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    新译林小学英语五年级上第七单元测试新版译林小学英语五年级上第七单元测试 姓名 _ 得分_ 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 ( )1. A. chat B. friends C. cat D. friend ( )2. A. lesson B. dance C. dancing D. listen ( )3. A. weekends B. worker C. walkman D. works ( )4. A. cinema B. picture C. picnic D. visits ( )5. A. happy B. very C. with D. new ( )6. A. sometimes B. always C. something D. usually ( )7. A. has B. his C. he D. her ( )8. A. rose B. often C. there D. grow ( )9. A. goes B. does C. flies D. ice ( )10. A. come in B. come to C. come out D. come on 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,用“T”或“F”表示。 ( ) 1. It is summer now. ( ) 2. Our class has a picnic in the park. ( ) 3 The third group is drawing pictures. ( ) 4. We are not having a good time. ( ) 5. The leaves are very beautiful. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 1. A:What _your sister _ do at_. B:She basketball. 2. A: _ Mary _ kites? B: _ ,she _. 笔试部分 一、选出单词画线部分读音与其余不同的选项。 ( )1. A. cinema B. pencil C. ice cream D. juice ( )2. A. fly B. like C. you D. why ( )3. A. come B. home C. glove D. sometimes ( )4. A. watch B. week C. who D. what ( )5. A. lake B. make C. chat D. cake - 1 - 二、英汉互译。 1. 一堂舞蹈课 _ 2. go to the cinema _ 3. 拜访我的老师 _ 4.fly a kite _ 5. 和他聊天 _ 6. get out _ 7. 在网上 _ 8. too fat _ 9. 举行野餐 _ 10. eat a lot _ 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Peter often emails to his friends. A. send B. give C. sends ( ) 2. My e-friend often chats with on the Internet. A. I B. me C. we ( ) 3.Su Yang sometimes in the park. A. flys kites B. flies kites C. flies kite ( ) 4. He often _with me. A. doing homework B. go home C. watches cartoon ( ) 5.I like _ very much. A. draw B. Music C. swiming ( ) 6. Where _ Nancy study? She at the No.1 Primary School. A. does; studies B. do; studies C. does; study ( ) 7. Does he go swimming every day? Sometimes he ,sometimes he . A. do ; doesnt B. does; dont C. does; doesnt ( ) 8. Yang Ling and I going fishing at weekends. A. like B. are like C. likes ( ) 9. Miss Li teaches English this term. We all like . A. us; she B. us; her C. me; her ( ) 10. I always at weekends. A. has dinner B. have dancing lesson C. doing my homework 四、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.-What _ (do)Su Yang usually do at weekends? -She usually _ (fly) kites. 2. My father often_(have) dinner at home. 3. Miss Li often chats with _(I) after class. 4. -_ Mr Green_ (chat) on the Internet now? -No, he_. 5. My sister _ (like) going shopping on Sundays. 6.-Where_ (do) Tom live? -He_ (live) in London now. 五、按要求完成下列句子。 1. My grandparents often read books in the evening. (对划线部分提问) _ _your grandparents often_ in the evening? 2. He often has picnics with his friends. (改为一般疑问句). _ he often_ _ with his friends? 3. I often go swimming after school. (用she 代替 I 改写句子). _ _ _ _after school. - 2 - 六、阅读理解 A Weekends to people mean that they can have two-day good rest. For example ,they can go out to visit their friends and relatives(亲戚).They can enjoy interesting CDs with their family. Everyone spends weekends in his own way. Within two days, some people listen to music, read books or watch films. Some people play basketball, swim or dance. I often spend my weekends with my friends. Sometimes I visit my friends, sometimes I go to the library to borrow(借)some books. I like reading. Outing(远足)is my favourite way of spending weekends. Weekends are always enjoyable for me. ( )1.People have one-day good rest at the weekends. ( )2.Some people go to the cinema at the weekends. ( )3.I often spend my weekends with my grandparents. ( )4.Reading is my favourite way of spending weekends. ( )5. Different (不同)people have different weekends. B Hello, my name is Gao Shan. I am a student. I often do my homework on Friday evening. On Saturday morning, I usually read English. Then I go to the park with my parents. We usually fly kites and have a picnic there. On Sunday, my friend Mike comes to my home. I usually play table tennis with him. We all like to play table tennis. We have a good time. 判断正误 ( )1. Gao Shan is a student. ( )2. Gao Shan does his homework on Sunday morning. ( )3. Gao Shan goes to the park with his friends. ( )4. Gao Shan and his parents usually have a picnic in the park. ( )5. Gao Shan and Mike like playing table tennis. C At weekends, some people like to stay at home, some like to go out to play. My brother Leo works in a factory during(在期间) the day. At weekends he always does the same thing. On Saturday he drives his car to a farm with our families. Our uncle and aunt have a large farm. We can do a lot of things there. My brother and my parents help to do farm work. I help to give food to their animals. At the end(结束) of the day, we all feel hungry. My uncle and aunt give us a big meal. We enjoy the weekend on their farm. ( )1.Leo works _. A. on a farm B.at a school C.in a factory D.in an office ( )2.My family go _at weekends. A.to a farm B.to the beach C.to a factory D.to a school ( )3.My uncle is a _. A.teacher B.student C.worker D.farmer ( )4.I _on the farm. A.help to do farm work B.do my homework C.play football D.feed the animals ( )5.We go to the farm _. A.on foot B.by bus C.by car D.by bike - 3 - 七、根据首字母和短文内容填空(10分每空0.5分) 1. There are f people in my family. They are my grandparents, my father, my mother and I. My grandparents l in the US. My father and mother usually d the housework every evening. I often h them. We always go to the supermarket on Sundays. Sometimes we go there by b . Sometimes we go by car. We all like w films. I love my family. 2. A: W that man beside the car, Tim? B: Hes my u , Michael. A: Hes very t . Is he good at b ? B: Yes, he can play it very w . A: What d he do? B: Hes a p . He helps people. He stops thieves. A: Thats cool. 3.根据对话内容填空 A: Hello, Helen. you have e-friends? B: Yes, I do. I have two e-friends. A: are they? B: They are twins, Lily and Lucy. A: do they ? B: They live in a big city, London. A: Do you often send to them? B: Yes, I do. We often on the Internet too. - 4 - Unit Seven单元练习卷听力文字稿 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. friends 2. listen 3. weekends 4. visits 5. with 6. sometimes 7. his 8.grow 9.flies e in 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。 1. We often play basketball at weekends. 2. Helen likes dancing very much. 3. There is a fish in the basket. 4. I usually go to the cinema on Sundays. 5. Does she like skating? No, she doesnt. 三、听短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,用“T”或“F”表示。 Today is Sunday, it is October now. Our class has a picnic in a park. There are three groups. The first group is collecting leaves, there are many golden leaves, they look like the butterflies. The second group is catching butterflies, it is very interesting. And my group is taking pictures. We want to remember this wonderful day. 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。 1. A:What _does_ your sister _often_ do at _weekends_. B:She often plays basketball. 2. A: _Does_ Mary _like_ flying kites? B: _Yes_ ,she _does_. Unit Seven单元练习卷参考答案 听力部分 一、BDADC ABDCA 二、FFTTF 三、FTTFT 四、1.does often weekends often plays 2. Does like flying Yes does 笔试部分 一、CCBCC 二、1. a dancing lesson 2. 去看电影 3.visit my teacher 4. 放风筝 5. chat with him 6. 出来 7. on the Internet 8. 太胖 9. have a picnic 10.吃许多 三、CBBCB BCABB 四、1. does, flies 2. has 3. me 4. Is, chatting, isnt 5. likes 6. does, lives 五、1.What, do, do 2. Does, have, picnics 3.She ,often, goes swimming 六、(A)FTFFT (B) TFFTT CADDC 七、1. five live do help bus(bike) watching 2. Whos uncle tall basketball well Does policeman 3. Do any Who Where live e-mails chat - 5 -


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