新视野大学英语读写教程第四册英汉互译答案 新视野大学英语第二版读写教程 Unit 2 汉译英: 1.Other writers might have written stories about London. But only he could have created the character David, who gave his creator permanent fame. 2.China has provided more applause, more honor and, of course, more profit where this scientist is concerned than any other countries. 3.He had an urge to execute this skill perfectly. 4.This physical transformation, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again, are surely the secrets of Chaplins great comedy. 5.But that shock roused his imagination. Chaplin didnt have his jokes written into a script in advance; he was the kind of comic who used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along. 6.He also had a deep need to be lovedand a corresponding fear of being betrayed. The two were hard to combine and sometimes as in his early marriagesthe collision between them resulted in disaster. 7.Its doubtful whether she can find her way into perfect acting, though she never loses her faith in her own ability. 8.It was a relief to know that he finally finished the book before his death, which was regarded as a fitting memorial to his life as a writer. 英译汉: 1.但只有查理?卓别林才能塑造出了不起的喜剧角色“流浪者”,这个使其创作者声名永驻的衣衫褴褛的小人物。 2.尽管如此,卓别林的喜剧乞丐形象并不显得那么像英国人,甚至也没有劳动阶级的特色。 3.但假如他在早期那些短小喜剧电影中能操一口受过教育的人的口音,则他是否会闻名世界就值得怀疑了,而英国人也肯定会觉得这很“古怪”。 4.随着事业的发展,他感到了一种冲动要去发掘并扩展自己身上所显露的天才。 5.没有生命的物体特别有助于卓别林发挥自己艺术家的天赋。 6.然而即使是这种以沉重代价换来的自知之明也在他的喜剧创作中得到了表现。 7.由于沃娜本人出生在一个被各种麻烦困扰的大家庭,她对卓别林生活中将面临的挑战也做好了充分准备,因为当时有毫无根据的流言说他俩是马克思主义的同情者。后来在他们自己的有那么多天才孩子的大家庭中,卓别林有时会引发争吵,而她则成了安宁的中心。 8.但是人们不禁会感到,卓别林一定会把这一奇怪的事情看作是对他的十分恰当的纪念。他以这种方式给这个自己曾带来那么多笑声的世界留下了最后的笑声。 Unit 3 汉译英: 1.You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you purchased them, but you are supposed to account for why you want to do so. 2.You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods. 3.One year ago, the car dealer tried to drum up buyers by offering good services. Now, his business is thriving. 4.The crime was looked into carefully before he was convicted of murder. 5.I called the Freeway Service Patrol for help after my car broke down on the freeway. Twenty minutes later, they came to my rescue and left a $ 150 receipt. 6.Faced with the threat of losing their jobs, these workers yielded to the managements advice and went back to work . 7.The middle-aged man who took the boy bled the father for $20,000 as a compensation for the loss of his company. 8.The man living on welfare began to set up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving. - 1 - 英译汉: 1.每个人都觉得靠社会福利救济的人在骗人。 2.但即使我抵抗不住这种诱惑,我投稿的那些大杂志也不愿给自己惹麻烦。 3.社会工作者心底里知道许多救济对象在欺骗他们,因此他们觉得,作为补偿,他们有权让救济对象点头哈腰。 4.她这是在暗示我:得哀求她了。但是我却将她顶了回去。 5.苏珊娜试图就修理轮椅的问题训斥我。由于福利部门不愿花钱好好地修,所以我的轮椅经常坏。 6.我当然得经常用我的轮椅。我是一个工作很积极的人,又不是植物人。 7.如何逐渐脱离福利照顾,这在法律条款中没有明确规定。 8.我们需要一位律师来捍卫福利救济对象的权利,因为这一福利体制不仅容易使救济对象滥用权力,也很容易使福利提供者滥用权力。 Unit 5 汉译英: 1.Poets and philosophers all speak highly of themselves for seeking out solitude, from which they can draw inspiration. 2.A humble person tends to suffer from solitude, feeling himself inadequate company, longing for others to be around. 3.The widowed old lady was so lonely that she would talk at length to the strangers in the supermarket about her pets. 4.The condition of loneliness rises and falls, but our need to talk goes on forever - the need of telling someone the daily succession of small observations and opinions. 5.To a person living alone, it's important to stay rational and settle down and make himself comfortable, and find some grace and pleasure in his condition. 6.If you live with other people, their temporary absence can be refreshing. 7.Scientific surveys show that those who live alone talk at length to themselves and their pets and the television. 8.It's important to stop waiting and settle down and make ourselves comfortable, at least for the time being. 英译汉: 1.孤独或许是这里的一种民族弊病,它比起其他任何过错更加令人难以启齿.而另一方面,故意选择独处,拒绝别人的陪伴而非为同伴所抛弃,这正是美国式英雄的一个特点. 2.孤独的猎人,孤独的探险者,在鹿群和狼群中间冒险,去征服广袤的荒野,这时他们并不需要有人陪伴.梭罗独居在湖畔的小屋,有意抛弃了城市生活.现在,这成了你的个性. 3.独处的灵感是诗人和哲学家最有用的东西. 他们都赞成独处. 4.也许你已经注意到,这些艺术家类型的人,大多是到户外独处,而家里则自有亲人们备好了热茶,等着他们回家. 5.美国的独处高士是梭罗.我们钦佩他,并非因为他倡导自力更生精神,而是因为他孤身一人在瓦尔登湖畔生活,这是他自己想要这么做的.他独居在湖畔的树林中. 6.其他人不在的时候你可以放飞你的灵魂,让它充满整个房间.你可以充分享受自由.你可以随意来去而无需道歉. 7.重要的是要在我们自身的条件下发现一些优雅和乐趣,不要做一个以自我为中心的英国诗人,而要像一个被关在塔楼里的公主,耐心地等待着我们的童话故事进入快乐的结局. 8.毕竟,事已至此,这或许不是我们所期望的局面,但眼下我们不妨称之为家吧. 不管怎么说, 没有什么地方比家还好. Unit 6 汉译英: 1.We would not stand by and let bribery in various forms be on the increase. 2.While lending you the substantial sum of money, I made it clear to you that if you couldn't pay it off in time, you might be accused of taking bribes. 3.Competition of financial power has become a fact of political life; but if you receive questionable political contributions for this reason, you will soon be under investigation. 4.To secure major arms deal contracts, they have made a substantial donation to the bank - 2 - account of the party in power. 5.He hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, but opinions differed among members of the group on it. 6.It's difficult to enforce the new law because people are not ready to act on it. 7.We think it's the business of the United Nations troops to enforce a ceasefire in that area, while the job of the local government is to prepare to restore law and order. 8.Having made this decision, she joined the organization, which is in support of woman's rights 英译汉: 1.他们通常没意识到在很多国家,形形色色的贿赂行为正日益增多.在某些国家,这已成为人们几百年来的生活方式. 2.现在的问题是:你是被迫掏钱呢,还是坚持原则 3.很容易产生这样的印象:贿赂以及其他可疑开支正日渐增多.的确,这似乎已成为商界的一个事实. 4.这一事实的披露,使克莱斯勒与其他300多家美国公司一样,向美国证券交易委员会承认自己近年曾有过某种形式的支出,像贿赂,额外打折等等. 5.据闻其他国家也是如此,向外国公司施压,要他们向党派组织的账户捐款. 6.第二大类包括为促使*加快对某些工程项目的正式批准而作的支出. 7.这些准则试图区分真正为服务所付的佣金和事实上等同于贿赂的过高费用. 8.在一家知名英国报纸上,最近有位作者指出 "企业已陷入贿赂的蛛网",人人都 "贪赃枉法". Unit 9 汉译英: 1.When he shaved his beard off, he looked ten years younger. 2.The delay is a perfect illustration of why we need a new computer system. 3.For all her privilege and wealth, life had not been easy and the experiences of childhood sufferings had left a deep mark on her life. 4.So far, 150 have been tested, and the full statistical results will be available soon. 5.The company has changed some of its working practices in response to criticism by government inspectors. 6.Tonight's program focuses on the way homelessness affects the young. 7.It happened in a flash, although in retrospect everything seemed to occur in slow motion. 8.The issue was expected to figure importantly in their discussion. 英译汉: 1.迪斯尼公司正准备五个月后在巴黎以东20英里(32公里)的地方修建一个主题公园,而这一案子正说明了公司面临的一些文化方面的棘手问题. 2.迪斯尼管理层正在为这一主题公园组织一支他们称为 "演职人员" 的12,000人的队伍. 管理方说所有的雇员,从刷瓶工到总裁,他们的工作都类似于演员,都得服从关于仪表的规定. 3.公司发言人说,不管怎样,至今还没有人把胡子看得比工作还重要. 正如一个新来的 "演职人员" 所说: "你必须相信你这份工作的意义,不然的话日子不好过." 4.主题公园本身只不过是这一巨大综合项目的一部分.综合项目包括住房,办公楼,以及将一直延续到下一世纪,包括影视拍摄设施在内的度假胜地开发. 5.如果欧洲迪斯尼乐园获得成功迄今为止在法国开设的主题公园都不成功到本世纪末很可能会再建第二甚至第三个主题公园. 6.迪斯尼管理层强调这一传统,显然这是对有人暗示迪斯尼管理层在文化传统方面麻木不仁的回应. 7.欧洲迪斯尼乐园距巴黎不远,这肯定颇具吸引力.任何人厌倦了那里的美式或仿冒的欧式文化了,就可乘快速列车,不到一小时就可到达罗浮宫,一瞬间就从米尼老鼠身边来到了蒙娜?丽莎面前. 8.东欧的开放对迪斯尼来说又是一大收获,他们认为几百万人将会把迪斯尼乐园作为其首次西欧之旅的首选之地. - 3 -