新视野大学英语第三电子教案Book UnitUnit 3 Digital campus Understanding and Learning Overview This unit discusses the pros and cons of the use of new technology in young peoples lives. Young people are the most eager group to use new electronic gadgets. They are also more likely to develop addiction to the Internet and electronic gadgets, which may lead to many undesirable consequences. We hope that students can understand the benefits of the Internet and electronic gadgets and at the same time realize the possible negative effects of obsession with them. Text A emphasizes the positive effects of the electronic gadgets on students studies and lives. We hope students, after reading the text, can answer such questions as why some universities have spent so much money establishing easy access to the Internet, what electronic gadgets are popular on campus, and how these gadgets facilitate their study. We expect students to discuss how the Internet is promoting or hindering their learning, and which teaching method is better, the traditional approach or the multimedia approach. In contrast with Text A, Text B depicts the severe consequences caused by Internet addiction. Through comparison and contrast, students are expected to be fully aware of both the pros and cons of the use of new technology. We would also like them to ask themselves whether they are or were cyber addicts, discuss what causes a person to become a cyber addict, and how they can prevent themselves from becoming Internet-addicted. Meanwhile, students should be encouraged to be masters of science and technology rather than be controlled by them. As to writing styles, Text A is like a news report because it provides some data and cites quotations with sources. Therefore, it sounds more convincing than Text B, which cites indirect quotations without providing sources. Classroom activities may include group discussions, surveys and debating. For example, ask students to interview a few classmates about what kind of teaching and learning style they prefer and discuss their findings in groups, or ask them to debate whether a university should provide Internet access anywhere, anytime. Also, ask students to study the arguments and evidence in the two texts and decide which text is more persuasive and why. Section A College life in the Internet age Background information Smartphones A smartphone is a device with which one can not only make phone calls, but also send and receive email, and edit Office documents. But what makes smartphones so popular is that they can access the web at higher speeds, thanks to the growth of 3G and 4G data networks, as well as the Wi-Fi support. But as the technology is constantly changing, what constitutes a smartphone today may change by next week, next month, or next year. Stay tuned! Detailed study of the text 1. The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 24 hours a day. (Para. 1) 1 Meaning: For a long time, the college campus has been a place to provide education and produce most advanced new technology. But it is now being completely changed into an electronic-age hot spot by the wide use of laptops, smartphones, and access to the Internet 24 hours a day. campus: n. C, U the land and buildings of a university or college (大学或学院的) 校园 All freshman students live on campus. When they are in their second year at college, they may live off campus. 所有大学一年级的学生都住在校园里。大学二年级时, 他们可以住在校外。 scholarship: n. U the knowledge, work or methods involved in serious study 学问;学识; 学术研究 This book series is regarded as a magnificent work of scholarship. 这套丛书被认为是学术巨著。 frontier: n. C, usu. pl. the most advanced or recent ideas about sth. (思想的)前沿;(知识的) 新领域 They were very excited about their work on the frontiers of medicine, for they were developing a medicine that might be able to cure lung cancer. 他们对自己在医学研究新领域的工作感到非常兴奋,因为他们正在研发一种可能治愈肺癌的药物。 transform: vt. completely change the appearance, form, or character of sth. or sb., esp. in a way that improves it 使改观;使变形;使转化 The president of the university said that they were trying their best to transform their university into a top school in the country. 这个大学的校长表示,他们正竭尽全力把他们的学校建设成为全国的一流大学。 electronics: n. U 1) electronic equipment or equipment with electronic parts 电子设备;电子仪器 Storms, thunder and lightning can affect a cars electronics. 暴雨和雷电会影响汽车的电子仪器。 2) the science and technology that uses or produces electronic equipment 电子学;电子技术 He is an electronics engineer, but he likes to write with a pen instead of a compute. 他是电子工程师,但是他喜欢用笔写字,而不是用电脑打字。 fleet: n. C a group of vehicles, planes, boats or trains, esp. when they are owned by one organization or person 车队;机群;船队 Survivors were taken to a hospital in a fleet of ambulances. 幸存者被救护车队送往医院。 Note: The word fleet is used metaphorically here. It is a kind of word play. You could say a fleet of laptops, or an army of laptops, or a host of laptops. For example: He sat in the back yard in the sun, watching a fleet of white clouds overhead. 他坐在后院晒太阳,看着天上的朵朵白云。 2. On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere. (Para. 2) Meaning: On a typical campus nowadays, where wireless Internet access is available in all buildings and most outdoor public areas, a student can use her laptop at any place. typical: a. like most things of the same type典型的;有代表性的 Notice the sentences in the text that are relatively long, which is typical of a news report. 注意这篇文章中的句子比较长,这在新闻报道中是很典型的。 access: n. U the right or opportunity to have or use sth. that will bring you benefits享用权; 享用机会 Students and faculty in the university have free access to the computer lab.大学的学生和教职员工可以免费使用那个机房。 3. In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. (Para. 2) 2 Meaning: She takes notes with her laptop in class, and sometimes sends instant messages or emails to friends if the professors class or lecture is not interesting. instant-message: v. exchange written messages over the Internet with people that you know发 送即时消息 She doesnt like instant-messaging. When she has something to say, she will make a phone call.她 不喜欢发即时消息。有话要说时,她就打电话。 less than interesting / honest / helpful, etc.: not at all interesting, honest, helpful, etc.一点也 没有意思/一点也不诚实/一点也没有帮助等 The management of the college is less than satisfactory. 这个学院的管理不尽如人意。 4. In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. (Para. 2) Meaning: In her dorm room, she even sends instant messages to her roommate, who is sitting only a few feet away from her. 5. She is tied to her smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her, and which supplies music for walks between classes. (Para. 2) Meaning: She is so attached to her smartphone that she even uses it to send messages to a friend who lives just upstairs. She also uses it to listen to music when she walks from one class to another. be tied to sth.: be tied to sth.: 1) be related to sth. and dependent on it和某物联系在一起;依附于某物 Our economy is closely tied to import and export. 我们的经济和进出口紧密相关。- 2) be restricted by a particular situation, job, etc., so that you cannot do exactly what you want被某事物束缚/约束/限制 Many young mothers are tied to the home and children.许多年轻母亲被家庭和孩子所牵绊。 text: vt. send a written message to sb. using a mobile phone (用手机)给发短信 Her boyfriend didnt call or text her all day, which made her quite upset.她的男朋友一整天都没有给她打电话,也没有发短信,这让她很不安。 6. Welcome to college life in the 21st century, where students on campus are electronically linked to each other, to professors and to their classwork 24/7 in an ever-flowing river of information and communication. (Para. 3) Meaning: Welcome to college life in the 21st century. On campus students are all the time24 hours a day, 7 days a weekconnected with each other, with their professors and with their classwork by electronic devices in a forever flowing river of information and communication. Note: Literally 24/7 means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If we say something happens 24/7, we mean that it happens all the time, or without stopping. For example: Our store opens 24/7; we dont even close on Christmas and Thanksgiving. 我们的商店全天候营业,甚至在圣诞节和感恩节我们也不关门。 Word formation Note The prefix ever- can combine with present participles and adjectives to form new adjectives. Adjectives formed in this way describe something that continually does something, or that always has particular characteristics or qualities. For example: the ever-increasing demand for oil对石油需求的不断增大 the ever-changing countryside不断变化的农村 an ever-lasting memory 永久的记忆 3 7. With many schools offering wireless Internet access anywhere on campus, colleges as a group have become the most Internet-accessible spots in the world. (Para. 3) Meaning: Because many colleges provide wireless Internet access everywhere on campus, colleges as a whole have become places where the Internet is most widely used in the world. accessible: a. easy to obtain or use 易得到的;易使用的 He has made some attempts to make opera accessible to a wider public. 他作了一些尝试,想让歌剧能有更多的受众。 8. Students say they really value their fingertip-access to the boundless amount of information online, and the ability to email professors at 2 a.m. and receive responses the next morning. (Para.4) Meaning: Students say that they really think it very important to have easy access to unlimited amounts of information on the Internet and to be able to send emails to their professors even after midnight and receive their replies the next morning. fingertip: n. C the end of your finger that is furthest away from your hand 指尖 She touched the babys cheek gently with her fingertips. 她用指尖轻轻地碰了碰婴儿的脸蛋。 boundless: a. without a limit or end无限的;无穷的;无边无际的 He always has boundless energy and enthusiasm. 他总是有着无穷的精力和热情。 response: n. 1) C sth. that is said or written as a reply回答;答复 We wrote to the manager to complain about the poor service, but received no response yet. 我们给经理写信投诉服务差,但还没得到回复。 2) C, U sth. that is done as a reaction to sth. that has happened or been said反应;响应 When he heard the news, his response was just a slight shake of the head. 当他听到这个消息的时候,他的反应只是微微地摇了摇头。 9. “I always feel like I have a means of communication in class and out of class,” says one engineering major. (Para.4) Meaning: “I always have the feeling that I have a way to communicate with others, whether in class or out of class,” says a student majoring in engineering. means: n. C (pl. means) a way of doing or achieving sth. 手段;方法;工具 Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children. 家庭作业不应被当做控制孩子的手段。 engineering: n. U the work involved in designing and building roads, bridges, machines, etc.工程 She hoped to become an engineer, but her mother wanted her to major in law rather than in engineering. 她希望成为一名工程师,但是她妈妈希望她读法律而不是工科。 major: n. C (AmE) sb. studying a particular subject as their main subject at college or university (大学中)主修某科目的学生;某专业的学生 Shes a history major, but she really likes engineering. 她是历史专业的学生,但她真正喜欢的 是工科。 Usage NOTE 1. feel like后面可接由that引导的从句( that有时可省略),意思与feel as if相同,表示“感觉 好像”。例如: Alice felt like (that) she was in a very nice dream.艾丽斯觉得她好像在做一个美梦。 4 2. feel like后面还可以接sth.或doing sth.作宾语,“想要(做)某事”。例如 Do you feel like another drink? 你想不想再喝一杯? He didnt feel like going to work.他不想去上班。 10. Many are using smartphones, not only to create their own dialects when texting, but also to do more serious work, such as practicing foreign languages and analyzing scripts from their theater classes. (Para. 5) Meaning: Many students are using smartphones to send text messages by using their own style of language. They also use smartphones to do more serious work, for example, to practice foreign languages and to analyze scripts from their theater classes. dialect: n. C, U a form of a language which is spoken only in one area, with words or grammar that are slightly different from other forms of the same language方言;地方话;土语 Hes been in Shanghai for five years, but he still cant understand the Shanghai dialect.他来上海 五年了,但还是昕不懂上海话。 Note: Here the word dialect refers to the language particularly used by young people when they exchange text messages, for example, “u” (you),“thnx” (thanks), “btw” (by the way), “cool” (very attractive), “nuts” (crazy), “chicken” (coward) and so on. analyze: vt. (BrE analyse) examine or think about sth. Carefully, in order to understand it 分析;剖析 The teacher analyzed our mistakes in order to help us find the causes. 老师分析了我们的错误,以帮助我们找到出错的原因。 script: n. C the written words of a play, film, television program, speech, etc. (戏剧、电影、电视节目、演讲等的)剧本,手稿 You cant read your script when you are attending a speech contest. 参加演讲比赛的时候, 你不能读演讲稿。 11. “Its adding to students sense of excitement about the subject.” (Para. 5) Meaning: “It makes students feel more excited about the subject.” add to sth.: make a feeling or quality stronger and more noticeable增加;增添 Her rejection of our request has added to the uncertainty of the situation. 她拒绝了我们的要求, 这使得形势更加不确定。 sense: n. C a feeling about sth. (对某物的) 感觉 They say they are dealing with the problem, but there seems to be no sense of urgency. 他们说他们正在处理这个问题,但是似乎看不出他们有任何的紧迫感。 12. Professors have been encouraged to tape their lectures and post them online. (Para. 5) Meaning: Professors have been encouraged to record their lectures and put them online. tape: v. record sounds or pictures using tape (用磁带) 录音,录像 Did you tape the professors lecture today? 今天教授的讲座你录下来了吗? post: vt. put a message or computer document on the Internet so that other people can see it贴;公布 He posted some of his pictures on his website. 他在自己的网站上了贴了几张自己的照片。 13. “We realized there might be some potential for a device that could get attention and encourage sophisticated thinking,” says one leading university director. (Para. 5) Meaning: According to a director from a leading university, smartphones have the potential to get students attention and promote deep and high-level thinking. 5 device: n. C 1) a machine or tool that does a special job设备;仪器;装置 She invented a device that automatically closes windows when it rains. 她发明了一种下雨时能自动关窗的装置。 2) a special way of doing sth. that makes it easier to do (使做某事更容易一些的)特殊方法,手段 Testing yourself with information on cards is a useful device for studying. 用卡片上的信息进 行自我测试是一种有效的学习方法。 sophisticated: a. 1) having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion, etc. 见多识广的;老练的;有鉴赏力的 Her extensive social experience is what makes her so sophisticated. 正是她丰富的社会经