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    李阳疯狂英语音速成李阳 疯狂英语1A: How are you feeling today? B: I feel a lot better, thanks for asking. 2A: The Chinese are a great people. B: I completely agree with you. 31) Oh, my God! I completely forgot! 2) Your progress in English is completely amazing.4A: She gives me a big headache. B: I know. It's really annoying. 5A: What's wrong with you? 你怎么啦? B: I feel a little sick today. 今天感觉有点不舒服。 6A: Everything is so expensive in Japan. B: I can't even afford to go there for a week.7A:Who is that girl you were with last night? 昨晚和你在一起的那个女孩是谁?B:She is my best friend. 她是我最好的朋友。8A:I have a very happy family ? 我有一个非常幸福的家庭B:Youre a lucky man. 你真幸运。9A:I lost my job yesterday. 昨天我失业了。B:Thats too bad. 太遗憾了。10A: I love money. B: Everyone loves money. 11A: How did you become so successful? B: I'm just lucky. 12A: Did it work? B: I'm not sure yet. 13A: You made a mistake! B: Nobody's perfect. 14A: What's the matter? B: Nothing is the matter. Everything is fine. 15A: Our English teacher is great. B: You're so lucky to have a good teacher. B: Forget about it. 17A: China and America should work together. B: You're exactly right. 18A: My father has never traveled abroad. B: My father lived in America for three years. 19A: Keep calm, It's nothing serious. B: But I'm so worried. I don't know what to do.20A: How about the day after tomorrow? B: I'm busy then. How about Friday? 21A: You've made the same mistake as last time. B: I'm sorry. I'm still learning. 22A: Who's in charge here? B: Our manager is in charge of this department. 23A: What makes you work so hard? B: I am determined to succeed. 24A: What do you think of Bill Clinton? B: He has a lot of confidence. 25A: It's impossible for me to speak English. B: Nothing is impossible. 26A: I need to talk to you. B: Sure. Do you want to talk now? 27A: I will call you later. B: OK. I'll be waiting for your call. 28A: The traffic is terrible in Beijing. B: Yeah, I really can't stand it any more. 29A: I'm looking for Mr. Li. 我要找李先生。 B: Oh, he's just over there. 30A: My mother is a good cook. B: My mother is a terrible cook. 31A: You look great today. B: I'm flattered. Thanks. 32A: I want to improve my poor English. B: Then you should study Crazy English. 33A: You must tell the truth. B: But I'm afraid to tell the truth. 34A: You have to work long hours to make money. B: You're right. No pain, no gain. 35A: I made a mistake. B: Everyone makes mistakes. 36A: I'm so afraid to speak English. B: Don't be shy, just try. 37A: Do you mind if I smoke? B1: No, not at all. Go ahead. B2: Yes, I do. Thanks for asking. 38A: That boy looks so lonely sitting there by himself. B: Ask him to join us for lunch. 39A: Enjoy your stay here. B: Thanks, I'm sure I will. 40A: I hope I can see you again. B: Then let's get together again soon. 41A: I don't know what to do? B: Don't worry. Everything will work out. 42A: China will host a great Olympics? B: No doubt about it. 43A:How about going out for dinner tonight ?今晚出去吃饭好吗?B:That sounds great.听起来棒极了。44A: Do you live near here? B: Yes, I live very near. 45A: How do you know Liyang? B: We've been friends for years. 46A: I'm going to quit my job. B: I don't care what you do. 47A: Where are you from? A: I'm from America. Where are you from? 48A: He is from a very poor family. B: I'm so surprised to hear that. 49A: Are you sure you can do it? 你肯定你能做好这件事吗?) B: Sure. It's a piece of cake. 50A: Do you think you can help me? B: No problem. 51A: What do you think of Bill Clinton? B: He's a popular president. 52A: How are you? B: I'm very busy now. 53A: He is in a lot of trouble. B: Why? What did he do? 54A: Today is a great day. B: I completely agree. 55A: Let's get together sometime. B: OK. How about next week? 56A: What kind of job do you have? B: I'm a computer programmer. 57A: I thought you and your sister were exactly alike.B: I'm different from my sister. 58A: How are you feeling today? B: I feel a little weak today. 59A: May I ask you a question? B: Sure. Go right ahead. 60A: I've got to go now. B: It's getting late I have to go too. 61A: Why are you so happy all the time? B: Life is beautiful. 62A: What is your favorite food? B: I have a lot of favorite foods. I can't choose just one! 63A: What do you think of the view from here? B: It's a very nice view. 64A: Have a nice vacation! B: Thanks, I will. I'll see you when I get back.65A: Are you serious? B: Yes. I'm completely serious. 66A: Service is good in that restaurant. B: The food is great too. 67我的父亲对于我的成功是满意的。 A: My father was pleased with my success. B: I'm sure he was. 68A: Why did you make your friend sign a contract?B: Business is business. 69A:This fish is so delicious.这鱼的味道太鲜美了B:Please help yourself to some more .请多吃点吧。70A:Let me show you around the city .让我带你参观一下这个城市吧B:Thanks for the offer . 谢谢你的好意71A:Thank you for helping me with my English .谢谢你帮我学英语B:It's my pleasure .这是我的荣幸72A:what time should I call you tomorrow morning 我明天早上应该几点钟叫你B:I usually get up at seven .我通常七点钟起床73A:I dont know how to thank you enough 我真不知道应该如何感谢你B:You really dont have to thank me 你真的不用谢我74A:Health is better than wealth 健康胜过财富B:You can say that again. Nothing is more important than health 你说的太对了,没有什么比健康更重要,75A:The weather is good today 今天天气不错B:Then lets go for a walk 那我们去散步吧76A:My wife is feeling much better. Thanks for asking。我太太感觉好多了,谢谢你的关心B:Im glad to hear that 听到这个消息我太高兴了。77A:Where have you been hiding lately?你最近躲到哪儿去了?B:Ive just been really busy lately。我最近真的很忙。78A:Why dont you talk to her anymore.你怎么不再跟她说话了B:I hate her .我讨厌她。79A:Im going to cancel the meeting 我准备取消那个会议B:You have no right to do that .你没有权利那样做。80A:My parents are arriving tomorrow morning。我父母明天早晨到达这里B:Wow. You must be very excited.哇,你一定很激动。81A: That watch looks cheap. B: Then I guess I shouldn't buy it. 82A: Would you like to go out for Chinese food or western food?B: Choose which you like best. 83A: She's looking for a part time job. B: Good idea. It's hard to study and work at a full time job. 84A: Here's your change. B: Thanks, but you can keep the change. 85A:Im leaving now. Good-bye。我走了,再见B:Wait a minute.等一会儿。86A:He makes a lot of money .他赚了很多钱。B:Its a good thing because his wife spends a lot of money .这是好事,因为他太太花很多钱。87A:Nice to have you with us .很高兴你能跟我们在一起。B:well , its nice to be here .哦,来这儿很好。88A:keep it between you and me 不要跟别人说。B:Dont worry .Iwont tell any one 别担心。我不会告诉其他人的。89A:Why are you looking for a new job?你为什么在找新工作。B:I think Im under-paid .我想我的工资太低了。90A: I heaerd you were sick .听说你病了。B:Its nothing serious .没什么严重的。91A: How is your friend Tom doing.你的朋友汤姆怎么样。B: Hes living on easy street .他过的很富裕。92A:Look before you leap .三思而后行B:Thanks for the advice .谢谢你的忠告。93A:What did you learn at school today ?你今天在学校学了些什么?B:Not too much .没什么。94A:Thats a cool car .那辆车很酷。B:Thanks. Do you want to go for a ride .谢谢。你想去兜兜风吗?95A:What is your mother like .你妈妈是个什么样的人?B:She is a wonderful woman.她是个了不起的女人。96A:Why did you do that ?你为什么那样做?B:I really don't know why .我真的不知道为什么。97A:How did you both learn to speak such good English .你们的英语这么好,是怎么学的。B:We yelled English together every day .我们每天在一起大喊英语。98A:Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪儿?B:I took the day off .我昨天休息。99A:Don't trick me .不要欺骗我!B:I'd never trick you .我永远不会欺骗你。100A:I'm worried about making mistakes .我担心我会犯错误。B:Just try your best .竭尽全力吧!101A:what would you like to drink ?你想喝点什么B:Tea is fine .茶就可以了。102A:Can you drive ?你会开车吗?B:Sure , I've been driving for years .我知道,她非常受欢迎。103A:she has lots of friends .她有很多朋友B:I know .she's really popular .我知道,她非常受欢迎。 104A:Dont forget to turn off the lights.请别忘了把灯关掉 B:thanks for reminding me .谢谢你提醒我105A:You two seem really close .你们两看上去很亲密B:were best friends.我们是好朋友106A:Why are you so nice to him ?你为什么对他那么好?B:He always lends me money !他总是借钱给我。107A:Few things are impossible to diligence . Great works are performed not by strength ,but perseverance .在勤奋面前没有办不到的是。一项伟大事业的成功所需的不是力量,而是坚持不懈的努力。108:Great minds think alike .英雄所见略同。Sweet dreams.愿你做个好梦。109I made a mistake .我犯了一个错误。Im so prooud of you .我深深为你而骄傲。110Im just lucky .我只是运气好。I want to be the first .我想成为第一111There is no time like the present .最好的时间就是现在。There is but one secret to success never give up !成功只有一个秘诀-永不放弃!112Always bear in mind , that your own resolution to succeed .is more important than any other one thing .永远牢记:要获得成功,有决心是至关重要的。Never too old to learn .活到老,学到老。


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