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    河北专接本英语词汇1、abandon 2. absence 3. absorb 4. abstract 5. accelerate 6. access 7. accomplish 8. account 9. accumulate 10.accustomed 11. acknowledge 12.acquaintance 13. acquire 14. acute 15. adapt 16. adequate 17. advantage 18. advisable 19. afford 20. agenda 21. alert 22. alternative 23. altitude 24. ambition 25. anniversary 26. annual 27. anticipate 28. anxiety 29. apparent 30. appeal 31. appetite 32. appreciate 33. approach 34. approve 35. arbitrary 36. arouse 37. artificial 38. assemble 39. assess 40. associate 41. assume 42. attach 43. astonish 44. attend 45. attribute 46. authority 47. available 48. await 49. aware 50. bankrupt 1. bend 2. beneficial 3. bind 4. blank 5. bloom 6. bold 7. boom 8. bound 9. breeze 10. brilliant 11. budget 12. bulk 13. burden 14. cabinet 15. calendar 16. campaign 17. cancel 18. candidate 19. cautious 20. category 21. cease 22. ceremony 23. certificate 24. challenge 25. champion 26. characteristic 27. charge 28. charity 29. chase 30. circulate 31. civilian 32. clarify 33. classic 34. client 35. clumsy 36. colllapse 37. colleague 38. collision 39. column 40. commerce 41. commit 42. comment 43. companion 44. compel 45. competent 46. complain 47. compose 48. comprehensive 49. conceal 50. condense 51. confess 52. confident 53. confirm 54. conscience 55. consent 56. considerable 57. consult 58. content 59. continuous 60. conver 1. crash 2. credit 3. critical 4. crucial 5. crude 6. cultivate 7. curiosity 8. deadline 9. deceive 10. decent 11. decline 12. delete 13. delicate 14. delicious 15. deliver 16. density 17. deposit 18. descend 19. deserve 20. determine 21. dictate 22. diet 23. discipline 24. disaster 25. dispose 26. dissolve 27. distinguish 28. diverse 29. domestic 30. dominant 31. dramatic 32. due 33. drop in 34. on duty 35. draw on 36. do away with 37. make a difference 38. in detail 39. take delight in 40. in debt 41. out of date 42. to the day 43. cut down 44. count on 45. at the cost of 46. at all cost 47. around the corner 48. on the contrary 49. take into consideration 50. draw up 1.ease 2.economical 3.effective 4.elaborate 5.elegant 6.eliminate 7.embrace 8.emerge 9.endure 10.enhance 11.entitle 12.equivalent 13.essential 14.uate 15.evolve 16.exceed 17.exclude 18.expand 19.exploit 20.extend 21.faculty 22.famine 23.fantastic 24.fatal 25.feasible 26.fertile 27.flexible 28.fluent 29.fortnight 30.frustrate 31.make a fuss over 32. set free 33.make a fortune 34.fool about 35.as follows 36.catch fire 37.set fire to 38.feed on 39.at fault 40.far from 41.fall back on 42.as a matter of fact 43.to a certain extent 44.every other 45.set an example to 46.take exception to 47.in effect 48.take effect 49.at ease 50.in excess of 1.generous 2.genuine 3.glance 4.graceful 5.grant 6.grateful 7.greedy 8.gross 9.guilty 10.halt 11.harmony 12.haste 13.headline 14.hint 15.hollow 16.horizon 17.humble 18.identical 19.idle 20.ignorant 21.imaginary 22.immense 23.impose 24.incline 25.incredible 26.indifferent 27.indispensable 28.inevitable 29.inherit 30.innocent 31.inquire 32.insert 33.inspire 34.instinct 35.intend 36.interfere 37.interpret 38.intimate 39.invasion 40.involve 41.isolate 42.inquire after 43.be in for 44.break the ice 45.in honor of 46.bring . home to 47.take heart 48.on guard against 49.go back on 50.go in for 1.jealous 2.joint 3.junior 4.justify 5.keen 6.knee 7.label 8.landscape 9.lately 10.latter 11.launch 12.layout 13.leak 14.lean 15.leisure 16.liable 17.liberal 18.likely 19.load 20.lonely 21.loyalty 22.luxury 23.manual 24.margin 25.massive 26.mature 27.media 28.melt 29.mess 30.minority 31.mission 32.moderate 33.moral 34.motive 35.mutual 36.negative 37.do justice to 38.keep an eye on 39.lag behind 40.at large 41.lay off 42.not in the least 43.in light of 44.live through 45.look into 46.make up for 47.more of less 48.lose oneself in 49.live up to 50.by and large 1.principle 2.prior 3.privilege 4.procedure 5.profile 6.prominent 7.promote 8.prospect 9.prosperous 10.provoke 11.punctual 12.quality 13.radical 14.rational 15.realistic 16.reasonable 17.rebel 18.receipt 19.recession 20.recommend 21.recruit 22.refine 23.refer 24.regardless 25.register 26.release 27.reliable 28.relieve 29.reluctant 30.renew 31.remind 32.resemble 33.rescue 34.reserve 35.resign 36.report 37.resume 38.restore 39.retreat 40.reveal 41.reward 42.rigid 43.give .rise to 44.at risk 45.with respect to 46.rather than 47.pull through 1.rough 2.routine 3.royal 4.rude 5.sacrifice 6.sake 7.sample 8.scale 9.scarce 10.schedule 11.scratch 12.security 13.seminar 14.senior 15.shade 16.shelter 17.shrink 18.significance 19.sincere 20.slender 21.species 22.specific 23.speculate 24.spoil 25.sponsor 26.stable 27.squeeze 28.staff 29.stake 30.starve 31.status 32.stock 33.stick to 34.take steps 35.stand for 36.on the spot 37.in spirits 38.so to speak 39.sooner or later 40.so . as to 41.at first sight 42.show off 43.in short 44.settle for 45.set about 46.in a sense 47.in season 48.go without saying 49.for the sake of 50.run into 1.stream 2.stress 3.studio 4.submit 5.substitute 6.subtract 7.successive 8.superior 9.surrender 10.survive 11.suspend 12.simpathetic 13.tackle 14.tame 15.telescope 16.tender 17.terminal 18.territory 19.thrive 20.tolerate 21.transfer 22.ultimate 23.underline 24.uniform 25.unique 26.universal 27.vacant 28.vain 29.vanish 30.variety 31.vertical 32.victim 33.vigorous 34.violate 35.vital 36.volume 37.volunteer 38.wicked 39.withdraw 40.wreck 41.write off 42.in other words 43.on the whole 44.once in a while 45.wear out 46.under way 47.on vacation 48.a variety of 49.use up 50.turn down


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