模联立场文件Delegate:Yuqi Zhao Xuezhang Wu School: Shanxi Experimental Secondary School Country:Saudi Arabia Committee: Human Right Council Topic: Access to pharmaceutical drugs Since the Penicillin first being used,most of the population had said goodbye to some simple bacterial infections and it had satrted a new century of human history. But now almost two billion people still lack access to essential medicines especilly in Africa and South-East Asia. It means that improving access to existing medicines could save ten million lives each year at least. Providing some of the poorest can in africa essentital medicines has become one important duty to Saudi Arabia since the first time WHO call on all the developed country to notice the peoples living in Sub-Sahara africa. And the government of Saudi Arabia is now facing a great challenge, some pharmaceutical companies hold the patent right and the price of some medicines becomes unaffordable and it has become the main limit of the medicines providing. Some countries also hold their position to protect their medical industry and make the price become even higher. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia itself also faces a serious situation, almost 80% of medicines depend on import. The government spend more than one billion dollar in importing medicines and it also put our government under great pressure. And we are looking forward to find some means to let the price of some essential but expensive medicines down under the acceptable areas. To improve peoples living all around the world we have to balance two interest. On one hand we improve our pharmaceutical research standard, on the other hand we have to make sure that all medicines and result we came out really change peoples living situation. We have to protect peoples health first and then the pharmaceutical companies interest. In the other word, we can sacrifice some profit of pharmaceutical companies at the promise of continual development of these companies. And in order to make it work, we suggest the council to come out some effective and strong resolution. As to the serious situation, we have following solutions: Reform the list of essential medicines and the rank of each kind of medicines depend on the necessity and the cost. And it will also be consulted by WTO and WIPO. Shorten the time of patent if this kind of medicines is wildly needed but the company can not offer it enough. Let each country to pass the law that shorten the time of medical patent and let the time related to the cost. Countries which need to import medicines could form a organization and could consult the price so that pharmaceutical companies and factories could get big orders.That could let more medicines into some poor countries in low price.