欢迎外教欢迎辞欢迎辞 尊敬的David教授:你好!- Hello. Dear professor David, 请允许我代表全体师生对您的到来表示最热烈的欢迎, Please allow me to say welcome for your coming on behalf of all the teachers and students in Bahu Primary school. 您长期致力于两国教育文化的交流, You have been devoting yourself to exchanging teaching experience between China and America. 关注中国教育改革的发展, You always pay much attention to the education reform of China. 为中美两国教育文化交流架起了一座桥梁, And all what you did has built a bridge for the education culture Between China and America. 中国教育的发展有你的一份功劳, You are one of the heroes during the developing of education in China. 此次,你能来我校进行调研,是我校的教育教学中的一件幸事, Its really a big pleasure for our school that you can come and share your class and experience with us. 我校作为农村小学, As a school in countryside, 教学条件、师资配备距离驻城小学还有一定的差距, We havent got enough perfect conditions as schools in the city, 特别是体现在小学英语教学方面, especially in the part of English teaching. 英语教师专业毕业的比较少, We havent got enough professional English teachers, 迫切的需要专业的指导, We are thirsty for your advices and experience. 相信你的到来,我镇的小学英语教师一定会有所收获,有所提高, We believe that English teachers in our school will learn a lot and make more and more big progresses after your instruction here. 最后祝愿你在我校一天的工作顺利、愉快! In a word, we hope you will enjoy your staying here.