日常英语口语用英语挑战九九乘法表用英语挑战九九乘法表 乘法口诀表用英语怎么说呢? multiplication table 双语例句分享: 1. Students even do not have to remember the multiplication table. 他们在学乘法时,居然也不让学生背“乘法口诀表”. 2. I didn't know my times tables but I could milk a goat and ride a horse. 我不知道乘法口诀表,但我知道如何给山羊挤奶和骑马. 英语的九九乘法表是multiplication table,英美国家的学生和中国的学生一样,都需要背诵。在中国通常都是背到9*9,英美因为有12进位法,所以是背到12*12。不过现在12进位法 很少使用了,因此也就很少有人背到12*12。 要背九九乘法,以英语乘法的说法非常简单。如果说“Please tell me(us)the four times table.”(请背一下九九乘法中的4)或者“Let's begin our multiplication table of four.”大家就会这样回答: "four times zero equals(is)zero,four times one equals(is)four,four times two equals(is)eight,four times three equals(is)twelvel."接下来4*4、4*5、4*6都是相同的念法。 中文通常会省略0的乘法,但英文都会从0开始念起。 和中文一样,英语也可以单用“二二得四”、“二三得六”数字的讲法。 如果只用数字表示,则是“Four zero(is)zero,four one(is)four,four two(is)eight,four three(is) twelve,four four(is)sixteen.”。 九九乘法表 2 times 1, 2 is the clue, 'Cause with 2 times 1, the answer's still 2. 2 times 2, the answer is double, That makes 4, this double's no trouble. 2 times 3, there are no tricks, By mem-o-ry, the answer is 6. Ask a friend, "what's 2 times 4?" He should answer 8, and no more. 2 times 5, pencil or pen, You won't need to erase if your answer is 10. 2 times 6 is time for the swings, The answer's 12, and the lunch bell rings. 2 times 7 is the name of the game, 14 is the answer, and there's no-one to blame. 2 times 8 is an age that's cool, 16 in years, and I'll drive to school. 2 times 9 is an age that's great, 18 in years, and I'll graduate. 2 times 10 is good and plenty, When you multiply, the answer is 20.