汉译英故乡的雨 唐弢 江南的春天素称多雨,一落就是七八天。住在上海的人们,平日既感不到雨的需要,一旦下雨,天气是那么阴沉,谁也耐不住闷在狭小的家里;可是跑到外面,没有山,没有湖,也没有经雨的嫩绿的叶子,一切都不及晴天好;有时阔人的汽车从你身旁驰过,还得带一身泥污回来。 记得六七年前初来上海读书,校里的功课特别忙,往往自修到午夜;那年偏又多雨,淅淅沥沥,打窗飘瓦,常常扰乱我看书的情绪。我虽然不像岂明老人那样额其斋曰:“苦雨”,天天坐在里面嘘气,但也的确有点“深恶而痛绝之”的念头。 可是这种事情只在上海才会有。少时留居家乡,当春雨像鹅毛般落着的时候,登楼眺望,远处的山色被一片烟雨笼住,村落恍惚,若有若无,雨中的原野新鲜而又幽静,使人不易忘怀!尤其可爱的是夜间。不知哪一年春天,我和两个同伴,摇着小船到十里外一个镇上看社戏,完场已是午夜,归途遇雨,船在河塘中缓缓前进,灯火暗到辨不出人面,船身擦着河岸新生的茅草,发出沙沙的声音。雨打乌篷,悠扬疾徐,如听音乐,如闻节拍,和着同伴们土著的歌谣,“河桥风雨夜推篷”,真够使人神往。 这几年投荒到都市,每值淫雨,听着滞涩枯燥的调子,回念故乡景色,觉得连雨声也变了。人事的变迁,更待何说呢! The Rain of My Hometown Spring in my hometown is known for its rainy. A fall of rain lasts seven or eight days .People who live in Shanghai do not have the need for rain .Once it rains ,the sky becomes cloudy ,no one could stand staying at home .But if you go out ,there is no mountain ,no lake ,no leaf that is just touched by rain, all of this is worse than sunny day; sometimes ,the cars pass by you ,you will take much mud home . Six or seven years ago, I got to Shanghai to accept education, we have much work to do ,so we often study until midnight. That year, it rained consequently, the rains kicked the roof and window, disturbing me .Though i would not learn from Qi Ming who wrote “hardship rain”,I still thought the rain was distasteful . But such situation only happens in Shanghai.My childhood was spent in my hometown ,when the spring rain falls ,like the feather ;when looked from attic ,the scenery of mountain in distance is covered by rain ,villages are misty, the grass ground is fresh and quiet ,how memorable ! The most favorable is the nights .On one day in spring ,my two partner and I took a boat to watch village opera ,which is ten miles away .When it finished ,it was midnight .On our way home ,it rained ,the boat in the river advanced slowly, sky was so dim that we could not see each other .When our boat touched the fresh grass on the river bank, it made sound music, The rains fell on the boat ,like rhythm, like melody ,my partner sang their local songs. These years I have been worked and lived in city ,when there is excessive rains ,and stagment sound , recalling the scenery of hometown, I feel even more sorry, everything has changed .