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    新视野视听说教程第Mixed Marriages Conversation 1 The secret of the success of her mixed marriage. The way she deals with problems in her marriage. The reason why she wanted to marry a foreigner. The problems she experiences in her mixed marriage. Transcript: M: Could you tell me about the pros and cons of mixed marriages? W: I can tell you the pros, for sure. After being married to a foreigner for 20 years, I've yet to discover any cons. Q: What can't the woman tell the man? Conversation 2 They are successful in general. They have race problems. They have been discussed a lot. They do more harm than good. Transcript: W: The wedding is next week, but I still don't know if marrying a person of a different race is right. M: There are a lot of pros and cons of mixed marriages, but overall they're good. Q: How does the man feel about mixed marriages? Conversation 3 She finds them too charming to get married to. She thinks she will have difficulty with French culture. She believes French culture is not as good as other cultures. She feels they are not as charming as people tend to think. Transcript: M: The French have a lot of charm. I think you'll enjoy being married to one. W: Not everything about them is charming. And I'm going to have some trouble dealing with his culture. Q: What concern does the woman have about marrying a Frenchman? Conversation 4 To marry someone of a different race. To travel very far to get married. To receive criticism about his marriage. To have an easier marriage than others Transcript: W: Has anyone criticized you for marrying someone of a different race? M: I expected people to. But they haven't so far. Besides, I don't care what people think. My wife and I hit it off A-OK. Q: What did the man expect? Conversation 5 He asked about different places to get married. He planned ways to have a successful marriage. He looked for clues as to how to have a happy marriage. He learnt about his wife's culture. Transcript: W: That's great you're getting married, but do you have a clue about your new wife's culture? M: Sure. Learning about her people's way of doing things was the first thing I did when I decided to marry her. Q: What did the man do first when he decided to get married? Conversation 6 Because the man hasn't got enough money. Because the man put it off till a later time. Because the man is from a different culture. Because the man couldn't afford the wedding Transcript: W: I've heard that you canceled your wedding plans. What's the problem? M: Money is very important to people from her culture. She left me when she discovered I'm poor! Q: Why was the wedding canceled? Conversation 7 Getting a lot of help in China. Understanding marriage better. Becoming familiar with Chinese culture. Learning the Chinese language. Transcript: M: I can't believe how good your Chinese language skills are! How did you improve so quickly? W: I married a Chinese man. We talk every day. He's helped me a lot. Q: What does the woman's husband help her with? Conversation 8 Someone who is tougher than he is. Someone who is from a similar culture. Someone who is ready to accept his culture. Someone who will easily adapt to another culture Transcript: W: I have a question for you. Would you ever marry a person from another culture? M: That's a tough one! If I do, it'll probably be to someone from a culture similar to mine. Q: What kind of woman would the man marry? Conversation 9 He is her husband. He is her brother. He is a friend of hers. He is her husband's friend. Transcript: W: Our marriage is falling apart. Didn't you know your family wouldn't approve of you marrying a foreigner? M: I never expected it to be a problem. It's not their marriage after all; it's ours. Q: What is the man's relationship to the woman? Conversation 10 60 percent. 65 percent. 70 percent. 75 percent. Transcript: M: I've been thinking about getting married. Do you know what the divorce rate of mixed marriages is? W: What do you mean, mixed races or mixed religions? The rate for the first is 65 percent; the second, 70 percent. Q: What is the divorce rate of marriages between people of different races? Dabcd adbab My First and Second Wives 1. What did the girl hear from her mother? Her grandfather has been married twice. Her grandfather divorced her grandmother. Her grandparents met in Germany. Her grandfather fought in the war. Play Sound 2. How did the girl's grandparents feel when they first met? They knew her grandma's parents would give them trouble. They fell in love at first sight. They were afraid that the war would keep them apart. They knew they would not be a good match. Play Sound 3. Why did the girl's grandparents get divorced? Because they were not compatible. Because they were from different countries. Because her grandpa got a job at a New York port. Because her grandma's parents didn't approve of their marriage. Play Sound 4. How did the girl's grandparents meet again after their divorce? Her grandma came to meet her grandpa at his place of work. Her grandpa took a boat to see her grandma. They planned to meet on a boat. They met each other by chance. Play Sound 5. What did the girl's grandparents decide to do after they met again? To ignore the opinions of her grandma's parents. Not to spend time apart ever again. To have a happy life together forever. To obtain the approval of her grandma's parents. Transcript: W: Grandpa, Mom told me that you have been married twice. Is that true? M: Yes, I'm afraid so. W: That's a surprise. What happened to your first wife? M: Your grandma was my first wife. W: But. M: And your grandma is my second wife. You see, I met her while I was in Germany during the war. We knew we loved each other from the moment we met, so we got married right away. But we weren't ready for the resistance we received from her family. Her mother insisted that Americans and Germans weren't compatible. So, she divorced me. W: Too bad. What happened then? M: Three years later, we met again in New York, quite by accident. I was working at the port and she was on a boat coming to the U.S. When we saw each other again after all that time, we decided to overlook her parents' advice. We got married again, and we've been happy ever since. abdda Marriage Changes People 1. According to the speaker, which circumstances cause the greater change in people after they're married? Learning about another culture's marriage customs. Marrying a person from another culture. Going to another country to get married. Observing marriages in a different culture. Play Sound 2. How did the woman feel when she first got married? She wanted to look more Chinese. She wanted her husband to speak better English. She wasn't sure if her husband and she could compromise. She wasn't sure if the marriage would work. Play Sound 3. What joke did the woman's brother make about her? She was speaking like a Chinese. She was compromising too much. She was holding on to too many reservations. She was beginning to look Chinese. Play Sound 4. How has the woman's husband changed? He has adopted some Canadian attitudes. He has learned to speak with her accent. He has begun to look like a Canadian. He has dropped his reservations. Play Sound 5. Why does the woman feel good about her recent changes? Because she thinks a person shouldn't have so many reservations. Because she thinks a person shouldn't stay the same for his/her whole life. Because she thinks a woman should become more like her husband. Because she thinks a person should try to compromise with others. Transcript: Marriage can change people a great deal, and marriage to a person of a different culture can change a person even more. As someone who has married a foreigner, I know. I'm a Canadian who married a Chinese man. At first, I harbored some reservations. I wasn't sure how compatible we'd be. Somehow, however, we made it work. And I found myself growing to become more like him. I started picking up Chinese characteristics and began speaking English with a Chinese accent! My brother joked, saying I was even beginning to look Chinese! My husband has changed a lot too, becoming more like Canadians in attitude. I suppose this is something of a compromise wherein we met each other in the middle. I suspect that we will continue to grow more alike as time goes by; that is exciting to me. A person, after all, should change during his or her lifetime. bddab How to Pop the Question? 1. Who is David going to date tomorrow? Selina. Laura. Anna. Richard. Play Sound 2. What is the news Laura hears from David? He is going to ask questions. He is going to propose to his girlfriend. He thinks that the earth is shaking. He wants her to have coffee with him. Play Sound 3. What is David's problem, according to Laura? He doesn't know how to send email. He doesn't know who Don Juan is. He will blurt it out over coffee. He doesn't know how to be romantic. Play Sound 4. What does Laura think about sending flowers? It is worse than sending an email. It is not what he should do. It is OK to begin with. It is not romantic. Play Sound 5. What is Laura's final suggestion? Sending an email. Sending some flowers. Painting a ceiling. Baking a cake. Transcript: M: Laura, I've thought long and hard and my mind is made up. I've got a date with Selina tomorrow and I'm going to pop the question. W: Congratulations, David! That's earth-shaking news! How are you going to go about it? You can't just blurt it out over coffee. M: Well, that's the thing. I'm stumped. I could send her an email at work. W: Email? You don't have a romantic bone in your body. Use your imagination. M: Well, I'm no Don Juan. Should I get her some flowers? W: Yes, that'll be OK for starters. Why don't you take her to some exotic hideaway or propose on a secluded beach? M: I can't afford it, what with the ring and all. W: Oh, sorry, don't let it get you down. There's plenty you can do. M: Richard wrote his proposal to Anna on her ceiling. W: Now you're talking! Bake a cake and write the words with frosting. abdcb The High Divorce Rate in America Today . What did many Americans think of divorce in the past? They thought it quite acceptable. They believed it to be a luxury. They took it to be a trend. They considered it avoidable. Play Sound 2. What is the attitude of many Americans to marriage today? Critical. Serious. Skeptical. Casual. Play Sound 3. What makes divorce cheap? Popular newspapers run many ads about divorce. Many people don't take marriage seriously. Movie stars often change their spouses. Many people fall in love very easily. Play Sound 4. Why is Hollywood known as the divorce capital of the world? Because people have to go there to get divorced. Because divorce is cheap there. Because the divorce rate there is high. Because there are no happy marriages there. Play Sound 5. In the speaker's view, when will the high rate of divorce drop? When people consider marriage an important part of their lives. When the costs of getting a divorce become unaffordable. When the current marriage law is modified. When movie stars stop getting divorced so often. Transcript: In recent years, there have been an unusually large number of divorces in the United States. In the past, when two people married each other, they intended to stay together for life. Today, many people marry believing that they can always get a divorce if the marriage doesn't work out. In the past, a majority of Americans frowned on the idea of divorce. Furthermore, many people believed that getting a divorce was a luxury that only the rich could afford. Indeed, getting a divorce was very expensive. However, since so many people have begun to take a more casual view of marriage, it is interesting to find out that the costs of getting a divorce are lower. In fact, in the United States today, it is not unusual to see newspaper ads providing information on how and where to get a cheap divorce. Hollywood has always been known as the divorce capital of the world. The divorce rate among the movie stars is so high that it's difficult to know who is married to whom. Today, many movie stars change husbands and wives as though they were changing clothes. Until marriage again becomes the serious and important part of people's lives that it used to be, we'll probably continue to see a high rate of divorce. Valentine's Day Correct answer (1) they care about (2) performed marriages (3) wait longer to get married (4) bring people together (5) plan a blind date (6) follow their cultural traditions (7) meant for the other (8) establishing a relationship (9) improve their chances (10) meet someone over the Internet


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