毕业晚会主持稿毕业晚会主持稿 A: B: C: D: 1、开场 A:六月,日月湖畔的微风情深意暖,校园涌动的花海流溢飘香; A: In June, with pleasant breeze blowing from the Sun Moon Lake, we can smell the fragrance of flowers far off. B:六月,想起毕业带来的奔忙,满怀即将失去的无限感伤; B: In June, filled with feeling of upcoming loss, we are busy dealing with things associated with graduation. C:六月,拾起曾经蕴藏的过往,体味相伴四年的欢欣成长; C: In June, reflect on the days that we treasure, we are appreciating our happy growth in the past four years. D:六月,让你我懂得了珍惜,珍惜在校的每一段岁月流光。 D: In June, we all learn the meaning of cherish and begin to treasure every period of time in this university. A:四年的大学时光,我们从青涩的少年蜕变成成熟的学长; A: In the past 4 years, we have been transformed from young boys into mature upperclassmen. B:四年的大学时光,我们似乎再也回不到那绑着马尾的年纪。 B: With the passing of college time, it seems that we can never back to the age with hair tied in ponytails. C:我们感叹光阴的匆匆,今天的一句毕业了,就成为我们去追寻彩虹背后成功的力量。 C: Time flies. After yelling out we have graduated, we are prepared to pursue the success lying ahead. D:最后以一名学生的身份行走在校园,似乎只有即将失去才能体会到她的优美。 D: It is the last time that we walk around our campus as a student with the feeling that we just can not learn her beauty until we are going to leave. A:尊敬的各位领导、老师, A: Distinguished guests, teachers, B:亲爱的同学们, B: Dear fellow students, 合:大家晚上好! All: Good evening! C:欢迎大家来到 C: Welcome to D:莅临本场晚会的嘉宾有 D: Tonight, we have many distinguished guests present. They are A:欢迎! A: Welcome! B:感谢的大力支持! B: Thank for their great support. C:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来! C: Once again let's extend our warm welcome to all of them. C:总有人喜欢用飞扬的汗水来展现激昂的青春乐章。 C: There will always be people who like showing themselves with sweat in their cheek. D:我们通过肢体的变幻来彰显律动的年华音符。 D: Wed like to displays the vigor that belongs especially to young people through body movements. C:充满力量的舞姿,必定让今夜的舞台更加闪耀。 C: It is doubtless that the gorgeous dance will contribute to a marvelous performance tonight. D:下面请欣赏舞蹈Team。 D: Lets enjoy the dance Team. A:喜欢夏夜在校园中的路灯下慢行,看着被灯光拉长的身影。 A:I like walking slowly under the streetlight in campus, gazing at the elongated shadows. B:喜欢在蝉鸣声中静静回忆,回忆曾经的自己,回忆校园中的点点滴滴。 B: I am fond of recalling quietly myself once and everything happened in our campus in the song of the cicadas. A:用纯色的影像表达纯粹的不舍; A: The video indicates that we are reluctant to leave. B:用纯色的影像传递着我们的怀念。 B: The video shows that we miss the moments very much. A:下面请影子舞再回首,恍然如梦。 A: Then,its time for the Shadow Dance. Lets welcome! C:我们的青春,在一个又一个的背影当中,渐渐远去; C: As time goes by, we leave youth behind gradually. D:我们的未来,在一声又一声的呐喊中,无线延续。 D: Our future continues in the cheers of others. C:时光荏苒,光阴在我们的歌声中,随着背影远去。 C: Little by little time slipped away in our songs. D:下面,请欣赏歌曲串烧。 D:Then, lets welcome the medley of songs. A:优美的歌声,萦绕于心间,不禁让我回想起大学四年的生活。 A: The lovely songs,which resonate within our hearts, remind me of my college life. B:总有一首歌,触动我们的泪点,也总有一段舞蹈,让我们怀念。 B: There will always be a song that moves us and a dance which is worth recollecting. A:我们来自不同的地方,却因为相同的生活而磨合; A: We are from different place but get together because of the similar life. B:我们拥有不同的民族文化,却能够相处悠悠的四年。 B: Although our culture differs, we get on well each other in the last four years. A:下面请欣赏苗族舞山花烂漫。 A: Lets appreciate the Miao dance. C:舞蹈引人入胜,举手投足尽是柔美的展现。 C: The dance is attractive. The dancers movements indicate the beauty of softness. D:对呀,优美的舞蹈总能让我们浮躁的心沉寂下来。 D: Yeah, graceful dance can help us calm down. C:我们在舞蹈中,放松自己,我们也能在语言的魅力中,释放自己。 C: Just like we can relax ourselves in dance, we can also free ourselves in humorous talks. D:让我们一起欣赏相声表演豫语与渝语 。 D: Lets enjoy the cross talk. A:语言的的魅力,可真是不能言语形容。 A: The charm of languages is beyond the words I can describe. B:对呀,想起那些年,我们与室友斗的嘴,可真是小巫见大巫。 B: Exactly, I suddenly realized that the bickering among my roommates is nothing compared to this. A:青春,给我们带来的回忆,恐怕不仅仅只有斗嘴吧。 A: But the memory brought by youth is more than bickering. B:对啊,青春的回忆,是无穷尽的。 B: That is right. There is lots of memory in youth. A:下面请欣赏小品与青春有关的日子。 A: Lets enjoy the cross talk. C:小品的描述总会直接的表露人们的心,然我们感叹时光的流逝。 The performance of sketch can directly express our feelings as always. However, we are sighing with emotion: how time flies. D:然而,有一种表演方式更加含蓄,但是却有直击人心灵深处的力量。 Yet, there is another way of performance which is more implicit, but it is strong enough to strike our inner heart. C:没错,就是舞蹈,在肢体与音乐的配合中,我们表达心中最真挚的热情。 Thats right. In the company of the harmonious coordination between the body and music, it is the dance that can release the most sincere enthusiasm in our heart. D:接下来请欣赏舞蹈Youth Party。 Lets enjoy the dance Youth Party. A:我们总是会去回忆,几年前的我们是怎样的青涩纯真; We can not resist recalling the past: how young and pure we were a few years ago. B:我们总是会去畅想,几年后的我们会是什么样子。 We will always look ahead: who we will become in few years later. A:岁月的奇幻是将曾经的少年变成了老男孩。 The magic of time will change a young boy into a gentleman. B:青春的美妙是循着花儿的香气来到栀子花绽放的,回忆着过去,畅想着未来。 Following the fragrance of flowers, the beautiful youth is to recall the past as well as look into the future in our campus of where the gardenia is in full bloom. A:接下来请欣赏合唱栀子花开。 Next, please enjoy Gardenia in blossom. C:一首老歌栀子花开不禁让我们感受到时光流逝的伤感。 Owing to the old song Gardenia in blossom, we can not help possessing the sadness of flying time. D:好啦好啦,不要这么感性啦,接下来我们在小品中放松一下心情吧。 Cheer up! Please dont be so emotional. lets relax ourselves for a while in another sketch performance. C:让我们一起在小品抢劫中,收拾收拾心情吧。 Lets tidy up our feelings well during the performance of sketch Robbery. A:XX,说到青春你会想到什么呢? Xx, when it comes to youth, what will you remind of? B:说到青春呀,我就会想到春天,因为青春总会为我们带来无穷的生命力。 As soon as you mentioned youth, spring came into my mind because youth can bring us infinite vitality as usual. A:是呀,青春的岁月呀总是生机勃勃充满柔和的希望。 Yeah, you are right. Youthful days are always full of vigor and gentle hope. B:下面就让我们一同欣赏的同学们为我们带的舞蹈镜中人。 Next, lets invite our classmates to perform the dance Man in the Mirror. C:在毕业之际,回首大学生活,我们总是伤感的。 On the occasion of our graduation, looking back on the university life, we are always full of sadness. D:是啊,每当走到大学校门,都怀着无比伤感的记忆。 Every time I walk near to the gate of our university, there is a sea of sad memories. C:四年的匆匆,让我们的回忆堆积的一摞又一摞。 Four years is so hasty that our memories have piled up. D:穿上学士服的我们,在回忆的时候,心中总有一种说不出的苦涩。 Wearing the academic dress, we are speechless with a bit of sadness in our heart when recalling the past. C:下面,就让我们在情景朗诵光阴中,回首这四年吧! Now, lets recall the past four years together in the scene recite Time. A:欢快的舞蹈表达不尽我们对母校的敬意; Joyful dances can not fully express our sincere respect to our school. B:热情的赞歌唱不尽我们对母校的一腔深情。 Enthusiastic songs of praise cant thoroughly deliver our deep affection to our school, either. C:流火的六月,我们将带着恩师的叮咛,怀着必胜的信心,走向新的征程。 June is passionate. With the care of our respected teachers, we are confident, heading towards a new journey. D:绚烂的七月,我们将载着母校的祝愿,带着亲人的希望,向着新的征程扬帆起航! July is colorful. Accompanied with the wishes of school and relatives, we are sailing towards a new journey. B:我们,珍重再见! C:下面我宣布 合:到此结束!