对本计划书的承诺或确认书,以及(c)买方提交的任何其他书面文件中提出的同本计划书条款不同的条件或增加其他条件。7. ACCEPTANCE OF THIS OFFER. The offer to sell in this proposal can be accepted by the execution of a copy of this proposal or by execution of a copy of XXXX's ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT form, and the return of that executed copy to XXXX If PURCHASER responds to this quotation with a writing which accepts this offer to sell without attempting to impose additional or different terms, or if PURCHASER accepts shipment of the Equipment without giving written objection to the terms and conditions of this proposal, then PURCHASER shall be deemed to have entered into a contract for the purchase of the Equipment in accordance with the terms and conditions of this proposal. Failure on the part of purchaser to return an executed copy of this proposal or of XXXX's ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT form in no way alters the terms and conditions of this proposal.7接受要约 买方可以通过签署本计划书副本或签署XXXX要约确认表副本并将所签署副本返还XXXX的方式表示接受本计划书销售要约。如果买方对本报价做出反应,书面表示接受本销售要约,且未主张增加任何附加条款或不同条款,或买方接受设备装运,且未以书面形式表示反对本计划书条款,则视为买方已经按照本计划书规定的交易条款签署设备购买合同。买方未返还签署的计划书或XXXX要约确认表不改变本计划书交易条款。8. SHIPMENT.8装运(a) Unless XXXX is to install the Equipment, all Equipment is to be shipped f.o.b. XXXX's place of business in such case. XXXX is authorized to ship the Equipment to PURCHASER by common carrier, and the carrier shall be instructed to deliver to PURCHASER at his business address.(a) 除非由XXXX安装设备,所有设备都将采用FOB XXXX营业地装运。XXXX有权通过公共承运人向买方运输设备,并指示承运人将设备运至买方营业地。(b) Unless XXXX is to install the equipment, the price quoted by this proposal is f.o.b. XXXX's place of business and unless stipulated otherwise elsewhere in this proposal, all shipping and delivery costs shall be borne by PURCHASER.(b) 除非由XXXX安装设备,本计划书的报价为FOB XXXX营业地装运,除非本计划书中另有规定,所有运费及交付费用皆由买方承担。9. RISK OF LOSS. XXXX shall bear the risk of putting the Equipment into the possession of the carrier for shipment to PURCHASER (if XXXX is not to install the Equipment) and at and after the time the Equipment is put into the possession of the carrier, all risks of loss, damage or destruction of the Equipment shall be borne by PURCHASER.9损失风险 XXXX承担将设备送交承运人的风险(若XXXX不进行安装设备),由承运人将设备运送至买方,在将设备交付承运人之后,设备遗失、损坏或毁灭的所有风险皆由买方承担。10. DELIVERY DATE AND FORCE MAJEURE.10交付日及不可抗力(a) Any date stated for shipment of the Equipment in this proposal is an estimate of approximate date of shipment and is not a guarantee of any particular date of delivery.(a) 本计划书规定的设备装运日为预计的大概装运日,而非对任何特定交付日的保证。(b) If labor disputes, fires or other casualties, accidents, acts of God, riots, wars, governmental control or regulation, or lack of transportation, power, fuel or raw materials, or any other cause or reason beyond the control of XXXX, shall affect XXXX's ability to produce or ship the Equipment, XXXX shall have the right to delay or suspend shipment without liability to PURCHASER for any damages resulting from failure to ship or late shipment. Additionally, if for any of those reasons XXXX is unable to supply the total demands of all of its customers, XXXX, shall have the right to allocate its available supply among its customers in what XXXX in its sole discretion deems to be a fair and equitable manner XXXX shall not be responsible for any damages that PURCHASER may incur as a result of any late shipment or failure to ship pursuant to this paragraph(b) 若劳动纠纷、火灾或其他意外事故、灾祸、天灾、暴动、战争、政府管制或控制、运输、电力、燃料或原材料短缺或其他XXXX无法控制的原因或因素对XXXX制造和装运设备的能力产生影响,XXXX将有权延期或暂停装运,且对未装运或延期装运给买方造成的损失无须承担责任。另外,若基于上述任何理由,XXXX无法满足其所有客户的全部供货需求,XXXX将有权按照其认为合理公平的方式在客户之间分配可以实现的供货比例。在本条规定的条件下,对于延期装运或未装运可能给买方造成的损害,XXXX无须承担责任。11. ARBITRATION. Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to any contract established by the acceptance of this proposal shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the arbitrator's award may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction11仲裁 通过接受本计划书订立的任何合同所产生的或与之相关的任何争议都将通过仲裁解决,仲裁依据为美国仲裁


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