机床机械类外文文献翻译中英文翻译毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系 部: 专 业: 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: English For Electromechanical (用外文写) Engineering 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 此翻译文章简单介绍了各机床的加工原理,并详细介绍了各机床的构造,并对方各机床的加工方法法进行了详细的描述,翻译用词比较准确,文笔也较为通顺,为在以后工作中接触英文资料打下了基础。 签名: 年 月 日 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。 附件1:外文资料翻译译文 机 床 机床是用于切削金属的机器。工业上使用的机床要数车床、钻床和铣床最为重要。其它类型的金属切削机床在金属切削加工方面不及这三种机床应用广泛。 车床通常被称为所有类型机床的始祖。为了进行车削,当工件旋转经过刀具时,车床用一把单刃刀具切除金属。用车削可以加工各种圆柱型的工件,如:轴、齿轮坯、皮带轮和丝杠轴。镗削加工可以用来扩大和精加工定位精度很高的孔。 钻削是由旋转的钻头完成的。大多数金属的钻削由麻花钻来完成。用来进行钻削加工的机床称为钻床。铰孔和攻螺纹也归类为钻削过程。铰孔是从已经钻好的孔上再切除少量的金属。 攻螺纹是在内孔上加工出螺纹,以使螺钉或螺栓旋进孔内。 铣削由旋转的、多切削刃的铣刀来完成。铣刀有多种类型和尺寸。有些铣刀只有两个切削刃,而有些则有多达三十或更多的切削刃。铣刀根据使用的刀具不同能加工平面、斜面、沟槽、齿轮轮齿和其它外形轮廓。 牛头刨床和龙门刨床用单刃刀具来加工平面。用牛头刨床进行加工时,刀具在机床上往复运动,而工件朝向刀具自动进给。在用龙门刨床进行加工时,工件安装在工作台上,工作台往复经过刀具而切除金属。工作台每完成一个行程刀具自动向工件进给一个小的进给量。 磨削利用磨粒来完成切削工作。根据加工要求,磨削可分为精密磨削和非精密磨削。精密磨削用于公差小和非常光洁的表面,非精密磨削用于在精度要求不高的地方切除多余的金属。 车 床 车床是用来从圆形工件表面切除金属的机床,工件安装在车床的两个顶尖之间,并绕顶尖轴线旋转。车削工件时,车刀沿着工件的旋转轴线平行移动或与工件的旋转轴线成一斜角移动,将工件表面的金属切除。车刀的这种位移称为进给。车刀装夹在刀架上,刀架则固定在溜板上。溜板是使刀具沿所需方向进行进给的机构。用于操纵车床手柄可使车刀实现进给,也可以借助专门的传动装置实现自动进给。 车床的最大部件称为床身,它的两端分别装有床头箱和尾座。床身表面有专门的导轨,溜板和尾座可以在导轨上滑行。 车床的两个顶尖分别装在两根主轴中:活顶尖装在床头箱主轴中,另一个死顶尖则装在尾座的主轴中。 车床卡盘用于夹紧工件,其目的在于使工件在车削时不摇晃。通常,安装在床头箱主轴上的卡盘可具有不同的尺寸和结构。如果工件是一完整的圆,可将其夹紧在所谓的三爪通用卡盘中,卡盘的三个爪靠转动螺旋机构能同时向中间移动。但是如果工件系非完整的圆,则应使用四爪相互独立的四爪卡盘。 车床在车削不同材料和不同直径的工件时,必须以不同的速度运转。装在床头箱内的齿轮系统能使车床以不同的速度运转。 车床在车削工件前,它的顶尖要对准,即两个顶尖的轴线必须在同一直线上。 为检验车床顶尖的同轴度,可进行一次车削,然后用千分尺测量车削物的两端。 并非所有的工件都必须装夹在车床的两个顶尖之间。短工件的车削可不使用死顶尖,而是简单的将其适当夹紧在床头箱的主轴上。 钻 头 和 钻 床 麻花钻头是一种高效率的刀具,它通常由扁钢锻造后扭转出凹槽,或由圆柱 棒料铣削而成,一般用高速钢制作。高速钢的成本虽然较高,但用它制作的刀具在耐热性方面要比用普通工具钢制作的刀具好得多。 麻花钻可分做三个主要部分:钻体、钻柄和钻尖。螺旋槽是位于钻头侧面的螺旋形凹槽,钻头制成两条、三条或四条螺旋槽。带有三条或四条螺旋槽的钻头用于较小钻头钻孔后继续钻孔的场合,或对已钻好的孔进行扩孔,而不宜在实体坯料上钻孔。 螺旋槽主要有四个好处: 螺旋槽使钻头的切削刃有正确的前角; 螺旋槽可以卷紧切屑,使其占有最小的空间; 螺旋槽可以构成若干通道,切屑能借助这些通道从孔内排出; 螺旋槽可以使润滑剂顺利地流向切削刃。 刃带是螺旋槽切削刃上的狭带。刃带部分实际上是钻头的最大直径处,它伸展到螺旋槽的全长,它的表面是圆柱体的一部分。紧靠刃带的钻体部分其直径略小于刃带的直径,减小的直径称做钻体间隙。钻体间隙用来减少钻头和孔壁间的摩檫,而刃带则用来保证孔的准确尺寸。 钻头的一端是钻柄,它被安装在钻套、钻床的主轴或钻夹头中。通常只有锥柄钻头才带柄舌。 钻床是仅次于车床的最古老的机床,它的发明略迟于车床,它是一种最普通和最有用的机床。钻床可分为三大类:立式钻床、多轴钻床和摇臂钻床。立式钻床有三种类型:重型钻床、普通钻床和高速手压台钻。 钻床除了钻孔外,还可完成下列工作:如攻螺纹、铰孔、尖底锪钻、平底锪钻、镗孔和锪端面等。 铣 床 铣床是一种当工件向铣刀进给时,铣刀旋转着从工件表面切除金属的机床。铣刀安装在刀杆上并由衬套或轴套定位。刀杆的一端安装在主轴上,而另一端则可在安装在刀杆支架的轴承里旋转。 铣刀通常有高速钢制成,有不同的尺寸和形状。铣刀可分为圆柱铣刀、立铣刀、成形铣刀、角度铣刀、三面刃铣刀、锯片铣刀等。这些铣刀的铣削方向可能不同,例如,在切削时,它们可以顺时针转动,也可以逆时针转动。 在铣床可以加工规则的或不规则的工件,铣床结构的不同取决于要加工工件的类型特点。根据主轴的位置,铣床可分为立式铣床和卧式铣床两大类。铣床可分为许多种。 根据总体结构的不同,铣床可分为升降台式铣床、专用铣床、龙门铣床;根据工作台的结构,铣床可分为万能铣床和普通铣床。 铣床主要的零部件有启动手柄、主轴、立柱、升降台、升降螺杆、工作台、分度台、调速手柄、进给手柄、工作台移动手柄、床身和刀杆支架。 铣床主轴由电动机通过安装在立柱里的一系列齿轮驱动。普通铣床的工作台只能沿垂直于主轴的方向运动,而万能铣床在铣削轮齿、螺纹等时,工作台可以在横向滑板上转动。 铣床上所用的各种附件增加了铣床的加工范围。 分度头是一种在工件圆周方向上进行等分,以及切削时把工件夹持在所需位置的装置。 铣床用各种虎钳来夹持工件,最常见的是平口钳及旋转座虎钳。 龙 门 刨 床 龙门刨床是用于往复切削运动的最大的机床之一。它在一连窜的直线切削过程中加工平面或成形面。龙门刨床的加工效率高于牛头刨床。 龙门刨床上的工件装在工作台上,并在刨刀下面做往复运动,刨刀装在横轨上。龙门刨床的床身一定要比工作台长一倍左右,以便工作台在行程中的每一个位置都得到支承。双立柱龙门刨床有两根立柱,用来支承横轨的两端。单立柱龙门刨床只在一边有立柱。单立柱龙门刨床适用于那些宽度超过两立柱间距离的工件。然而,双立柱龙门刨床刚性较高。 有一些以前用龙门刨床加工的工件,现在可用龙门铣床加工,因为前者的效率不如后者高。不过,还是有许多工件在龙门刨床上加工比在其它机床上加工更为有利和经济。例如,斜面通常在龙门铣床上加工较为容易。狭长表面的加工用龙门刨床也最为有效。此外,龙门刨床常用来在表面粗糙的锻件和铸件上进行重要的初切,以便为后面的加工建立一个基准面。 磨 床 磨削,或研磨加工,是制造业发展最快的金属切削方法。很多以前由传统铣床,车床和刨床作的机械加工作业,现在由各种磨床来完成。 磨床的总类很多。常见的有刀具磨床、普通磨床、无心磨床、外圆磨床、内圆磨床及工具磨床。 在磨床上可进行五种类型的磨削: 平面磨削。平面磨削是用于加工平面,角平面和不规则的表面。在平面磨削过程中,砂轮在轴上旋转,工件安装在一个往复移动或转动的工作台上,工件被带动与砂轮互相接触。 外圆磨削。外圆磨削是磨削圆柱体的外表面的过程。这些表面可以是圆柱面的,圆锥形的和外轮廓曲面。外圆磨削操作类似车床车削的操作。当工件是很硬或当需要极高精度和较高光洁度时,外圆磨削可代替车床。工件旋转,砂轮与工件旋转方向相反且转速更快,被带到与工件接触的部件。工件与工作台往复运动,当与砂轮接触就对材料进行磨削。 无心外圆磨削。无心外圆磨床运行不需要中心孔或夹紧装置。在无心外圆磨床上,工件停在静止的刀形托板上,且被另一个称为导轮的轮子支撑着。在刀形支撑上,砂轮推动工件向下,且靠在调节轮上。调节轮经常用橡胶结合耐磨材料做成,旋转的方向与主动轮相同,同时当实质一个微小的倾斜角度时,能控制工件的纵向进给。改变这个角度和砂轮的速度,工件的进给速度也能改变。 内圆磨床。内圆磨床是被用于完成精准的圆柱形的,圆锥形的和成形孔的加工。大多数通用的内圆磨床的操作与车床上的镗孔操作非常相似。工件是被工件夹具所夹持,工件夹具通常是卡盘或套爪卡盘夹紧由主轴箱驱动旋转。一台单独的电动机与工件同一个方向驱动砂轮旋转。它能进退工件也能调整切削深度。 特种磨削加工。特种磨床是加工特殊类型的工件及具有特殊操作功能的磨削设备。比较常见的特殊种类概括如下: 工具和刀具磨床:人们设计这些磨削机床以锋利铣刀,绞床,丝攻和其他的机械切割刀具。 一般的刀具磨床是最通用万能的刀具磨削机床。其各种配件能使绝大多数的切割刀具变得锋利。 坐标磨床:坐标磨床机开发是用来定位和精确磨削锥形和圆柱形的孔。坐标磨床机有一个能安装和驱动砂轮的高速立轴。和坐标镗床一样,它们使用相同的精确定位系统。 螺纹磨床:这种特殊磨削机与外圆磨削机相似。它们有一个精确的引导丝杆以便在工件上加工出正确的螺距或导程。螺纹磨床还可加工及精修砂轮的切削面,以便在工件上加工出精确的螺旋线。 镗 床 镗孔也可以称为内车削,是增大圆孔内径的方法。镗削之前的孔是钻孔或在铸件上的一个孔。 镗孔有以下三个目的: 达到尺寸:钻孔可以得到合适精度的孔。 直线度:镗孔能提高原有凿的孔和铸件的直线度。 同心度:受卡盘和夹具的精度影响镗削会使孔和外圆柱偏心。 镗削工序一般分两步完成,即粗镗和精镗。粗镗工序的目的是快速、高效地去除多余的金属;而精镗工序的目的是获得所需的尺寸、光洁表面度和孔的位置。孔的尺寸通过使用试切割程序而获得。孔的直径可以用内卡尺和千分尺测量。测量仪表或内千分尺可用于直接测量直径。 肩、沟槽、轮廓、锥度和螺纹也应该在孔内镗出。内槽是用与外部开槽工具相似的工具切削。镗削内槽的步骤非常类似于车削肩部的步骤。大的肩部使用前导装置定位的镗孔工具进行刮削,使用横向滑板进给刀具。内部轮廓使用车床上的描摹附件加工。仿形板附件安装在横向滑板上,靠模指跟随标准剖面样板的轮廓线运动。这种刀具以对应于标准剖面样板的轮廓线的路径进行移动。这样标准剖面样板的轮廓就在孔内得到复制。标准剖面样板精确安装在一个专用的滑板上,滑板可以在两个方向上进行精确调整以使刀具与工件以正确的关系对正。正常的车削是在主轴逆时针转动时进行的;镗削是在主轴顺时针方向或“向后”转动时进行的。 附件2:外文原文 Machine Tools Machine Tools are machines for cutting metals.The most important of machine tools used in industry are lathes,drilling machines and milling machines.Other kinds of metal working machines are not so widely used in machining metals as these three. The lathe is commonly called the father of the entire machine tool family.For turning operations,the lathe uses a single point cutting tool,which removes metal as it travels past the revolving work-piece.Turning operations are required to make many different cylindrical shapes,such as axes,gear blanks,pulleys,and threaded shafts.Boring operations are performed to enlarge,finish,and accurately locate holes. Drilling is performed with a rotating tool called a drill.Most drilling in metal is done with a twist drill.The machine used for drilling is called a drill press.Operations,such as reaming and tapping,are also classified as drilling.Reaming consists of removing a small amount of metal form a hole already drilled. Tapping is the process of cutting a thread inside a hole so that a cap screw or bolt may be threaded into it. Milling removes metal with a revolving,multiple cutting edge tools called milling cutter.Milling cutters are made in many styles and size.Some have as few as two cutting edges and others have 30 or more.Milling can produce flat,angled surfaces,groves,slots,gear teeth,and other profiles,depending on the shape of the cutters being used. Shaping and planing produce flat surfaces with a single point cutting tool.In shaping,the cutting tool on a shaper reciprocates or moves back and forth while the work is fed automatically towards the tool.In planing,the work-piece is attached to a worktable that reciprocates past the cutting tool.The cutting tool is automatically fed into the work-piece a small amount on each stroke. Grinding makes use of abrasive particles to do the cutting.Grinding operations may be classified as precision or non-precision,depending on the purpose.Precision grinding is concerned with grinding to close tolerances and very smooth finish.Non-precision grinding involves the removals of metal where accuracy is not important. Lathe A lathe is a machine tool for cutting metal form the surface of a round work fastened between the two lathe centers and turning around its axis.In turning the work a cutter moves in the direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the work or at an angle to this axis,cutting off the metal from the surface of the work.This movement of the cutter is called the feed.The cutter is clamped in the tool post which is mounted on the carriage.The carriage is the mechanism feeding the cutter in the needed direction.The lathe hand may feed the cutter by hang or may make it be fed automatically by means of special gears. The largest part of the lathe is called the bed on which the headstock and the tailstock are fastened at opposite ends.On the upper part of the bed there are special ways upon which the carriage and the tailstock silde. The two lathe centers are mounted in two spindles:one(the live center)is held in the headstock spindle,while the other (the dead center)in the tailstock spindle. The lathe chuck is used for chucking the work,which is for clamping it so that it will rotate without wobbling while turning.The chuck,usually,mounted on the headstock spindle,may have different sizes and construction.If the work is perfectly round,it may be chucked in the so-called three-jaw universal chuck,all the jaws of which are moved to the center by turning the screw.But if the work is not perfectly round,the four-jaw independent chuck should be used. In turning different materials and works of different diameters,lathes must be run at different speeds.The gearbox contained in the headstock makes it possible to run the lathe at various speeds. Before turning a work in the lathe,the lathe centers are to be aligned;that means that the axes of both centers must be on one line. The alignment of the lathe center may be tested by taking a cut and then measuring both ends of the cut with a micrometer, Not all works should be fastened between the two centers of the lathe.A short work may be turned without using the dead center,by simply chucking it properly at the spindle of the headstock. Drills and Drilling Machines The twist drill is a very efficient tool.It is generally formed by forging and twisting grooves in a flat strip of steel or by milling a cylindrical piece of steel,high-speed steel being commonly used.High-speed steel costs more but tools made of it withstand heat much better than those made of ordinary tool steel. The twist drill may be divided into three principal parts:body,shank,and point.The flutes are the spiral grooves that are formed on the side of a drill,drills being made with two,three,or four flutes.Those having three or four flutes are used for following smaller drills or for enlarging holes already drilled,and are not suited for drilling into solid stock. Spiral flutes have four main advantages: (1) They give the correct rake to the lip of a drill. (2) They cause the chip to curl so tightly that it occupies the minimum amount of space. (3) They form channels through which chips escape from the hole. (4) They allow the lubricant to flow easily down to the cutting edge. The margin is the narrow strip on the cutting edge of the flute.It is practically the full diameter of the drill and extends the entire length of the flute,its surface being a part of a cylinder.The portion of the body next to the margin is of less diameter than the margin.This lessened diameter,called body clearance,reduces the friction between the drill and the walls of the hole,while the margin insures the hole being of accurate size. The shank is the end of the drill which fits into the socket,spindle,or chuck of the drill press.The tang is usually found only on tapered shank tools. The drilling machine is the second oldest machine tools,having been invented shortly after the lathe,and is one of the most common and useful machines.The drilling machines may be classified into three general types:vertical spindle,multiple spindle,and radial spindle machine.The vertical spindle drilling machine comes in three types:heavy duty,plain,and sensitive. Besides the drilling of holes,such operations may be performed on the drilling machine:drilling,tapping(internal threading),reaming(finishing the hole with a reamer),countersinking,counterboring,boring and spot-facing. Milling Machines The milling machine is a machine that removes metal from the work with a revolving milling cutter as the work is fed against it.The milling cutter is mounted on an arbor where it is held in place by spacers or bushing.The arbor is fixed in the spindle with one end,while the other end of the arbor rotates in the bearing mounted on the arbor yoke. The milling cutter are generally made from high speed steel and are available in different sizes and shapes.There are such kinds of milling cutters as cylindrical cutters,end milling cutters(for face milling),from milling cutters,angular,side and face cutter,slitting saw,ect.These cutters may differ in the direction of their operation,i.e.they may cut revolving either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Regular or irregular shaped work may be produced on a milling machine,designs varying according to the particular class of work wanted.According to the position of the spindle,the milling machines may be divided into two groups of vertical spindle milling machines and horizontal spindle milling machines.Milling machines may be grouped into various classes. According to the variation in general design as the"column and knee type",the manufacturing types,and the planner type of milling machine.According to the table design,the milling machines may be classified as universal and plain milling machines. The most important parts of the milling machine are starting levers,spindle,column,knee,elevating screw,table,index head,speed levers,feed movement,table movement levers,foot stock,arbor yoke. The spindle of the milling machine is driven by an electric motor through a train of gears mounted in the column.The table of the plain milling machine may travel only at right angles to the spindle,while the universal milling machine is provided with a table that may be swiveled on the transverse slide for milling gear teeth,threads,ect. Various attachments are used for increasing the range of work that can be performed on a milling machine. The dividing head(also called an index head)is a device used to divide the periphery of a piece of work into any number of equal parts,and to hold the work in the required position while the cuts are being made. Various kinds of vises may be used for holding the work in a milling machine,the most common being the plain vise,and the swivel vise. The Planer The planer is one of the biggest machine tools that employ a reciprocating cutting action.It generates flat or contoured surfaces in a series of straight cuts.Its efficiency is higher than that of the shaper. The work on the planer is held on the machine table and moves under the tool which is carried on the rail.The bed must be approximately twice as long as the table to support it at all positions during the stroke.The double-housing on one side only.Open-side planers are designed for work-pieces which are so wide that they can pass between the housings of double-housing planers.The double-housing machine,however,offers greater rigidity. Some of the work that was formerly done on the planer is now done on the planer-type milling machine since the former is not so efficient as the latter.However,there are still many jobs that can be carried out better and more economically on the planer than on any other machines.For example,angular surfaces are often easier to machine on a planer.Planning is also most effective in the machining of long and narrow surfaces.In addition,the planer usuall