原文题目:家族企业继任领导者的传递与发展作者:Katiuska Cabrera-Sua´rez原文出处: 2005,The Leadership Quarterly,16,7196家族企业的介绍近年来,越来越多的人对家族企业产生了浓厚的兴趣,甚至有些来自不同的学科领域的人,这个现状并不令人感到惊讶。最保守的估计表明,在全球范围内,有65%到80%的企业,其领导和管理权掌握在家族企业手中(Gersick, Davis, McCollom, & Lansberg, 1997)。 同时,家族企业对国内生产总值(GDP)以及就业的贡献高达45%到70%,而且,来自世界许多观察员声称,大部分的新成就都来自过去十年,我们可以将这个功劳可以归结给家族企(Neubauer & Lank, 1998)。 但是,较高的企业死亡率是家族企业如今面临的主要挑战。根据Ward(1987)的研究发现,能成功传承到第三代的家族企业少超过30%,能经营好第三代家族企业的不足15%。1996年,欧盟研究人员通过对中小企业的统计发现,在当时大约有5万家企业面临着企业的代际传承,而这个5万家企业,已经占到所有欧洲企业的30%。另外,据研究人员估计,在面临接班的5万家企业中,大约30%也就是1.5万家企业,会因为缺乏充分的准备而在这个时期消失。根据2002年7月发表的,最具权威的专家组报告显示,大约有三分之一的欧洲企业将在接未来的10年进入企业传承阶段(大约有25%到40%的企业)。该报告显示,全球平均每年约有610,000家中小企业要更换企业主,并且每年将会影响2.4万人的工作。因此,我认为在家族企业领域,企业的接班是一个最具研究的课题。然而,大多数研究人员,都把重点放在了企业创始人如何建设企业和企业的企业文化上。这些研究方向的深入,阻碍了研究人员对家族企业接班问题的研究步伐。然而,在这个研究领域,我们的出发点是,接班人的长远发展。接班人的发展状况对企业具有直接的影响,这是一个企业生存与发展的重要战略前提。可是一般学者在“领导力发展”方面的研究,可能并不完全适合家族企业。而且从历史文献来看,这个主题需要考虑的因素众多且内在联系复杂。 因此,我的研究目标是,通过对家族企业的家庭情况比较以及一些案例的分析,来总结选择二代企业家接班家族企业的原因以及影响。要做到这一点,在介绍完家族企业接班这些基本理论后,我将根据研究命题的相关文献,把接班人成长作为一个重要方面,放在家族企业的研究上。接下来,我们将根据主观(关于企业的成长和演化)和客观(家庭关系和当事人满意程度)两个方面,对加纳利群岛、西班牙等7个企业的接班情况进行研究,来分析影响家族企业接班的因素。在被研究的这七个企业中,有接班完全成功的,也有部分成功或部分失败的。希望通过研究讨论之后,这7个案例能带让我们知道结论,并让我知道这个课题的研究是有意义的。Leadership Transfer and the Successors Development in the Family FirmKatiuska Cabrera-Sua´rez(2005)Originally Published in The Leadership Quarterly ,7196INTRODUCTIONDuring recent years, there has been a growing interest in the study of family firms (FFs) from diverse fields and disciplines. This interest is not surprising, assuming that even the most conservative estimates show that the proportion of firms worldwide whose ownership or management lies in family hands is between 65% and 80% (Gersick, Davis, McCollom, & Lansberg, 1997). Also, estimates of contribution to GDP as well as employment vary from 45% to 70% in the non-communist world and many observers claim that the majority of new jobs created in the last decade can be attributed to family firms (Neubauer & Lank, 1998). However, the high mortality rate in this type of organization points to the problem of management succession as the main challenge facing these firms. According to Ward (1987) fewer than 30% of successful family businesses make it to the third generation and fewer than 15% make it through that generation. In 1996, the European Observatory for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) estimated that more than 5 million enterprises in the European Union, representing about 30% of all European enterprises, would shortly be facing the transfer of leadership. Moreover, the observatory estimated that about 30% of those enterprises, i.e. 1.5 million, would disappear because of lack of preparation regarding this transfer. According to the Best Project expert group report published in July 2002, roughly one-third of all European Union companies will change hands over the next 10 years (from 25% to 40% depending on the Member State). This report suggests that an average of 610,000 SMEs will change hands each year potentially affecting 2.4 million jobs. Succession is, therefore, one of the most researched topics in the family firm field. Nevertheless, most studies have focused on the figure of the predecessorfounder as the principal architect of the company and its culture, and often as the main obstacle to the evolution of the succession process. Our point of departure here, however, is the consideration that the development of the future leaders is an essential strategic aspect in the survival of family firms that are by their very nature directly affected. The general literature on leadership development may not be suitable or complete enough in the case of family firms. On the other hand, the literature on the subject indicates that the factors to be considered regarding this topic are numerous and inter-related. Our aim, therefore, is to study the factors influencing the successful transfer of the leadership of the company to the next generation of the owner family by comparing more and less successful cases. To do this, after introducing the subject of succession, we base our research propositions on the relevant literature on successors T development both in general terms and focusing on family firms. Then, we deal with seven cases of succession in family firms in the automobile distribution sector on the island of Gran Canaria, Spain (see Appendix A for some data about the Canary Islands). These seven succession processes have been described as completely successful, partially successful or failures, according both to objective (the evolution of the business) and to subjective (the effects on family relationships and the satisfaction of the parties involved) criteria. The comparative cross-analysis of the seven cases leads us to certain conclusions and implications that are discussed later.原文题目:家族企业接班人的发展作者:Sardeshmukh, Shruti R. 原文出处: 2008,Dissertation Abstracts International,10-11家族企业为什么选择家族成员接班 家族企业创始人认为,传承的最主要作用,是要把家族企业世世代代传递下去,而不是看企业资产的投资收益率、资本回报率有多少。詹姆斯(2006)指出:“人类有一种类似生物性能的的欲望,就是要把资产传给与他们有着DNA螺旋关系的其他人。”除了这个先天性的原因之外,Lambrecht(2005)通过研究,还找到了家族企业选择家庭成员来接班的其他几项原因。通过研究发现,企业创始人之所以在家庭成员中选择企业接班人,是因为他们认为,这种传承方式可以保证企业实现其原有的价值、保存企业的姓氏,并长期的保持家庭的结构优势。在家族企业是否更有潜力的这一争论上,Lambrecht(2005)和Burkart(2003)的研究观点基本一致。史密斯和Amoako-Adu(1999)也总结出了几个方面,来论证家族企业选择家庭内部成员,作为企业接班人的原因。他们认为,由于存在着一定的社会关系的原因,家庭成员可以因为家族企业的成功,而获得更多的企业股份来享有利益。除此之外,对于家族接班人来说,家庭成员的教育和家庭浓厚的商业环境,可以使接班人更多、更早的了解企业的经营范围和生产产品的相关业务。Lee和Lim(2003)为进一步解释选择家族成员来接班这一观点,运用了一个游戏理论来证明。在这个理论中,他们主要说明了家族企业聘请职业经理等外部人员,会对企业造成的风险和内在矛盾。此外,通过他们的研究表明,相对于拥有熟练技能的家族外部人员,企业创始人可能更喜欢让一个拥有低熟练技能的创始人家族成员来继承企业。其他的研究也都表明,一个家族内部成员相比一个非家族成员的局外人,更有接班的可能(史密斯苏达权等,1999)。史密斯孙俐(1999)也通过研究指出,如果由一个非家族继承人继承家族企业,那么该企业可能在大约11年的有效产出后被收购。而且,让非家族企业成员顺利的接班企业,就等于把一份稳定的资金,传送给了家族企业以外的利益相关者(Cannella & Lubatkin,1993)。 虽然有很大比例的家族企业,没能达到以家族为基础的持续延续,但是家族企业创始人依然对家族内部成员寄予了很大的希望。但让人遗憾的是,即使家族企业接班人对从事家族企业有了强烈的意愿,也没有很多的家族企业能在继承人接班的过程中,制定培养接班人的继任计划。继任计划的一个重要作用是促进企业接班人的发展。现在,一小部分的研究已经进入探索阶段,主要研究促进接班人快速发展的影响因素。在这项研究中,我所关注的主要问题是,企业接班人在成为企业高层,对企业进行管理后的工作效率、承担的义务、长期的商业竞争和持续企业营业额四个方面的影响因素。Successor Development in Family FirmsSardeshmukh, Shruti R.(2008)Originally Published in Dissertation Abstracts International,10-11 WHY DO FAMILY FIRMS PREFER FAMILY SUCCESSORS Family founders view their firms as assets to pass down the generations rather than an investment, which yields return on capital. James (2006) states, “Human beings have a biological urge to pass their assets on to other humans linked to them by spirals of DNA.” Apart from the innate need explanation, Lambrecht (2005) found three reasons why the family businesses want the business in family hands. He argues that fulfillment of values, preservation of family name, and long-term advantages to the family constitute the family´s desire to keep the successor within the family. These reasons correspond to non-pecuniary benefits of owning the family firm. Lambrecht (2005)´s findings are consistent with Burkart et al.´s (2003)´s argument about amenity potential of family business. Smith & Amoako-Adu (1999) also sumarize several arguments for appointing a family insider as a successor. They argue that family members have a greater stake in the success of the firm due to social associations. In addition, family members groomed within the business have greater knowledge about the business. Lee, Lim, & Lim (2003) further offer a game theoretic explanation based on appropriation risk and agency paradox where they show that a founder owner may prefer a lower skilled family successor to a killed outsider under certain circumstances. Other studied outcomes of founder departure and succession include succession by a non-family insider and succession by a non-family outsider (Smith et al., 1999). Smith et al. (1999) also point out that succession by a non-family successor may suggest that the firm is 11 available for a takeover. Similarly, smooth succession sends a message of stability to outsider stakeholders (Cannella & Lubatkin, 1993a). Family successors are thus highly valued by the founder owners even though a large proportion of family firms fail to attain a family based succession. Even though there is a strong preference for family successors, not many firms undertake the process of succession planning. One important aspect of succession planning is successor development. Little research has gone into exploring impact of succession development on outcomes of succession. In this study, I focus on its impact on successor´s self efficacy and commitment and further on conflict and turnover in the family business senior management.