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    江苏省永丰初级中学年级英语下册 Unit Sunshine for all单元综合检测 牛津.docx

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    江苏省永丰初级中学年级英语下册 Unit Sunshine for all单元综合检测 牛津.docx

    江苏省永丰初级中学年级英语下册 Unit Sunshine for all单元综合检测 牛津文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 Unit 6 Sunshine for all 一、 单项选择 ( ) 1. It is _ that we all like it. A. so interesting a book B. such a interesting book D. such interesting a book D. as D. to; to C. a so interesting book A. to B. of ( ) 2. Its so brave _ the soldier to save the boys life. C. for ( ) 3. It is important _ people _ learn team spirit. A. of; of A. for A. it B. of; to C. for; to D. by D. what D. it ( ) 4. The woman works _ a worker in the factory. B. as B. that C. of C. this ( ) 5. Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? ( ) 6. He found _ very interesting to ride a horse. A. its A. many more A. to study A. with B. that is B. some more C. that ( ) 7. I need _ food and water at work. C. any more D. one more D. studied ( ) 8. He hoped to have an opportunity(机会) _ abroad, and at last he got one. B. studying C. study C. on ( ) 9. We enjoy keeping in touch _ writing often. B. of D. by ( ) 10. I didnt take my raincoat or umbrella. _ I got wet through. A. Its because A. Being A. in B. Thats why C. Theres why D. Its so D. Become D. for D. to ( ) 11. _ honest is the first thing people should learn. B. Look B.at C. Be ( ) 12. We often talk _ the telephone. C. on ( ) 13. China is _ the east of Asia. A. in B. on C. at B. of; miss ( ) 14. The key _ my house is _. A. to; missed C. to; missing D. of; missed ( ) 15. Most of the kids in our school enjoy pop songs, _ some hit songs like Gangnam Style. A. besides B. except C. including D. include D. cheap; spent ( ) 16. Is the price of the backpack very _? No, it _ me only twenty yuan. A. high; spent B. expensive; took C. high; cost ( ) 17. It _ me about 10 days _ painting the walls. A. took; to finish B. cost; finishing C. took; finishing D. spent; to finish A. Sure. I think so too B. Dont say so D. Its nice of you. Thanks D. sounded like ( ) 18. I think you are the most suitable man to be the chairperson. _. C. Oh, really? I cant believe A. heard of ( ) 19. Have you _ Zhang Lili? Yes, she is the most beautiful woman teacher in China. B. heard from C. listened to ( ) 20. If you want to write about your trip to Hangzhou last week, the most suitable way you should use can be _. 1 文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 A. time order B. space order C. general to specific D. specific to general 二、 完形填空 There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge(判断) things too 1 . So he sent them to go and 2 a pear tree that was far away. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the 3 son in autumn. When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to 4 what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly and there was 5 in it. The second son said noit was covered with green buds(花蕾) and full of promise(生机). The third son disagreed(不同意). He said it was full of blossoms(花朵) and the blossoms 6 so sweet and looked so beautiful. The last son 7 with all of them. He said it was full of fruit, life and harvest. The man then explained to his sons that they were all 8 , but they had each seen only one season in the trees life. He told them that they cannot judge a tree or a person 9 only one season and they can only be judged at the end, when all the seasons are up. If you give up when its winter, you will 10 the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer and the harvest of your autumn. Dont let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. ( ) 1. A. slowly ( ) 2. A. look after ( ) 3. A. first ( ) 4. A. describe ( ) 5. A. anything ( ) 6. A. tasted ( ) 7. A. disagreed ( ) 8. A. wrong ( ) 9. A. with ( ) 10. A. get B. quickly C. well B. second B. imagine D. carefully D. climb up D. fourth B. cut down C. look at C. third C. study D. call D. something D. felt D. discussed D. clever D. by B. nothing C. everything B. looked B. agreed B. right B. to B. miss C. smelled C. afraid C. in C. foolish C. enjoy D. realize 三、 阅读理解 Teachers needed in Taiyuan, shanxi Tel: 134223658 Reply to: hr English Training School Who We Want: English speakers who come from the United States or Canada; have taught English as the second language for more than one year; work for full-time. Age: Must between 20 and 50 years old Monthly Salary(月薪): 6,000 RMB/month, for no more than 20 classes (45 minutes/class) per week or 8,000 RMB/month, for no more than 30 classes/week; a two-day holiday at the weekend. Please reply to hr. Teachers needed in Suzhou Tel: 1332245678 Reply to: Englishjintian We are English Training Center in Suzhou. We are looking for a very good ENGLISH teacher with good communication skills. Most of our students are adults at different levels(水平) from beginners to advanced(高级的). We want to build the students listening and speaking skills. Teaching hours will be around 25 per week. Two days off a week, usually during weekdays, not weekends. Each class lasts for 50-60 minutes. We will give you 9,500 RMB a month. Now we are looking for a full-time teacher to join us. We need teachers as the following: must be from the UK, graduated(毕业的) from a university or above, with some experience of teaching 2 文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 English as a second language. ( ) 1. If you want to work in Taiyuan English Training School, you can _. A. make a telephone call at 134223658 B. make a telephone call at 1332245678 C. send an email to hr D. send an email to Englishjintian ( ) 2. If you want to be a teacher in English Training Center in Suzhou, you have to _. A. work for more than 25 hours a week B. work for 50 hours a week C. work for five days a week D. work for sixty minutes a day ( ) 3. From the two ads we know that _. A. teachers at the two schools both have a two-day holiday at the weekends B. the two schools both want teachers who have taught for some years C. the two schools both need young teachers D. the two schools both want to build students listening and speaking skills 四、 根据音标、中文写单词 1. What do you know about the _ (奥运会)? 2. I hear Rosie spends two hours a day _ (训练) for the sports meeting. 3. Nowadays parents have paid more attention to kids _ (智力) development. 4. We should care more for those children with learning _ (缺陷). 5. Have you heard of the _ (背景) music of this show? Its Gao Shan Liu Shui. 6. Urumchi lies in the _ (西北方) of China. 7. I decided to give an _ (介绍) to this new club before the party started. 8. I _ (期待) you to speak to our headmaster. 9. The _ (组织) has no membership(会员) yet. 10. There was only one _ (幸存者) of the plane crash. 11. What _ 'prdekt are you studying these days? 12. The _ 'ælit all live in the Expo Park(世博园). 13. How is the boy? Terrible. He is _. He can never hear any sound from now on. 14. I think its your last _ to enter this company. Dont miss it. I will catch it. 15. Last week, Amy joined in a game show and won first _. 五、 动词填空 1. Valentina says she will do what she can _ (save) kittys life. 2. Im thinking of _ (join) the writing competition. 3. Youd better not give up _ (work) hard at your French. 4. Sun Yang _ (win) some golds in the swimming competition. 5. She _ (teach) dancing in this teaching center for over fourteen years. 6. Who is always the last _ (get) to the classroom? Tom, I think. 7. Uncle Wang _ (work) in the workshop at nine yesterday morning. 8. The World Cup _ (hold) every four years. 9. Do you know the man _ (call) Jack? 六、句型转换 1. The Asian Games take place every four years. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do the Asian Games take place? 2. Make sure they are safe, _ _? (反义疑问句) 3. It is foolish of them to do so. (同义句转换)_ foolish _ do so. 3 文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 4. They often provide some food for us. (同义句)They often provide _ _ some food. 5. He didnt attend the meeting on time because it rained heavily. (同义句转换) He didnt attend the meeting on time _ _ the _ _. 6. They are discussing what they can do for people who need help. (同义句转换) They are discussing what _ _ for people _ _. 七、中译英 1. 你祖父母的生活方式和你的相似吗?_ 2. 对于志愿者来说,帮助残疾人是有意义的。_ 3. 这些慈善机构一对一地开展他们的工作有任何困难吗? _ 4. 最重要的不是赢得金牌或者银牌,而是参与。_ 5. 我们的环境正在变得越来越糟糕。天没有以前蓝了。水不再清澈。我们必须采取行动保护它。 _ 九、书面表达 地震幸存者身心都受到了重创,急需社会的帮助。请你写一封80词左右的倡议信,呼吁大家为地震幸存者献出爱心,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:1. 一些地震幸存者受伤严重,急需尽快手术,但费用高昂; 2. 一些地震幸存者失去了亲人,感到孤独,独自生活对他们来说很困难; 3. 我们可以捐出我们的零花钱,也可以担当医院的志愿者; 4. 应该多去拜访他们让他们感觉温暖,我们应该人人伸出援助之手,人多力量大。 Dear all, Earthquake survivors need our help! Thanks a lot for your help! Sun Yang 4 文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 英语八年级下册 Unit 6 单元检测答案 一、单项选择 15 ABCBA 610 DBADB 1115 ACACC 1620 CADAA 二、完形填空 15 BCDAB 610 CABDB 三、阅读理解 13 ACB 46 DDA 710 BADC 四、根据音标、中文写单词 1. Olympics 2. training 3. intellectual 4. disabilities 5. background 6. north-west 7. introduction 8. expect 9. organization/organisation 10. survivor 11. project 12. athletes 13. deaf 14. chance 15. prize 五、动词填空 1. to save 2. joining 3. working 4. won 5. has taught 6. to get 7. was working 8. is held 9. called 10. to tell 六、改错 1. blindness-blind 2. to work-work 3. will come-comes 4. the hospital-hospital 5. operation-operation on 6. fallen-been 7. by-in 8. finishing-to finish 9. closelier-more closely 10. for-to 七、句型转换 1. How often 2. will you 3. Theyre; to 4. us with 5. because of; heavy rain 6. to do; in need 7. a great success 8. realize/achieve 八、中译英 1. Is your grandparents lifestyle similar to yours? 2. Its meaningful for volunteers to help the disabled. 3. Do these charities have any trouble/difficulty doing their work one-to-one? 4. The most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part. 5. Our environment is getting worse and worse. The sky is not as/so blue as before. The water is not clean any more. We must take action to protect it. 九、书面表达 Dear all, Earthquake survivors need our help! Some earthquake survivors were badly hurt in the earthquake. They need operations as soon as possible, but the operations cost a lot. Some survivors lost their family members. They feel lonely. Its hard for them to live alone. We can donate our pocket money and we can also work as volunteers in the hospital. We should visit them more often to make them feel warm. All of us should give a helping hand. Many hands make light work. Thanks a lot for your help! Sun Yang 5


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