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    歌舞青春 中英文电影对白.docx

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    歌舞青春 中英文电影对白.docx

    歌舞青春 中英文电影对白High School Musical 1 歌舞青春 新年快乐 女士Happy New Year's ladies. 盖比 这是新年前夜 别读书了Gabby it's New Year's Eve.Enough reading. 可是 妈妈 马上就完了But Mom I'm almost done. 派对呢?我准备了你最好的衣服 来吧The teen party? I've laid out your best clothes. Come get ready. 能把书还我吗?Can I have my book back? - 谢谢 - 来吧- Thank you. - Come on. 一直攻左路 特洛伊Keep working left Troy. 得到冠军赛的后卫位置 我们希望你能打垮他们!Got a guard in the championship game we're expectin'. You'll torch 'em! - 向左? - 对- Am I going left? - Yeah. - 他向中路 你投篮 - 象这样?- He looks middle you take it downtown. - OK like this? 喔!对了 用在比赛中吧Whoo! That's it man. Sweet. Let's see that in the game. - 嘿? - 别担心我- Boys? - Don't worry about me. 我们飞到这里就为了继续打篮球?Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? 哦Yeah. 这是假期的最后一天It's the last night of vacation. 派对 记得吗?The party remember? 对 派对。新年前夜Right the party. The party. New Year's Eve. 特洛伊 他们在楼下俱乐部有少年派对Troy they have a kid's party downstairs in the Freestyle club. - 少年派对? - 年青人的 去吧 洗个澡- Kid's party? - Young adults. Now go shower up. 好 就再来一个Come on. One more. - 最后一个 - 很快- Last one. - Real quick. 好 这是我们结束的方法There we go. That's the way to end it. 嗨 女士Howdy ma'am. 好!滑雪的人来个吧?All right! How about that for a couple of snowboarders? - 好! - 嗨!- Yeah! - Hey! 谁是下一个呢?Who's gonna rock the house next? Huh? Ha-ha! Ho-ho! 我不会唱 不 你来吧I can't sing. No you go. 你!来 来吧And you! Yeah come on. 看 我不会唱歌 别 伙计.Look I don't sing. I can't sing. No guys. 上来吧!Get up there! 嘿 知道吗?有朝一日你们会感谢我的Hey you know what? Someday you guys might thank me for this. 也许不Or not. Living in my own world Didn't understand That anything can happen When you take a chance I never believed in What I couldn't see xiaozhiworks 1 High School Musical 1 - I never opened my heart - Oh To all the possibilities Ooh - I know - That something has changed Never felt this way And right here tonight This could be the start of something new - It feels so right - To be here with you Oh! And now I'm lookin' in your eyes - I feel in my heart - Feel in my heart The start of something new Oh yeah Now who'd have ever thought that We'd both be here tonight - Ooh - Yeah - And the world looks so much brighter - Brighter brighter - Oh with you by my side - By my side I know that something has changed never felt this way - I know it for real - Real This could be the start of something new It feels so right to be here with you Oh! And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart The start of something new I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me Oh yeah I didn't know it before but now it's easy to see Oh! It's the start of something new It feels so right to be here with you Oh! And now I'm lookin' in your eyes I feel in my heart That it's the start of something new - It feels so right to be here with you - Oh And now looking in your eyes - I feel in my heart - Feel in my heart The start of something new The start of something new The start of something new - 特洛伊 - 盖比瑞拉- Troy. - Gabriella. 你的嗓音真好呀 你是个歌手 对吧?But seriously you have an amazing voice. You're a singer right? 只是在教堂的唱诗班 我试过独唱差点晕倒Just church choir is all. I tried to solo and nearly xiaozhiworks 2 High School Musical 1 fainted. 真的?为什么?Really? Why is that? 我看到人们在盯着我 然后我知道的就是我正看着天花板I looked at the people staring at me. Next thing I knew I was staring at the ceiling. - 独唱事业就结束了 - 看你唱歌的样子 很难相信- End of solo career. - The way you sing that's hard to believe. 这是我第一次 很酷That was the first time I did that. It was so cool. - 我知道!确实这样! - 听起来你也唱过很多- I know! Completely! - You sound like you've sung a lot too. 对 我家的淋浴喷头有深刻印象Yeah sure. My showerhead is very impressed with me. 我想我最好找到我妈妈 祝她新年快乐I guess I better go find my mom and wish her a happy new year. 我也是 不是指你妈妈 是我妈妈和爸爸Yeah me too. I mean not your mom. My mom. and dad. 哦 我给你电话 我明天打给你Uh. I'll call you. I'll call you tomorrow. - 对! - 存你的号码- Yeah! - Here put your number in. 这Here. - 你也是 - 好- You too. - Oh OK. 给你There you go. 你知道吗 和你唱歌是我这次假期最高兴的事Just so you know singing with you was the most fun I've had on this vacation. 那么 你住在哪里?So um. where do you live? 盖比瑞拉Gabriella. Wildcats sing along They really got it going on Wildcats in the house Everybody sing out Wildcats. Everywhere wave your hands up in the air That's the way we do it let's get to it Time to show the world Wildcats. Sing along They really got it goin' on Wildcats in the house everybody sing out. - 特洛伊!你好吗? - 嘿 柴德 怎么样?- Troy! How ya doing man? - Hey Chad what's up? - 嗨 伙计 新年快乐 - 嗨!- Hey guys happy new year. - Yeah! - 野猫队的新年快乐! - 你真行!- It's a happy Wildcat new year! - You're the man! 还有两周 我们就要冲击冠军了In two weeks we're going to the championships 有你带领我们一直冲顶with you leading us to infinity and beyond. - 哪只队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats! - 哪只队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats! 冰公主从北极回来了The ice princess returned from the North Pole. 她用通常的方法过了节She spent the holidays the way she always does. - 什么方法? - 买镜子- How's that? - Shopping for mirrors. 喔!Ooh! 看作动物园的动物 宣布新年 多有个性Ugh behold the zoo animals heralding the new year. How tribal. 妈妈 我的胃.Mom my stomach. 是第一天在新学校的紧张 你会很好的 你总是这样的Is nervous on first day at a new school. xiaozhiworks 3 High School Musical 1 You'll do great. You always do. 我要我的公司答应在你毕业前我不会再调动了I made my company promise that I can't be transferred again until you graduate. 我看了你的很好的成绩单 你会在在东部高中出色的I reviewed your impressive transcripts. Your light will shine brightly at East High. 我不想再成为学校的怪怪的天才女孩I don't want to be the school's freaky genius girl again. 只是盖比瑞拉Just be Gabriella. 这边This way. 特洛伊!特洛伊!Troy! Troy! Hey! 怎么样?你好吗?How's it goin'? How are you? 达布丝小姐?Miss Darbus? - 你记得那一晚吗? - 不 完全忘了- Do you remember the night before? - No not at all. 我记得的是 粉红果冻.All I remember is like pink jelly. I. 对不起Excuse me. 哦!Ooh! - 嗨 特洛伊 - 嗨- Hi Troy. - Hi. 我相信你们都过了欢乐的节日I trust you all had splendid holidays. 大家看看走廊里的注册单的新活动 伯顿Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities Mr. Bolton. 特别是我们的冬季音乐会 我们会有独唱的试镜Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions. - 你没事吧? - 嗯- You OK? - Yeah. 还有俩人的领唱的试镜.and pairs auditions for our two leads. - Pfft. 丹福斯 这是学习的地方 不是冰球场Mr. Danforth this is a place of learning not a hockey arena. 还有下周的学校的十项全能比赛的报名There is also a final sign-up for next week's scholastic decathlon competition. 俱乐部主席泰勒 麦克西会回答你们的问题Chem Club president Taylor McHessey can answer all of your questions about that. 嗯 手机又来损害我们的学习环境了Ah the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of learning. - 是你的手机吗? - 沙佩 莱恩 手机- Is it your phone? - Sharpay and Ryan cell phones. - 我会要你留堂的 - 啊!- I will see you in detention. - Ahh! 我们不允许在在课堂用手机We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class, 所以我们会在留堂的时候互相认识 手机so we will get to know each other in detention. Cell phone. 欢迎来到东部高中 蒙兹 伯顿 我看到是你们的手机And welcome to East High Miss Montez. Mr. Bolton I see your phone is involved. - 所以你也要留堂 - 不可能 达布丝小姐- So we will see you in detention as well. - That's not a possibility Miss Darbus. 您看 我们有篮球训练 而特洛伊.Your Honor see 'cause we have basketball practice and Troy. 嗯 你也要留 分钟 丹福斯 算算Ah that will be minutes for you too Mr. Danforth. Count 'em. 对柴德来说太难了 他数不了那么多Could be tough for Chad. He can't count that high. 泰勒 麦克西 分钟Taylor McHessey minutes. xiaozhiworks 4 High School Musical 1 还有人继续要留堂吗?节日结束了 同学们Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are over people. 好了!有什么问题吗?Way over! Now any more comments questions? - 杰森 - 你节日过得好吗 达布丝小姐?- Jason. - How were your holidays Miss Darbus? 什么?What? - 对不起 留堂时见 - 再见 没关系的- Sorry man. See you in detention. - See you later. It's all good. 嗯 她不正常Uhh she's crazy. 嗨!Hey! - 我不. - 相信- I don't. - Believe it. - 嗯 我. - 但 现在?- Well me. - Either. But how? 我妈妈的公司调她到阿伯可My mom's company transferred her here to Albuquerque. 我不能相信你住这里 我新年的时候一直在找你I can't believe you live here. I looked for you at the lodge on New Year's Day. - 我们得离开 - 你为什么嘀咕?- We had to leave first thing. - Why are you whispering? 什么?喔 我的朋友们知道滑雪的事What? Oh uh. my friends know about the snowboarding. 我还没有讲唱歌的事情I haven't quite told them about the singing thing. - 怎么回事? - 嗨- What's up? - Hey. - 他们接受不了? - 不 那很酷- Too much for them to handle? - No it was cool. 但 你知道 我的朋友们 嗯. 那不是我做的事But you know my friends it's uh. It's not what I do. 那 好像 一个不同的人That was like a different person. 所以 呃.无论如何 欢迎来东部高中So uh. anyway welcome to East High. 现在你见到达布丝小姐 我打赌你不能等着去报名了Now that you've met Miss Darbus I bet you just can't wait to sign up for that. 我不会报任何名的 我只想了解学校I won't be signing up for anything for a while. I just wanna get to know the school. 但是如果你报名 我会考虑参加的But if you sign up I'd consider coming to the show. - 对 这完全不可能 - 什么不可能 特洛伊?- Yeah yeah. That's completely impossible. - What's impossible Troy? 我从没想过你的词汇里有"不可能"I wouldn't think "impossible" is even in your vocabulary. 哦 你真不错带你的新同学参观Oh so nice of you to show our new classmate around. 哦 你也要报名吗?我弟弟和我Oh were you going to sign up too? My brother and I 已经是学校所有剧的明星了 我们很欢迎新来者have starred in all the school's productions and we really welcome newcomers. 有很多的配角 我相信我们会给你找到角色的There are a lot of supporting roles. I'm sure we could find something for you. 不 不 我只是在看所有的布告栏No no no. I was just looking at all the bulletin boards. 现在 学校在进行很多活动Lots going on at this school. Wow. 字写得很好Nice penmanship. 特洛伊 我在假期很想你 你过得如何?So Troy. I missed you during vacation. What'd you do? 你知道 嗯.打篮球 滑雪 更多的篮球You know um. played basketball snowboarding more basketball. - 什么时候是那重要的比赛? - 还有两周- When's the big game? - Two weeks. xiaozhiworks 5 High School Musical 1 你这么专注 就象我You are so dedicated. Just like me. 我希望你能来看我的音乐演出 答应我?I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise? - Toodles! - Toodles. 伙计 你知道学校音乐演出的事吗? 你只要参加就有加分Dude you know that school musical thing? You get extra credit just for auditioning? - 谁在乎? - 有加分总是好事.- Who cares? - It's always good to get extra credit. 进入大学.for college. 想想小皇帝杰姆斯 大鲨鱼奥尼尔 会试镜学校的音乐剧演出?Think LeBron James or Shaquille O'Neal auditioned for their school musical? - 也许 - 特洛伊- Maybe. - Troy. 这音乐演出不是说唱 摇滚 或文化经典The music in those shows isn't hip-hop or rock or anything essential to culture. 只是音乐秀 服装和化妆It's like show music. It's all costumes and makeup. - 哦 伙计 太可怕了 - 我知道 我想那会很可笑- Oh dude it's frightening. - I know. I thought it'd be a good laugh. - 沙佩也很可爱 - 山狮也是- Sharpay's kinda cute too. - So is a mountain lion. 但你不把它做宠物But you don't pet it. 好 野猫队!集合!All right Wildcats! Pair up! 来吧!开始!Let's go! Come on! 教练说虚右实左Coach said to fake right and break left 看着球 留意防守Watch out for the pick and keep an eye on defense 需要跑动 带球去空档Gotta run the give and go and take the ball to the hole 不要担心远投And don't be afraid to shoot the outside "J" 集中精力比赛 集中精力比赛Just keep your head in the game Just keep your head in the game 不要担心远投不要担心远投And don't be afraid to shoot the outside "J" 集中精力比赛 你要集中精力比赛Just keep your head in the game You gotta get your head in the game 我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game 你们需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your head in the game 我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game 来 你要 集中精力比赛Come on get your get your head in the game 我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your head in the game 我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game Whoo! 让我们保证篮板Let's make sure that we get the rebound 因为我们得到 观众就狂热'Cause when we get it then the crowd'll go wild 第二次机会 抓住它A second chance gotta grab it and go 也许这次我们会正确Maybe this time we'll hit the right notes 等等 注意时间和位置 等等 集中精力比赛Wait a minute not the time and place wait a minute get my head in the game 等等 集中精力比赛Wait a minute get my head in the game 等等 我需要 集中精力比赛Wait a minute wait a minute I gotta get my get my head in the game xiaozhiworks 6 High School Musical 1 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game 我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game 来 集中精力比赛Come on get my get my head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game 我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game whoo 我为什么觉得不妥?Why am I feeling so wrong? 我脑中想着比赛 心中想着歌My head's in the game but my heart's in the song 她要我感觉那么好She makes this feel so right 我应该唱歌吗?Should I go for it? 最好忘了它!I better shake this. Yikes! 我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game 我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game 来 集中精力比赛Come on get my get my head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game 我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game 你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game Whoo! - 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats! - 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats! - 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats! - 野猫队! - 集中精力比赛吧!- Wildcats! - Get your head in the game! 嗯 看来你认识特洛伊 伯顿So it seemed like you knew Troy Bolton. 不是 他只是带我转转Not really. He was just showing me around. 嗯 特洛伊通常不和新同学搭话Well Troy usually doesn't interact with new students. - 哦 为什么不? - 他通常 乘 搞篮球- Uh why not? - It's pretty much basketball / with him. - 应该是派分之 . - 蒙兹小姐?- That should be over pi. - Yes Miss Montez? 对不起 我只是.I'm sorry I was just. Uh. 第二等式应该是派分之 ?Shouldn't the second equation read over pi? 派分之 ?不太可能 over pi? That's quite impossible. 我要改正I stand corrected. 哦.欢迎你Oh. and welcome aboard. - 一会见 - 好- Catch you later guys. - OK. 特洛伊 伯顿在看报名单Troy Bolton was looking at our audition list. 又一次?Again? 他和新来的女孩一起转来看过了He was hanging around with that new girl and they were both looking at the list. 她有些怪 她说她从哪里来?There's something freaky about her. Where did she say she's from? 哦!爱因斯坦Wow! An Einsteinette. xiaozhiworks 7 High School Musical 1 你为什么认为她对音乐剧感兴趣?So why do you think she's interested in our musical? 我不确定。我们不需要担心业余的I'm not sure that she is. And we needn't concern ourselves with amateurs. 但 确认一下没坏处But. there is no harm in making certain 盖比瑞拉的来校的欢迎活动是.that Gabriella's welcome to school activities that are. 嗯 适合她.well appropriate for her. 而且.After all. 她喜欢派.she loves pi. 金色!再多些!Gold! More gold! 刷 刷!开始!Paint paint! Let's go! - 回答是好! - 呃?- The answer is yes! - Huh? 学校的全能队伍下周又第一次比赛Our scholastic decathlon team has its first competition next week, 当然有你的位置and there is certainly a spot for you. - 这是从哪里来的? - 不是你放到我柜子里的吗?- Where did those come fr


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